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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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If there was a chance of any government being left, shouldn't we realistically head to Denver?
@So Boerd
I guess I'm of the mind that we do something that hasn't been done to maybe remind Putin that this isn't okay.

So Boerd said What is your issue with a very weak federal government whose only job essentially is national defense?

Crazy southern ideals
@Dinh AaronMk
I'm a huge fan of military operations that don't involve senseless death, but like, that doesn't even need to be military at that point, just fund humanitarian operations-- ¿por que tantos tanqes?

Dinh AaronMk said So abolishing armies will not help anything. You're opening up a few doors that shouldn't be opened by trusting people to not extend themselves beyond what they're allowed and found this on trust. Economic and political sanctions can only do so much, so Putin is happily showing us in Ukraine;

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the trust thing, I AM an anarchist after all, if we were to have it in the way I really want it it'd be utter bedlam.

Dinh AaronMk said he hasn't pulled out yet.

Hehe, Phrasing.
This made me giggle.

Dinh AaronMk said #RestoreCrimeanTatarKhanateInReperationsForStalin'sMassButcheringOfPeacefulPeople

Russia is rightful Mongolian clay Khan stronk.
Long history of military helping out my family of minorities, I'm in a personal position to acknowledge that the things you're talking about are true. I almost certainly wouldn't have been born if it wasn't for the military providing a second option for a good amount of men and women in my family. I respect the help it can provide to someone who needs it and doesn't want to turn to things that could potentially ruin their lives.

That being said, the military isn't solving those problems, it just acts as a band-aid. It helps, but it isn't going to heal all the symptoms of the problems it can help individuals with, and the money it costs to maintain the military (American) is a drain on the whole country, and ultimately only helps to create on a large sale the problems it helps some people escape.

I agree with Vilageidiotx on pretty much everything, so I really don't want to rehash all their points (but I think needing a standing army could be argued, but again, that's just me, filthy anarchist scum).
I've been chilling in my partner's apartment with her roommates. She's been studying on and off for finals so I mostly lurked /x/, watched Netflix and drank excessive amounts of soda, wine and cider.
10/10 weekend would recommend

Polyphemus said Well, Hanukkah begins tomorrow. . .

'Today' tomorrow or 'tomorrow' tomorrow?
Figure we can wait another day or two before we get this show on the road, give errybody who showed interest a fair chance to get in while the getting's still good.

Unrelated: How was y'all's weekends?
They hadn't come to a consensus on where they needed to go, but going was agreed to be a priority. It looked like the sick were leaving the cities, and headed straight toward where they had... gatgered

Safety in numbers after all...

Denny blushed a deep maroon at the touch from Charlie, smiling, she declared her spot as "S-shotgun!" And made her way back to the truck.
AngelNoire said Hey Darc.There's two boys in the room around your age but I want to assume that you mean Tom.I wanted to clarify because it would be easy to assume it was me since my character is your age exactly, but like I said... Pretty sure its Tom.

It's Tom. She's been referring to you as "the guy with swords."
"style and dignity."

That last part irked her a bit, she tried not to let is show on her face, but she felt insulted-- "Umm, I don't know... I think holing up in a cold, far away place that might not have any power with..." She looked at the people shuffling around the rest stop again, "... with strangers, you know? That's crazy! If it gets bad it'd take weeks for help to find you, and like, I don't know, I'd rather stay close to the city, once stuff dies down, I mean, it's still home... and cars... cars can move faster than ski lodges."

Something sparked in her head, "Denver! T-there's got to be something for... for people who aren't dead... at Denver!"

He hadn't answered her question, she yelled over to the red-haired girl and the boy around her age, "Are you guys like a group of friends or family or something?"
Magic Magnum said *Comes in to see if debate will be worthwhile to go back into*

*See's I've been strawmanned under the accusations of cherry picking and generalizing. Regardless of the fact I am arguing against someone generalizing all humans to be of the same knowledge and experience level*

Not only did I never insult your character and use it to try and disprove your point, but: "Regardless of the fact I am arguing against someone generalizing all humans to be of the same knowledge and experience level"

That is a generalization (and wrong, never said they all have the same level of knowledge and experience, arguments would never happen if we did)

Magic Magnum said *See's that she has some idea that being in school = expert in all fields*

I didn't imply that either? Being in school simply means you gain some insight into society and how it works, such as (hopfully) imparting enough knowledge that once you leave you can be a contributing member to it, and one of the things a contributing citizen does.

You don't need to be an expert in all fields to vote, be it on the president, or on every matter affecting your community.

Magic Magnum said *Other person is clearly being a hypocrite and lacks the concept of learning and/or someone knowing something she doesn't*

We're discussing a very real flaw of confederate nations and small countries? They bring up good points and I'm countering, considering, arguing and conceding them.

Magic Magnum said Yea, I was smart to back out.

*makes a post attempting to criticize a person's argument*
*but I backed out*

Magic Magnum said Arguing with someone who thinks not only they, but all humans are all-knowing gods is redundant.

Yeah, again, never implied this. Nice strawman, though.

Magic Magnum said Though, I feel the need to note.The very fact she is bothering to argue her point rather than assume that everyone understands and agrees must highlight that not all people possess the same knowledge or experience. In which case her even bothering to argue destroys her own argument.

Jokes on you that's not even close to my argument! In fact I mentioned that argument was a good thing for a politically active county, something along the lines of "an open forum of discussion" or something.
So Boerd said 1. Alaskan oil?

True-- but we're pretty close to point where oil is going to find itself as a secondary source of fuel.

So Boerd said 2. Then you have the coordination problem. Thousands of little states with thousands of militaries.

If oil is important enough for Russia to take oil is important enough for their trading partners to help contribute a defense.

So Boerd said 3. Free rider problem. If there are 10,000 cities, each state will try and minimize its military spending and let others do the fighting.

I'll be honest, without some external threat like Russians trying to empire like 500 years too late this sounds like the way it should be.

So Boerd said Honestly, if you seriously think 1000s if little states could take on Russia, you're proving just how out of your depth you are.

I'm not so sure about 1000's of tiny micro-nations beating Russia in a war outright (What is the state of Russia? Is it just America that's split up or is it other places in the world?), but I am positive Russia would only put so much effort into controlling a tiny fraction of a place it has no historical precedent for taking.

So Boerd said And the EU is composed of real countries. Why would the Republic of Lisbon or the Republic of Chicago spend a dime to stop Russia taking over the microstate of Riga?

The loss of an ally and trading partner? Also;

So Boerd said Republic of Chicago

I want it so bad

So Boerd said And, who gets control of the US nukes? The republic of Minot?

Man if nukes are still a thing Russia isn't setting foot on Alaskan soil. Their trading partners WITH nukes would be sure to flaunt them.
Dinh AaronMk said > All those thousand tiny nations supposed to reduce their military budget and rely on others to fight for them.
> All of the sudden through 11/10 coordination no one has an army because it's assumed their neighbor will handle it for them.

Okay, I'll be honest, I want a world where no country has an army.

Dinh AaronMk said And when everyone EUs and the one crutch decides to cut back... Well you can ask Ukraine how it feels for Putin to borrow chunks of it.

Ukraine is butthurt because they couldn't have their territory full of people who wanted to be with Russia. Crimea is historically Russian and a majority of the people there believed they simply were Russians.

I'm not really saying it was Russia's place to openly annex one part of a country from another, or that everyone in Crimea is happy with his arrangement. I'm just saying there's more to this that meets the eye. It's not like Germoney and Polska.
So Boerd said There is no US. It is broken up into thousands of micro democracies in this hypothetical.

But there is a UN? and thousands of other micro-democracies possibly allied whose best interest might be to fend off Russia?

What would even be Putin's strategic reasoning in directly taking on the west?
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
ProfessorNV said heyya guys, just a quick heads up, i am proud to say that after today, I am officially sworn into the US Air Force! By january I will have my job officially applied to as a helicopter maintenance specialist!

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