Hey all, sorry about the delay. I've been incredibly busy with work etc, here my character now though.
I'm GMT as well, by the way!
Name: Reeko Solman
Age: 25
Race: Human (Born in Bestine)
Skills: Piloting, Reeko has managed to become a talented pilot and can pull of fairly complex manoeuvres (mainly to save his own skin), he can pilot most light and medium ships. Physically fit, can run very quickly. Good at lying and cheating, can usually talk his way out of trouble and convince others that he’s something he isn’t. Thievery, Reeko has stolen many things in his life and has a knack for getting away with it.
Equipment: Blaster pistol, blaster carbine and various tools and other gadgets in his utility belt (e.g. smoke grenades and flashbangs).
“The Viper”, a light freighter Reeko won in a game of Sabacc in which he cheated. He gave it the name of a type of snake he had been told about by an off-world merchant as he had been told they were fierce and he thought it sounded better than “The Magdalene” as it had been called previously. It is barely spaceworthy and threatens to fall to pieces every time it leave or enters an atmosphere or tries to land. It was previously a trade vessel turned smuggler ship, the smuggler fell on hard times and the condition of the ship suffered as a result. Reeko has barely been able to keep it running since the day he won it.
History: Reeko was born in Bestine, his father was a small time merchant with a stall in one of the bazaars in the city. He had four brothers, three older and one younger, and all wanted to follow in their father’s footsteps and be merchants. That was not what Reeko wanted however, he wanted to be a hero like the ones in the stories that were told in hushed voices about the Rebel Alliance and the ragtag men and women who overthrew an evil empire. From a young age Reeko would often be in trouble for trying to do heroic deeds which usually ended in either damaged property or him getting beaten up by other kids. His parents despaired at his wild streak, they wanted him to settle down and behave like his brothers but nothing they did seemed to make a difference. Eventually he was sent to work on his uncle’s (father’s brother) moisture farm near Mos Eisley, his parents thought the hard work would help discipline him and set him straight.
The only thing that the relocation did was introduce him to the cesspit that was Mos Eisley. Reeko fell in with a group of street kids in Mos Eisley and began taking part in petty criminal activities, all the while acting as if he was a revolutionary fighter, making a stand against the evil empire and their agents. In reality he was just another street rat who stole from merchant stalls when the owners were distracted. As he grew up the criminal activities he took part in matured as well, theft turned to robbery and his dreams of being a hero began to wane, he was more interested in being a famous outlaw now. Unfortunately for him he came to a realisation when he became involved in his first serious violent confrontation, he was a coward. He hated fights and he managed to hide himself away until it was over, only making an appearance after hostilities were over to join in the glory of the victors.
When Reeko turned 18 he witnessed a bounty hunter capturing a man in one of Mos Eisley’s notorious cantinas. He was so impressed by the man that he dropped his ambitions of being a famous outlaw and instead decided he was going to be a famous bounty hunter. He teamed up with a few other would-be bounty hunters and signed on to capture a bandit and killer who had fled into the desert and set up a lair in a cave. The young men all went out together full of bravado and confidence but when the found the man it turned out that they were in over their heads, the bandit was a seasoned killer and they had no idea what they were doing. As the others died around him, Reeko hid behind a rocky outcrop in terror. He knew he would have to do something but he was barely able to prevent himself from soiling his trousers. Eventually he closed his eyes tight and stuck his carbine over the rock and opened fire wildly, in a stroke of pure luck one of the shots managed to catch a thermal detonator at the belt of one of his dead colleagues. The resulting explosion caused the cave to collapse and one of the falling rocks knocked the bandit out cold. After several minutes Reeko eventually managed to open his eyes and peer out at the collapsed cave and the unconscious man, he didn’t waste any time and tied the man up tightly and left the rest of his colleagues behind to cash the bounty in on his own.
Reeko carried out a number of other jobs on Tatooine, usually with groups of other new bounty hunters who he would eventually betray or abandon to reap the entire reward himself. Eventually he decided to take a break from bounty hunting in case people started to wonder why he was always going out in groups and returning on his own so he decided to try his hand at Sabacc, he quickly learned how to cheat and moved from cantina to cantina to get as much as he could. Eventually he won a battered old freighter ship, he intended to put together some money to repair some of the vital components and then sell it for an inflated price to one of the ignorant moisture farmers or miners. He took on one more bounty hunting job, this time it was put out by Mahuva the Hutt and offered a good amount for some traitor that had conned the Hutt out of money, the best part was that the Hutt was offering an advance of the reward to any men who signed up with his own men as part of a posse of sorts. Signing up with them Reeko intended to use his usual tactics, hide and let the others do the work after which he would betray them and take the whole bounty for himself. Unfortunately this time the bounty overpowered the men he was with and he was left alone, when he realised his situation he immediately surrendered to the man and begged for his life. The traitor found him so pathetic that he spared his life and basically told him to get out of his sight, Reeko was happy to oblige.
Mahuva the Hutt was furious and demanded that Reeko return the advance he had been given, unfortunately Reeko had already spent it on his dilapidated freighter ship. Making his excuses to the Hutt he went to his ship and escaped off planet, leaving his debt behind. He spent the next few years conning and cheating his way across the galaxy, unfortunately eventually his past came back to haunt him. A Hutt debt collector managed to ambush him in Cloud City on Bespin and took him and his ship back to Tatooine where his debt still waited for him, now with a large amount of interest. Having no credits to his name he was forced at gunpoint to sign on as a worker and general thug for Mahuva the Hutt in order to work off his debt.
Misc: Reeko is unbelievably lucky, he always unwittingly manages to find his way out of even the most ridiculously dangerous situations.