Avatar of Daemanis


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4 mos ago
Current I hath returned, feel free to say hello


Welcome, Welcome one and all it is I the forbidden one, I shan't bite hard, or much, or at all, provided you don't like the bites, feel free to message me, I am open to all types of RP though do prefer fantasy, though the era of that is up for debate, I generally play females, but have no real issues of playing males as well

Hope to see you all soon

Most Recent Posts

I'll work on getting an actual thread set up for this, as it seems to have more than enough interest to run :3

Welcome to Sierra Conservatory the worlds most prestigious school for those that are gifted with supernatural powers. We aim to create the next generation of super heroes. Our application and enrollment process is not the easiest of the schools that cater to those with aspirations of becoming super heroes, but we are the best, with a ninety percent chance of going on to become a super hero if you graduate from our school. Our facilities are state of the art, and we are constantly undertaking new research projects to better understand those that are gifted with super natural powers and how we can better help them gain control over their powers and lead productive lives.

This message goes out to those that are cursed with a power that is out of your control, If you wish to gain control, to overcome the limitations that are forced on you due to something that is out of your control, please contact us, we have developed a new way to help you. It is a simple injection that we are willing to give you, it will be difficult but we can teach you to control your powers and maybe even lead you to the super hero path, should that be the course you wish to take.

With that I would welcome you one and all to apply for Sierra Conservatory The future awaits.

Some rules that I always have
No god Modding
all character applications must be approved
Have fun :3

Roles that would be looking at having:
Super Powered Students
Uncontrolled Super Students
This could be an interesting idea, I would like to hear more about the story you have in mind, what the plans are for it, if you've come up with some that is :3
It would appear that multiple people are interested in the Super Powered High, I'd be curious what you two, @Archazen@AlmostEternity, think that I should put it into casual, free, or advanced? where we could get the most attention, always found school based RP's do better with multiple people.
I hath returned once more,
to the realm of RP,
to the guild that feels like home.
For those that remember my presence
and for those whose presence
I am yet to behold
I greet thee warmly.

Anyways I'm Daemanis, or Dae for short if you like, feel free to hit me up, I'm looking for some people with which I might indulge in a favored past time, that being co-operative RP :3 Looking forward to hearing from you all.

I'm an avid gamer and Rp fanatic, I prefer to RP in a fantasy type setting, whether that's modern or high fantasy doesn't really make that much of a difference to me. I've been Roleplaying for going on 20 years... wow that seems like a long time. I can RP at any level depending on the person I'm Rp'ing with, from free to advanced without much of an issue. I do tend to post a little on the longer side, but that changes on the amount of stuff happening in the RP that I have to react to. I also tend to play females, but this doesn't mean that I can't and won't step into a masculine role as needed, anything else you can think of let me know, might even edit it in here :3

Super Powered High [Group] - A group of new students enrolling in one of the most prestigious high schools designed for the strongest, smartest and brightest of people that have had the fortune to inherit super powers through one reason or another. The schools position is to teach them how to best use their powers to keep the world from any threats that might appear in the future, be it alien, villain or natural disaster. But is there a secret subplot running beneath the sight of the common folks, and what are those rumors about people losing control of their super powers??

Connected Fates [1x1, Group] - Every person is born with a soulmate and a marking on their wrists, this marking tells them the name of their soul mate and when they will meet. In a world with all kinds of creatures living along side humans, it is not uncommon that pairs will find out that they are mated to someone from a completely different world as them.

Hazbin Hotel [1x1, Group] - Much like the title suggests, this would be a RP set in Pentagram City, it will be set years after the events that take place in the titular series, The Hotel has proven to work and souls are able to ascend through true repentance and growing. Will you join the ranks of souls that wish to leave the play ground that is Hell, or will you be one of those that truly enjoy it and wish to stay.

A Master and their Demon [1x1] - A chance encounter, or was it always planned. A ritual completed leaves a demon standing before their new master, a contract negotiated and with new cosmic powers at their disposal how will they chose to live their lives, will they wish to abuse their contracted demon, or shall they try to save the world, and what happense when others become aware of this.
After being dismissed she would head straight to the training room as Clifton had recommended, she chose to withhold a response to Maeve as it truly didn’t require a response, and she doubted that the Isa rune wielder could do much to the two of them at once. It was very unlike herself to leave without a good reason and this curious thought ran through her mind as she and Maeve headed towards Isa, ‘so it’s to be isa, and sowlio. Fire and Ice.’ She thought to herself not entirely sure how it is that her own rune would fit into the offensive duo’s abilities. She was almost lost in thought when Isa, or Oren, as her name actually was spoke.
"How nice of you to two to deign to turn up finally. I thought I was being relatively modest in my goals by at least expecting the people I'm trying to instruct to be physically present in the same location and stay there, but apparently I was setting the bar too high. I'll be certain to lower my expectations in the future."
She would chose to not verbally respond to this statement though she would take a mental note of the disposition that Oren seemed to put out constantly. She would be a difficult person to get along with, however if she did her job than they should have little to no problems at all.

"In that light of that, are you both planning to stick around for an extended amount of time? Or should I carry on with this so I'm getting something done?"

This time Silvarae did speak up her voice neutral and impassive as if returning to herself though something about Oren made her mind think of her father, the demands and the total unacceptability of failure.
”We’re here to train are we not, and to get to learn each others’ strengths and weaknesses?” this was more of a redundant question to which she already knew the answer though it is the way that she chose to answer.
"Seeing as the session is supposed to be about Aett auras, and not one but both the other members of my Aett had unceremoniously run off, I've been preparing for my presentation on the world eaters.
Though if you're both ready to do something useful I'd be prepared to oblige."

Silvarae felt more and more that Oren was becoming like her father and so she would salute, a pre-programmed response that felt entirely natural with the woman whom was supposed to be part of a team, though seemed to be more of the leader type than anything else.
”Well are we going to stand around here talking or actually get to work?” this question seemed to come out of her mouth before she could even think about what it is she wanted to say, thus it would seem a little petulant. ‘Stupid!’ she would hear that voice in her head again though it seemed to be a little subdued at this point.

As Julie headed off to get their drinks she would fan her wings wide again and would thrust the which would give her slightly more lift raising her up in the air however it would also shoot a small gust of wind around the establishment. She would feel the outline of Julie in the wind smiling to herself before she turned her attention to finding an empty booth. It wasn’t hard to do so it seemed that there weren’t as many people here as there could be meaning there were a couple open. She moved over to the booth.
"It's always good,"
She heard and a quick sniff revealed what Julie had been speaking about, the drink in front of her, had the very familiar sell of Jack Daniels and coke, her smile gracing her face again. ”It’s a close second favorite!” she would giggle taking the cool glass in her hand and taking a swallow from it. The bite of alcohol warming her mouth with a gentle sting before she swallowed, the cool liquid lighting a fire inside her.
"We've only known each other for...what? A day now? I already feel like I've known you for so much longer. I guess that's the power of Soulmates,"
She would nod at this as she thought about it, her already distant eyes would appear to grow more distant as if in thought. She had never really known much about soul mates until this but she could feel the pull on her heart to be with the duo that was Julie and Erin. Her thoughts revolved around the power that must have been involved in starting something like this, and how that she doubted even the strongest of spell weavers could have pulled something like this off if they tried.
She would speak up after she finished thinking ”I don’t know about soul bonds… she would say as her hand strayed to her wrist rubbing gently ”But I do believe in love at first… well… sight? she would giggle at her own expression before having another drink. She knew her equilibrium had shifted and she still felt in control she liked the feeling of being around Julie/Erin, it made her feel somewhat alive, the likes of which she hadn’t felt in a long time, it made her realize just how much she had hidden away from the world in recent times so she would add ”Thank you.”
So preoccupied with her soul mate was she that she hadn’t been paying attention to what the others in the bar/club were doing, nor the music for now her entire attention was on Julie.

“Never heard of many angels comin’ all the way down here,”
“Or not havin’ wings when they do.”
“The fuck’re ya lookin’ at?”

He hadn’t realized he’d been staring blankly at her until she questioned what he was looking at and a smile would cross his face. Something about this woman, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
”Sorry, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable, I was not so much staring at you but listening. he would use the truth in a manner of speaking to cover a lie, He had actually been staring and appreciating the form of the woman before him if only on a subconscious level and not that he would ever admit to it. He would take another long swallow of his alcohol draining what remained of the bottle before he would speak again.
”While it’s true that not a lot of angels descend to this realm, I have been here since the days of Eden. I was cast out of heaven a long time ago, though I was never demonicized like the traitors.” He spoke this with a somewhat hard edge to his voice, as if simply bringing this up was a painful memory and one that he would much rather not address in the future.
”Come now brother, you can do better, don’t make me appear there” he would hear his sisters voice again chiding him for his aggressive tone. Something kept him from replying to her this time as he continued to speak to Stride.
”As to the wings” he would say standing and turning so his back faced her removing his Jacket he would reveal the long scars that ran the length of his back. ”I had them. he would replace his jacket and sit back down. The burning of his wrist being toned out now by the spreading warmth of the alcohol though still just enough to be an annoyance in it’s ever insistent demand to do something. He knew a simple hand shake would be able to surpress it from the past but why should he take the first move, after all he was the one who initiated their conversations.


“What’s your species, again?”
An angel. Zephyr would answer his business like tone remaining in effect, as if it were the most common statement in the world. His eyes would track what he could of the womans face through her mask, which admittedly wasn’t very much but he had become adept over his years of reading not only faces but body language and he would look for the tell-tale signs that this person, his soul mate, would think he was lying like so many others before her had thought.
Her recoiling at her full name was duly noted and stored with in his mind for possible later use or more correctly likely for correction to his language, after all he may have further use of this woman than just this investigation, they were to be bonded as soul mates after all.
“Close the door behind ya, I guess,”
He watched as she stepped back into her apartment, ‘well that was easier than I had anticipated.’ He thought to himself as he watched her walk down the hall towards whatever destination in the house she was destined for.
“and it’s Stride. None of that ‘Miss Phoebe’ bullcrap, ya hear?”
”That shouldn’t be too hard to remember.” he would say as he watched her disappear around a corner his minds’ eye running over the sight of her again. He had to admit, if only to himself that she was certainly pleasant to look at, even if he would never admit to that aloud. He would step through the door closing it behind him and finding himself to a well maintained living room with a slight nod of approval, He had seen some houses that seemed like a bomb had gone of in it, it would appear that this place was well maintained. He was drawn to the small photo frame it appeared to be a picture of his soul mate with two others, the tone of the picture seemed to be overall a good one which says this must have some kind of importance to her.
When she re-emerged with a dinning chair he would be slightly relieved, but then again what had he expected from a woman that seemed about as withdrawn as he is from the desire to physically contact another as he was.
He looked up a smile spreading across his face as she held out a bottle of bourbon to him.
“Case ya need it as much as I do.”
He would accept the bottle gratefully as she sat in the couch he would walk over grabbing the chair and spinning it around so that he could lean on the back of it and opened his bottle and taking a rather large swig, the familiar taste and burn of alcohol dancing with in his mouth and down his throat as he swallowed, a look of pensive thought spreading across his face as he did so.
He could ignore his wrist for some time though if asked he would admit that it was becoming somewhat of a bother to his normally perfect routine while investigating a situation.
He was about to say something when he heard an almost honeyed voice enter into his mind.
”Do not run away again little brother.” This was a voice he hadn’t heard in a very long time and he shook his head thinking that maybe he had misheard it. Certainly the arch angel of fate would not take time out of her day to bother with him anymore. So he would lean forward on the chair looking at Stride as if she were the most interesting thing in this world for the time being. It were as if his eyes had been opened a new.

Somewhere in the heavens sat an angel with 6 sets of wings watching, what would be considered a flat screen, however was made of water and a marble bowel. She watched the scene playing out between Stride and Zephyr tempted to use an avatar spell to stop them flirting around the edges of a carefully thought out and arranged bond. ‘such is the relationships of children’ she would think shaking her head slowly. Her own powers had been the reason for this particular bond and she would not let either of them ruin her hard work.
Silvarae listened to Madison as he spoke nodding carefully as she listened.
”yeah that sounds about right.” she would comment not exactly disliking the feel of Maeves hand on her shoulder though not really understanding why it was there to begin with. While the hand contacted her it surprisingly muted the voice in her mind as if it had never been there in the first place. She recalled a sense of panic before the hand touching her shoulder then calm. She would seem to relax a little, even if only marginally.
"Uh, yeah,"
"But Bossman's right. They're probably all pissed as hell that we've bailed on training for our destiny or whatever. Like if it was destiny, we would have to train. Plothole there, mate."

Silvarae would catch herself smiling at this, surprising herself with this fact, she would look down before clearing her voice straightening up as she felt Maeves’ hand clasped around her back.
‘awfully familiar’ she would think at this however unable to bring herself to remove the other girls hand. An awkward sensation filling her as if driven by some other force, a power she could yet not express nor understand but she found herself actually enjoying the touch.
[b] "Wonder if they left us any muffins?"[b]
A good question, she was sure, but one that had very little weight in her own mind, being such that it is, she was preoccupied with the wonderment of the feeling flowing through her. She would have to think on that later, as Madison had pointed out they had work to do, and her having decided to take a breather at the least opportune time had already put them behind.
"Hey, we're going to training now! Come with me if you want to live!"
"You're, uh, in Oren's.. Ate? Art? Aett. It's pronounced Aett, Amity, c'mon."

‘Well, I guess the meeting is done then.’ She thought to herself though she did like the idea of training some more.
”Wait.. who’s in the birds Aett… wait what even is an Aett?”
Her voice showing a form of curiosity muddled with confusion. Not to mention that there were two of them here along with Madison, though she was pretty certain that the girl whom she recognized as Uruz, the brute force type. However it did bring home the fact that they could not stand around all day talking when there was work that was more pressing.
”While I cannot say that I dislike the feel of you holding me, I would say we have work to do.” she would say to Maeve before saluting Madison ”Permission to be dismissed.” her formality slowly returning to her voice as she turned to walk towards Uruz, the step bringing her out of contact of Maeve would see her step falter for half a second before continuing.
‘what was that.’ She would wonder to herself as she felt the warmth that had been flowing through her dissipate. She had no way to know that her rune had reacted to one of her rune partners nor that the power of it had brought her out of a catatonic state.

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