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British gal. Watches far too many films. Loves travelling.

Been into RPs for a while and I generally seem to stray towards more fantasy/supernatural based storylines. I also like detail and in-depth plots as much as possible! Always up for new ideas though.

{Will insert some witty content here when I can be bothered}

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: Leyla Tyrell & Ryon Dayne
Mentions: Oak | Garrett Tyrell | Lady Dyanna | Ashton Hightower | Loreon Lannister | Redwynes

The gardens of Summerhall were like none she had ever seen before. Smaller than the ones that flourished about her home but styled after the Dornish water gardens, they were undeniably beautiful. Leyla had wept after she was told of the marriage but eventually she had forced herself to take one step after another, to leave the tent, to not go running after Garrett. It would not do to make a scene and that had never been her way. And somehow she had found herself here, sitting on a low wall, the pleats of her dress lying softly against the skin of her thighs and calves. The clear water next to her lay still, every now and then a passing breeze causing ripples to flow across its surface. It was peaceful. Surprising given how near the tents and crowds were. If she closed her eyes, she could pretend she was back home. In the days when she would sit atop her fathers knee, pointing out every flower and animal and tree that she saw.

Her brother's words passed through her mind, frustration and anguish gripping her heart. She was mad at Garrett for his heartlessness, mad at her grandmother for allowing him to be so, even mad at Leyton for leaving her to face this alone. A tear fell, warm against her flushed cheeks. She brushed it away. How desperately her heart hurt for her house. How desperately she feared marriage. If a boy had been so unkind to her...what could a man do? Looking down, she suddenly became aware of pain in the palms of her hands. She willed herself to loosen her grip, small wells of blood appearing where her fingernails had dug into her skin. No good. It was a habit that started after her father died but she'd thought it had stopped. Wincing, she leaned over to cup some water in her hands, managing to wash off the worst of it. You must stop this Leyla. After a while and ignoring the sting of the open wounds, she stood up. She had come here to calm herself not weep tears like a small child. She would not be so weak.

Leyla still wore the daisy crown Oak had made for her and she brought a hand to it with a small smile as she began to walk the gardens. The bard was a brother to her in all but name and she as much wished to protect him as she did the rest of her family. Hopefully he would watch out for Garrett. Pondering on this, she walked by flowers of such brilliant colors and scents that she couldn't help but stop by each one. There stood near the center a pomegranate tree, flowers fragile and of the brightest red, its scent sweetly delicate. She stood for a moment, looking up at its limbs stretching towards the sun, wondering about its slow but peaceful life.

Ryon had hoped that sparring would release the tension he had felt building since that conversation with his squire. He had yet to decide what exactly to do about it. His time in the practice field had given him no clarity, only sore muscles. He had only grim choices. Though Maekar would surely not be surprised that noble houses were hedging their bets - damnable Aegon had all but ensured it - it was something else entirely to approach Ryon in such a way. He had no desire to trouble Dyanna with his plight, neither did he want to see young Ash drawn further into the conflict. Yet…yet he could not sit on this information much longer without being complicit in some manner.

He was not ready to admit defeat in finding a solution. If violence would not shake loose a plan, perhaps the quiet of the gardens would be of assistance. Ryon had barely paused after his match to splash some water across his face. As he entered the Dornish gardens, his practice tunic still clung to him from sweat, his hair pulled back by a thin leather cord. The gardens were thankfully quiet, he mused as he slowed his gait to appreciate the beauty that grown here. So many people had descended here and yet they largely seemed more inclined to food and drink rather than quiet reflection.

He rounded a corner to briefly lived disappointment at seeing another to disturb his thoughts; a woman, her back turned to him. Ryon chided himself silently for his immediate appreciation of her form and long locks. He paused in the walkway and ran a hand over his chin. He had been silent enough that she had not yet noticed him and for a moment he considered turning back. Yet regardless of the internal chastisement, he found his legs softly carrying him forward.

It was, perhaps, rude of him to sneak up on an unaccompanied woman. Ruder still to reach over her from behind and pluck a flower from the tree she was admiring. It was, however, a more pleasant distraction than the sparring had been and his hesitation melted completely. "I see you already have a crown of flowers, my lady. Allow me to add just one more to it." His lips spread into a disarming smile and though he had drawn close to her, he immediately took a step back to extend the flower to her. As pretty a thing up close as she had been at a distance. "If any accuse you of poaching from a royal palace, please tell them to call for Ryon Dayne to bear witness of your innocence." He gave a small nod by means of introduction.

Leyla instinctively shied away at the sudden intrusion, her eyebrows narrowing into a wary frown. She had thought herself alone. Yet before the shock had even begun to fade, she found it replaced by warm amusement. "My thanks, it is very beautiful." She paused, taking the flower gently in her hand so not as to disturb the thin petals. "You would take the blame for someone you do not know? I think I would feel awful if I let you do such a thing." A smile finally found her lips and she twirled the flowers stem absentmindedly between her fingers. The knight was not known to her personally but by her mothers instruction she had learnt to be well acquainted with all members of the important houses.

Her posture relaxed as she took in the knight, he was undeniably handsome, even in such simple attire. But still, she was unable to feel completely at ease when alone with a man. "I was just admiring the garden here. It is so very different from the ones we have at home..." The failure to introduce herself was not an accidental oversight. She just could not bear to think of her house in this moment, it was easier to pretend she was someone else. Someone with no cares or woes. "But if I may ask, what is the Sword of the Morning doing here? I would think you'd be drinking with your fellow knights. It seems the Redwynes have brought enough wine to happily occupy the entirety of the Stormlands." She questioned, glancing up at him.

Ryon gave a small shrug, a roll of his shoulders as he took to reclining against a small stone hedge along the path. She had not shared who she was, it was not lost on him, but he would not press. She was clearly from one of the noble houses, perhaps one of the endless ladies that had been in and out to see his cousin. A bit strange for one to be alone, his curiosity peaked. “Ah so you know who I am.” He cocked his head with the same easy smile. “Well then you must understand the greater care I take to maintain such a lofty title, aren’t all knights called to defend and protect?”

He leaned back to his side, his weight propped to one arm, his legs kicked out and pulled one over the other in a misguided effort to soothe his muscles that still screamed at him. For all his effort to be smooth in his leisurely repose, he knew he had winced. “Not all of us want to drink with such abandon before a tourney start. Though the Redwynes have certainly lived up to their family name.” His cousins had certainly taken his advice to heart, he’d not be surprised if the duo were sick still. “But I prefer the quiet moments in preparation. And this garden reminds me of home as much as it was built to remind her of home.” He spoke plainly, it was the truth if not the full truth. He leaned his head back to the side again. “Do you need an escort anywhere, or would you like my protection from any others who would intrude on your contemplation?” He spoke softly, he would take no for an answer and be sent on his way, intrigued as he may have found himself.

"I think maybe I am not proper..." Leyla said with a smile, still strolling back and forth, "For I often forget that propriety calls for me to have an escort. I do so enjoy walking alone though." It was difficult to keep still at such times of unease and particularly now with the aching pain in her palms. The wounds would need a balm applying and though it was likely they would have the herbs in their supplies, she did not wish to show the maester. It would be too quick to get back to her grandmother.

"But no, please stay if you are inclined to." Leyla shook her head emphatically, surprised by her own eagerness for him to stay. It was unusual for one of his kind to shun the frivolities that came with such a tournament and she could not help but feel a hint of curiosity. "Now that we are speaking it seems preferable to standing alone. And you do not seem so frightening..." She reflected honestly, clasping her hands behind her back as she finally stopped moving, halting beside the knight. "I feel a distraction from my thoughts would be welcome. And maybe you a distraction from your pain?" The young tyrell noticed how he moved gingerly, not seeming in serious agony but enough to provide discomfort. "Though knights must often be in pain I suppose?"

How curious. Ryon attempted to pull his eyes away from watching the woman, but the combination of certainty, honesty, and concern kept his attention too well. He pat at the ledge next to him for her to join him. “I am only ever too happy to be a distraction.” A quick grin passed his lips, and he leaned forward, “I’ve pushed myself too hard today in vain hopes it would help me make a decision. I’m afraid it failed me in that endeavor, giving nothing but a few new bruises.” He shrugged, preferring to avoid thinking of it for a while longer. “You, though, have already proved to be a balm to the pain. Tell me what is it you seek a distraction from, or perhaps you would prefer wine and gossip? I’ve heard of a knight from Sow’s Horn causing no small amount of scandal among high and low born.”

A soft laugh escaped from her lips. Tempting as it was to gossip and hear of the frivolities of others, Leyla shook her head. "I may have heard of Ser Hoggs exploits. Many a lady seem enamoured by him." She said with a smile. "But as for myself, it is duty, I suppose, which distracts me. I..." Leyla hesitated for a moment before taking a seat beside him, hands resting neatly in her lap. They sat close but she was careful to make sure they did not touch. "I think I am very selfish." Her brows furrowed as she turned to face him, a look of earnest seriousness flashing across her features. "Do you think it is possible to marry someone you do not love and be happy? I have thought about this again and again, and everytime I come to the same conclusion...that the two are incompatible."

Duty, yes everyone had their duty, he thought to himself as his grin softened. She was rather proper and that combined with the sadness in her eyes and voice pulled at him. Had he not had a similar conversation with Dyanna years ago? "My family is large and there are few love matches I can think of in their marriages." It was a hard truth, but lies were a disservice. "Still, many of them found happiness together, in the life their marriage gave them or in their children." Not that he would know, but that was a privilege few would share. "It isn't selfish to want happiness. In Dorne, we just take lovers for that." He chuckled softly, "though that is not viewed so equitably here, is it. A great disservice to you northerners."

His eyes glanced down to where her hands were neatly held in her lap. It was likely nothing she wanted to hear. His cousin had not been happy with such truths either. She had been lucky though. As he fumbled to find some kinder advice, he caught sight of markings on her palms. In a thoughtless moment, he gently grabbed her hand and turned it over in his palm. He softly traced the markings. As if on a delay, his mind caught up to his actions, and he froze, her hand awkwardly cupped in his.

She was stunned by his words and by his actions. A deep blush flared onto her cheeks; this was a kind of closeness that she was unused to. The rough but gentle feel of his palms and fingers was surprisingly pleasant. She couldn't help but wonder how many hours had gone into making them what they were. "I-" Leyla found her own words were lost to her, carried off by the winds to be scattered elsewhere. Perhaps for someone more bold and brave to catch. She felt the tears that she had pushed back drawing once more to her eyes, spilling over and down her cheeks. Her free hand came up to wipe them away, in a manner that was entirely lacking in decorum. It was awful but she could not stop them, could not prevent what was unbidden.

"I'm sorry! I'm certain this was not what you intended when you came here." She finally managed to blurt out, ashamed by her overflowing emotions. She glanced up at him, wondering why he had not fled already. So far she had not been a very good companion at all. It made that well of curiosity ever deeper and she could not help but smile in spite of her tears.

"Though…" She started hesitantly, staring at her own unmoved hand, "I think you are maybe very lucky in Dorne. It seems like such a…a free way to be." The blush came rushing back again as she spoke of things she knew she should not.

You fool. He chastised himself silently as he watched her tears overflow. The poor thing in front of him, how many more were there like her - just tokens bartered by fathers or brothers in exchange for alliances and wealth. It was the way of things and it was unfair; a burden normally carried in silence or perhaps among a woman’s circle of friends. “I chose to intrude on you and then made you cry. I think that makes me the villain here, certainly not you.” He teased lightly, hoping to at least elicit a small grin.

He brought his other hand to cover hers, rough and calloused over her delicate yet broken skin. “It is a freer way of life, perhaps more genuine.” But there were cages still, duty and responsibilities he had no desire for and that he had refused to participate in. “Not for the faint of heart, maybe.” He teased again, though there was truth beneath the jest. Marriages and alliances had not swept away centuries of distrust or wariness, he knew too well. “Would you like to run away to Dorne? Perhaps my cousin, Arron, would strike your fancy. He is of an age to you I think.” He felt his own age at odds with the flights and fancies of a young woman, but the boy would strike a compelling image with her; and he was considerate albeit reckless. “Everyone deserves a bit of young love before having to bear the duty of their family.”

Leyla smiled but shook her head. She found herself disappointed by his offering of a younger brother. That she had expected anything else, or even that, was ridiculous. You truly are hopeless Leyla.. "Thank you but you would not offer me such a thing if you knew my family." She laughed lightly, "I could not hurt my grandmother so. I do love her dearly." She would do anything for her family, she supposed including marrying someone not of her choosing. A Lannister was an extremely good match though she knew little of Loreon himself. Yes, I would do it for them. The young Tyrell paused in thought, absentmindedly brushing away some lingering tears that were beginning to cool on her cheeks. "But we have spoken too much of me and too little of you. May I return your kindness by helping with this decision of yours? If I can at least..."

The knight smiled softly and lifted his hand off of hers to cup her cheek lightly before tucking a tendril of dark hair behind her ear. “You are too sweet, my lady. You must make your family proud.” His caress had been brief and he withdrew his hand quickly. Habits were hard to break, but he couldn’t help but feel it was a friend the girl needed. “My decision…ah. Perhaps not so different from yours.” His smile faltered briefly, there was no way to actually lay his burden at her feet; innocent and eager though she seemed to help. “Not marriage, I’ve avoided that for years.” Ryon gave a short but rough chuckle. “I know what I must do, but it will hurt someone I do not wish to hurt.” His smile broke completely, his lips pressed tight. “I had hoped to think of some other way but it is family and duty before all else, isn’t it?”

"Well…" Leyla pondered quietly, "Yes I do think that's true. Though mine is not really a decision I have much sway over, I am sure you have more say in yours." She frowned at the sudden serious expression that he bore, so different from the lighthearted smiles and graces he had so far donned. "But if you save someone from hurt forever then they are living a life of pretense and I do not think that is of any help to anyone…at least, that's how I see it." She stood, letting out a deep breath as she did. Leyla felt better, still terrified, still unsure, but better nonetheless. The young Tyrell smiled down at Ryon and for the first time in their conversation it managed to reach her eyes. "I will give you my favour in the tourney tomorrow. Whether you want it or not." She jested, "It is the only way I can think of thanking you. That and perhaps my bard can play for you sometime, he is extremely skilled with his fingers."

If only that were true. But Ryon had little say over what to do, he would try to spare the messenger as much as possible. The decision still rested uneasily, but he was resolved with what he would do. The girl had been more of a balm than he had any right to expect. How curious. He met her eyes, her warm smile a crack of sunlight. The knight could not help but to return it. “Only a fool would turn down your favor, and I am no fool, my lady.”

He stood slow, ready to give her a small bow, but it was mention of a bard that caught him. The warm smile turned a wry grin that he tried to smooth away. He felt a surprising heat creep across his cheeks. “Perhaps you can bring him to play for Lady Dyanna and I” Ryon bit back the chuckle that tickled the back of his throat when it was clear that she had stated her bard’s skill with total innocence. “Until the morrow, then.”

𝐵𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓉 𝒲𝒶𝓇
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. Acropolis
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Phobos | Eros
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Psyche, Melinoë, Xōchi

As the heady haze wore off, his hands dropped away from the Aztec goddess. Phobos felt all the control he had slipping away like water through outstretched fingers. Never, since the fall, had he been so unable to keep ahold of the fear that seeped from him. He found himself shaking with fury. A hand came up to brush his hair away from his face, he knew without looking that Mel had left. Ignoring Xōchi he turned to Eros, roughly taking ahold of the love gods arm. His fingers pressed into the skin hard enough to leave several bruises.

"Pho, come on man. We were just--" Eros laughed nervously, a free hand rubbing his tender neck. His lips were stained red and every so often a droplet of blood fell to the floor, though neither of them noticed. "It was just a joke." He couldn't help but roll his eyes, figuring that Phobos was just overreacting. What could ever be wrong with kissing? He hadn't gotten to kiss anyone for at least an hour. So unfair.

"Shut up." Phobos growled as he pulled his brother outside, ignoring the others. The door slammed shut as the god forced Eros down the expansive set of steps, pushing him away when they met soft ground. Eros stumbled back, his face falling for a moment before his mask quickly slipped back into place. It would not do to appear upset. This wasn't the first time someone had taken his work the wrong way.

"Well if you must hit me, please avoid the face." He said sullenly, wiping some blood away with the back of his hand. "Unlike you, some of us actually care about our appearance. My clients would be so upset if they saw me with a black eye..." He grimaced at the thought of having to look so unkempt, if even for a day. The pain itself did not scare him, he was used to it now and he had to self-inflict it on a near daily basis if he wanted to tap into his powers.

"I'm not going to hit you." Fear rolled his shoulders back, muscles tensing with the movement. Eros paused in a combination of confusion and relief. "...you're not?" He frowned, momentarily perplexed. Sure looked like he was getting ready to hit him...

"No." Phobos smiled predatorily, looking eerily in that moment like his sister. At times it was easy to forget that they were twins and inevitability, opposite sides of the same coin. The fear rolled off him in waves, reaching a hungry hand towards the hesitant form of love. Nowhere near as powerful as it had once been but still strong enough to affect a god. He let it run free, his body relaxing, exhaling what felt blissful to no longer keep at bay. "I was just thinking about Psyche actually..."

Eros tensed as fear spoke, his face falling at the mention of one he never let himself think of. "Don't you dare speak of her..." He muttered, eyes darkening, any last hints of humor washed away by the sound of her name. It was a line that the other deities trod carefully around, no-one truly daring to confront him about it. Well, some had tried in the first few centuries after the fall but that had never ended well.

"Why not?" Phobos neared his brother, placing a hand against his chest and shoving him back, his words cold and smooth. "She's a lovely girl. I do always wonder what she's been up to recently." He paced around the erote as he spoke, trying to ignore how much he loved this. How much he'd missed it. Nothing compared to the fears held by his fellow deities, they were so exquisitely more complex and darker than that of mortals. Most mortals, when it came down to it, simply feared death. "Being such a beauty as well..."

"Shut up Phobos." Eros snapped back, wanting but unable to turn away.

"Maybe shes found someone else to fall in love with." Phobos pulled at the thread of terror hidden deep inside his brother. Fears grip was tight once it decided to take hold and he really did not want to let go. "I bet mortals can't resist her."

Eros saw it. Like a mirage. Psyche surrounded by mortals and gods alike. Bodys entwined. Moans slipping from lips heavy with pleasure. He would've found the imagery a turn on if he wasn't also so horrified. He reached out to touch her but it was just dust in the wind, his fingers tightening over naught but air. He shook his head, eyes closing against the images that came unbidden and unwanted. "Stop it. Stop it now..." Eros tried to yell, though his voice was little more than a groan. It wouldn't stop, it would never stop. It was like a broken amphora. He could try and put it back together but it wouldn't ever fit, so what was the use in trying? There were so many pieces lost, too small to ever find.

"You should be scared dear αδελφός. Why would a human ever truly have fallen in love with such a monster?" Phobos' words dripped with venom, though they were not really his own but the love gods deepest fears spoken aloud. "It must've been the arrows. And now their magic has worn off. Well..." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "She must hate you. For taking her from her family, locking her up in your palace..."

"I didn't--" Eros stammered but fear had taken a grip on his heart and he found he could barely move, barely speak. A tear rolled down a cheek flushed with fury and panic. His hands clenched, nails digging deep enough into his flesh to draw blood but he did not notice. "You--you're wrong." He had to be wrong. He could not face it if he was right.

"Then why do you run from her?"

"You..." Eros pushed back against the paralysing hold on his body. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"There's no point hiding it Eros." Phobos purred, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "I can see everything, every fear, every doubt that's swallowed you up."

The darkness that sometimes enveloped Eros appeared in the corners of his mind. He didn't want to go there again. He couldn't think about it. He wouldn't think about it. Without realising he found himself crouched on the ground, unable to hide from the numbness that had begun to creep up on him, darkening his vision. The tears had stopped and were drying cold against his skin, his fingers clutching uselessly at the dewy grass beneath him. He looked up to see Phobos staring down at him, his expression naught but a blank slate. He found himself wondering what it would like to be a mortal, faced with such a sight in the midst of a battle.

"Stay away from me. Stay away from Melinoë." Phobos muttered as he shook his head, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it quietly. Taking a deep drag, he exhaled a puff of smoke. "I won't play nice next time."

𝓪 𝓷 𝓾 𝓷 𝓮 𝔁 𝓹 𝓮 𝓬 𝓽 𝓮 𝓭 𝓪 𝓬 𝓺 𝓾 𝓪 𝓲 𝓷 𝓽 𝓪 𝓷 𝓬 𝓮
𝓪 𝓷 𝓾 𝓷 𝓮 𝔁 𝓹 𝓮 𝓬 𝓽 𝓮 𝓭 𝓪 𝓬 𝓺 𝓾 𝓪 𝓲 𝓷 𝓽 𝓪 𝓷 𝓬 𝓮

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — Acropolis (Mel's Room Hercules' Room)
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Hebe @Danvers || Hercules @metanoia
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 — Melinoë @KZOMBI3 || Apollo @smarty0114

The pair made their way into what would be Melinoe’s room, Hebe quietly closing the door behind them. She placed a glass of cold water on the bedside table, along with a silly straw. Silly straws always made everything a bit better, or at least they did in her case. The goddess moved to straighten out the bed sheets, wondering if Mel had enough to decorate the space with. Maybe she could go shopping with or for her if not. She tried not to think about what had happened at the Olympic Club, tried to block out the image of their dead bodies lying still on the floor. It was so far from what she herself represented, it felt like she was watching a movie, something utterly unreal. But, she also had no right to be upset. They weren't her family. Yet...

Hebe plopped herself down on the edge of the bed, shooting Hercules a small smile as she brushed away a rogue tear. "Sorry, I'm such a cry baby." She laughed forcefully. Her and Zagreus had been so close once upon a time, when she had still lived atop Mount Olympus. And even though her mother had never liked him, Hebe had not cared. There had been few people during that time who she had actually been able to call true friends. Her legs swung idly back and forth as she tried to think of something to say that wouldn't be so miserable. She knew Herc well enough to know he wouldn't want to focus on the sad and she really didn't want to make him feel sad.

"Apollo makes good food." She commented idly as she glanced up at the God of Heroes, stating a fact that most of the Greek pantheon were well aware of. "Yup..." Way to be weird and awkward Heebs.

While Hebe was making sure the sheets were straight enough and, from the squeaking he heard, the bed was in tip-top shape on the bounce spectrum, Boy Wonder was busy making sure the closet had everything it needed. And considering it was empty on account of Mel’s stuff not being here yet, Herc did the typical thing he always did: hands on his hips, nodding to himself, with a brief “yep! All good here” as he closed it and saw the goddess of youth on the bed, mentioning Apollo’s cooking.

“Fuck yeah he does!” He instantaneously agreed. “Especially compared to my cooking.” He let out a hearty laugh, one that was bound to carry in the unusually quiet Acropolis. “Like I’m pretty sure I’ve been unofficially banned from the kitchen because of a certain incident that occurred a few months ago.” Even the thought of it made Hercules visibly dreadful and that was on top of the very genuine reason to feel a sense of dread.

"What happened!?" Hebe leaned forwards, curiosity getting the better of her and for a moment, easing the sadness she had been feeling. "You- you didn't set a fire did you?" The goddess raised a small knowing eyebrow at him. It wouldn't be the first time Herc had set something on fire, intentionally or not.

“No..” Herc said in the most unconvincing tone that he’s ever spoken in. “Well, not a big one at least, but you know Apo! Dude loves this area. The forest life is his bread and butter…aside from his actual bread and butter - which are so fire. Homemade bread and butter really hits different than the store-bought variety.” Hercules knew he got off-track but he couldn’t help but think about homemade bread, but specifically olive bread. Herc could bathe in it and he’d die a happy god! “But where was I? Oh right. The mini-fire. I kind of overcooked something - I don’t remember what - and I forgot about it. Forced us to remodel the whole kitchen, which is why it’s a lot nicer than other parts of the house, and Apo pretty much forbade me from going near the stove ever again without any direct supervision.” It saddened him in all honesty, but he understood. If a true fire broke out, where else would their kind go to unleash all their stress?

Hebe couldn't help but let out a small giggle as Herc spoke, her posture relaxing a little. "Wow, I never realised you liked bread and butter so much..." She began to idly pull at some of the pins that were holding her blonde hair up, fed up with the prim style, and allowing it to eventually fall atop her shoulders. "I'm not great at cooking but I can make pancakes and waffles. With loads of chocolate chips of course!" Hebe added. She was increasingly aware of the fact that she'd only managed to eat one mini sandwich at the luncheon. Her stomach was beginning to protest.

"I hope no-one got hurt though! Y'know...I don't think I've ever seen your room here actually." The words came out of her mouth quicker than she could register them and a deep blush spread across her face. "Not that I need to see it! I don't! I was just a bit curious about how the great Hercules would decorate his room..." She trailed off, hoping he wouldn't take what she'd said the wrong way.

“No, nobody got hurt. Apo was hurt cause of the kitchen and how beautiful it was before, so that’s why I paid for it to be remodeled. To make up for the damage done to his beautiful kitchen.” The Boy Wonder became lost in thought for a few moments, thinking about how much that set him back. Maybe that was why they were low on funds now. Not necessarily the costs of living but not enough money to make up for the rent. On that note, Hercules may have to do a new 12 labors series soon. To get some money. He had to start pulling his weight. Couldn’t just party with his peeps all day every day.

As he went down on that tangent, Hebe mentioned his room. He heard her say ‘your room’ and then paid attention. “Oh my room?” He totally didn’t heard everything she said. “We can totally go to my room. Everything in here is all fine, so no need to stay!”

Without warning, Hercules had grabbed Hebe’s hand, albeit as gently as he could but still with a level of excitement that fueled his immediate impatience. He heard her say something, but it didn’t matter. He was on a roll. They made their way out of Mel’s room. Herc didn’t give either of them enough time to shut off the light so it was left on. His overwhelming strength made it possible to basically drag Hebe with him as they went down the stairs, took a few turns through the halls, and in record, time they were in his room.

“Here it is~” He announced with a wide grin. His room was pretty spacious and probably not at all what most expected the great Hercules, Boy Wonder and The Divine Protector, to call his room. There was a fireplace for those cold Seattle nights. On a built-in shelf right by the entrance were pictures of him with the Acrobros: Dio whenever he was in town (though occasionally Herc would go to LA to visit), Apollo, and a few others. There were also pictures of some outtakes from 12 labors. But at the center, there was a picture of Hebe and Herc. The last time they were…a thing more than friends, that picture was one of his most treasured ones. It was at the center.

“So what do you think? Not too shabby, right? Biggest room in the crib!” Hercules was definitely trying to impress her. He hoped it was working. He didn’t always have the opportunity to show off for someone as close to him as Hebe.

Hebe, knowing better than to resist, allowed herself to be pulled along by Herc, laughing lightly as they went. Her eyes widened almost comically as they entered the room. Though many of the gods lived in luxury accommodation, she hadn't expected Herc to choose something so...so bougie. Not that it was a bad thing. It was just very different from what she was used to. "Wow, it's so nice!" She commented. "I think this is bigger than my entire apartment. And quieter. And less drafty."

She quietly made her way around the room, stopping in front of the photographs, looking at each one in turn. Eventually she reached the one of the pair of them. "It's me!" Hebe exclaimed, a bright smile painting her face as she turned towards him. "I remember that day. Didn't we get super lost just after this was taken?" She felt a twinge of something looking at the photo, maybe sadness or just nostalgia. It wasn't like things were so different between them back then compared to now, but still…

“And me too!” Hercules joined in immediately after Hebe, smiling as she smiled at the photo. He thought about that day even before she mentioned it. They were at some big ass zoo when that picture was taken. Hercules had a long list of fond memories with Hebe. Whether it was on Mount Olympus and he was charming and winning her over with tales of his adventures, new and old (much to the displeasure of her mother), Hercules would never forget that bright smile she always had on her face. The smile she had right now. The smile that always made anything bad that was happening not seem as dark. Especially when Hera forced those twelve trials on him and damn Zeus did nothing to stop it. That made him who he was. That made him into the man he was right now.

And Hebe always admired that. Always loved to hear about those tales.

But he knew sometimes he could be an idiot. Not in the same way others call him an idiot, but occasionally disregarding or taking Hebe for granted. He wasn’t going to do that now. “Yeah we totally did! I think it was by the lion exhibit. I swear I wanted to take that thing on. He was taunting me.” Hercules let out a hearty laugh. The him of old wouldn’t have second-guessed himself to take on a lion. He would have hopped in there and fought the lion like it was the ancient days.

"And get us banned from the zoo? No way! I would've been so sad." The goddess shook her head emphatically as she spoke, though she remained smiling. Hercules may not take everything seriously, and more than occasionally do something that others would perceive as reckless, but that's what Hebe liked about him. Her childhood had been nothing but monotony and to be around someone so spontaneous had been refreshing. She couldn't help but lo--like that he'd always lacked the seriousness of the other Olympians.

"Plus you were kind of staring at him for a while..." She teased gently, poking him in the side. "He probably thought you liked him." Leaning closer towards the photo, she made a purposeful act of pretending to look at it more carefully. Said lion was lying in the background, probably enjoying the midday sun. “Oh no, wait...yep, he definitely looks like he was going to eat you!" Clasping her hands behind her back, she straightened her body once more, trying, and somewhat failing, to maintain a serious expression.

“He was mad dogging me!” Hercules huffed defensively. “Which I guess is ironic considering he’s a cat. Granted a very big cat a stare deadlier than my own. Or Pearl’s.” In typical Hercules fashion, he went off on a tangent and tried not to think of the scenario of being eaten by a lion. He would never be able to live it down. Taken out by a big ass kitty. The shame that would bring him!

Hercules then noticed Hebe and raised a brow at her. “You okay? Something wrong with your back? Want me to step on it? I hear that’s good for achy backs.”

"What? Oh no my back's fine thanks..." Hebe trailed off, a small frown of confusion flitting across her face, though she quickly shrugged it off.

"So...who's Pearl?" She continued, trying to act as casual as possible, but wondering whether he was talking about a mortal woman...one with super sharp nails. The idea was slightly terrifying. Hebe tried not to think about it but she was well aware that the boys at Acropolis slept with more people in a month than most people would in a lifetime. She knew the other gods thought her innocent and maybe she was, but she had been raised in the Greek pantheon. It would be foolish to deny what was right in front of her face, even if she desperately wanted to.

An audible ‘oh’ sound came from Hercules’ lips when Hebe inquired about Pearl. “Curious about her, are ya?” He teased. He put his hands on his hips, looking at Hebe and studying her expression. “Can’t say I blame ya. She’s a special girl, that Pearl of mine. Truly one of my favorite people alive on this here earth.” Hercules walked away from Hebe, hoping she’d follow him and went further into his room, closer to his bed. In the back of his mind, he decided to have some fun and got down on all fours, looking under the bed, fitting nearly his entire head under the bed. After a few moments, he looked back at a standing Hebe. “She’s usually hiding right about now. Likes to play some games. A playful little minx, that Pearl.”

Her face fell as Herc spoke, wondering why he had never spoken of this person before. Was it casual or were they dating? Maybe they were engaged! Hebe shook her head, she was being silly. It was nice that he was sharing part of his life with her, that's what friends did. Yet when he stuck his head under his bed, the goddess became utterly confused.

"What-" She opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. "It's nice to have someone that's playful…" Hebe smiled cautiously as she knelt down onto the floor. It was like checking for the monster under your bed at night, she really didn't want to but she knew she had to. Slowly she peered under, long hair pooling around her. There was silence for a few moments before Hebe suddenly let out an animated squeal. Her head popped up once again as she looked up at Herc.

"That's Pearl!? She's…she's SO ADORABLE!" If it was possible for someone's eyes to widen to cartoon size, Hebes did at that moment. "I didn't know you had a cat! Is she a cat? She's pretty big…and fluffy!" She had peaked her head under again as she spoke, watching the animal, though not wanting to get too close lest she scared it.

“Yep, that’s my Pearl!” Hercules spoke like a proud father, which honestly he really was. Pearl was his girl. “She totally loves to hide under my bed when I’m not around. That’s why it’s so high up. She chubby--”

As if she knew what he was going to say, Pearl hissed defensively.

“--My bad, drama queen.” Hercules stuck his tongue out at Pearl and shook his head. “She’s big boned and very fluffy.” He glared at Pearl who was laying on her stomach, looking directly at him and Hebe. Her ears were down, so she wasn’t on guard. “She is very temperamental. I swear I don’t know where she gets it.” Herc rambled, looking at Hebe. “Oh yeah, she’s a cat. A caracal cat, actually. Technically, they’re wild cats and probably shouldn’t be kept as a pet, but I couldn’t resist.” He thought about that for a moment. About how dangerous it technically was to have someone like Pearl in a home. She could attack someone. At the same time, she has been around everyone at Acropolis for so long that it wasn’t a big deal. “You wanna pet her?”

“Um…she won’t bite will she?” Hebe responded cautiously, still staring with half amazement and half caution at the animal. If it was anyone else she would have protested against them keeping such a wild creature but Herc had fought a whole lion. And even though she had felt sorry for the poor thing, she also knew that the god could take care of himself. “And I don’t think she’s chubby. She’s just…big boned. I bet she can jump really high, can she?” Her hand moved slowly towards Pearl, stopping in front of her nose so she could sniff her.

“She does bite, but she shouldn’t now. I’m here. Plus, she only bites when she’s hungry.” Herc spent a few moments in silence trying to remember if he fed her today or not. The silence remained as Hercules watched both Hebe and Pearl carefully with one eye on both.

Hebe was rightfully cautious. Pearl wasn’t mean or anything nor was she outrightly violent. Truth be told, Hercules hadn’t completely figured her out, but she was temperamental around new people. And around the Divine Protector, too. He was her father (in a manner of speaking) and she still gave him lip sometimes. So that made him wary for Hebe’s well-being, but Pearl didn’t seem to disapprove when she moved closer. She didn’t seem to flinch and there was even a slight affection that Pearl was displaying. She laid down on all fours, ears were back, and instead of her usual growl-hiss, she was purring, which for a caracal, it was similar to a resting jet ski that was on but not moving. And if that wasn’t the best comparison to Pearl, Hercules didn’t know what was.

“I didn’t think I’d ever see the day, but I think she likes you, Hebe!” Hercules was shocked. Pearl’s temperamental, drama bitch-ass self never liked anyone Hercules brought home. Always hiss this, growl this, ‘I’m gonna bite their face off’ that. But what was happening instead? Pearl was on all fours, purring as if Hebe was the best person in the world (she was). Not even Hercules got that treatment all of the time.

He glared at his cat, mouthing “traitor” to her, to which she purposely ignored. Shrugging it off, he looked at Hebe, nudging her shoulder. “She wants you to pet her.”

Hebe was thoroughly caught up in the joy of being allowed to pet such a cute animal; the purring was, in that moment, the sweetest sound in the world. Sitting on the floor, legs crossed, she reached over to give Pearl a gentle pat on the head. When she realized the caracal was happy with the contact, she began to scratch behind her ear, smiling as the purring reached even higher levels “Wow, I can’t believe she likes me!” She grinned, fingers still moving rhythmically atop Pearl's fur, “Maybe I smell like food or something…” Hebe paused, “Not that I smell like cat food…that’d be weird…” She trailed off, shaking her head at the idiotic word vomit which she always seemed to spew around Hercules.

“I can’t believe it either!” Hercules spoke with some genuine shock, looking at how neutral, almost looking content, as Hebe ran her small, dainty fingers atop the golden fur of his caracal. Pearl was this feisty, temperamental drama queen who was so bitchy to him when he didn’t feed her when she thought it was dinner time, yet she was a soft, pet-able, almost fourty pounds of golden-brown puddy. With everyone else, she was trying to rip their asses off their bodies.

On her mention of possibly smelling like cat food, Boy Wonder shook his head. “Nah, don’t worry that’s not it. Pearl’s diet is almost exclusively Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck--” He chuckled at his phrasing. “I mean, rabbit and duck meat.” He looked at Pearl who side-eyed him as he mentioned her diet. Of course she would have food on the mind. Fatass! “So, by process of elimination, she really likes ya!”

Hebe nodded happily. "I'm glad! I would've been so sad if she'd hated me." She looked up at Herc, soft brown eyes roaming over his face, always finding comfort in the familiarity of his features. "You must be a good owner, she seems very happy." Hebe had never considered Hercules someone who would enjoy having a pet but it suited him. A lot. It was pretty sweet really.

She paused for a moment, looking unsure of herself and not really knowing how to ask what she wanted to ask. "Would-would it be okay if I came over again sometime? Just to pet and play with her I mean. I wish I could have my own pet but work just keeps me so busy…"

“Oh yeah totally!” Boy Wonder stated without even thinking. Even after he realized it, he didn’t take it back nor would he. “I know Pearl would love that. And, I’d love it too! Sometimes people are gone when I’m here, so…you know, the company would be nice. For..both of us. You could even take Pearl to your place if you wanted to…”

And there went his mouth. Hercules typically had a bad habit of letting it run too long. In most cases, he would usually retract it completely but he didn’t feel like doing that right now. If he was being honest with himself, having Hebe around more often wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to Acropolis.

As he smiled, the air was thick with a tension of his own making. He looked at Pearl and she was laying down, more content than he’d ever seen her. It warmed his Godly heart that she seemed so relaxed around Hebe. It was nice. He liked…whatever this was. But then suddenly, he heard a loud bang.

“What was that?” Boy Wonder’s attention was immediately at the source of the noise, at his door.

And immediately, Pearl jumped up. She hissed, growled defensively and the noise continued, getting louder and louder to the point where Pearl dipped out of Hercules’ room through the window. “Well there she goes.” With a sigh, Hercules stood up and looked at Hebe. “Better go see what all the commotion is.” In the pit of his stomach, Hercules had an off feeling. Like something was on the horizon that he wasn’t anticipating. “Let’s go, Hebe!”

Present: Lord Garrett Tyrell, Leyla Tyrell & Oak the Bard

The Tyrells were incredibly rich. Perhaps an obvious statement for a family that had never hidden their wealth but nevertheless. They were used to comforts and the attendance at a tourney would do little to prevent their continued lives of ease. Their extensive entourage had meandered up from Highgarden at a leisurely pace, stopping at inns when desired and on one occasion having to double back when their Lord conveniently forgot their bard was still napping in the sunshine. He had still been asleep when they had found him, several of the soldiers hiding their laughter at the crown of daisies Oak had fashioned for himself. As it was, they had thankfully timed their journey well and arrived at the tourney with plenty of time to spare.

After several groans from their Lord and daisy crowns made, their vast collection of tents had been set up. It was more akin to a small village, each tent a different shade of green, looking from afar like small hillocks. Flowers had been brought up to Summerhall, some to give to the Lady Dyanna herself but most to adorn their campsite. The sweet smells filled the air with the scent of roses, tulips and lillies, masking the stench that only came with a gathering so large. Oak had made it his duty to hand out flowers to passersby, until he had promptly been told to cease, whilst Leyla herself had overseen the delivery of flowers to the castle. It was a trifling gesture but one she felt she needed to make.

The largest tent of all was of course reserved for the Lord Paramount himself. Partitioned into several rooms, the most sizeable one was pleasantly decorated. The earlier spoken of flowers were dotted about, accompanied by plush cushions of every colour and size. Soft drapes of silk hung from the ceiling, wafting gently in the breeze, providing a sense of privacy and intimacy. A large chaise lounge sat in pride of place, carted up from the Reach despite its heavy weight. A well built wooden table had been set up nearby, chairs dotted about, brought solely for any meetings that may...or more likely, may not, take place. Any who passed by the tent would hear the euphonious sounds of singing, the voice that sung the words undeniably beautiful, fingers passing over the lute with practiced ease. Even though bards were plentiful at the tournament many stopped for a moment to listen, drawn by the unique lyrics that spilled from one witty mouth...

A lord of flowers, a lord of woe
For his quench is not parched
And there are many a foe
His goblet tilts over
And the wine a spilleth!
Oh no he has saved it
What a wonderful--ah, fuck!-

The honey-toned narration was abruptly interrupted as the goblet came flying towards the brunette balladeer. It came at surprising speed and force yet he managed to jump out of its careening path, narrowly avoiding the splatter of crimson wine on his doublet. Oak did not miss a beat before his hands moved to strum his hand-carved lute once more, far used to having to avoid much more lethal flying objects. Now I have to confess... He sung playfully, That my boots are a mess-

"If you don't cease your infernal singing Oak, I am going to personally find a way to revive a dead dragon and then feed you to it limb by infuriating limb." Garrett snapped as he moved to lay back on his seat once more, an arm lazily slung behind his head, dark brown eyes narrowed in a withering stare at the bard in question. He paid no mind to the droplets of wine that had indeed landed on Oaks leather boots, instead lamenting the loss of his limited supply.

"Now, now. You surely must be the only sour face at this entire tourney. I think we all know who is to blame for forgetting half of our wine supplies-" Oak said pointedly, bending over to try remove some of the stain with a piece of cloth. It did little to improve matters.

"Yes. I remember very clearly." Garrett muttered, barely able to contain his fury. "I remember a certain foolish bard insisting that he could keep an eye on the wine and said bard also losing over half of everything we brought. How in the name of the seven does someone lose wine!?"

"Ah yes..." Oak paused. "It was me wasn't it. Give me a few hours and I'm sure I can charm the Redwynes into--"

"No. You damned fool, I am going to-"

"Quarreling again?" A soft voice called from outside the tent, interrupting the tirade of insults that would have been sure to spill from Garretts mouth. As it was the intrusion had been made by his sister, who offered the guards a polite smile as she entered, holding the fine swarthes of emerald green silk aside whilst she peered at the lord and his bard. "I do not think there are any in the whole of Westeros who bicker as much as you two." She teased gently, stepping into the welcoming and cool shade of the large tent. "Someone is going to suspect that you have made a friend Garrett."

This prompted a frown from the eldest Tyrell and a bright smile from Oak. She moved to embrace the bard, the action more familiar than would be expected but to most of the children he was practically one of their own. And by the time they moved apart, Leyla was laughing. Oak tended to make a different animal impression everytime one of the Tyrells hugged him. This time it had been of a goat...it was eerily similar to the real thing.

"You must stop doing that!" She said, shaking her head. "Or everyone will think we truly keep farmyard animals in our tent."

"And miss seeing you smile? Never!" Oak replied, holding a hand to his chest with a dramatic flair.

"Yes, yes. We all know that you used to live in a barn." Garrett drawled, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the edges of his lips. He made no attempt to sit up, instead motioning for a servant to bring him a new goblet.

"Actually I lived near a barn. My parents were able to afford a rather quaint cottage."

"You're mistaking me. I was referring to your home." The lord muttered, disdain dripping from every word as he took a large swig of replenished wine. Leyla and Oak shared a look. Though the Paramount of the Reach had never been one to mince his words, he appeared to be in a particularly foul mood today. Oak tried and failed to - erratically and with a lot of gesticulating - act out his loss of the wine supplies but only succeeded in confusing the young girl further. Eventually they gave up, turning to face Garrett who was looking increasingly murderous.

Leyla took a seat beside her brother, straightening out her gowns skirt before shifting to offer Garrett a hesitant smile. "Everything appears to be in order. It seems we have a lot of vassal houses in attendance and I was thinking perhaps it would be a good opportunity to work on our relationships with them. I do fear we have been neglecting them since..." Leyla trailed off, her face falling. "Well, anyway, we have all been rather busy this past year I suppose."

Garrett sighed loudly. "You can say it Leyla. Since father is no longer around to charm them, everyone is terribly unhappy. They live in the most bountiful and populous area of Westeros. If they are not happy with that then nothing I can do will satisfy them."

"If you were just to speak to them. It might do something to ease their concerns..." She pleaded softly, eyes widening in unease of her own.

"Did grandmother ask you to lecture me so?"

"Please, brother-"

"Okay fine." He muttered, keen to finish the conversation as he glared into the last dregs of wine clinging to the polished bottom of his goblet. "I will consider it." Leyla simply nodded in reply, moving to leave the tent before Garrett held up a hand embellished by several fine silver rings. "Oh sister...before you go. You should meet with the Lannisters today. I'm sure you won't be able to miss their tent, it's usually garish enough."

"Oh...of course." She answered hesitantly. "Though may I ask why?"

"You are to marry one of them...Loreon? Yes, that's the one. Anyway grandmother insisted that it was my duty to tell you, though it is all rather a bore." He waved a dismissive hand at the thought before standing, traipsing out of the tent and leaving his sister to contemplate this unexpected news. She stood still as a statue and it was all Oak could do to offer her a small smile & a squeeze of her shoulder before following in the shadow of the young lord, almost tripping in his haste to catch up. Overtaking Garrett, he turned so he was facing him, walking backwards whilst keeping the same pace. Anyone else would have sensed the dark waves of displeasure rolling off the oldest Tyrell but Oak was either utterly oblivious or foolishly brave. He tucked his hands into his pockets, opening his mouth a few times before finally speaking. "If I may offer one tiny, miniscule, trifling piece of advice?"

Garrett remained silent, which the bard took as his cue to continue.

"You could have broken the news more gently."

"First of all, it is none of your business.' Garrett muttered. 'Secondly, my sister has never expressed any desire to enter into marriage and she would take the announcement badly no matter how I put it. I was simply creating a clean wound, one which will heal more quickly."


"No buts. I am already driven to irritation by the mere thought of political alliances and now I desire to drink myself into a comfortable stupor. So, you can either join me in silence or find someone else to annoy." He raised an eyebrow nonchalantly, walking ahead without waiting for an answer. Oak pouted and folded his arms against his chest but did not leave his lords side, the pair strolling towards the hustle and bustle that was flowing as if a torrent of water (or wine) from the Redwynes pavillion.

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