Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There were those that looked to the sky, to the stars, with wonder.
Then there were those who looked to the Earth to remember.
They would not soon forget, but the long journey would push it into the farthest part of their minds.
They would dream of it though, dream of home.
A home that would not be the same upon their return.

In the year 2022, a terrible plague had begun to work itself into the human population. It did not start with the third world countries, nor did it start with animals or villages. No, this plague started in the great metropolis's of mankind. The once grand skyscrapers and metros became no more than stark reminders of what once was, and what had become. Bustling sidewalks, noisy streets, and crowded buildings gave way to roaming wildlife and flora. The plague did not wipe out mankind in one single swoop, nor was it hidden from the masses. This plague was well known and documented, two years before it began to wreak havoc on the planet. Still, the plague managed to spread, and with every new victim, it's power grew.

But we back track. It was the CDC that first discovered the plague. Mankind thought itself to be fortunate that a Center for Disease Control would discover a new plague before it could spread into the populace. Vaccinations were developed, medications, and naturalistic remedies. All major news channels across the world covered every new development related to this plague, the eyes of the world were upon this disease. After months, it finally appeared to be completely under control. But that was not the case. The medications did nothing to stave off the plague, in fact, they had the same effect that sugar pills would have had. The plague worked in a mysterious way. The vaccination did not work against the plague, but instead, it worked for it. The vaccine was an incubator for the plague, it allowed it to grow and adapt within it's victims before spreading through the rest of the population.

When the plague finally hit, it hit hard. Major cities around the world were the first to fall. Within days they were deserted wastelands. Within months it spread into the suburbs, and then into the countryside. By the year 2027, the prediction was total annihilation. That was, until a plan was devised. Of all the people and organizations to come up with a solution to the inevitable extinction of mankind, it was NASA who stepped forth. With much technological advancements behind them, NASA was able to come up with an unexpected solution. In order to save mankind, 20,000 people from across the planet would be launched into space, eventually to be frozen, cryogenics. The only problem that NASA could not figure out was the problem of volunteers.

In 2029, the plan was put into motion, the volunteers found. And in 2030, the ships were launched.

The plan was explained to the population in a very simple way. Each vessel would be like a lego piece, carrying only 100 persons. Once in space, they would attach (much like legos do) to form a bigger vessel that would house all 20,000 of them. Then it would go dark. The vessel would idle for 50 years, and then return to the surface. The short time span would give them a chance to return home in time to meet any family in the event that the plague could be stopped. It was a very sound plan, almost flawless.


At some point during the 50 year span, early in it, the plague suddenly died out. The human race was on the cliff's edge, and then suddenly the threat disappeared. That was not before the majority of the race could be exterminated.

And that was the last of the data transmitted to the vessel.

Shortly before the vessel was to return planet-side, a meteorite shower hit. It had devastating results. All of the smaller vessels, save for one, were destroyed. People, frozen in time, were launched into the dark abyss of space. That was not the only damage however. The cryogenic machine was altered in the shower, changing the time setting from 50 years to 200 years.

And so it was, the long journey had begun. Men and women from the 21st century, to be launched into the 23rd. The world they left, would have been a lovely place compared to what they would return to.

Now We Jump Forward
The year is 2230. Just above the planet Earth, a lone vessel floats, waiting to be awakened. Once it housed 100 frozen, yet living, human beings. That number has since dropped. Malfunctions killed a majority of the remaining 100 inhabitants of the vessel, leaving only 10 (including myself). Soon the ship will return to life and chart a course for Earth, and when it lands, what remains of the passengers will be awakened. The men and women that survived, were forced into the long journey. They were lured to the ship with lies of testing, and they were frozen against their wills. The promise of returning in 50 years to their loved ones would never be fulfilled. However, they will return. The planet they left behind was filled with disease and on the brink of total destruction. They will wish that they could return to that.

The sprawling cities, downtown metros, of mankind, have given way to wastelands that are filled to the brim with mutated abominations. The plague returned eventually, but not to kill, to mutate. Those infected did not become zombies, they became something far worse. The plague twisted their minds and physiques, forming cannibalistic monstrosities. What remains of the human population dares not enter the cities, but rather lives in settlements in the countryside and on boats. Atmospheric changes have created unpredictable weather. In the 200 years since their departure, the remnants of mankind were not able to rejuvenate. There are humans on the planet, but the number is not nearly as close as it used to be.

The passengers are going home, but not the home that they left.

Things to know
The exact number of remaining humans on Earth is unknown. There are enough of them to have settlements spread out across the wasteland, but the settlements rarely have a number of citizens higher than 500-1000.

Every downtown area is home to the mutants. They are not zombies. They do not infect others and spread their disease. They simple hunt, kill, and eat. The mutants are, for the most part, instinct driven in their actions. But, they are able to reason as well. The mutants are known to set traps, track their pray, and hunt in packs. It is theorized that they can also communicate in whatever language they once spoke, but that is not a proven theory.

There are still four seasons, but they are much more harsh. The northern parts of the world deal with a much more frigid winter. Tropical storms hit in a higher frequency around the equator. Sandstorms are frequent as well in certain areas.

There are ruins of the old world all over the place. Many small towns and suburbs lie dormant and unoccupied.

Cars still run, as long as they are maintained. Many groups went out of their way to find and store large amounts of gasoline, as well as finding a way to produce it.

Character Sheet
Name: (First, Last, and any nicknames)

Age: (Two numbers. The age at the time of being frozen and the technical age that they are now. The first age is how they will look. If they were 24 when they were frozen, they will still have the physique of a 24 year old and the physical capabilities)

Ethnicity/Birth Place: (This can be Chinese born in South Africa for all I care. Just make sure that it is explained in the Biography)


Appearance: (A description is preferred but pictures are alright. If you use a picture than put it in a spoiler or hider so it does not take up too much space on the list)

Personality: (This is completely optional.)

Biography: ( At least two paragraphs)

Old World Profession: (Job that the character held before being frozen, and any relevant skills)

Other: (Extra information you would like me to know}

Sample Post: (This will help me gauge what kind of posts I can expect. I would like a specific topic to be posted here. Your character's last moments before being frozen. The lead up so to speak. At least two paragraphs)

Character List
Something is not working right with quotes and I cannot get all the information in. The same is going for copy and paste. So for now, I am going to just post the person's name with a number next to it which is the page that their character sheet is on.

Whirlwind: 1
MattParker: 1
Enalais: 1
McHaggis: 1
Jel: 1
Darcs: 1
Vertical: 2
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
Avatar of Whirlwind

Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I hope this is ok! I was rushing just a bit since I'm about to head to bed.

Name: Raina Jean Long

Age: 25 when frozen ; 226 years alive now

Ethnicity/Birth Place: Caucasian/Iowa, USA

Gender: Female

Personality: A good liar, known for being a skeptic, it was a bit of a ripple among the writing community when such a young and out there personality became a representative for the nation. She was known for believing most supernatural stories and conspiracy theories. Perhaps even considered a modern day hippie. In person though, she is smooth and charming, using little nuances in her expressions and lilts in her voice to convince someone of anything just about. Because of her voice in person and on paper, that’s what makes her more likable than her actual self, which is usually pretty selfish and conniving.

Biography: Raina was born in Farmington, Iowa. Her mother was a stay at home mom who often made and sold crafts or baked goods to the locals for extra income. Her father travelled around selling a certain brand of compound bow, a representative that went to hunting and fishing stores to introduce and sell product, getting them to carry the brand on their shelves. So he was hardly home. They lived in a small, 1920s style home, wood floors, large basement, and brick outside. From a young age Raina had night terrors, where she would scream and scream until she woke and then wouldn’t remember a thing. She also started seeing ghosts at the tender age of 3, watching them wander about her home. About the age of 7, she saw auras, or at least understood what they were. By someone’s aura, she could tell if they were a good person, if they were going to die soon, if they were angry or hurt. Her mother believed in her but was a bit frightened by it all, and encouraged her to keep such things to herself. And it was a good thing her father wasn’t around much, as he thought such things were demonic (a very religious man).

Once in school (Raina was homeschooled until the age of 9), she was noticed as a very bright child, who could often be found against the building at recess with a notebook, writing short stories or poetry. Her teachers were worried about her social interaction, but it seemed Raina picked up the specialties of manipulation in conversation from a young age. She made friends easily, but didn’t keep them very well at all. She would eventually use them in some form or fashion, and they would abandon her. She never seemed to care too much. She almost had too much self-confidence for a girl her age.

In high school, Raina became very much infatuated with conspiracy theories, ghost hunting, vegan living, GMOs, anti-vaccination, all sorts of things. She began to believe if society returned to communing with nature, all of their problems would unravel, as all their problems were caused by corruption of the natural state. She believed many such things, whether or not she had evidence for them. It made her stand out when everyone was trying to fit in. And when teens are most likely to be influenced by their peers instead of parents, she could be very convincing. She was quite popular by senior year, having a large group of friends. She’d learned how to keep friends over the years despite her more self-centered personality, and it came in handy. Many of the friends she made became connections in her future career of writing.

Raina attended a state university and graduated with honors after 4 years, publishing 2 poetry books, a collection of short stories, and having a novel in the works by the time she was 25. Considered one of the bright, young, leading minds of her time, she was one of the ones placed aboard the ships to be frozen. Because of her more holistic living, she’d avoided vaccination, and much communication with society in order to be infected in the first place. She left behind her mother and father, (no brothers or sisters, current lovers or children).

Old World Profession: Writer, poet laureate for the USA. Skilled in painting, drawing, writing fiction short stories, novels, speeches, and poetry. Named poet laureate not too long before being frozen. Knows many facts people might consider irrelevant or random when doing research for her various writings. Speaks English and French. Rather good at acting though she never pursued the profession.

Other: Can shoot a bow and fish thanks to her father, though will be out of practice upon waking.

Sample Post:

If I was a religious person I suppose I’d pray Raina thought to herself. Though she smiled her straight white smile and nodded as she was instructed along with the 99 others on what was happening and what would happen, her heart raced in her chest. She swallowed hard and the smile faded a bit, a clinking sound of her fingernails brushing the wall next to her bringing her out of focus. Her surprised eyes flashed to the manicured nails, hanging from fingers which were ever so slightly trembling. Raina’s smiled faded completely with a licking of her lips, one hand grasping the other and folding them stiffly in front of her. She looked at those around her, and luckily no one was watching her. She was normally a person to give a vote of confidence to others. One who everyone else looked to for that reassuring smile and cavalier brush of the hand that said everything would be fine and it was silly to worry. But this was not a moment for that.

Little puffs of air left her lips while she awaited the ‘freezing’ to begin. She didn’t trust this process… not one little bit, honestly. She half expected that it would kill them all. It was such a reckless plan anyway. Let’s freeze human beings and shoot them into space. That will work. She chewed her bottom lip to avoid rolling her eyes. If it hadn’t been the only alternative given to staying and suffering on Earth, she might have considered otherwise. Her theory was that by the time the 50 years was up, humanity would finally be killed off by nature, the Earth Mother taking back what belonged to her and rejuvenating the surface. Then those who were the survivors would return to a lush, green Earth awaiting them to start over the right way. The thought gave Raina enough reassurance to not panic as her breaths became more and more visible, the cold beginning to chill. She shivered violently once, her mind starting to panic as if she were dying and it was fighting it, before everything went dark. No thoughts crossed her mind. No glisten twinkled in her eye. Hibernation had begun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I like it. Once I get back to my PC I'll add it to the list.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Can i get in on this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MatParker1711


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jessica Sinclair

Age: 26 (2260

Ethnicity/Birth Place: White, New York, USA

Gender: Female



Jessica grew up in a typical military family and was always moving from place to place prior to her father leaving the Marine Corps when she was ten. After which her family settled in California where she attended highschool and lived a very typical life until enlisting in the Marine Corp when she left. After completing basic training she was posted to Germany and for the next couple of years served there until the plague hit.

It was when the plague hit that Jessica's life changed as she was in the thick of the fighting in Europe. Law and order broke down quickly and several members of Jessica's unit deserted and when the plague hit the base that was when Jessica and the rest of the uninfected soldiers were evacuated to assist with containing the plague at home. After weeks of combat and a promotion, Jessica earned attention when she saved a cabinet member from a terrorist attack.

It was shortly after this she was offered a place on the testing program.

Old World Profession: US Marine, Trained Soldier

Sample Post:

Jessica's face remained an expressionless mask as she and the other listened to the instructions before they were to be frozen. As one of the ships security officers they were her responsibility and looking around at the remnants of the human races best and brightest it made her both nervous and strangely excited. The devastation below on Earth saddened her greatly, but it could also give the chance to start again if things were managed right and if she was honest that potential excited her. Looking around she saw a mixture of emotions, some were clearly nervous, others were in tears and others showed no emotion at all. Taking a deep breath she opened her stasis pod and began to wonder what would await them after there nap.

If she was honest with herself then they would likely have a lot of work to do. Before volunteering for what she believed to be testing she had been fighting the plague and seen the scale of it firsthand. When they landed she expected that society as she knew it would be gone and rebuilding anything close to it would likely take the rest of there lives. In addition there was the simple fact that they might be the only people left alive when they awake and the women on these ships would become even more important to humanity's survival. A million different things and scenarios were racing through Jessica's mind as the temperature began to drop in her cryo tube. Despite her attempts to remain calm she began to panic as her heart began to slow and her vision blurred. However like the rest of her fellow "volunteers" she soon drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep, ready to awaken in fifty years time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You can submit a character sheet Enalais. If it's good, it'll be accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MatParker1711


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

just need a bio now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, looking forward to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

NAME: Oscar “Ozzy” Drummond

AGE: 33 (233)

Born in Glasgow, Scotland but emigrated to Australia as a young child. Returned to Britain at age 18.



A fairly intimidating man standing at 6'4”. His bulky physique is a remnant from lost sporting days as a young rugby player in high school but he has maintained it well. He seems fairly unkempt, sporting stubble and having long red hair that seems as if it's in need of a good brush. Though he is ageing (and it is starting to show) he is still traditionally handsome with a chiselled jaw and long, straight nose.

Smart-talking, loud and confident, Oscar is everything you can expect an ex-political journalist to be. His false smiles are the best around and indistinguishable from the real ones. Among friends he was known as funny, an extrovert; however, there was always a warning that accompanied it – he's often too aggressive for his own good.

Most of Oscar's childhood was spent travelling, first from Scotland to Australia then on month-long holidays across the globe with his mother and step-father, a diplomat and a businessman. Despite the “fun” of such a lifestyle that continued up until age fifteen, he did miss out on making real, solid connections and friends during his long absences from school though there was never a problem with loneliness – he was too confident for that. In some respects he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth with a family that could afford tutors for the subjects he was interested in and a life in which he never wanted for anything.

After attending university back in Britain for journalism and politics, he decided to stay in the country to pursue an 'easy' career writing for a trashy women's magazine under a pen-name. Soon this graduated to a column in the local and then national newspapers, a platform for him to get onto the TV at age 27, even if the channel wasn't a largely important one. He forged a name for himself and had everything; a cushy apartment, fancy car... but he made some mistakes, too, including his short travesty of a marriage to a fellow journalist that ended by adultery on both parts.

Shortly before being frozen, however, Oscar quit his job for reasons the public barely speculated on, more preoccupied with the oncoming apocalypse. He became an Internet conspiracy nut and a fairly popular figure in the media, though it was all just a persona to make money. In all honesty, it was a particularly scathing piece about the project that led to him being chosen, perhaps to reassure his followers that there was still hope. He was one of those lied to, given promises of testing and being told nothing about cryogenics until he was already in the facility and couldn't do anything.

Political Journalist & TV Personality – charismatic, talkative and easy to get along with as he has been well trained in the art of small talk from interviews. Observant at the same time from catching politicians out on their woolly wording. Rarely succumbs to panic as doing so live would be a career-ending mistake. Knows a lot about history, especially with regards to politics and can recite lots of information about the leaders of world countries circa 1800s onwards with their regimes.

– Takes an interest in the linguistics and dead languages of the world so in addition to speaking English he is also fluent in Latin, Gaelic and conversational German.
– Owned a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro which he will never, not ever stop talking about.
– Secretly read (and liked) cheesy romance novels during his stint writing for a women's magazine.

Oscar didn't bother trying to resist as he was 'guided' forcefully to his capsule, hands held tightly behind his back. It was subtle enough so that the other prisoners-slash-volunteers wouldn't notice and panic, but it didn't do anything for his peace of mind – he wasn't a criminal, he just didn't want to be launched out in the great beyond where only God knew what could happen to him. They could have just as easily found a willing sap to take his place, but no; they needed a very vocal sceptic to be sealed up in a chamber like some modern caveman entombed in ice just to prove how

As the cramped tube – smaller than he had imagined – began to freeze over, he purposefully focused on nothing but his perfectly justified anger, keeping the passionate flame hatred for everything government alive even as his fingertips began to numb, then his limbs, then his face. Eventually he felt the protective embrace of sleep clawing at him but his last thought was not of how angry the people of tomorrow would be when he woke to tell his story as he expected. It was of Lillian, living the rest of her life out on solid ground with whatever men she liked – and left him more enraged than his current situation did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jared "Cowboy" Miller

Age: 28, Real Age:229

Ethnicity/Birth Place: Caucasian/ Oregon, USA

Gender: Male


Personality: To Be Revealed

Biography: Born to a drug addled mother and a father that got tired and left shortly after his birth, the only true person who cared for Jared was his older sister, Ameila who cared for him the best she could and for only being five years old years older she did a good job he lived long enough anyways. His first years of school went great, middle school was a crap fest, and he dropped out of high school at fourteen to pursue a life of crime. It started with stealing and hot wiring cars and selling them to fences he made some good money off of it made enough to buy his sister an apartment. But it was dangerous and he was bound to get caught so he traded in stealing cars for running drugs.

Hustling drugs was much easier, easier to hide and easier to not get caught, occasionally he had to take on rival dealer but nothing a little intimidation or bribery couldn't fix. He quit drug hustling after a drive-by at the apartment left his sister bleeding out in the kitchen. He felt responsible and never lived it down, he was the reason his sister was dead and he fell into a state of depression. Seeing as a fifteen year old couldn't own an apartment, he had to move back in with her mother who found a husband in her dealer. Life was miserable but he thought he deserved it, like karma was coming back to bite him in the ass.

Two years later, an old friend in the biz called him up. Offered him a spot on his crew of robbers as a bag man. Needing cash and wanting to get away from his broken down mobile home he took him up. He joined up with his friends merry crew. Their fearless leader was "Kodiak.", besides him was Jared's friend "Bulldog", Bulldogs girl "Bride", their wheel man "Rooster", and some hacker who they never met but they payed named "Bug". Together they went all across the lower 48 states hitting banks, jewelry stores, and convince stores. They became world famous even made it onto the FBI's most wanted. Up there with some terrorists and mass murderers.

After their first bank heist Jared became "Cowboy", due to the fact he wore a George W Bush mask, and carried a revolver as a side arm for his heists. When the heat was off they'd spend the money or swap it into offshore bank accounts, for Jared it went offshore into his "Retirement account" The way he was making money he could retire by 28. They hired on another crew member somewhere in Virgina nicknamed her "Harpy" for some reason Jared took an instant liking to her. He couldn't explain why but it was almost like she was a flame and he was a moth. They cased banks together, pretended to be a couple opening bank accounts different names and Id's each time. Eventually make believe became a reality and they fell in love. Which was a mistake, you don't get close to your fellow thieves.

The groups next job with Harpy went sour, the feds showed too early and they had to hoof it without the loot. It was at that point that Bug told them they had a rat, back at the safe house the group discussed who the rat was, things were tense there was finger pointing, then gun pointing. Eventually they narrowed it down to Harpy, who confessed to everything. Jared had never felt so used in his entire life, he felt like every moment they shared everything was a lie. Kodiak told him to kill her, so he pulled his revolver and she told him what he was thinking everything wasn't a lie she really felt for him, but to him it just sounded like a bunch of shit so she could save her own hide so he pulled the trigger. After that Kodiak rallied the crew one last time and spoke of one final heist that if done right everyone walks away with a 50 million dollar cut so Jared listened.

The job was a federal reserve bank, armed guards with with full autos, well trained to. But after casing the joint and making a back exit out through a few months of tunneling. They pulled it off all of them walking away with so much cash their getaway was weighed down because of it. It was there where they changed their clothes and burnt the evidence where everyone betrayed one another Kodiak shot Bride, Bulldog shot Rooster and Jared shot Kodiak. That left just Bulldog, and Jared standing, but they didn't shoot each other Jared didn't pull the trigger because he just lost his girl, and Bulldog for the same reason. They gave Bug his cut and when the heat on the money was down they took over a pharmaceuticals company.

They partnered together with the company and shortly after Jared's 28th birthday the plague hit. They kicked the company into overtime and whatever the FDA and the CDC said the plague was offshoot from they made a vaccine for. When one said Ebola they made a vaccine for Ebola, when they said a mutated case of Rabies they made a vaccine for rabies. It wasn't their fault that the vaccines just made it worse, they did as the government said and found vaccines for these things. Eventually things went south many people in the company became infected. That's when the offer came an offer that Travis didn't want to turn down an offer to get away and escape, offered by NASA. He didn't turn them down he went happily.

Old World Profession: Criminal, and a owner of Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

Skills:Proficient with many forms of firearms and improvised devices, lockpicking, hot wiring cars, Staying up late

Other: He calls every girl he meets and sees "Sweetheart"

Sample Post: They offered him away out and he took it, he needed it. He had done so much in these 28 years, he came, he saw, and he conquered and somehow he came out on top. There was no doubt in his mind as they lead him to where he would be frozen, and there was no doubt that whatever the next chapter in his life called for he would be ready to rebuild and reconquer once again. "Wish i had a cigarette." He muttered, he could use one and a stiff drink as well something to calm these butterflies in his stomach because when he woke up nothing would be the same.

The air began to get more frigid as they eased him into the freezing process. "I'm not going to get freezer burn, am i?" He asked but if anybody heard him they didn't answer, which just made him frown and think about what would happen if he didn't make it. He closed his eyes and waited for that moment where they would freeze him entirely. But something creeped into his head like a disease, like that plague that was ravaging the world outside. These thoughts were of home, about his only friend Bulldog and about what he was leaving behind, he shook them off "I don't care anymore, let the world fucking burn." He thought and this thought was his last thought before they froze him and his mind became a blank.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm sorry it's a bit of a novel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All of the characters have been added, except McHaggis'. I still need that sample post, but other than that it looks really good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finished it! I was actually in the process of writing it when you posted but got distracted by magic tricks on Youtube so was a bit late x)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jel2658
Avatar of jel2658

jel2658 Eva Unit 01

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sarah Michaels

Age when frozen: 28
Age at present: 228

Ethnicity/Birth Place: Born in London, England.

Gender: Female


Personality: Sarah is one who is a normally bubbly and happy person, but when circumstances get tough she can lose her cool or temper. She has a particularly strong will and can trust people quite easily. Losing her cool only happens very infrequently, but is incredibly noticeable. If things start to go very awry, she is prone to major anger, often in the form of yelling or violence. Luckily, this rarely has ever happened.

Biography: Sarah came from an abusive household. Her family was far apart, and none of them liked each other. Her father would scream at her mother, her mother would scream at her, and she would scream at school. This happened until middle school, when she would lock herself in her room or just go out with her friends. These circumstances caused her to want to get out of the house as soon as she could.

At the age of 18, Sarah left England for Harvard. She had been an incredibly prospective student in history and science classes, and got in on a scholarship that paid for most of it. She majored in archaeology, and minored in history, as both those piqued her interest the most. She mostly retained plenty of As, but she had struggles in subjects like math. Her school life mostly consisted of studying, but she had friends to spend time with as well.

When the plague hit, Sarah was in Kenya, spending most of her time on an archaeological dig. Since it was a fairly isolated site, she did not hear of the plague until it was working its way into the countryside. Her team packed up their things, but before they could leave the dig site, they were hit with it. Most of them died. The rest barely managed to make it out. When they started asking for volunteers, she knew she couldn’t stay behind. There was nothing left for her on Earth.

Old World Profession: An archaeologist, she knows how to find things and solve what other people might not be able to. She’s also good at enduring harsh conditions.

Other: Given her job can be known to be slightly dangerous, she has been taught to shoot a gun, but only the basics of shooting.

Sample Post: Well, she had certainly thought it would be different… Sarah looked at the contraptions they would all be spending years in. She had pictured something that looked more like a bed than what she was standing in front of. Given, it’s not like I looked totally uncomfortable, but the way it was built… This could not be good for her back. She listened to the instructions given out by those who were going to send all of the volunteers out. Her mind wandered, though, which was to be expected in scary situations like this.

They were going to be put into these freezing machines for 50 years. It was kind of a tight fit. That was probably mainly due to Sarah being used to wide open spaces and not tiny chambers. It was cold, that was for sure, and Sarah figured that had nothing to do with her being in Africa since college. The glass closed over her body. She squeezed her eyes shut as the freezing process began. When you wake up it’ll seem like no time has passed, were her final thoughts before it went dark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone is accepted, but I am not at my PC so I'll add the rest of you to the list then. I guess it's time for you guys to start thinking up your first post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
Avatar of Darcs

Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Tyler Sacha Cardwell (pronounced SA-SHA), "Doc"

  • Biological - 39

  • Actual - 239

Ethnicity/Birth Place: Liberian-Jamaican, Born in Monrovia, Liberia; raised in the US, Jamaica and Liberia

Gender: Male


Personality: Tyler is a pragmatist. He was raised by strict parents with very real financial restraints, as such, he was taught young to remember he was blessed to have what little he was given, and that it would be a sin to waste any of it. Although his religious views may have changed with time, the ideology that waste and needless consumption are bad things have stayed with him. He is easily consumed by his work and adopts a very serious persona while chipping away at a project, even having the tendency to fill his idle time with busy work simply to avoid having nothing to do. He very easily represses any stress he may feel with a smile and has a tendency to lean toward isolationism. While he is a generally warm person, he uses work as a mechanism to avoid the dangers of companionship. He holds a belief in many old world forms of medical diagnoses and would best describe his personality as the temperaments Supine and Phlegmatic.

Biography: Tyler was born in Monrovia on August, 1st of 1990. Fortunate timing, his birth was exactly one month before the fighting of the First Liberian Civil War reached the city, and by August, 15th, his Jamaican father was able to arrange an escape from the country for himself, his newly wed wife, and his baby son. It took negotiations, but the young family was able to flee 5 days before September, the assassination of Samuel Doe, 5 days before fighting broke out in the streets of Monrovia and more armed conflict. Once the family settled, living with Tyler's fathers extended family in Jamaica, thankfully the rest of his first year of life was relatively peaceful. Growing up in the Caribbean exposed Tyler to the cultures of the world, in the form of tourists, dangers, such as hurricanes and a general lack of infrastructure in the country, and the wonders of the beautiful island. All of this was tempered by love and a strict upbringing from his parents, as well as a strong sense of duty instilled in him by his religious relatives.

While considering Jamaica a home, Liberia was also where half of his family lived, Jamaica may have been his father country, but Liberia was Tyler's motherland. That's why in 2005, at the age of 14, Tyler and his family moved back to Monrovia after the end of the Second Liberian Civil War and the first democratic election in the country's history. This shift, from veritable island paradise, to war torn city, greatly affected the young Tyler's perspective. Where in Jamaica he was more prone to loud outbursts, and tempered his chores with play time, the sudden culture shock of being exposed to what was literally a new country and new side of his family to him made him much more reserved. He began dedicating more of his time to the welfare of his family, and his country in general, becoming almost obsessed with community service whenever he wasn't utilizing whatever schooling was available.

At University age, he utilized a scholarship and dutifully attended the University of Liberia, it was there that he discovered his interest in medicine. After earning his Bachelor's from the African university, he received another scholarship that allowed him to attend medical school in America. Although his scholarships were full, their conditions left little room for error, combined with his already reserved and serious nature-- his secondary education was always the priority, he found little time for socialization. Still, by the age of 28, Tyler had earned his degree, although his specialties (General practice, Tropical medicine, Cardiology and Hematology), would mean another 8 years of residency and fellowships. This time was spent island hopping, taking advantage of his Jamaican citizenship, he spent his residency exploring the Caribbean, receiving training from some of the best doctor's in the field in Cuba, and actively practicing in some of the more remote regions of the islands. While still almost always 'at work,' this was the first point in a long time in Tyler's life he had received a real break from the constant focus on service to others, it was during this period that he made the discovery that he hadn't been living for himself since he was a young boy in Jamaica.

This reprise and period of self-discovery didn't last long however, at the request of aging family, he spent the last few years of his cardiology/hematology fellowship in Monrovia, taking care of aging family. This would continue until, at the age of 35, Tyler decided to actively make a change in his life, and being aptly qualified, he joined Médecins Sans Frontières, to put his skills to use in the region as a whole. While still acting under the scrutiny of a traditionalist family, and using his work to fill up his void of a social life, he found the exciting and morally rewarding life fun, and he was happy. He even found, in his fellow doctors, companionship and romantic relationships. This, of course, was until the plague got really bad. Médecins Sans Frontières were among the first response groups when it came to aid and attempted medical treatment, with Tyler on the front lines. He was exposed to the plague first hand, and saw the chaos it created-- someone like him, an overqualified doctor who had come into close contact without dying-- was invaluable, NASA contacted him about volunteering, having seen his colleagues die, and knowing his family was slowly dying, he went, having nothing left on Earth.

Old World Profession: Doctor; As a seasoned medic with Médecins Sans Frontières, Sacha is used to working efficiently with minimal or no equipment to treat severe injuries and ailments, working on or around battlefields has hardened him to the stresses associated with working in war-zone, and frequent under-financed work has also driven him to become quite resourceful when faced with injuries and dangerous situations.

Other: Has experience with the use of stealth on a battlefield.

Sample Post:
Gritty coughs came out of the phone speaker before that familiar, accented voice filled his ears, "I've been here my whole life, child..." it was the voice of his mother, a voice that held memories both good and bad, but in this moment, hearing her like this, with where he was headed, filled him with nothing but an incredibly potent sense of dread.

Absolute loss.

"Ma," Tyler began, he ran another red light while doing so, he was behind schedule, and he definitely didn't intend on being late for a space shuttle, there really weren't any other drivers to be worried about anyway, police even less so, "It'll be just like when I was a kid, just leave the city for a little bit and then come out when things cool down."

An uncomfortable pause. Tyler turned onto the freeway, just like the streets-- deserted. He was pretty sure the GPS still worked-- where were the other volunteers? Already there? He applied pressure to the peddle, he didn't need to pay attention to his speed, the freeway was desolate. In the distance he could see the rising structure that was the launch pad, the last week had been nothing but simulations and briefings. He was definitely ready for whatever came next, but that didn't stop the anxiety, Tyler supposed that was natural, 20 years of medical experience and he was about to become a human Popsicle in space. The exit would be coming up shortly...

His mother broke the silence. "We should have stood by our city..." More coughing. It was early stages of the plague. All he could do was identify it-- he couldn't help her, his mother, the woman who birthed him--

"Maybe we should have..." Tyler agreed idly, yawning unintentionally. He slowed down the generic rental as he approached the exit. He could see the spacecraft on the launchpad in the distance now, it was visually impressive. As well as intimidating. He drove slow as the car made it's way to the space center, the vehicle making the only sounds in the still dawn. As he chipped away at the distance between himself and the space center, he realized that this was probably his last opportunity to talk to her, his father and colleagues were dead and his family scattered, he had already made his peace and done his crying... But this? This was something more profound.

This was the last conversation of his old life.

"T-- you couldn't have stood!"

This got a chuckle out of him, "I know, Ma."

Another coughing fit, she sounded wearier after each word, "Still... I will stand by my city now... as your father does for his.."

"Yeah, Ma. Do it for me, too."

"S-such a good boy." She was wheezing with each breath now, she would pass out soon. "Finding the cure... so we can all be t-together... m-my son the doctor..." her voice trailed off. She had no clue what NASA actually wanted him for, she just assumed he was working hard for a cure, he didn't have the heart to tell her to abandon hop on her deathbed.

Didn't have the heart to tell her that he had failed.

"Ma?" worry filled his speech, he could see NASA scientists rushing toward his car to greet him, he would have to go soon, and she may have minutes of life-- or at least consciousness-- left, maybe even seconds. "Mom!?"

"Mmmm?" She was lackadaisical, nonchalant. She was almost out-- so much left unsaid, so many issues left unresolved-- and he had-- MAYBE seconds left. The car came to a stop in front of the Space center. He'd be lulled into unconsciousness in a manner of minutes too, the difference is that he'd only be gone for 50 years, she'd be gone forever.

"I love you, Ma."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted. Once I finish up class and work, I'll get the list completed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well Dragonbud, once you've finished I think we can start.
Devin Burke, mostly called Burke

20, when frozen
221, now

Ethnicity/Birth Place:
Caucasian, American.
Born in the United States


Some people are imposing and intimidating, others are quirky, small, and weird. Some stand out, but Burke, for the most part, falls into the blending in category. He is a Caucasian male that stands at 6 foot 1 inch and weighs 176 pounds. He is not excitingly muscular nor is he overweight. Burke's build is an average one, with some slight toned features. Thin black hairs dot his arms and legs, and little bit of his chest. That is not the case with his hair. Burke's hair is thick, not long, but very thick. He did a very nice job of keeping it well above the base of his neck and the lining very clean. It does fall onto his forehead if he is running or doing some sort of physical activity, but he usually either pushes it out of the way or wears a black winter cap. Burke has blue eyes, they are not romantically deep, nor are they piercing. His eyes are normal. A very well managed beard covers his jawline and above his nose.

As far as clothing goes, Burke does not try to do anything extraordinary. For the most part, he wears jeans and any variety of T-shirt/hoodie/coat combination. Burke is not a very fashionable person, but he does not really care. On a few occasions he has dressed up nicely in a suit, but that is not very often.


Burke was born and raised just outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. From a very young age he knew that he did not much care for the cold winters. His family originated from Florida and Louisiana, so he would spend each summer in one of those two states, usually alternating every other. It was apparent that Burke had a way with animals, and people. Most dogs and cats liked him off the bat, and he was generally able to make friends quickly and keep them. Burke was a friendly person in his early years, trusting, and just a happy kid. Then, just before his tenth birthday, his mother and father got a divorce. They split, and Burke had accidentally found out it was because his mom had cheated on his father. Unfortunately, Burke and his father had a strong bond but Burke's mother won sole custody. Burke would not see his father for 8 years.

After the split, budding trust issues began to sprout up. Not only that, but Burke was easily lied to and persuaded. It is a funny mix, but it was him. He did not have trouble trusting people off of the bat, he had trouble trusting them in the long run and maintaining longstanding relationships. Burke was used a lot growing up and also bullied, it was not a great emotional childhood for him. His mother, though she tried to be apart of his life, was busy dealing with her own issues. Burke's mother tried to marry the man she cheated on his father with, but things fell through. For awhile, she dated men on and off. None of the men abused Burke or his mother, it just led to Burke not trusting that romantic relationships could last long. There were only two friends that Burke kept throughout his entire life, and that was because they understood him and, somehow, he completely trusted them.

High School offered something new to Burke, a way to cope with his growing depression and other mental health issues. As a freshman, he tried out for his school's football team. Burke was not an all-star, but he had a good work ethic and a determination that led to him being moved to Junior Varsity, halfway through his sophomore year. One problem that football could not cure was his problem with relationships, especially with women. He was awkward and did not know how to interact in a flirtatious way. That being said, he had a large group of "friends" that he was usually around and they were mixed gender-wise. In his senior year Burke met a girl. They had known of each other for the entirety of High School, but never really talked. It was an instant click. Within two months they were dating and it seemed like most of Burke's issues were disappearing.

On his 18th birthday, Burke's estranged father made an appearance. After 8 years many things changed. Burke's father became an alcoholic and he was very poor. His girlfriend was usually strung out on heroin. The man that appeared at the birthday party was not the man that left 8 years ago. A rift was created that led to an argument behind closed doors between Burke and his father. That would be the last time they spoke. This led to a resurgence of Burke's depression and trust issues. They came back and they came back with force.

Somehow, through many arguments, Burke and his girlfriend managed to stay together and even move in after a year and a half of dating. Though he was still battling demons, it appeared as if the two were going to get married. Burke was attending a University to earn a degree in biology and veterinary medicine. He worked as a veterinary assistant for his entire college career, or most of it. Another facet of life that Burke stumbled into was volunteering. During a class presentation, a woman with a wildlife group introduced Burke to a way to help animals. He jumped at it. Work, school, and volunteering were what kept Burke going most days, his girlfriend helped the rest of the time.

It was by pure chance, a computing error, that Burke was selected for the "testing". The plague did not affect him that badly. No members of his immediate family were infected, nor was his girlfriend. School was shut down every once in awhile, overall, he was very oblivious to the impending doom. When he was selected it was a surprise, but he would be even more surprised by what he would see when he woke up 200 years later.

Old World Profession:
College student most of the time, volunteer some of the time, and veterinary assistant the rest of the time.
Most of his skills come from the volunteering or the job. He is somewhat knowledgeable in the veterinary field, as well as being able to perform some very BASIC medical procedures on humans. (Such as stitching, bandaging, stuff like that.)


Sample Post: (This will help me gauge what kind of posts I can expect. I would like a specific topic to be posted here. Your character's last moments before being frozen. The lead up so to speak. At least two paragraphs)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vertical


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Unfortunately my character sheet was deleted, so after work I'll rewrite it and we'll start the IC up.
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