Avatar of Darcs
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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
Aeonumbra said I took about two looks at Iwaku, first of all. I hate the layout. So the guild has a bit of simplicity about it right now, so what. Does it work? Yea, so why are you complaining? "because it's not perfect all the time, and I don't have all the options I want, and, and, and" ... Neither does my local grocery store, do I still shop there? Yea. I agree with divinity, if you find something cool and shiny show people. But don't tell them that their light is dying just because you found a different one. Iwaku, from what I glanced at, has something about trophy points and ratings, and seriously, if that's what it takes for someone's spirit of roleplay to be nurtured, competitive point systems, I find that kind of ridiculous.Roleplaying is a great hobby of mine, I have the passion for writing but not the attention span to write a novel. Novels are lonely, and self-criticism often bums me out to the point of not writing at all. But coming to the guild, and being a GM myself, as well as a player, is about the only commitment I've had when it comes to writing (Free of will, of course). This place is like a home to me, full of strange and awkward people. So it takes a little longer to start up a new roleplay, so there's not as many new ones floating around anymore. I myself have been busy, and haven't been very active for a couple of months. Life will do that when you have a death in the family, when you put in time and effort on a new love interest, when you try to get your life back on track. Some leave, but some do not forget, and some come back. I am one of the people that will never leave. I'm sure there are plenty like me. As long as we gather and form the light, more will come. The guild is not "dying" and I feel it will only die if it goes offline, if it goes dark. I honestly hate all other roleplay sites, because I'm so used to the guild.Mahz has a life too. Personally, I've never even talked to Mahz, but I have seen some things he posts. Everybody has a life, roleplay is our passion, the guild is his. If he doesn't have time for it, if he doesn't have the money for it, even if it has been a year. You never know what it's like in someone else's shoes. The guild functions, it works, and that's good enough. You don't have the right to demand, or expect, anymore than you have. You are not entitled to anything but your opinion, so if you feel the guild is dying then leave. I would much rather have a smaller number of more committed players, than a high number of Houdini's (those who vanish). Honestly. The guild will never "die" because I will never leave. I can roleplay here, and that's good enough for me.

Prince said This isn't a problem. It's a topic. I'm on both RPGuild, Iwaku and other sites. A lot of this post has become RPGuild vs Iwaku, someone attacking the validity of stats (stats that I have for the past seven months, thus I know the trends of the site), and an overall emphasis on activity vs. community. I'll address all of it. All in all, I think both sides of this argument are wrong. No one wants to accept the faults that exist universally and apparently no one wants to accept that superiority-of-site is an opinion. You can present whatever criteria you use to make the decision, but to someone else it might be irrelevant. This isn't an objective case.

Hot damn these guys know what's up.
Pepperm1nts said If anyone needs a mission assigned, I wouldn't mind them being sent to assist me in taking the airport. That might help the process along. We can say the 1st Mechanized ran into some completely unexpected resistance, and possibly even guns capable of taking down armored vehicles. That way we can justify the slow progress down there... Maybe someone in the NCR supplied them with anti-tank guns.

Sounds like you need some sexy, stealthy, mutant sabotage.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cryptiic said Pholirite Pride! >:D

chukklehed said Also: Fae 4 Lyf suckas

Diggerton said Human>All

HylianRose said -starts Team Human-

All these non-Redguards thinking they can step to the true sons and daughters of the sand.

*sips coke and rum in tropical desert oasis paradise while oiled, tanned, muscled, and GORGEOUS Esquen men and women fan, massage, and feed me grapes*
Can't bestquen the Esquen.
Also CS is finished, unless something needs to be changed.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ayyy Esquen master race represent
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cryptiic said Actually, feel free to take the Freelancer spot, your character looks awesome... XD
I'll try to think of something else.

Aww, thanks.

I had kinda just been editing it on and off all day without seeing that apparently we were waiting for the GM's to post theirs... Did not realize we weren't supposed to pass go yet.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Questionnaire for reservation. Ideally I'd like to play as a Freelancer, if not possible Warrior, if neither is available I can be flexible.

HylianRose said any games any one is playing right now? Recently began playing the new Smash Bros with my friends. Found that I enjoy playing Zero Suit Samus. Lol.

Super Metroid, I like just started though so no real opinions except that I like her color design. I've only played Sm4sh on the 3ds, I'm really hype about it and I can't wait to play it on WiiU, but my only gripe is that apparently you need an adapter now to use GC controllers.

Also all the (awesome) Koopa kiddies, but no more Daisy. POR QUE?
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TheMusketMan said Hey, I'm back. Couldn't get internet last night for some reason. 1300 miles across the country for Thanksgiving with my family. I am the best cousin/Grandson/nephew ever.

Normally when anyone says they're the best anything I think it's exaggeration, but I would travel 20 miles for most of my relatives, and the ones I would do it for I'd only be able to manage about 500. You are definitely in the top 10 for best.

LancerDancer said Sorry guys, It's going to have to wait until tomorrow. My employer has seen fit that I write up loads of meeting minutes, without pay and in my own time, because they're a bunch of c*nts. Gonna do a real nasty rush job, fuck em.

Fuck 'em.
Operation: Wasteland_2
Operation status:
Extraction of Vault resources commenced, estimated 3 hours until Vault extraction is completed, 6 hours remain until estimated mission completion, 8 hours remain until dawn.

Aesir's journal - "Operation: Wasteland" holotape no.1

"Vault 59, as per Vault-Tec rules, experimented on it's inhabitants, this isn't an uncommon thing to discover in old Vaults. But what went on in Vault 59... Now, don't take my tone toward this Vault as an indicator of it being a waste of time! My girls are busy loading down the Nightkin with hundreds of pounds of shit from this place, from generators and water purification tools, to food processors, seeds and non-perishables and raw supplies. This Vault even has an armory. An armory! The Eyebot Duraframe model A_1 is cracking it open as we speak-- and we've only just started!

"I got into the Overseer's office! And I have gotten some excellent stuff off the terminal, apparently, the Overseer in this Vault had access to every private computer in the whole complex-- it even logs when the Vault door opens, and recorded our use. The nature of a Vault where an Overseer spies on every resident couldn't have been all that great, but it certainly makes our jobs easier. ED-A is downloading it all now. I think it should really help out Yakima's scientific community, which, let's face it, is pretty shy of nonexistent right now. I'm no theoretical physicist, but from what I can make out, this stuff seems really impressive, all of water chip and vault generator information, schematics. Man, it's a treasure trove, practically untouched too! There's also chemical and psychological information that a few scientific minds might find use in, but it's nature brings me back to what I opened this all with: The Vault.

"From what I can gather, Vault 59 was entirely dedicated to memory wiping, and memory modification. The early days of the Vault saw easy success in the way of erasing memories, they experimented with methods and apparently found that a liquid taken orally had the best results. Anyway, it was when they started with memory replacement that things get crazy, and as you probably guessed, fuzzier. I'll have EDA download it all for documentation's sake, but I'm not sure there's much to actually be learned from some of this later stuff... The Overseer seems to begin to think the Vault scientists, who appear to be a good portion of the Vault population, are out to get him, the Scientists think the Test Subjects, also a good portion, are being oppressed by Vault Security, and Vault Security begins to think the Overseer is... the Devil? They all begin to use the experimental memory technology against each other in sneaky ways, utilizing the food and air filtration systems. It was a psychological war in it's purest form, we have yet to come across a single blood splatter in 59.

"Though, that may in part be due to the still active maintenance bots (which we are totally taking).

"The surreal part of Vault 59 is the result of this armed psychological war, waged by it's citizens as a part of a Vault-Tec experiment. It's citizens never died. Well, most of them, when the Overseer used the air systems to pump the air full of memory erasing dust, a handful managed to crack the Vault door open just enough to get out with whatever they had left of their minds. Those who didn't...

"...Just... kind of went blank. The Vault door was just open enough to let in a Ghoulifying amount of radiation, you know how that goes. But here's the thing-- I don't think these ghouls are feral. They just stand around and stare at nothing. They haven't lost their minds in the way a feral ghoul has, they occasionally do repetitive motions related to their old life, it seems, and they don't care that us Slags look human, we've deemed it safe to take our Ghoul masks off in here. They don't care, they've lost everything they were. They are just empty shells.

"As such, I only think it appropriate to ask that some of this information goes to finding a way to reverse this memory loss. The citizens of this Vault would be a GREAT gain for the Yakima Republic in this region that is otherwise barren. They number 200+ and as fresh minds to the wasteland they'd be easily swayed to the Yakima cause, it would also be easy access to the technologies of a Vault we can't scavenge. Anyway, it's only a request to think about. Over and out."



They had managed to get it all, everything that wasn't nailed down, and some things that weren't. They even pick-pocketed everything they could take off of the Vault residents. They had loaded down every Nightkin to their carrying capacity with 3000 lbs of scavenged, untouched, Vault goodies in 4 hours. Aesir's remaining party was reduced to 6 sleek Slag women, as her last Nightkin waved silently, and turning on their stealth boy, left for the encampment. The women soon followed, putting on their Ghoul masks, they left the Vault tunnel and returned to the dark of midnight.

The Nightkin would be safe, they were invisible, and one of the few races feral's didn't bother. Her group's job was to rendezvous, with the three Ghoul lookouts and make sure there were no raiders near the area of the Cascadian encampment. They began the trek to the meeting point.

Over an hour since team B had last checked in, Aesir had begun to worry.

EDA sparked to life, speak of the devil.

A worried characteristically Ghoul voice opened panicky, "Mia's been captured!"

Aesir's group moved with fervent haste to the meetup point.

Blue, explained the situation in a hurried and nervous manner. He and his brother, Black, were scouts of a sort for the Cascadians. Mia, a newer member, had just gotten captured not 30 minutes prior.

"Midnight was the turning point," Blue explained, "There were just less ferals attacking, and more Raiders actually serious... She just..." He was on the verge of tears.

"It was a rookie mistake," Black chimed in, "She had just gotten a new Pipboy, and she left the light on." He continued, "Probably rip it off and give it to whomever's in charge down there." He paused, "After they rape and eat her of course." This pushed Blue over the line and into tears.

"Of course," Aesir deadpanned in reply, already formulating a plan.

Aesir had already sent the slag women to do their job, assuming they did it right, and that Black, EDA, and herself could pull of the next part without a hitch,they could then move on to finish the actual assigned mission within 20 minutes of what was originally estimated.

They waited for the signal-- gunfire-- that was it. Aeisr and her companions made there way closer to where Blue had last observed Mia being taken. A shack to the east of the encampment.

She wasn't dead!

Aesir couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief. Her armor was still intact, and her arm was still there, contrary to Black's theories, Mia was okay! Well, she apparently had taken quite a beating, possibly due to torture, or maybe sadistic pleasure? They had left her, knocked out and bloodied, in what appeared to be their makeshift pantry. It was full of rotting meats, a huge stockpile of alcohol and drugs, some prewar food, and few meager first aid kits. Black would be carrying Mia and the first aid kits, Aesir took her fill of the Raider drugs and prewar food, all her bag could hold without weighing her down. It was hardly worth the risky excursion into enemy territory, but more loot was never a bad thing.

After they were done looting the place, EDA's short-range radio turned on, "The feral ghouls have been a decent distraction, but they're wearing thin-- they'll be moving east in about 5 minutes," He hesitated before asking, "Is she there?"

Black, short tempered, answered bluntly, slinging Mia over his shoulders as he headed for the door, "Yes! Let's get the fuck out of here."

Aesir, stood in the middle of the room, looking around, as if she had lost something. "You go ahead, we have some extra time, I'll catch up."

This surprised Black, "Boss are you su--"

"Go." She didn't turn to look at him, "That's an order, you're wasting precious time."

Aesir liked to be safe.

The goal of the mission had been to scavenge materials from the Vault with no combat, to that end, they had succeeded. But they had also been given the order to not be seen-- the main concern here being the feral ghouls-- but the Raiders were also a threat. The Yakima Republic was at war, they didn't need unnecessary skirmishes with bumfuck raiders on the border, and even though she stood up to whatever the raiders threw at her, until the point of unconsciousness, she had still made the mistake of being seen. The insignias of the Cascadians and the Yakima Republic decorate her arms, and although simply eliminating all the Raiders was not an option, she didn't want to risk the one sober person they'd need to make the connection.

"Eda," Aesir began, she opened her bag and began to look through it's contents, "Play Vault 59; Scientist, Oscar, George Audiolog_17 titled "Farewell" " Aesir began to set aside some contents with haste as the robot began, a nervous voice coming out of it's speaker.

"U-um this is it! I've been able to retain most of my memories... who I am up until this point. The Overseer is... I guess he's um... doing? Sure. Oh god, I'm already forgetting basic grammar! Haha! Okay... need to finish this. Mutually Assured Destruction, I guess, he's just paranoid and broken enough to take us all down with him. And he keeps taunting us all with the announcements... And... And... Okay! Um. My name is George Oscar, I am a scientist in Vault 59, I used to work for Rob-co? I grew up in... in... Washington-- the State-- I can't remember the city it was, I'm sorry. I have a wife here. I vaguely recall us being happy before all this began. It was the dust, the dust gave her a stillbirth. I'm sorry Shell... I'm so sorry...

"The world is still hell out there, so I can only assume if you are hearing this, it's in the distant future. I had the chance to escape, but the world can't sustain life yet-- I couldn't leave here, I couldn't leave this without trying to fix it all... Did... did you know the Chinese started researching this first? They even got farther than us, but I'm not sure they know it... mentats! Crushed mentats and alcohol! Any kind... but that'll do it, at least for the last few hours. They may have made mentats with the goal of weakening the American public through collective memory loss... Pfft... wouldn't that have been awful? We all stop fighting because we forgot why we were doing. Truth be told, I don't even think they knew, I think mentats were made as just that, the mental enhancer with a crippling addiction. That they inhibit hippocampus function and destroy neurons when combined with beer or a vodka is a fucking... fucking... fucking... fuck?

"I don't remember? What was I going to tell you? You? You? Yoooouuu....? Who ARE you? Right! The... thing... I was... I was working on a cure... possible... yes... but I just... just... didn't. I'm... sorry."

Every drink in the room would eventually be consumed by these Raiders, and Aesir was already hard at work dissolving several of her Party Time Mentats into each bottle...

Operation - COMPLETED

8th Underground and Recon Division

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