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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Bubsy 2

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mantam frowned. She threw her now broken knife haphazardly behind her. "Useless System Spells, can't even protect a dumb knife against some useless Katana." Mantam grumbled, this time too quiet for Cynthia to here. She knew better then to claim that the use of skills was cheating. She was sure a few others in the room picked up on her little trick and that doing so would just cause her to look like a hypocrite. "You can keep your damn fish, I've suddenly lost my appetite." Mantam said, sulking over the loss of her precious kitchen knife. She noticed the absence of Marinette and Grey after the commotion died down. Not exactly a surprise, out of the entire group she would probably count them as the most prone to disappear. Not that she didn't like either of them, however.

Mantam, downtrodden after her loss to Cynthia, resumed Grey's now empty spot at the crafting table. Crafting was Mantam's typical way to cool down, and she quickly set to work, not making gear that would truly benefit her, but making gear merely to level the skill. As the only one in the group to take up Artificing she felt obliged to keep the group well equipped on the magical side of affairs. In a game with so many item slots, especially one that adopts a slower leveling style like Paradise, it was quite the chore to keep your equipment up to snuff, so a crafter such as Mantam was an asset to any group. Some of the higher-tier guilds have whole sections of members dedicated to crafting, but their small group had no such numbers to warrant anything like that.

The specific item that Mantam was making was a magical Foci. When it came to your conventional Caster class there were a few styles of weapon that can be used. The most common- and the only ones available at her current crafting level- were the Foci and Wand or the Staff. The Staff, while affording more raw damage stats, wasn't incredibly useful to the Mirage Shifter class, as they didn't use offensive magic per se, instead relying on a combination of FOC and AGI. Thus, the Foci and Wand were the superior choices for her class, allowing a larger mana pool. That is, the Foci doesn't exactly lengthen the user's mana pool, but instead lower the casting requirement for spells. A small difference, but one that may matter in very high level play.

But Mantam's theorycrafting was hardly of consequence at the group's current level of play. Lower levels were less about mechanical knowledge of the game and more about the mere drive to keep playing, which wasn't exactly hard to find in a game as tantalizing as Paradise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cat shook her head at the antics. Both Raijin and Hazard seemed a little childish, but she would expect that from boys. It was all friendly rivally between Cynthia and Mantam, she knew. Cat shook her head at the antics. Both Raijin and Hazard seemed a little childish, but she would expect that from boys. It was all friendly rivally between Cynthia and Mantam, she knew. And she thought that' was what made the group great. The friendly banter, and way of working together.

Cattypea blinked when Prince came over to her, to sit with here and talked. She wasn't surprised that he seemed to enjoy all their company, given that as far as she knew, Prince had invited at least some of the group. Kalinda wasn't too sure. She had seemed to come in when everyone else was apart of the group, having been invited along by Prince. She had felt awkward, out of place and unsure of what to do. She was glad now that she had stuck it out, stayed with the group.

"It's always a show around here" she replied with a smile, "friends like to show off for their friends" at his apology, she bit her lip. Perhaps she had been slightly harsh. But...it was one of the only things she remembered of her father. Rubbing her hair and messing it up. But how to explain that to Prince without having to get into all the background detail? She sighed softly, looking to him. Prince was all in all, a pretty cool guy. He seemed lonely, and perhaps that was just her reaching loneliness with loneliness but....she had become adapt at reading people. Most of their emotions could be seen in the eyes. She had learned sadness and loneliness pretty quickly.

"I'm sorry" she said softly "I shouldn't have reacted like I did. It's just..." She heaved in a breath, and let it out slowly, "my dad died when I was four. Having him tussle my hair like you did is literally one of the only things I can remember about him, besides his laugh. It's a touching subject with me, and...I let my emotions control me" she licked her lips, a nervous habit of hers.

She was glad for the chance to move on and answer his question. "I guess I don't really have a favorite animal, but I guess I'd have to say....horse" she said with a shrug. "What's yours?" She asked curiously, looking to him, seeing that he was looking to her as well. She smiled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Prince listened quietly as she told him about her father. He usually clammed up when stuff like this was mentioned and was glad when she moved onto to his next question. He wasn't exactly one for dealing with your problems and certainly not other people's. Though now he knew to avoid touching Cat like that again. He was carefree but he was also understanding so he'd make a point to avoid it in the future.

"Well... I like goats, if I have to be honest. They're just so amusing to watch." He chuckled. "Besides, I'd enjoy the lifestyle of a goat, playing with your friends all day long, not a care in the world." He continued, smiling over at Cat.

"Why a horse though? You just like 'em?" He asked, curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hazard sighed as he watched Mantam sulk over to the crafting table where Grey was earlier and began tomess around with some equipment. An idea popped into his head as he hopped up and went to his bag, rummaging though the little knick knacks that he had found through his little treasure hunts and managed to pull out a hilt without a blade. He figured that she could do something with this considering how detailed the crafting system was. The hilt even had a space for a crystal to add a magic effect to it, and he knew of her ability to make and repair magic equipment.

He walked over to her and sat on the ground next to the table, looking up at her and watching her craft. He honestly liked seeing her when she was so focused, the way her eyes looked so dead set on the task. He gave a small cough to get her attention, and he slowly raised up the hilt to her and set it on the table, patting it before slowly lowering his hand from the table. "In your spare time if you want something to mess with" he said with a smile before getting back up and walking away.

He heard the conversation between Catt and Prince and snuck over to them, flopping in front of them with his big goofy smile and said "Mine is the Cheetah!" somewhat boisterously for good humor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cattypea smiled at Hazard as he joined them "you just like to be fast" she said, deliberately reaching over and poking him, quickly moving back to avoid retaliation. "A horse because....they are majestic creatures. Loyal. They might get scared, but more often then not, they stick around and make sure their rider is okay. I heard a story once about a horse, who when it's owner went to retrieve a baby cow, protected her as the mama cow charged her, desperate for her kid. If the horses hadn't been there, she'd probably be dead. But beyond that, there's nothing that quite compares to being with a horse when it's in full gallop" she said with a smile.

She shrugged, "but all animals are awesome" she said, "I want to have a job where I can just work with animals all day" she smiled almost shyly and her ears twitched slightly, feeling oddly embarrassed at that childish dream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

Raijin walked over to Mantam, watching her work her magic.

"Whatcha making Mantam, anything interesting?" As all the excitement began to cool down, so did Raijin. His voice had gone from snarky and mischievous to serious and quiet. Right now, his ear were perked up, each at an angle, as he tried to figure out what Mantam was making.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could make me something, a ring or something, that could help me with spell casting? I'm thinking of focusing a little more in the magical ablities of my class for a little while."

Speaking of spells and abilities he remembered something else, something he had just recently discovered. He turned to call over to Cat.

"Hey Cat, ever hear of a passive-ish ability called 'Bloodrage'? It says it's a racial power, so I figured that I should give you a heads up. Then again, you might not get it though, since it says some species of wildborn do not recieve this skill. Sadly, it didn't specify."

Probably said something on the wiki, but he didn't feel like checking it. And from what he read, the ability probably wouldn't suit her, since she was a magic user, and thus, relied heavily on her Focus stat.

"And just for the halibut, my favorite animal is a deer." He had overheard their conversation earlier, and didn't want to make Cat uncomfortable by adding more people to the mix, but now that the conversation had moved on into favorite animals, he couldn't help but talk about it. Animals were awesome.

"You know I sometimes volunteer at an animal shelter. Oh what I would do to take home just one animal to haveas a pet. But my foster mother never let me have one." He placed a hateful emphasis on the word 'mother'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia finished cooking the fish and wound up with 8 halves, and only just realizing that Marin had left, which made six people in the room. "Alright, I guess I miscounted, everyone grab a plate." She said cheerfully, wandering over to Mantam with two plates in her hands.

"Here, try it," She said, putting one of the plates next to her. "And sorry about the knife, I'll pay for a new one." She sat down nearby and took a bite of her food, chewing carefully. "Mph," she said, swallowing, "I could have done worse with random spices from my bag." She grinned at Mantam, pointing with her fork. "You know, you don't really have to use a Katana to cook from now on. I never told you I was going to use one of my abilities to help me cut it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Prince chuckled at Hazard and Cat, enjoying the moment. It made sense for Hazard to like Cheetah's, he'd always had a hard time sitting still.

"Cheetah's are amazing, I don't know what I'd do with that kind of speed. Probably crash." Prince spoke, shaking his head slightly. He looked back over to Cat when she began to explain her reasoning. Prince simply nodded as she spoke, agreeing with her.

"That sounds pretty nice." He spoke wistfully. "It's nice to have something to look forward to..." He continued, immediately regretting it.

"Anyway, I'd also enjoy being a bird. I'd love to know what it feels like to fly without the... yanno... falling bit." He spoke. He needed something else to talk about but his mind was suddenly blank. With a sigh, Prince let himself fall against the hard ground of the cave, his arms held behind his head. With sad and lonely eyes, the blonde stared up at the top of the cave, a small smile held on his face.

"Or a fish. I'd love to live in the ocean. It's so beautiful." He added.

At the sound of Cynthia calling everyone to eat, Prince jumped up, walking over to grab a plate. Plate in hand, he walked back to Cat and sat down, his legs crossed. With a satisfied smile, Prince munched on the glorious meal. With a flick of his hand, he pulled down his inventory and pulled out his canteen filled with fresh water and took a sip in between bites every now and then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hazard made a playful bite toward Catts finger as she poked him, and chuckled as she went on to explain why she loved horses. "Yeah, theyre cool I guess" he said in response. He looked over at Prince as he named off the animals he would want to be, curious as to the expression in the guys eyes. However he went back to his normal smile and Hazard let it be. Once it was called on for food, he smiled and rolled backwards until he reverse summersaulted onto his feet, heading to the table. He took a bite of the fish, rolling back his eyes as the taste of it graced his taste buds. "I swear, I think this is so much more tasty than IRL food" he said after swallowing a mouthfull.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(glitch in the matrix. deleted)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It seemed everyone wanted to talk to her. It threw her slightly, and she quickly gathered her mental capabilities in order to answer them all. She decided on Raijin first. "I have heard of it, but aren't awarenof what it does or even if I have access to the ability" she shrugged "but my guess is it wouldn't be suitable for me, since I probably don't have the physical strength for it" she said "as I prefer to focus on magic. I guess theres abilities and things for each type of user. Something we will have to discover, I guess. Deer? Really? They are quite graceful" she mused. She liked Raijin. He was a bit goofy, kinda like a big kid, but he was sweet and nice and that was all that mattered in her book.

Hazard was some of the same, but he did it in a more...well outgoing way, but also in a more quite way then Raijin. They were kind of like brothers, she supposed. She smiled, knowing she was thinking too much on a subject that didn't really need it. But she like those types of thoughts. She poked her tongue out at Hazard when he playfully tried to bite her finger and missed. She listened to Prince as he spoke about the animals he wanted to be.

such a strange individual she thought, wondering how anyone could seem so lonely and distant when surrounded by people that liked them. It was like he expected them to just all disappear. Fish. Bird. Animals that were grouped together, a school of fish. A flock of birds. In other words, animals that were social beings. That always had at least one other. He craved companionship, she thought, yet fears it will be taken away if he gets close. you do think to much. Maybe you should be a paychologist she chuckled to herself in amusement.

She rose, grabbing some fish for herself and sitting back down the them, "I imagine anything tastes great after a month of TV dinners" she said with anusement "home made cooking is always good. Well....mine is" she said with a laugh, and a shrug "but this food is pretty awesome to"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Bubsy 2

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Hazard dropped off some random crafting component, Mantam turned to thank him. "Thanks, I'm sure I can do something with it... a blacksmith might have more use of it, but I'll have more fun with it." She said with a coy smile. Next she addressed Raijin, "Yeah, I'll get on that when I have some time. I haven't really worked with Xenomaster equipment much, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out." Finally, she begrudgingly accepted Cynthia's Katana tainted fish. Despite her claim that she wasn't hungry, she was.

She turned to her, laughing internally at her offer to buy another knife, oblivious to Mantam's own cheating. She took a bite of the fish before turning to Cynthia, grinning, "The fish is good. Don't worry about the knife. You didn't tell me about the ability you used, but I didn't tell you about the fortification spell I put on the knife. I guess that magic notwithstanding, the Swordmaster will have her way in a sword fight."

Lastly, hearing the talk of animals, Mantam shouted over the chatter, "Wolf! Obvious."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Thanks Mantam, your the best." Raijin said as he ruffled her hair a little, quickly moving away with his plate before she could retaliate. Taking bites of the food, he could have cried, it was so good. His ear's laid down on the sides of his head and his tail wagging vigorously.

"Cynthia, your cooking is amazing. Best thing I've ever tasted, for sure. Gosh, if this keeps up, I might get addicted. Void, you gotta try some of this."

He took a piece of his fish and threw it over to Void, who jumped up to snatch it out of air. When she landed, she howled happily, in full agreement wuth her master's opinion on the food. She sat down in the floor between Cat and Prince, catching and scraps that Raijin, or anyone else, threw at her.

Raijin returned his attention to Cat when he heard her remark at his favorite animal.

"Not what you expected huh, I guess it has to do with their inherently gentle appearence that hides a fierce strength. Plus, they care for each other, stand up for each other. I guess they represent qualities I wish I had experienced a little more when I grew up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miko <Near the cave>

A typical red with white colored picnic blanket was waving happily in the air as it slowly dropped down to the ground still in the hands of the girl Miko. She gave a heavy sigh while she brushed the corners of the picnic blanket right. Her stomach gave a loud growl as she opened up the picnic basket. It felt like ages she had a good decent meal, mob grinding wasn't her favorite hobby but it all belonged to the game she was playing. The inside of the basket was fairly filled with food just for her only, it was all bought at the market since she didn't spend any points in cooking and wouldn't even know how to cook in real life. If she even tried cooking it would end up all black and burned together with remaining ashes of the food that somehow worked out better than the burned food. Miko sat down onto the blanket with her knees and was just about to eat the sandwich as the strong wind flew by. One side of the cloth raised from the ground and flew up against Miko her back. It surprised her a little but she quickly placed the cloth right again and found some small rocks on the corners to keep it nicely in place. The girl finally started her long beloved sandwich, it didn't take long before it was completely devoured by her mouth. A small burp escaped her mouth that made her giggle a bit, while she grabbed the next half out of the basket.

After the girl finished all her sandwiches, she placed the basket into her inventory again, some pieces of the sandwiches still remained on her face but she didn't notice any of it, since she saw something pretty interesting to her. A silvery smoke could be seen from under some of the trees close to her picnic spot. She felt curious to know what it could possibly be, maybe it was something she could use to upgrade a vehicle or something or maybe a new indicator to secret treasure she hasn't seen yet. Miko slowly moved her body into a squatting position while she raised her M1911 from the holster hanging at the side of her hip to the front of her body. With both hands she holded the gun tightly and one of her fingers placed next to the trigger of the pistol ready to fire it anytime. Miko began moving towards the smoke while remaining close to the ground. The distance between her and the mysterious smoke gradually decreased. Her movement wasnt that fast but it was a good way to keep quiet. Miko began to raise her body a bit more when she approached the object lying in the grass and quickly discovered it was not a object. The pistol was pointed at the face of the girl when she stood right next to the person lying in the grass, the girl was smoking a cigarette while napping in the sun with a snake right next to her. It made her worry a little if it could attack her in a instant and she would be done with in one shot of the snakes poison, should she have pointed the gun at the snake or the girl popped up in her head. But there was no time to think about that now. Her breathing was getting a bit heavier when she still was getting closer to the girl, it couldn't possibly be a PKer, not like the other people that she met told her about the PKers around the more lower level areas. The curious voice of Miko sounded, hoping that the girl would hear it through the headphones she was wearing Hey, wake up. Drop your weapons and tell me who you are. I don't mean any harm if you cooperate. She felt like she was really into character just saying it like that, the excitement could be felt throughout whole her body. maybe she could quickly get used to this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(are you kidding me -_-)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Do you jingle when you dingle-dangle?"

"...No, Miss Banks, I do not..." Marinette half- thought, half-murmured to herself. She filled her lungs with the woody smoke again before letting it out through her nose, like a dragon. There was something about old music like this that drew her toward it... Emotion? Yes. Modern music, while technically accurate, felt hollow in comparison to music from the early 2000's, more flaws, more "real" instruments. It was a strange distinction to make, but older music really resonated with her-- and Ness, too.

The orange glow of the sun lightly kissed Marinette's face, pale with make-up. Although the song was a very upbeat one, it's overall theme, combined with the warmth of the sun, the wind, and the cigar as well as the position she was lying in the grass in, all made her feel a pleasant lethargy....

Okay, just a short nap, then back to The Cave.
"Hey, wake up. Drop your weapons and tell me who you are. I don't mean any harm if you cooperate."

Well this isn't a pleasant thing to wake up to...

Marinette slowly opened her eyes, and very quickly assessed her assailant and surroundings. The Paradise sun, which followed a schedule similar to the real one, didn't seem to have moved very much, a quick glance down showed her that the cigar was still burning, that was another good sign. As for her mugger; Pholirite, the eyes gave it away, and a gun-- she was FOC based.

A smile crept onto Marinette's face as she slowly began to move, complying to her captor's orders. "You don't have to tell me twice!" She said, feigning a sigh of defeat, "I'm Marinette, Mari to my friends..." Getting up onto her knees, she set down her crossbow and looked her attacker right in the bi-colored eyes, "but to you, I'm Marinette." She placed her mace next to it, before slowly moving to stand, "My snake is Anima, she'll be fine," By this point Anima Sola was hissing up a storm, she was reared and read to bite. "ANIMA DOWN!"

Marinette turned slowly to face her attacker, arms still in the air, holding nothing but the still burning cigar in her right hand. Her face held a compassionate smile and warm eyes, "You know, I'm really glad you don't mean any harm..." she said it in an almost sing song manner, her hand let the smoking cigar butt drop to the grass.

In time with the music--smoke bomb, smoke bomb, smoke bomb--

Summoning all of her AGI, Marinette moved like a shadow the second the plume of smoke billowed into the air from where the cigar touched the ground. She'd move too fast to give her opponent the chance to shoot. She pulled out her hold-out dagger as she stepped behind the attacker, and, pulling their bodies close from behind, held it to the Pholirite's throat.

"...Because I do."

Feeling the threat had passed, Marinette let the cockiness flow from her voice as she leaned in to speak to the smaller character's ear, "Don't worry though, I won't go Sweeney Todd on you or anything, just know that if you move, I'll be sure to leave a cut..." Her voice was downright braggadocios, Cynthia would've been proud, "Knife's covered in a simple paralyzing agent-- if that doesn't do it, know that Anima is all too willing to bite you... but I can't promise it won't be lethal..."

"Now!" She said, still slightly bobbing her head as she held the girl at knife-point, "I'd like you to drop your weapon, and tell me who you are..." Marinette leaned in really close, practically licking the girl's ear, "Oh, and a word of advice, thief to thief..." Her grand smile and large eyes were all the more sinister, given the still lingering smoke, and her skeletal make-up, "If you get the drop on someone, try not to give them a chance to react..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was a dull thud a few feet away from the scene, quickly followed by two short clicks. To anyone not looking out for them, those sounds would probably go unnoticed amidst the ambient noise of the forest, but Marinette was sure recognize them instantly.

It was a code Grey had devised for alerting other members of the group of his presence when in potentially tense situations. While he and Marinette liked to sneak up on one another at camp all the time, they had determined that it would probably be best to have a few signals like this one in combat in order to avoid friendly fire. The one he had just used was pretty basic, essentially just a silent "It's me, don't shoot".

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the armoured figure of the cyborg emerged from the underbrush, carrying a few small leather bags over a shoulder and rummaging through a slightly larger one as he walked. His blaster was currently retracted back into his forearm, and his demeanor was calm and relaxed, like he was simply just returning from an evening stroll.

"Hey Mari!" he greeted the duo pleasantly, as though completely oblivious to the situation. "I take it your nap was enjoyable?"

"Ehh, can't complain... can't complain..." she responded with the same casual ease, almost as if discussing the weather. "I got mugged, but it didn't take. How was the uhh... walk?"

Finally finding what he was looking for, a plastic pack filled with unappetizing looking jerky, he sat down, back to a nearby boulder, and crossed his legs, carefully setting the bags next to him on the ground.

"Oh, I see. Quite pleasant, actually. I went to scout out a few locations for what we were talking about earlier, and I found a few spots that might be suitable." He gave a glance at the bags at his feet. "I hit a few caches I had laid out in the area while I was at it. Figured since we might be moving out soon, it could be a good idea to start packing things early."

He opened the packet and took a bite from one of the meat strips from under his mask.

"I got some dried meat on the way back, want some?" he offered.

"Is it wolf? You know that stuff is bad for you."

"Bear actually."

"Bear!? That's the good stuff! Almost as good as snake!"

At her feet, a certain individual of reptilian persuasion gave an apprehensive hiss.

"Oh be quiet, you know I'm only kidding." She admonished, rolling her eyes. She then turned her attention to Miko. "You hungry?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cattypea nodded, listening as Raijin spoke and explained his reasoning besides liking deer. Because Vold was there, and Catty liked to make animals happy, she petted Vold, setting aside her hardly touched fish. "A reasonable reason" she said with a soft laugh "sometimes I wonder if our favorite animals say a lot about us.- d then I tell myself I think too much" she looked up, around at them and smiled.

"Are we going to get started on level me before I have to log out, or what?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The girl looked pretty ordinary but not someone you would see every day. A skellington was painted on the girl's face it was very fitting for her though Miko wondered where she had gotten it from. Miko kept switching her aiming between the snake and the girl as the girl slowly sat upright. She felt very confident just simply followed her orders and lowered her guard a bit when the girl dropped her weapons onto the ground.

The snake still seemed dangerous to her, so her gun was mostly pointed at the snake its head to make sure it didn't attack her. The smoke from the cigaret blew right into her face, it made her gasp slightly before she started coughing heavily with one of her hands in front of her face. As she was coughing the girl told her name to Miko Mari? she said before the last cough escaped her mouth That is a name you don't hear to often,... I like it. A sharp smile appeared on her face as the girl said she didn't want Miko to call her Mari. The girl didn't look like she wants to get any harm going on right, Maki slowly stood up as Miko tightened the grip around the pistol in her hands.

Magi mentioned her snake again making Miko look at the animal again with a sharp eye. It didn't look all to happy and might still do something to her if she didn't pay enough attention to it. She moved back a bit when the girl began yelling at the snake to stand down It doesn't sound to happy to see me. She said with a small chuckle. Something particular the girl was saying sounded a bit of, she lowered her gun a bit to show her face a little while she looked directly into the girl her face What do you mean by that. The cigar in the girl her hands dropped to the ground, Miko her eyes followed the cigar falling to the ground but quickly went back to the girl that started moving towards the back of her HEY, STOP MOV...

Eeek a knife could be spotted from the bottom of her eyes and it could be felt pressing lightly onto her throat. The body of the girl was for the most part touching Mikos body now. She didn't feel all to comfortable being this close to the girl with a knife against her throat. Instead of shooting her she tried to press the arm of the girl away with a lot of force but it wouldn't budge in this position. Magi's voice sounded a bit creepier now instead of the sarcasm voice from before. The fact that she could feel the breathing of the girl into her ear made her creep out a little I'm just here to take a break not to kill others. Her voice sounded somewhat of because she was leaning her head a bit backwards away from the knife Ughh, this is really uncomfortable. What about you why are you here.

It was to risky to try and shoot her since she could only hit under the stomach of the girl behind her. it would take at least more then 5 shots to kill her and there might be more people around her. The girl threatened her a bit by saying she would cut her if she moved any more and that the knife might even kill her in one go, since it was coated in some sort of poison. The snake could be felt crawling between her legs too, so she was stuck like this and would probably be better to hear the girl out for now. Mari commanded her to drop the gun to the ground, it was probably not the smartest thing to do but what else could she do now. The hand holding the gun slowly released the weapon making it fall in between the grass.

I'm Cherry now it made her wonder a bit, was Mari the username of the girl or her real life name since she used her username herself. Miko eyes shot wide open when the girl started licking her ear out of nowhere. It made Miko freak out a little as she started moving a lot by the disgusting feeling around her ear. She tried to hold in the struggling but just couldn't stop it. Even moving her head away from the girl her mouth didn't work, a girlish shriek escaped her mouth Aaahaa w-what are you doing, s-stop it! The girl was still talking to her but she didn't want to hear it. It suddenly seemed to be a very bad idea to sneak up to the girl.

Suddenly a robotic looking man appeared out of nowhere, he seemed to clearly know Mari by hearing the conversation between the two. Miko was half crying from the feeling that she had before, sniffing a little hoping the girl wouldn't continue this after she was done talking to the robot looking person that was biting onto a meat jerky from his inventory. She was a bit surprised when the girl asked if she was hungry, the girl clearly didn't make much sense but Miko still felt quite hungry, even after eating the whole basket of sandwiches Can I really? The tears where for the most part gone now as she calmed down a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

Raijin was happily chowing down on some fish, when he heard a loud shriek from outside. He quickly put his plate down, giving Void the chance to quickly devour his leftovers, and walked cautiously towards the cave entrance. He wasn't sure if anyone else heard it, since hs ears were more sensitive than theirs.

As he walked outside, he made sure to bring his dagger out of his inventory, giving a sharp whistle as a signal for Void to follow.

He leaped out dagger at the ready, expecting to see some PKer's attacking Mari, or some random girl. Instead, he saw Mari and Gray messing around with, wait a minute was that Cherry.

"Hey there Cherry, long time no see. It seems you have gotten yourself into an a little bit of a pickle."

He then turned to Mari, an eyebrow raised at the knife.

"Geez, What she try to do that you had to pull a knife on her?"
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