Avatar of Darcs
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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Spooky murder mystery, you say?
Yog Sothoth said I'm a centrist, traditionalist, pro government and pro religion

Protagonist said To reiterate my own views:
Government: The purpose of the government is to mostly to manage security and some other services I call "non-excludables" like the fire department. Things that the benefit an entire public rather than individuals. The government has to follow the same rules as individual citizens.
That will only realistically happen at a town or city level though. When an entire public IS individuals that you distinguish and see, 'murca's too big to ever benefit the entire public.

Protagonist said Religion: The government should not be officially affiliated with any church or doctrine, nor vice versa. Having said that, I don't think religion and politics should be separate things. I believe that people should vote fairly in accordance with their religious views.
Why shouldn't religion and politics be separate?

Protagonist said Economics: The government should not control any "private businesses" (aside from safety regulations), or vice-versa. Megacorporations controlling the government are bad, but a communist government more or less IS a megacorporation. Thus, the truth lies in the middle...which is actually pretty close to where America is already at.
What about the whole issue of having your citizens essentially becoming debt slaves to a declining imaginary fiat currency based off of a paper fiat currency based off of nothing?

Protagonist said Some more specific views:
1. Gun Control: All weapons (aside from WMDs, of course. At best, they're environmental hazards) should be legal at the state and federal level. Cities can ban whatever weapons they like, as long as their ban applies to EVERYONE. This includes their own police forces, and any state and federal forces entering.

I agree that people SHOULD be able to have whatever gunz they want, but why the hell does anyone need a machine gun? I like the idea of cities having their own personal weapon statues.

Protagonist said 2. Gay marriage: I'm a unionist. I think homosexuality is morally wrong, but at the same time I'm opposed to the state controlling marriage. Thus, I think gay marriage should be legal.

That's really all anyone can ask.

Protagonist said 3. Drugs: Particularly addictive drugs that render people dysfunctional beyond reason need to be controlled. Pot is acceptable, but meth is not. Selling someone meth is somewhat tantamount to drugging them and stealing their money. It's not acceptable.

That's a slippery slope. What is the scientific measure of "particularly-addictive-drugs-that-render-people-dysfunctional-beyond-reason-need-to-be-controlled" drugs? Neurochemistry, like DNA, is always different, and how people respond to drugs relies on that, environmental factors, personal experiences and opinions, and more chemical and psychological stimuli. Someone's 'meth' could be another person's 'pot' and vice versa-- and this isn't even counting the millions of people with addictions to actions and substances you wouldn't even consider "drugs." You can't cherry pick which drugs are okay, and which drugs aren't. Give adults the options to try whatever it is they want to try and trust that they won't all become addicts.

(DMT is pretty great though, I don't see a problem if literally everyone in America was addicted to it, hue hue hue)

Protagonist said 4. Abortion: Firmly against. There might some cases where it's acceptable, but it's legal all the time at the federal level, so there should be at least some restraints.

viktor said ahhh..... There is no better feeling than finishing a new song. better than sex.

In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
liferusher said i tought it was meant like you shouldnt rush into the cave and in the ic i saw that somone wrote that there where only figured that i wasnt in the group yet. sorry for the minor confussion, i had a good idea for when i already belonged to the group and i could post 2 days earlier if i kind of didnt "fuck up'' my post

It's all good brah.

I was suggesting you or Deathedge hang outside of the Cave for a bit mainly because I figured it'd be hard to write *pops into cave* in an interesting and meaningful manner, especially 4 pages in (I also wanted Marinette to have some dialogue).

We can play it as your character and my character do this kind of thing all the time, or you are just really new to everyone--

Raijinslayer said Hey, mistakes happen. Besides, this makes it more interesting.
Could we have it so that your character had already met mine,so as to ease the transition into the group. They could've met before he entered the group. They met in game and struck up a friendship. He hasn't told her about the group because he isn't the inviting type, he leaves that to Prince Cat-nap. He also never thought about it.

Or this! I like this idea.

It's whatever you're down for chief.

Cryptiic said Yeah, it could actually be a bit more interesting that way... :D

I'm going to post under shortly so you can respond to Darcs, by the way.
I just love the idea of Grey coming back right that moment and casually engaging in conversation with Marinette as though she holding someone at knifepoint. ^_^

This is awesome we should do this.
CirusArvennicus said
Name: Terra Straight
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Race: Selva
Homeworld: Somewhere
Position: Technician (communications)
Personality: A calm woman who enjoys physical activity in her spare time, particularly martial arts. She's a buff on ancient martial art films, actually...
Appearance: Terra stands at about 5'10" and has white hair she's dyed green. It matches the emerald color of her eyes. She has a defined face with notably pointed ears, almost triangular.

Abilities: Skilled with earth and metal magic, good at working with old technology. It comes with her hobby...

Equipment: P.ersonal H.andheld C.omputer, Taser, tools for working on technology stuff.

Biography: Recently, Terra came into the possession of an Aeva Imprinted Crystal. She's been meditating with it, but has so far had no success. WIP

Kukcoo is going to hit on her like crazy.
EDIT: Also, in regards to the post, the person Kukcoo saw fall was Iron Ion, she calls him human because she has a difficult time distinguishing humanoids from actual humans (which is why it took her so long to figure out Isaac wasn't from Earth), and she doesn't actually know if he's dead or not.

"ma'am, I started the engines and the shields, once the cap enters we are clear to lift off, mind if I see how to hack the turret systems and temporally modify the programming to fire on all that enter the hanger and are not counted in the Exa crew files, at least till someone can man the things themself?, can also see if I can simply hack the controls from here and fire on all seemingly hostiles, both have a little danger to them though"


"Sure...!" She shouted in the general direction of the electronic voice she assumed to be Isaac. Kukcoo, not owning a gun herself, was using a generic, surplus enforcer in the firefight. She crouched and peered out of the entryway of the ship, she lined up a shot against the torso of what appeared to be a humanoid in silver armor reloading, he didn't notice her.


Another one down. "Actually Isaac," She took a potshot, no dice. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Gogo firing wildly as she ran with a crazed expression, she was shot to hell but she didn't seem to notice. Or maybe she just didn't care. Kukcoo fired a shot at a silver man aiming for her-- missing, but getting him to duck behind cover. "Just send the announcement that we need the gunners to get to their stations-- like now. I'm not comfortable trying out the auto-turrets without the orders..." She lined up another shot, more carefully.


He didn't fall down-- but his gun did, broken most likely, another silver man fell back. "Our orders are still to be ready for emergency take-off," A silver man rushed forward. Bad mistake. Three shoots took him down. Kukcoo tossed the empty pistol aside and picked up another surplus enforcer, "I'd like to have all these bastards dead, but once cap and the rest of security get in here, we're gone ASAP." The shots pinged the Exeralune door uncomfortable close to her head, she fell back to the hallway for a second, "The gunners need to clear whatever path they can for the crew to make it on here, all safe and sound..."


Two shoots at the mook who had fired at her. "Thanks Isaac, over for now." Two shots was all it took and the silver figure slumped behind the crate, a figure next to him fired at her, the shot ricocheting off the ship. The were doing pretty good all things considered. Still, a part of her was angry-- she had let personal bias get in the way of the proper course of action. The damned Korrvain had been right-- she knew it, he knew it, and he knew she knew it. She took several shots at a silver head as it ducked behind a crate, she fell back. He wasn't entirely right-- having all of security would've just clogged the warehouse and made them a shooting gallery-- as well as making a speedy get-a-way when the Captain finally DID show up damn near impossible.

Where WAS that guy, anyway?

Still, he was right-- they should have organized a defense, a small one, able to retreat hastily, but still, a defense. All in all though, they could have been doing worse, only one recorded death-- a human fell after being shot in the back as he ran toward the ship-- two recorded deaths, at least 8 on the other side, and more incapacitated. She calmly lined up the sights of her surplus pistol with the human's murderer, and watched as the shot tore through the silver armor like tissue. 9 deaths on the other side. Kukcoo ducked back into the ship for cover.

"We have a problem,"

Kukcoo heard the familiar Nimin voice and turned with a warm smile, "M'rayl!" she maintained that smile as she turned to the blue-skinned stranger, "And I assume you're our stowaway?" She walked the two toward the entrance, "Well," she picked up another surplus enforcer and handed it to the Glaizart, "I have a way you can earn your keep," She pointed her own low quality pistol at a crate and fired uselessly at the silver men behind it, "We need to cover anyone on our side trying to get into this ship."

In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Diggerton said You're a Human, Darcs.


Just accept it, we're better.

In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Can't besquen the Esquen.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Do you jingle when you dingle-dangle?"

"...No, Miss Banks, I do not..." Marinette half- thought, half-murmured to herself. She filled her lungs with the woody smoke again before letting it out through her nose, like a dragon. There was something about old music like this that drew her toward it... Emotion? Yes. Modern music, while technically accurate, felt hollow in comparison to music from the early 2000's, more flaws, more "real" instruments. It was a strange distinction to make, but older music really resonated with her-- and Ness, too.

The orange glow of the sun lightly kissed Marinette's face, pale with make-up. Although the song was a very upbeat one, it's overall theme, combined with the warmth of the sun, the wind, and the cigar as well as the position she was lying in the grass in, all made her feel a pleasant lethargy....

Okay, just a short nap, then back to The Cave.
"Hey, wake up. Drop your weapons and tell me who you are. I don't mean any harm if you cooperate."

Well this isn't a pleasant thing to wake up to...

Marinette slowly opened her eyes, and very quickly assessed her assailant and surroundings. The Paradise sun, which followed a schedule similar to the real one, didn't seem to have moved very much, a quick glance down showed her that the cigar was still burning, that was another good sign. As for her mugger; Pholirite, the eyes gave it away, and a gun-- she was FOC based.

A smile crept onto Marinette's face as she slowly began to move, complying to her captor's orders. "You don't have to tell me twice!" She said, feigning a sigh of defeat, "I'm Marinette, Mari to my friends..." Getting up onto her knees, she set down her crossbow and looked her attacker right in the bi-colored eyes, "but to you, I'm Marinette." She placed her mace next to it, before slowly moving to stand, "My snake is Anima, she'll be fine," By this point Anima Sola was hissing up a storm, she was reared and read to bite. "ANIMA DOWN!"

Marinette turned slowly to face her attacker, arms still in the air, holding nothing but the still burning cigar in her right hand. Her face held a compassionate smile and warm eyes, "You know, I'm really glad you don't mean any harm..." she said it in an almost sing song manner, her hand let the smoking cigar butt drop to the grass.

In time with the music--smoke bomb, smoke bomb, smoke bomb--

Summoning all of her AGI, Marinette moved like a shadow the second the plume of smoke billowed into the air from where the cigar touched the ground. She'd move too fast to give her opponent the chance to shoot. She pulled out her hold-out dagger as she stepped behind the attacker, and, pulling their bodies close from behind, held it to the Pholirite's throat.

"...Because I do."

Feeling the threat had passed, Marinette let the cockiness flow from her voice as she leaned in to speak to the smaller character's ear, "Don't worry though, I won't go Sweeney Todd on you or anything, just know that if you move, I'll be sure to leave a cut..." Her voice was downright braggadocios, Cynthia would've been proud, "Knife's covered in a simple paralyzing agent-- if that doesn't do it, know that Anima is all too willing to bite you... but I can't promise it won't be lethal..."

"Now!" She said, still slightly bobbing her head as she held the girl at knife-point, "I'd like you to drop your weapon, and tell me who you are..." Marinette leaned in really close, practically licking the girl's ear, "Oh, and a word of advice, thief to thief..." Her grand smile and large eyes were all the more sinister, given the still lingering smoke, and her skeletal make-up, "If you get the drop on someone, try not to give them a chance to react..."
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
HylianRose said So... uh... Life... have fun figuring out how the hell Cherry is going to become a party of the group. I was kind of hoping she'd already be a part of the group since that's what we'd planned. :P

Yeah... that's basically what I was asking. If our characters actually knew each other or not.
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