@Belwicket Personally I don't think you need to rewrite anything, nor should you just wipe everything then leave. If you understand, like actually truly understand what's being said, then that's what I think is important here. I'm going to be blunt and say I also think your character is flat and honestly has nothing interesting going for her, I also agree that her perverted first action was uncalled for.
She's your character, but she's sharing a world with our characters as well, you just aren't operating in a vacuum here. My suggestion is simply recognize what happened here and then put energy to develop you character, make her into something pretty cool.
Also I do want to point out its been said that the perverseness isn't the issue, to me I think is nice to have a character who has that trait. Just the problem is, one that's all she is so far, and two that was her absolutely first character interaction. You could stand to turn it down a few notches. This has all been said before, but I do agree with it.
Also please like seriously please don't take this as me also going against you like I'm trying to start a fight. I want this to reach a resolution soon, what I'm intending to do here is add my thoughts and simply rehash what's already been said.