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(1 unused cultural affinity points)
Warmongerers / Military Production: 3
Scientists / Research Income: 6
Theologians / Faith Income: 5

Race Name: Eira (Eiran)

Name of Faction: Aria Duodecium (or, The Eiran Confederacy, Confederacy of the 12 moons)

Government Structure: Confederacy, each moon has a different exact structure of power, but all are general variations of Athenian Democracy, with any number of counties and a commonly employed system of Single transferable voting. However, some moons occasionally shift into periods of Anarchy.

Race Biology: From a scientific perspective, the Eira closely resemble humans, internally, at least. Aesthetically, they differ greatly, melanin in Eira gives each member a varying shade of a gray sin hue. Their eyes are larger than Human eyes, and each contain four separate, large pupils. It's takes much longer for muscle to develop in the Eira body, their bones are structured different, making them much light, and the Eira, on average, are smaller than humans. Females tend to be larger than males, and females outnumber males 3:2. They are cold-blooded, and as opposed to the typical hemoglobin contained in blood, Eira blood has hemoglobin, meaning their blood is blue. Each Eira possesses 3 pairs of large, insectoid wings sprouting from their back, these wings continually shed and regrow their entire life. The Eira have sugar and liquid based diets, they reach sexual maturity at the age of 15 and have an average lifespan of 40 years.

Cultural History: The planet the Eiran moons orbit, Aria, is a barren, toxic wasteland, filled with many precious resources that keep the Eiran Confederacy strong-- the first resource Aria gave, was the gift of life. Several hundred thousand years ago, Aria had 13 unoccupied moons with very unique ecosystems-- this was until an event know as "the first melody" and the legendary 13th moon, known as Oraiaphonia roughly translated as 'Orpheus,' 'the bringer of life and darkness,' or 'the great separator,' jump-started Eiran growth. For as of yet unexplained causes, Oraiaphonia collided with Aria, causing the first melody, a planetary impact strong enough to send the amino acids and bases for the genetic code of all Eira to all 12 moons, where primordial soups were all waiting for the final ingredients of life. These events became known as the first concerts, they came in the form of meteor showers created by the first melody, this created the Eira, and their growing knowledge and appreciation of these events has had a great effect on each moon. While all socially and culturally diverse, especially after centuries of isolation before interplanetary communication and eventually space travel made the Confederacy proper possible, they all appreciate the common genetic code and origin they share. Although science proves more about their origins each day, like that Oraiaphonia was significantly larger than any of the other 12 moons, and may have even been a super asteroid or rouge dwarf planet, and that Aria itself was once populated by a great civilization that was destroyed by the first melody, many still worship Aria and Oraiaphonia as deities.

While similar in many regards, each planet does have a distinct culture;
  • Lilith: Generalists and imperialists of the confederacy, they achieved space flight before anyone else and carved out a considerable chunk of Aria's moons for themselves before treaties and alliances led to the Confederacy. Held the first inter lunar war to acquire Ray as a territory. The most populous and largest lunar state of the Aria Duodecium, they generally handle the interstellar politics of the Confederacy. Their moons tend to be warm and temperate.

  • Lilium Territory (Ray): The former 'first colony' they were the first to make contact with the other moons through the use of messenger rockets and radio, they directly influenced the technical advancement of the other moons. They were absorbed by Lilith after the loss of the First Lunar War. Their moon is tepid and second in natural resources only to Aria itself.

  • Eotn: Eotn is a moon of inventors and artists, being the closest moon to Lilith should have meant absorption, the creative people of Eotn were able to stave off Lilith, through political agreements, treaties, alliances, and the creation of culture the entire Aria Duodecium can appreciate. The were one of the moons to lead the charge in the creation of the Confederacy. Eotn is very mountainous, although the mountains (and the moon itself) are hollow, wind makes the landscape play music.

  • New Lilith: Moon conquered by Lilith. Warm and tropical.

  • Eiran Freezone-1: While not technically a member moon of Lilith, the Freezones, through a series of treaties with individual representatives, provide resources to Lilith while also getting to be members of the Confederacy and remaining free. Freezone-1 is 80% water, with tropical and arctic islands few and far in between.

  • 67E: While being the smallest moon in the Aria belt, 67E makes up for it with ingenuity. The entire planet is an industrial powerhouse, composed almost entirely of impossibly tall and high-tech skyscrapers. 67E is the embodiment of Aria Duodecium's scientific ability.

  • Eiran Freezone-2:] Freezone-2 is perpetually in the shadow of either Aria or other moons, as such it receives very little light. It is a sparsely populated arctic tundra.

  • Eiran Freezone-3: Freezone-3 is polluted with smog and the litter brought about by being in a near perpetual state of war, it is also the moon that seems to attract the most meteor showers, even acting as a "meteor rod" of sorts. The environment is broken and post apocalyptic.

  • Avea: Avea is like Eotn with no inventors, and twice as many artists of all kinds. While Eotn provides significant culture, Avea is the postmodernist, cosmopolitan, cultural center of Aria Duodecium, giving the height of all from physical art to media forms. Avea climate is in a state of constant flux.

  • Y'vale: Y'vale is the secretive planet that serves as the Aria Duodecium's religious capital. not much is known about Y'vale, but it does have an alliance basically surrendering itself as an ally to 67E. Y'vale is in a near constant state of sunshine and is a desert.

  • Lilith-2: Temperate and warm.

  • Rex: Rex is a barren dead moon. But after the creation of the Confederacy, the final moon was seen as the perfect place to muster all of the military might of the Aria Duodecium's military might that doesn't consist of Self-Defense forces. The moon bases hold all from vehicles, to troops, to weapons and most are underground, leaving the moon to appear still mostly barren and white.

Social Structure: Being a confederacy, the Aria Duodecium is only led loosely, with each final decision being left up to the planets. It is run through a democratically elected think tank, who are advised by (arguably) democratically elected leaders from the various representative districts on all of the moons, each Lunar state is given power respective to it's portion of the over all Eira population; Lilith ((Lilith, New Lilith, Lilith-2, and the Lilium Territory) with each Eiran Freezone giving it's think tank power to Lilith, via treaty, and abstaining on exercising any representative power), Eotn, the alliance of 67E and Y'Vale, Avea, and Rex. Lilith receives 3 confederate think tank members, each other Lunar state receives one (including the Y'valian/67Eth alliance). While this is how the confederacy is presented on an intergalactic level, on a lunar level, each lunar state has it's own social structure:
  • Lilith: Athenian Democracy

  • Lilium Territory (Ray): Athenian Democracy

  • Eotn: General Democracy

  • New Lilith: Athenian Democracy

  • Eiran Freezone-1: Sustained Anarchy

  • 67E: Rule by think tank

  • Eiran Freezone-2: Sustained Anarchy

  • Eiran Freezone-3: Sustained Anarchy

  • Avea: Post-anarchism (Small city states with Democratically elected think tanks)

  • Y'vale: Post-anarchism (Small despotic and plutocratic city states)

  • Lilith-2: Athenian Democracy

  • Rex: Democratically elected Military Junta

Reaction to Aliens: General apathy
Two Avean youths watched as the sky exploded into a cacophony of new lights and sights they had never seen before, it was a beautiful arrangement of white twinkling lights making fantastic shapes, and clouds and nebula's of all different colors, comets buzzed by as space came to life in a way that had never been seen since the first melody. It was truly an astronomical and amazing sight, for the void to become such light and light, especially for the Eiran, who were undoubtedly used to such oppressive darkness.

Boo, the younger of the two, looked in relative wonder and said, "Wow, what do you think about that?" His black irises, filling with the gleaming white lights of space, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Ka, the older, was visually moved for a few seconds, before he motioned to return indoors. "It's alright, I guess." He opened the door, taking a final, almost wistful look. "Let's go play a mental uplink."

Boo let out a squeal and flew, weakly following his brother indoors.

Name: Tyler Sacha Cardwell (pronounced SA-SHA), "Doc"

  • Biological - 39

  • Actual - 239

Ethnicity/Birth Place: Liberian-Jamaican, Born in Monrovia, Liberia; raised in the US, Jamaica and Liberia

Gender: Male


Personality: Tyler is a pragmatist. He was raised by strict parents with very real financial restraints, as such, he was taught young to remember he was blessed to have what little he was given, and that it would be a sin to waste any of it. Although his religious views may have changed with time, the ideology that waste and needless consumption are bad things have stayed with him. He is easily consumed by his work and adopts a very serious persona while chipping away at a project, even having the tendency to fill his idle time with busy work simply to avoid having nothing to do. He very easily represses any stress he may feel with a smile and has a tendency to lean toward isolationism. While he is a generally warm person, he uses work as a mechanism to avoid the dangers of companionship. He holds a belief in many old world forms of medical diagnoses and would best describe his personality as the temperaments Supine and Phlegmatic.

Biography: Tyler was born in Monrovia on August, 1st of 1990. Fortunate timing, his birth was exactly one month before the fighting of the First Liberian Civil War reached the city, and by August, 15th, his Jamaican father was able to arrange an escape from the country for himself, his newly wed wife, and his baby son. It took negotiations, but the young family was able to flee 5 days before September, the assassination of Samuel Doe, 5 days before fighting broke out in the streets of Monrovia and more armed conflict. Once the family settled, living with Tyler's fathers extended family in Jamaica, thankfully the rest of his first year of life was relatively peaceful. Growing up in the Caribbean exposed Tyler to the cultures of the world, in the form of tourists, dangers, such as hurricanes and a general lack of infrastructure in the country, and the wonders of the beautiful island. All of this was tempered by love and a strict upbringing from his parents, as well as a strong sense of duty instilled in him by his religious relatives.

While considering Jamaica a home, Liberia was also where half of his family lived, Jamaica may have been his father country, but Liberia was Tyler's motherland. That's why in 2005, at the age of 14, Tyler and his family moved back to Monrovia after the end of the Second Liberian Civil War and the first democratic election in the country's history. This shift, from veritable island paradise, to war torn city, greatly affected the young Tyler's perspective. Where in Jamaica he was more prone to loud outbursts, and tempered his chores with play time, the sudden culture shock of being exposed to what was literally a new country and new side of his family to him made him much more reserved. He began dedicating more of his time to the welfare of his family, and his country in general, becoming almost obsessed with community service whenever he wasn't utilizing whatever schooling was available.

At University age, he utilized a scholarship and dutifully attended the University of Liberia, it was there that he discovered his interest in medicine. After earning his Bachelor's from the African university, he received another scholarship that allowed him to attend medical school in America. Although his scholarships were full, their conditions left little room for error, combined with his already reserved and serious nature-- his secondary education was always the priority, he found little time for socialization. Still, by the age of 28, Tyler had earned his degree, although his specialties (General practice, Tropical medicine, Cardiology and Hematology), would mean another 8 years of residency and fellowships. This time was spent island hopping, taking advantage of his Jamaican citizenship, he spent his residency exploring the Caribbean, receiving training from some of the best doctor's in the field in Cuba, and actively practicing in some of the more remote regions of the islands. While still almost always 'at work,' this was the first point in a long time in Tyler's life he had received a real break from the constant focus on service to others, it was during this period that he made the discovery that he hadn't been living for himself since he was a young boy in Jamaica.

This reprise and period of self-discovery didn't last long however, at the request of aging family, he spent the last few years of his cardiology/hematology fellowship in Monrovia, taking care of aging family. This would continue until, at the age of 35, Tyler decided to actively make a change in his life, and being aptly qualified, he joined Médecins Sans Frontières, to put his skills to use in the region as a whole. While still acting under the scrutiny of a traditionalist family, and using his work to fill up his void of a social life, he found the exciting and morally rewarding life fun, and he was happy. He even found, in his fellow doctors, companionship and romantic relationships. This, of course, was until the plague got really bad. Médecins Sans Frontières were among the first response groups when it came to aid and attempted medical treatment, with Tyler on the front lines. He was exposed to the plague first hand, and saw the chaos it created-- someone like him, an overqualified doctor who had come into close contact without dying-- was invaluable, NASA contacted him about volunteering, having seen his colleagues die, and knowing his family was slowly dying, he went, having nothing left on Earth.

Old World Profession: Doctor; As a seasoned medic with Médecins Sans Frontières, Sacha is used to working efficiently with minimal or no equipment to treat severe injuries and ailments, working on or around battlefields has hardened him to the stresses associated with working in war-zone, and frequent under-financed work has also driven him to become quite resourceful when faced with injuries and dangerous situations.

Other: Has experience with the use of stealth on a battlefield.

Sample Post:
Gritty coughs came out of the phone speaker before that familiar, accented voice filled his ears, "I've been here my whole life, child..." it was the voice of his mother, a voice that held memories both good and bad, but in this moment, hearing her like this, with where he was headed, filled him with nothing but an incredibly potent sense of dread.

Absolute loss.

"Ma," Tyler began, he ran another red light while doing so, he was behind schedule, and he definitely didn't intend on being late for a space shuttle, there really weren't any other drivers to be worried about anyway, police even less so, "It'll be just like when I was a kid, just leave the city for a little bit and then come out when things cool down."

An uncomfortable pause. Tyler turned onto the freeway, just like the streets-- deserted. He was pretty sure the GPS still worked-- where were the other volunteers? Already there? He applied pressure to the peddle, he didn't need to pay attention to his speed, the freeway was desolate. In the distance he could see the rising structure that was the launch pad, the last week had been nothing but simulations and briefings. He was definitely ready for whatever came next, but that didn't stop the anxiety, Tyler supposed that was natural, 20 years of medical experience and he was about to become a human Popsicle in space. The exit would be coming up shortly...

His mother broke the silence. "We should have stood by our city..." More coughing. It was early stages of the plague. All he could do was identify it-- he couldn't help her, his mother, the woman who birthed him--

"Maybe we should have..." Tyler agreed idly, yawning unintentionally. He slowed down the generic rental as he approached the exit. He could see the spacecraft on the launchpad in the distance now, it was visually impressive. As well as intimidating. He drove slow as the car made it's way to the space center, the vehicle making the only sounds in the still dawn. As he chipped away at the distance between himself and the space center, he realized that this was probably his last opportunity to talk to her, his father and colleagues were dead and his family scattered, he had already made his peace and done his crying... But this? This was something more profound.

This was the last conversation of his old life.

"T-- you couldn't have stood!"

This got a chuckle out of him, "I know, Ma."

Another coughing fit, she sounded wearier after each word, "Still... I will stand by my city now... as your father does for his.."

"Yeah, Ma. Do it for me, too."

"S-such a good boy." She was wheezing with each breath now, she would pass out soon. "Finding the cure... so we can all be t-together... m-my son the doctor..." her voice trailed off. She had no clue what NASA actually wanted him for, she just assumed he was working hard for a cure, he didn't have the heart to tell her to abandon hop on her deathbed.

Didn't have the heart to tell her that he had failed.

"Ma?" worry filled his speech, he could see NASA scientists rushing toward his car to greet him, he would have to go soon, and she may have minutes of life-- or at least consciousness-- left, maybe even seconds. "Mom!?"

"Mmmm?" She was lackadaisical, nonchalant. She was almost out-- so much left unsaid, so many issues left unresolved-- and he had-- MAYBE seconds left. The car came to a stop in front of the Space center. He'd be lulled into unconsciousness in a manner of minutes too, the difference is that he'd only be gone for 50 years, she'd be gone forever.

"I love you, Ma."
Name: Evelyn 'Eve' Nevea

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Homo/Heteroflexible


Personality: Eve is the direct result of what happens when an already lazy and introspective person takes a philosophy class too seriously. An exposure to, and appreciation of Nihilism, Epicureanism, and Hedonism have greatly influenced Eve's outlook and approach to life. Her priorities have changed from those of the average late high schooler, to those concerning her own pleasure in the now. This, and her general apathy toward institutions she doesn't see as providing pleasure, led to her inevitable dropping out of school. While not particularly inspired to preform well in school, she does have several interests, including music and film, and she is a gifted conversationalist. Despite being a 'Burnout' Eve is able to discuss most anything with an intellectual fervor, ranging from world history and politics, to cartoons and which drugs go best with them.

She has a chill and laid back aura about her that seems so thick that at times her mere presence can slow down a room; while her capricious and unpredictable attitude can speed it right back up. In short, Eve is something of a cross between a beatnik, a stoner, and a hippie. Not quite a "rebel without a cause," in that she is aware of plenty of causes, she's simply too lazy and generally uninspired to do something to enact serious change.

History: Born to a French-Cuban mother and Spanish father, Eve is actually a native of the Catalonia region of Spain. She was born out of wed-lock and spent the majority of her young life not knowing what the concept of father even meant, or that she even had one. Her mother was of little means, but did all she could to provide Eve with a healthy, carefree and loving environment, greatly influencing the person Eve would become. She had no real permanence present in her life beside her mother, and as such, the two became inseparably close, as her mother went from city to city, from job to job, Eve followed going from school to school, never staying a particular location much longer than a year.

Evelyn had been old enough (at the age of 14) to know that her mother had been using online dating to substitute for her lack of a real love life, so when she received the news that they would be going to the United States to stay with the boyfriend her mother had met online she wasn't very surprised. She was surprised, however, when 3 months later they announced their marriage plans. It wasn't the change of countries that surprised her, it was the introduction of two male figures in her life, a brother and father. These changes, her general attitude, and the shift from Spanish education to American could all be considered the reason that, three years later, at the age of 17, she dropped out of High School and went the route of GED (which took her a year to get). She has a perfect relationship with her mother, is on god terms with her step-father and considers her step brother her best friend. While currently enrolled in a shitty community college, she wasn't supposed to be able to go on this trip-- it was intended as a reward for her step-brother-- but through lies told to her parents and an illicitly obtained buddy pass, she finds herself going anyway.

Room Preference: 3

  • David Nevea-Holly - Considers him to be her best friend, soul brother, and apprentice to all she knows. She sees him as much more than a mere step-brother. Being around him gives her something of a paternal confidence, although she can be rather forceful with him. Affectionately known as "Davy."

  • Jenny "Jiyeon" Miller - Friend, may hold romantic feelings toward

  • Richard Miller - Friend

  • Hailey Rhodes - Friend/artistic fan

  • Anna Calloway - Good friend

Name: David Nevea-Holly

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual (confused)


Personality: David is a passive and quiet individual, although capable of shedding these traits around someone he is comfortable with, his snarky outlooks generally push people away. As a result, he suffers from an extreme lack of self-confidence, has a very low opinion of himself, and generally does whatever is asked of him. His day-to-day personality is meek, insecure, and indecisive, shaped by his constant fear of being hurt by his relationships with others. Although this is the only way he can cope when dealing with people, it hinders his interactions with his family and and his schoolmates. With loneliness, comes an appreciation of introspection and activities that don't require company. David, as a result is extremely studious and well-read, even graduating a year early, although he is very socially maladjusted.

History: David's turn to mental and social isolationism began with the death of his mother at the tender age of 7. While he wasn't present for the car accident that put her into critical condition, he was by her bedside for the moment of her death, with the mere image of her on her deathbed being a regularly occurring nightmare for him. After her death, his father, already something of a drinker, retreated into full alcoholism for a number of years, getting so bad at one point that David needed to be placed under the care of his Grandmother while his father attended a full rehabilitation program. During this time, David found himself retreating into schoolwork, studying and fictional mediums of entertainment.

David, at the age of 9, legally adopted his mother's last name.

When he was 10 he was returned to life with his father, and while both were resigned around each other, there was a mutual love. It wasn't until he was 12, however, when he first showed signs of breaking out of might very well have been a clinical depression. His step-mother gave him a mother figure he could bond with, and Eve, his step-sister, a person who he could call a friend and protector, even. His already phenomenal performance has increased, to the point he was able to graduate a year early, this trip to Rio is his reward for that accomplishment.

Room Preference: 4

  • Evelyn Nevea - His step-sister, he considers her a close confidant and friend. While he does appreciate her, he cant understand what she sees in him and is prone to thinking her "overbearing big sister thing" is more of an act than anything else. Depending on his mood, being around her either increases his confidence or allows him to fall even deeper into his passive attitude.

  • Thomas Attison - Intellectual rival

  • Hailey Rhodes - Known through Evelyn, on good terms

  • Anna Calloway - Known through Evelyn

  • Jenny "Jiyeon" Miller - Something of a friend, known through Evelyn, seen regularly

  • Richard Miller - Something of a friend, known through Evelyn, seen regularly
Isaac said "Technician Isaac Adapt, seems to be a fine ship, wonder how its computer systems work ma'am"

He seemed... Nervous maybe? Not physically intimidated-- she was barely half his size! It could have been a sexual attraction? That would certainly make getting in his pants easier... Couldn't even go an hour with them before you try and get some, could you? As she brushed the thought away, she could the 'ma'am' part of Isaac's response. This guy was no stranger to military manners.

Isaac said "Who is your friend Ma'am?"

"Who, you mean Gogo?" Kukcoo responded, looking back at her 'friend' falling asleep on the top of one of the crates, in a manner similar to that of an Earthling feline. "She's not really what I'd call a 'friend'" She said, air quoting the word for emphasis, "She's more like... An acquaintance by blood," She paused to lean against the wall next to the... man? He looked enough Earthling enough, but she had been to enough Igrissi brothels to know that looks do NOT mean everything.

"Anyway Isaac," she began, not asking if he minded being called by his first name, " 'Ma'am' is what you call my mother and other old women you don't know very well," removing a zero-G cigarette from her bag, she removed the auto-ignition strip and took a puff before continuing, "My first name is fine, I imagine we'll all get pretty close in the coming months, better to do away with pointless formalities sooner than later."

Gogo let out a loud snore before Kukcoo continued, "Technician..." She said, half to herself between puffs of the cigarette, "Tell me Isaac; does being a technician make you happy?"
Drake Baku said forgot their names, kuckoo and something (is it bad if I say I only remembered that name to that extend cause it reminds me of a chicken?)

N-no, t-that's alright. I don't m-mind that at all senpai.

Also, it'll be interesting to see Kukcoo and Gunnos' interactions, the nymphs are descended from Korrvain exiles and while it's not explicitly stated there is some general resentment toward the "true" korrvain that many of the nymphs harbor.
Kukcoo & Gogo Dido

"Gods, I am so bored!" A loud, shrill, and annoying voice entered the warehouse where the future crew of the Exeralune had been meandering. The voice belonged to Gogo Dido, a Korrvain Nymph with a choleric temperament and a stature that Napoleon would chuckle at. She walked briskly, uncomfortably, she fidgeted in her newly fitted "security personnel" uniform as she looked for a crate to settle down against.

"We just got here, Go, please don't have another heart attack." A smokey, sultry voice followed, twice as calm as Gogo's and half as loud. It belonged to Kukcoo Dido, she coolly traced the steps of her cousin, taking off her small red hood in order to avoid possibly offending her future crew mates, she gingerly placed it inside her messenger bag and surveyed the room. Not many fliers, she noted-- that would make escape in the even of a disaster quite easy, the warehouse was large, but only had a few ground level exits, her best bet would be to hope her gravity boots could break the skylight--

"SO YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHY YOU HAD TO WEAR A UNIFORM!" Her cousin's shout brought Kuckcoo out of her reverie. Right, Gogo was here, the events of the past few days had the perfect combination of life altering and mundane, and looking back, it had all transpired at such a breakneck speed, that she didn't really remember all of it. Why DID she not need to wear a uniform?

Mid-thought, her mouth moved before her mind could catch up, "Because, high level personnel receive more leeway when it comes to things like that, also, uniforms are mostly ceremonial, Field Tacticians don't usually get invited to those things-- Oh! And there always that you don't want an IGCP spy actually seen in uniform, that pretty much say "allegiance with enemy, do not trust" when I'm in enemy territory..."

"Ok, geeze, I asked for a reason not a fucking thesis." Crude as always, Gogo. At least she had seemed to find a crate to jump up onto and complain about the wait. She just woke up this morning, found out Kukcoo was assigned to this mission, and applied because she 'wanted quality time with her blood,' outside of some checkpoints and a fitting for the security uniform, she didn't really have a right to complain. Kukcoo had bee in and out of briefings on the galactic importance of this mission and why someone with a 0-death track record like hers was selected. The checkpoints to get this warehouse were a breeze. Comparatively.

No longer having to worry bout Gogo, Kukcoo took the opportunity to really observe the culturally diverse room that contained her soon crew, her stature limited her field of vision, but she could at least HEAR things! And what she could see seemed promising, besides Gogo and herself this room seemed to be full of the absolute best! Maybe she had been too anxious about all this? They seemed experienced, and some of them even struck her as attractive! And if it did suck she could just listen to music in her chambers all day!

Figuring she introduce herself to someone, partly to get to know her crew and partly to pass the time. The closest person to her was a humanoid leaning against a wall on the warehouse, his hair was styled into a pony tail and he had a large scar across his face. "Hi." She said, in a loud voice, bridging the disparity between their heights, "Field Commander and Tactician Kuckoo Dido-- enjoying that view of the ship?"
Aww yeah.
Gotcha. Will do next time.
ImportantNobody said This is just a random idea that we could do for fun, but how about on the side some of us could play a "tabletop game" (played on the computer) similar to risk but uses a bunch of different Andreemea races to bring in different advantages, disadvantages, and abilities to the pieces rather then a bunch of generic soldiers who all do the same thing. You'd also get combat "cards" (being on the computer, they'd all be digital, picking them based on the honor system with random number generators) that you can more choose your attack and defense rather than random dice rolling. For example, you draw a 1 attack 4 defense card, a 5 attack 4 defense card, and a 2 attack 1 defense card. You decide if you wish to go all out and add 5 attack or 2 attack for your next attack, probably depending on how badly you want the opposing army dead and how much total attack you'd probably need to eliminate the piece. Of course if you only have the 1 attack 4 defense card then you'd have to decide if it's even worth using it for attack or if you should save it for defense. The combat cards can be seen like handing out resources such as weapons, shields, etc. You'd draw recruitment cards to put the armies on the board. The Molluun cards would likely be weak, like a base of 2 attack and 3 defense, but they have an ability where if they don't attack that turn they can go into their shells to raise their defense to 7, which is considerable. This would allow the super cheap to deploy Molluun to hold off even moderately powerful enemies from getting through choke points unless they end up wasting a high attack card to help break through the 7 defense rating. If you really, really needed those molluun to hold off the enemy for another turn, you could save up a high defense rating combat card for that instance, making you need to carefully plan when you need to save up and when you need to go all out. So for example, you could have an army sacrifice themselves as a diversion while you build up better combat cards to allow your important, elite troops a chance to come back for the win.Of course there are some abilities like stealth, so if you see a race approaching who can use stealth, you need to plan for them using a card with that ability to move past your defenses. So some races you might fear their ability so target them to avoid something that could happen rather than simply attack the highest attack rating race (such as the Inorr). Some races are better than others, even if they all can be useful under certain circumstances. Plus some are cheaper to deploy, so rather than say you can deploy 10 armies, you'd get 10 points worth of deployment, which some really powerful ones could take more than half of that number.There would probably be attack ranges, meaning rather than planets it would be a battlefield setting. This allows for snipers to be put into consideration as well as things like missile launching vehicles that stay back a bit, so you have to send armies to try and reach them.Oh, and the cards would have HP. If an army takes damage but not enough damage to destroy them on a single turn, you can pay on your turn to replenish their forces back to full. That means you sometimes need to combine your attacks on one unit to wipe it out and keep it from replenishing. This allows some races with horrible defense and offense to seemingly keep on fighting and fighting until being completely obliterated. It would also save your favorite, vital unit from getting one lucky hit on them and being killed off entirely, which would be infuriating.Individual characters could act as an entire army. Army here is used loosely. The armies in this game are more like squads.Does this sound cool? Anyone interested?

I think that sounds really cool! Would changes in this game be seen as changes in the actual Andreemea at large that we could see the effects of in the RP?
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