Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Most Recent Posts

Carantathraiel said For the same thing? She posts, she gets to lick me anywhere she wants. Among other things.
When I post, she still gets to lick me anywhere.

[sweats nervously]
Like most people, I'm a political syncretist to help accommodate my various beliefs and attitudes in regards to various things. A singular label that could best describe the things I believe in, though, is 'anarchist.'
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Raijinslayer said Sorry, thought it was. Hope it's better now. I'm currently posting from my 2DS, so sometimes my posts look bigger than they actually are.

Raijinslayer said I'm currently posting from my 2DS

Raijinslayer said my 2DS

Raijinslayer said 2DS

¿Por que, mi amigo?

NarayanK said Might post in the IC soon, though I'm wondering how he should randomly crash in.

Wanna smoke?
So GM hasn't responded to the PM, and it looks like they haven't been online in a week. So I think it's safe to just keep it going without them for the time being.

Assuming you guys still even want to keep this going?
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cryptiic said By the way, just for miscellaneous facts, I'm thinking of maybe having Marinette being the one to recruit them. Does that sound alright?

Sure thing, buddy.

Cryptiic said Also, as apparent already, Grey has something of a friendly rivalry going with Marinette and Hazard, given they fulfill roughly similar roles in the party, and they are the ones the cyborg is closest to. (Even if they both suck and Grey is the best at everything always... =Þ... )


Also holy hell you guys have some low perception, you noticed Grey leaving... but you didn't notice me leaving-- to me that says I'm pretty much the best at sneaky sneaking.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I like the "only post after two other have posted after your last post" one, but that's just me. Another good way to avoid back and forth is to just collab on posts.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Dark comedy, cold as the ocean..."

A warm breeze drifted into The Cave and found it's way to Marinette. A reminder of the world outside of the cave, a world outside of Paradise, everything outside of the exclave of companionship the group had forged, already in a world already designed to be the perfect escape. The gentle wind reminded Marinette that their lovely cave had no lighting-- it was all natural, well, "natural." Still, the late afternoon sun of Paradise gently illuminated the cave with an orange glow, the smiling silhouettes of people she-- he, Ness did too, they considered allies, crushes, friends, best friends even-- the word 'family' hit hard. It did every time someone here deemed it apropos to use.

The air hit her skin-- the second skin to Ness, that felt just as natural, if not moreso than his own, and it carried that message, that brutal reminder that she and he felt that familial bond with some of these people-- some skill in high school-- that they were his sisters and brothers.

But were they?

That doubt. The doubt persisted with Ness when he had to leave the game for an off day or two a week, the doubt that lay subtly beneath every sarcastic remark Marinette made, the doubt that haunted and predated each of their existences... the sham of an existence they shared. A more preferred skin for the same insecure mind, the only real difference was that Marinette could hide that doubt. The breezy afternoon was warm-- in Paradise they were always perfect, even the storms-- but that chilling thought came with it's comforting gale.

"On that laugh to keep from crying..."

Too many emotions, best go get some air...

Right. She just needed to go and isolate herself for a bit, nothing wrong with that... The Cave has always been a little stuffy, she just needed a little fresh air. She didn't actively sneak as she left the cave, but with everyone else's antics, she probably just blended in. She glided out of the outcrop that was The Cave's entrance, and into the grass and bright sunlight of Paradise, the sunlight of this planet at least. The artificial light warmed her skin, she wandered, looking for a place to settle down, not terribly far from the cave. Eventually she found a place with the shade of the trees but the heat of the sun, the Esquen collapsed on the grass and looked the glowing ball of code. The Paradise sun. Here she didn't have to fear losing her eyesight, not like Ness... She brushed hair out of her eyes to get a better look, another thing that was foreign to Ness...

A new jazzy song overtook her sense of hearing, and she couldn't help but finding herself bobbing her head with the beat, the grass around her, bobbing too, with the wind.

From her inventory, she brought out an Esquen cigar, and lit it with her magic in tune with the music. Ness smoked in real life, but only got to try an actual cigar in the world of Paradise. It couldn't have been a fake approximation, the smokey taste filled Marinette's body better than anything the Earth could possibly offer. With another puff, he snake hissed awake. Anima came slithering out of whatever cranny of armor it hid in and wrapped itself around the freelancer's well worn sleeve. It was sophisticated AI, but the tiny golden serpent still had some mysterious 'daww' factor to it. Marinette filled her virtual lungs with smoke again, and let the music be all she heard for the moment. The pair laid in the grass and simply basked in the sun, the silver smoke being the only indicator of their presence.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I go watch like two episodes of Twin Peaks and suddenly there's 10 posts.

This is great-- in a really spazzy way.
Pepperm1nts said A few things: 1) The eastern bridge had already been taken by the 1st Mechanized. All you needed to do was cross it, head down the road west, and cross the bridge behind the airfield to hit them from behind.

That may have just been a lack of communication as for the bridge, my orders seemed to imply it was still being heavily overseen if not directly controlled by the township. So I went ahead an took it (or maybe retook it).

Pepperm1nts said 2) I'm going to try to get a post out, and I'm probably going to have some of it take place prior to this whole leadership takedown thing, since I'm going to be assuming the 1st Mechanized was already engaging the forces at the airport before the arrival of Darcs' guys. And also because I feel Darcs made it seem a bit easier than it should have been, and I don't really want to make a post about how my guys just rolled in almost completely unopposed. No offense, or anything. I know you said you had to rush your post. I'd just prefer to have something good to post about. You seemed to have wrapped it up a bit too early.

As far as the actual battle, no yeah, I'm actually glad it was harsher for Hathaway than Aesir anticipated. She took out the leadership based on knowledge of the rigid NCR structure, and the theory that the mercs would be just a crippled as NCR troops. They may have been slightly hindered, but probably nowhere near as much as NCR proper would have been. Spies and soldiers ALWAYS have different outlooks on battle. For 8th Recon it was a simple Trojan horse operation with 6 spies a few days before the big battle, nothing but placing a few mines and stabbing important people in their sleep-- for 1st Mechanized it was a god damn battlefield, filled with all the trauma and death that brings.

I wholeheartedly support the interaction between the generals for this specific reason. We'll greater outline differences between characters like Aesir and Hathaway-- one is actually trained and experienced as a soldier and a general, maybe even knows some NCR strategy. The other is just a sneaky wastelander mutie with a following and a mostly aesthetic title.
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