As Julie headed off to get their drinks she would fan her wings wide again and would thrust the which would give her slightly more lift raising her up in the air however it would also shoot a small gust of wind around the establishment. She would feel the outline of Julie in the wind smiling to herself before she turned her attention to finding an empty booth. It wasn’t hard to do so it seemed that there weren’t as many people here as there could be meaning there were a couple open. She moved over to the booth.
"It's always good,"She heard and a quick sniff revealed what Julie had been speaking about, the drink in front of her, had the very familiar sell of Jack Daniels and coke, her smile gracing her face again.
”It’s a close second favorite!” she would giggle taking the cool glass in her hand and taking a swallow from it. The bite of alcohol warming her mouth with a gentle sting before she swallowed, the cool liquid lighting a fire inside her.
"We've only known each other for...what? A day now? I already feel like I've known you for so much longer. I guess that's the power of Soulmates,"She would nod at this as she thought about it, her already distant eyes would appear to grow more distant as if in thought. She had never really known much about soul mates until this but she could feel the pull on her heart to be with the duo that was Julie and Erin. Her thoughts revolved around the power that must have been involved in starting something like this, and how that she doubted even the strongest of spell weavers could have pulled something like this off if they tried.
She would speak up after she finished thinking
”I don’t know about soul bonds… she would say as her hand strayed to her wrist rubbing gently
”But I do believe in love at first… well… sight? she would giggle at her own expression before having another drink. She knew her equilibrium had shifted and she still felt in control she liked the feeling of being around Julie/Erin, it made her feel somewhat alive, the likes of which she hadn’t felt in a long time, it made her realize just how much she had hidden away from the world in recent times so she would add
”Thank you.”So preoccupied with her soul mate was she that she hadn’t been paying attention to what the others in the bar/club were doing, nor the music for now her entire attention was on Julie.
“Never heard of many angels comin’ all the way down here,”
“Or not havin’ wings when they do.”
“The fuck’re ya lookin’ at?” He hadn’t realized he’d been staring blankly at her until she questioned what he was looking at and a smile would cross his face. Something about this woman, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
”Sorry, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable, I was not so much staring at you but listening. he would use the truth in a manner of speaking to cover a lie, He had actually been staring and appreciating the form of the woman before him if only on a subconscious level and not that he would ever admit to it. He would take another long swallow of his alcohol draining what remained of the bottle before he would speak again.
”While it’s true that not a lot of angels descend to this realm, I have been here since the days of Eden. I was cast out of heaven a long time ago, though I was never demonicized like the traitors.” He spoke this with a somewhat hard edge to his voice, as if simply bringing this up was a painful memory and one that he would much rather not address in the future.
”Come now brother, you can do better, don’t make me appear there” he would hear his sisters voice again chiding him for his aggressive tone. Something kept him from replying to her this time as he continued to speak to Stride.
”As to the wings” he would say standing and turning so his back faced her removing his Jacket he would reveal the long scars that ran the length of his back.
”I had them. he would replace his jacket and sit back down. The burning of his wrist being toned out now by the spreading warmth of the alcohol though still just enough to be an annoyance in it’s ever insistent demand to do something. He knew a simple hand shake would be able to surpress it from the past but why should he take the first move, after all he was the one who initiated their conversations.