Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Ada Cinet - Eagle Street, Boerne/MEC perimeter Ada delivered a sweeping kick to the side of the sicko's knees, as it fell to the ground, she quickly brought down her hunting knife with all her energy, driving it into his skull. The woman sighed, the pavement of Boerne's main street becoming stained a sickly brownish red as the blood slowly seeped out of the hole the knife created in the rotting man's head. Ada stayed on her knees by the corpse as she panted, regaining the energy lost. Her eyes darted around the distance, tired, looking for anymore threats. She looked back in the direction of Westphalen House, she hadn't left it's door more than 30 minutes ago, and already she ached to go back to sleep, her body was already sore and tire. Looking forward, she saw what appeared to be the most architecturally ambitious building in all of Boerne-- the first thing even coming close to being a sky scraper she had seen in a while. With a grunt, Ada pulled the knife out of the sick man's head, and rubbed the blood off on his rotted shirt, she pushed herself toward her feet and resumed her trek. The building-- the hospital with it's giant red cross-- filled Ada with both concern and hope. On the one hand, there were certainly beds, maybe even water-- she'd be fine for food, scavenging came naturally to her, and she already had a few cans of food anyway. She just needed a safe place to rest for a few days, her body needed it, her body had been showing all the signs of beginning to shut down since Mexico. She needed to address it now before her week long treks killed her. The hospital had a single, large, rustic front entrance, and in the moment her hands reached to open it, something hit her. A memory from the night before-- lights. There were people here. Her hand hovered by the entrance, before returning limply to her side. What were the chances of more people like Clayton being out here? Griping the gun on her belt, she continued making her way around the perimeter of the building, looking for a more subtle entrance.
That's terrible! I hope she's doing alright.
I felt like a brothel called the Fish's Taco wouldn't have been era appropriate.
Delphi coughed. The woman paced on the roof's smokey balcony, she watched with mild interest at the slowly dying fires beneath her and any incoming ravens-- the screams in the distance didn't even register to her. Her only concerns in the moment were maximizing profit and minimizing losses, just as always, this was nothing but a business transaction to her. Albeit, one seemed intent to keep as interesting as possible. Delphi turned from her view of the chaotic streets to the roof. Seth, small in stature but fast with pen, was seated at a table in the middle of all the raven cages, writing as fast as the Madame Day Master could give orders. Delphi coughed again. Seth looked up in concern, "Are you alright, Madame?" Delphi shook her head as she made her way over to the clay desk, clearly built into the roof, "I'll be fine once we clear the air of this wretched ash..." Delphi leaned against a raven cage as she watched Seth write, "It is of no consequence. Do we have any new information?" Seth thumbed through the notes the most recent messenger ravens had brought with them, "Well..." He squinted, the smoke making it that much harder to read, despite candlelight. "Glaucia's brothel to the east reports that eastern quarter Market District businesses have suffered little in the way of physical damage and have had no deaths-- archers on the roof have been posted, but it appears the Nazerene weren't able to cause much actual damage besides panicking the common folk, Madame." "Good," Delphi leaned over Seth to view the map of the city. It was a map littered with lines and circles, all indicating to which establishment her ravens had been trained to fly, most of these locations were located in the Slums and the Market District for varying reasons, these were the locations she was most concerned with at the moment, the ones in the pocket of the Rouges Guild. The Market District was a giant circle itself on the map, a cluster of homes and businesses, it was the area with the second highest population density in the city, right behind the slums. However, opposite the slums, it was where most of the city's coin was to be made. Delphi had been born here, and found herself with no desire to be anywhere else. Fitting, then, that she now had the task of protecting it. The Market District was separated into six areas, Four Quarters, a Central Borough, and the Outer Wards. Each is unique in goods, business opportunities, and culture; All lines on the map led to the Central Borough, specifically a major hub of Rouge Guild activity, Delphi's own residence, the only brothel in the Central Borough, the very roof she stood on-- Plenora's Bounty. The Central Borough was known for it's banking, making the presence of a brothel and hive for illegal activity a haven for some, and a nuisance for others. The Day Master took it in stride, the brothel's 'classy' theme brought in the wealthy bankers of the district, as well as the occasional royal or other wealthy public official. All the money in Antioch, eventually, made its way through the banks of the Central Borough, making her position one of strategic importance for her less than legal dealings with the banks. The other Quarters-- North, South, East, West, as well as the Outer Wards, were also important for the Guild, albeit for other reasons; The North Quarter serving as an area of gathering for the merchants and businesses of the city. The West Quarter, until recently, was a place where exports leaving the city (and imports entering) passed through. The South held the great artisans and craftsmen of Antioch. With the Outer and East Quarters serving as a place where all of this... converged. The Outer Wards were where people too poor to move to the Market District proper lived, where poor worker from the slums would go to spend their nights in a pub after a hard week, and where poor Market District citizens would go to save some gold and get some beer, they were home of Blooming Orchid. A hive of information and business opportunities, and the East Quarter, with all it's brothels, was it's wealthy brother. Of course, under Delphi's leadership, the Guild had expanded into all six areas of the Market District, and was on the verge of creating a stronger foot in the other Districts of Antioch. Glaucia, and her brothel, The Stories End, were right in the middle of the Eastern Quarter, and in a near perfect position to tell of it's status in the fray. Despite her cough, Delphi held a smile on her face. "I want you to send word to Glaucia, she's to have her archers and any mercenaries still in the Eastern Quarter form a perimeter-- no one--" She paused to think, biting her lower lip, "No one of those Nazarene-possessed things is to get in," As she paused, Seth wrote, looking up briefly to ask. "Anything more, madame?" "Oh, dearest Seth-- there's always more." Delphi paused to consider her wording before continuing, "I want, all houses, all businesses not under Rouge Guild protection, completely cleaned out." Seth stopped writing, an incredulous look on his face, "I-i beg your pardon, madame?" "Don't look so confused, Seth." the woman scolded, "The Goddess of Plenty has given us an opportunity, and I intend to take it. The confusion this is causing serves as the perfect shroud to attack outright those who oppose us. Any business, in the Market District and in the Slums, not currently paying protection money to the Guild is to be cleaned dry." "..." Seth took a moment to adjust his wireframed spectacles before continuing his writing, "And what of those behind on their payments, madame?" Delphi scoffed, moving over to the edge of the roof to view the street once more, "What of them? They get this chance to pay-- if they do not, then they pay in anything and everything we can have lifted out of their homes and businesses before day break." She turned back to Seth, "If they prove troublesome, this includes their lives." "Yes, madame." Seth made swift work of writing out the orders, as ravens with new notes from around the city began to pile around Seth. "Oh Seth?" Delphi called over as she found herself pacing once more around the perimeter of the roof, "Be sure to include instructions to burn that note... the less solid evidence leading back to us the better." "Of course, madame," and in a matter of seconds, the raven was off, carrying with it instructions for one of the biggest, if not the biggest robberies in the history of Antioch. Everyone would know the culprit, but with all the confusion caused by the surprise Nazarene assault, as well as the note the raven carried being the only solid bit of evidence-- no one would have any grounds to accuse any member of the Rouges Guild. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allso's head peeked out of a sewer grate of the plaza near the main palace, following the advice of the man... man? Half-man? Man without man parts? Allso scratched his head in confusion. He wasn't sure what you called him, but he was thankful to Sarel regardless, back alleys had been mostly safe, but then people started coming back to life! He'd have been done for if Sarel hadn't saved him when he did-- it was awful convenient too, as he could just tell what Delphi had told him to Sarel, and then receive some new orders from him! He was the Night Master's adviser, anyway! "Find out how the city guard is handling this mess. Use the sewers to avoid these corpses." Sarel had told him. So find out how the city guard is handling this mess he did! Allso also found himself greatly appreciating the advice of the Night Master's Second, the sewers were much safer than the streets-- although a little bit smelly. He didn't mind too much. He had found out Guard posted all over the city were being called to the palace and a few apparently went to the fields, he took that to mean the slums and Market District could look out for themselves, which was good! Lady Delphi liked it when that happened. Allso watched as the guard prepared to fight, their staggering numbers split between the wall, the Palace, and the Cultivators plateau. "Remember men, these aren't your friends anymore, just soulless shells! Attack!" Allso ducked back down into the sewers, figuring he should probably go find Delphi or Sarel, he couldn't help but muse as he began to walk the cramped septic corridors, though. What an interesting night... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rest easy, Sarel." Delphi poured two glasses of grand wormwood spirits, "The difficult part seems to be over, with the Nazarene mages gone from the markets--" she took a sip from her glass, "and soon to be gone from the slums I hope," She handed one of the glasses to the giant eunuch, who sat at a table in Delphi's quarters, across the room Pollyanna slept in Delphi's bed. Delphi shrugged at his refusal and poured the green liqueur in his glass into her own, plopping several cubes of sugar in the beverage, she sat across from him. "Too much time spent drinking with Athel?" Sarel gave a dry chuckle, "If only you knew.." His face became more serious as he asked, "What do you mean, difficult part? What of what comes next?" Delphi sipped the green liqeur with a smile, "Well it shouldn't be too hard-- the Assassins Guild is scattered around the city, 'helping' the greater good, meanwhile, we've got the entire Market District's perimeter under our watch--" "But," Sarel cut in, reaching for his own, now empty glass, "We can't possibly maintain that, there are still sighting of Nazarene undead spawn in the Southern and Western Quarters, the Outer Wards and heavy concentrations in the slums--" Delphi raised her had to interrupt, "I said rest easy, Sarel," taking another sip, she continued, "The perimeter only needs to be maintained for however long it takes to rob clean the businesses who don't pay the Guild protection money. I've received word that the guard is preoccupied with protecting the palace and the Cultivator's plateau-- now is the time to perform these robberies, the Nazarines are gone, their spawn are dwindling-- we've already swept through the Eastern Quarter and we've recovered enough coin from there alone to cover any expenses the fires may have caused." Sarel couldn't help but look a little impressed, it appeared the timing of these events may have been to the Guild's benefit, he poured himself a glass of water, "What of the Magnificent One?" Delphi poured herself another glass of the grand wormwood, "What of him? In all this confusion they won't have any solid evidence to accuse us with, especially with the City Guard away." Sarel took a sip of his grog, "Well then," he raised his glass in a toast, "To a night filled with profit!" Delphi raised her liqeur, already a little tipsy, she didn't possess half the alcohol tolerance of her counterpart, "To the bloody Goddess of Plenty!"
Mona's eyes slowly opened to the gray ceiling of the unfamiliar room. The lighting was dark, and the bed she was on was uncomfortable. Anxiety began to build inside of her. Where was she? She knew she wasn't dreaming, she didn't dream, she hadn't had dreams in years, let alone lucid ones. As her eyes continued to adjust to the low light settings of the gray room they remained fixed on the point they had settled on when she first woke up. She felt a tinge of pain as she bit down on her tongue. No, it couldn't be a dream. Mona lay in the bed for a few more minutes, allowing as many memories as possible to return to her. She remembered... working? Dreading work. She had gone to a movie with some people-- work friends? And she was dreading going back to work, she had stayed behind in the theatre, and then... ...Blackness... With a sigh, Mona shifted to her side, observing the room with a disdainful interest. It was as bare as the ceiling, adorned only with a small metallic desk, a chair and a single window overlooking a featureless night. Her eyes grew wider, had she been kidnapped? She didn't care what was going on here, she just wanted to go home, or anywhere but this place, the irregular beating of her heat reminded her of the stress she was experiencing. Concern poured through her body, she slowly sat up in the bed and observed her own body. She had been undressed at some point, the alarm from this realization quickly faded away though, she didn't feel sore, as if she had been used. As she examined the blouse and pants she had been changed into, she couldn't help but admit the golden satin that glittered in the dim light was certainly more expensive than whatever she had had on before. Gingerly, she brought up her hand to the back of her head, feeling that it was still in a bun, that whoever had done this, had left her hair as in, rubber bands and all. Mona gave another sigh, her arm falling uselessly to her side in the bed. The room didn't appear to have any cameras, there was a door just to the left of the bed, and apparently someone had even placed a pen and pad neatly on the desk. Her heartbeat became more regular as she began to regain control of what she was feeling, she processed the situation, and her expression became more neutral. She sighed a third time, muttering under her breath with it, "Well, at least I wont need to go into the office today..." Getting up, Mona first moved towards the window, first merely looking out into the blackness to see if she could identify where it was that she had been taken to. After squinting failed to bring about even the slightest outline of another building or street sign in the spaceesque darkness, she attempted to open the window, again, resulting in failure. Moving over to the desk, Mona found herself recanting what she had felt earlier-- she did care why she was here, why her? As she looked down at the neatly placed notebook, and what appeared to be a gold-plated pen she wondered if perhaps she was having some fantastic lucid dream. Taking the pen, she scribbled on the blank pages of the pad to discover that it's ink was the same glistening gold color as the clothing she had been changed into... she couldn't help but find the color soothing. However, it brought with it an increased heart rate, she dropped the pen to the floor, she brought the back of her hand to her eyes in horror, as she observed what could only be a brand tattooed on her hand in the same gold color as her clothes, and the pen, and... She felt sick, she felt anxious and scared and she didn't know what she really felt inside, but she wanted to scream. Running to a bare corner of the room, Mona retched the last of any food she had inside of her. Her heart beat fast and irregular, and as she grippe her stomach the woman fell to her knees. Mona sat in the corner for another few minutes after she had finished, wiping off whatever remained on her face with her sleeve. She panted as if she had just ran a marathon and her head throbbed. Had it always been throbbing? Eventually, Mona's mind went to something other than the beating of her hear and the sick feeling in her stomach. Notably, why her kidnapper would want her writing down anything. She moved slowly over to the pen, picking it up slowly, she placed it in the bun on her head. She left the notebook though, and found herself compelled to move toward the door, hopefully open to anywhere that wasn't this drab, gray... cell. With her hand on the knob of the door, she briefly considered throwing the desk or the chair at the window as a last resort plan. Closing her eyes, Mona inhaled and hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. She turned the knob... Only to step, with relief, out of the small drab, gray room, into what appeared to be a nearly endless drab, gray hallway. Mona let out a sigh. I need a smoke...
Hmm....This is a fictional roleplay. Please create original countries to play as.
One might also argue on this vein "Spice Islands" is just as realistic as there are regions of our world that are - or were - referred to as the Spice Islands, predominately Indonesia and that archipelago there was known as the Spice Islands for quite some time.
Haha I totally didn't draw inspiration from that-- or the Association of Caribbean States-- that's crazy where do you even get such crazy ideas??? (D-dinh shut up don't tell them where I got the ideas from!!)
One time, my Grandmother needed to be taken to the hospital, but as she couldn't walk we had to get paramedics to help us get her there. No problem. When we got back, however, we learned that someone had locked all the doors to the house-- I only have a key for the backdoor, but the backdoor has two doors in the same doorway, one I can unlock and one I cannot. Apparently some genius figured that since everyone was going to be out of the house it'd be best to just lock everything. The embarrassing part was the hour that followed, explaining to the paramedics that we had been locked out of our own hour, and pacing around nervously trying to think of what to do. Eventually I got a ladder from the back of the house, and just climbed in through a second story window I had hoped was left open, effectively breaking into my own house, with two witnesses whom I had just robbed of an hour of their days. I feel your pain.
Also-- is my character accepted?
So, when we startin'?
Confederation of the Spice Isles
The Isla Confederacy is located across the islands of western Ikora (all islands except the largest island and the two furthest north).
The geography and climate in the Spice Isle region varies: Some islands in the region have relatively flat terrain. Such as Islas Windward, Islas Santa Rita, and Islas de Polvo. Others possess rugged towering mountain-ranges, like Isla Hagåtña, Isla Rügyia, Puerto Libre, and Puerto Nuevo. The climate of the area is tropical, but rainfall varies with elevation, size, and water currents on an island by island basis. Warm, moist tradewinds blow consistently from the south-east creating rainforest/semi-desert divisions on the more mountainous islands. The region is the area most battered by hurricanes and seemingly random monsoons in the world. The region enjoys year-round sunshine, divided into 'dry' and 'wet' seasons, with the last six months of the year bringing in clouds of incredibly thick fog, as well as more rain.
The Spice Islanders are united under a confederacy, and as such have a very weak (practically non-existent) central government that consists of; A 'Greater Antillia,' (effectively a president-like figure) who serves as a go between for the individual governments of all the Spice Islands, as well as an ambassador for foreign policy, and a general public figurehead for the outside world.
  • Current Greater Antillia
    • Camilla Biez
A 'Lesser Antillia' who serves as a go between for all trade taking place in the Spice Islands, and oversees trade to other countries as well as ambassador of all things commerce.
  • Current Lesser Antillia
    • Pedro II Lupez
A 'Lucayan,' or 'head of joint defense' de-facto leader of the combined militias of the Spice Islands, typically only called upon during times of war, the Lucayan is usually a position taken by the Greater Antillia.
  • Current Lucayan
    • N/A
And the last role, with perhaps the most power held in the Confederacy's central government is called the 'Buyan Lucia.' Although technically a position intended to be completely separate from the government, the Buyan Lucia is the spiritual leader of the Spice Isles, and holds a much more significant place in the hearts of the people, both domestically and abroad, as a symbol of peace and good-will. The Buyan Lucia is said to be born with a soul completely devoid of impurities, and they are chosen at birth by the standing Buyan Lucia to dedicate their lives to helping others and promoting peace, despite personal risk or lack of any rewards. The standing Buyan Lucia is said to be able to detect when the successor to the role is born, and the two serve together until the standing Buyan Lucia's death, thus allowing the tradition to continue indefinitely. Although a tradition originating from Isla Rügyia, the tradition was adopted and accepted all over the Spice Isles, and the Buyan Lucia is a figure heavily respected and admired by the populace, as well as abroad.
  • Current Buyan Lucia
    • Helen Dominica
Each island has it's own individual government (with styles ranging from socialist democracy to religious monarchy) that handles day-to-day domestic issues, as well as to a lesser extent, foreign trade, diplomacy, and military action. They are generally autonomous and only come together as a region for certain matters, allowing them to maintain their full power and autonomy most of the time. The islands, and their various styles of governing are as follows;
  • Isla Hagåtña, largest island in the confederacy
    • Constitutional Religion based Monarchy
  • Isla Rügyia, second largest island, holds the capital and spiritual center of the Isles
    • Feudal Theocracy, headed by the Buyan Lucia
  • Islas Santa Rita, cluster of islands around Isla Hagåtña
    • Representative Democracy
  • Puerto Libre, foggy island close to Isla Rügyia and Puerto Nuevo, the smallest of the three
    • Autocracy
  • Puerto Nuevo, fishing island close to Isla Rügyia and Puerto Libre
    • Socialist Democracy
  • Islas Windward, islands close to the shore of a large Sorcon island
    • They are themselves a confederacy of small tribe-like towns
  • Islas de Polvo, cluster of islands farthest south-west from the rest of the Spice Isles
    • Representative Democracy
While the GDP of each island varies, very generally, the Spice Isles are a mixed economy based primarily on tourist revenue and the large agricultural sector of the region, exporting large quantities of most of the world's spices, as well as sugar, guano, and other plants grown in tropical climates. Also contributing to the Spice Isles' economic relevance is a powerful boating industry, a fishing sector, and a growing scientific interest in the region's weather patterns and wildlife, allowing for significant contributions from private scientific grants.
Generally unorganized, the Isla Confederacy military is nothing more than a group of militias maintained on each island, only united under times of duress. Troops specialize is improvisation and guerrilla warfare and have varying levels of training and equipment depending on the economic status of the island they hail from. The region is know for it's laughably weak and unorganized air force, and conversely, for having one of the strongest navies in the world. The Isla Confederacy excels in information gathering, and trains some of the best spies in the world, with even regular infantrymen receiving basic espionage training.
Foreign Policy
While specific relations with other nations vary on an island by island status, generally, the Isla Confederacy seeks to maintain a level of peace and harmony with other countries in accordance with the The League of Nations.
Domestic Policy
Varies on an island by island status, however, there are a few constants;
  • Education is free, from elementary to post-secondary school.
  • Religion and politics, while not expressly linked, many find the word of the Buyan Lucia to be holy decree. Reverence for the message of peace is a commonality all the islands share.
  • All islands share a common currency.
  • The hunting of bats is illegal, hunting of other birds is heavily discouraged.
Culture and Society
Varies on an island by island status, however, there is a single constant held throughout all the islands; Respect for the Buyan Lucia-- their word is seen, practically, as law, and the message of peace preached by them resonates heavily with the entire Spice Isle populace. Each citizen attemps to see the Buyan Lucia at least once in their lives.
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