Avatar of Darcs
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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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I don't know why you all believe August is comic relief, she very clearly is the epitome of dark, brooding, and emotional turmoil. She only adds seriousness and a level of morbidity to every situation. ...........ok fine, I'm the white sheep in the flock of black sheep. EDIT: Also, Apophis as Scooby would be freaking hilarious. "Like zoinks, hey Apo, want a human soul?" "Reeheheheee! *stabs a passerby*
"Jinkies! A possession!" *smokes* "Guys... What if the ghosts are like... everyone's minds, man?" "What if we just go solve the fucking mystery already?" "Now now Maxwell, no need to be rude." "I just want to fix electronic appliances what am I doing with my life?" "M-maybe I did have the wrong room" "What do you think, Apo?" "I thirst for the blood of the innocent." *everyone laughs* "That's our Apopsis!!!"
In the process of constructing a diary for Lucy, but wanted to get the rest of the NPCS up since she's with Bento right now. Also I made some changes to Lucania's CS, there are multiple factions she's aligned with and a few now openly against her, so I figured that'd be relevant to include, I added a non-familial relations section so that I could include her sloppy drunk make-out, and also added like 20 reference pictures no one will ever need or use from her family, courtesy of Deviant Art. Speaking of which, I actually found some pictures that reminded me of other characters, too, mainly;
There were a few good portraits that were a few edits away from being an Alex without the mask, too, but by that point I just wanted to escape the rabbit hole of Deviant Art portraits. Also; [h1] [h2] & [h3] [h1]
Source Full Name: Lucina Viddani Castalia-Rivera (Née Castalia) Goes By: Lucy Castalia Other Aliases: Sottocapo's Bastard Girl, Bloody Sleeves' Sister, Paolo's Whore, Troia Age: 17 Appeared Age: Early 20s (20-24) Height: 5' 7'' Weight: 102 lbs Eye Color: Golden Brown Hair Color: Brown Physical Identifiers:
  • Slightly lazy left-eye
  • Small scars and bruises on both arms
  • Large scar across back
  • Castalia Family resemblance; occasionally mistakable for a Lucania clone (sans eyes)
Appearance: If Lucania is a gem-- then Lucy is costume jewelry in comparison. While one would have to be blind to claim that the girl is objectively unattractive, she isn't what one would call a 'natural looker.' Possessing the tall, slender build of a model of the Old World, Lucy might be some man's dream come true. Still, she simply doesn't possess the youth and beauty granted to Lucania. Years of substance abuse have physically weathered her beyond her age. Lucy's brown eyes have an almost lazy droop to them; they, along with her aquiline nose, give her face a it's very distinctive appearance. She tends to wear clothing that make fashion statements complimenting her taller, lean muscled form, as opposed to the evening gowns and blouses that Lucania is known for. She re-purposes the casual wear of the Old World, to hide her scars and her sickly lack of weight. Another difference between Lucy and her sister is make-up. While the 6th Castalia is known to wear lipstick and eyeliner in moderation, Lucy tends to cake herself in the stuff. This is to hide the black and sunken eyes of fighting and malnourishment, and to cover up scarring of a constantly bleeding nose.To the untrained eye, a fully made-up Lucy, wearing a dress, might just be mistaken for Lucania.
Residence: Room 1818, Castalia Casino & Hotel, Serenity Profession: Apprentice dressmaker and tailor under Mildred Clooney, Figurehead of the Castalia Family, Socialite Aligned Faction: The Castalia Family of Motum Diversum & Wolfwater Relatives: Backstory:
Weapons: No set weapon; Skilled in improvisation and unarmed combat, she prefers broken bottles. Armor: N/A Purse:
  • High-quality Bartering Ammo, Assorted Drugs (Gaen Blow(Coke), Gaen Green(Cannabis), MDMA, Meth), Cigarette Holder, Cigarettes, Flask, Matches, Make-up Kit
Immortalis Information
Manifested Phenomena: N/A Unique Abilities: N/A Strengths:
  • Fat $tack$: Lucy doesn't have access to the full Castalia Family fortune like Lucania, but her monthly stipend is enough to feed a small town for a year. (Yet she always manages to blow through it early)
  • Bar Fighting Black Belt: Lucy learned to fight through the oldest martial art; getting drunk and anger and fighting other drunken angry people. She started from a young age (younger than she is already) and accumulate her scars entertaining the seedier bars of Serenity.
  • Stronger Than I Look/Popeye Drug User: Lucy has a slender figure composed almost entirely of wiry muscle, surprising most combatants with the power held behind her punches. Further surprises come from the power she is able to summon when fueled in a Drug Rage.
  • Lightening Bruiser/Glass Canon: Lucy is a fast, hard hitter. Naturally then, one or two good hits tend to be enough to put her out of commission. (If she isn't on a drug rage, of course)
  • Guns Don't Kill People...: Lucy doesn't know how to use firearms, a result of her position of wealth and protection, as well as her own skill in CQC.
  • Smoke Weed Erryday: Lucy is addicted weed and several other downers. She exhibits slowly worsening withdrawal symptoms the longer she goes without using.
  • You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack: Lucy is addicted cocaine, crack, and several other stimulants. She exhibits slowly worsening withdrawal symptoms the longer she goes without using.
  • High As A Kite In An Opium Den: Lucy goes through life without thinking much, instead preferring hedonistic pleasures of the now. Leading to a personality heavily influenced by the Id, often while high.
  • Now, Tell Me That Ain't Insecur: Lucy, ultimately, is extremely insecure. She sees herself as an unwanted bastard child in a family that only keeps her alive because of tradition. The one person who does love her, Lucania, is much more beautiful, intelligent, and driven to expand the family business than she is. Her cripplingly low self confidence leads her to become too paralyzed to gain the ambition she admires in her sister, as well as leading her to self-medicate heavily.
  • Not The Brightest Fork in the Drawer: Lucy relies on animalistic instincts for her improvisation in combat, outside of bar fights, she isn't exactly renowned for her cognitive abilities.
Imagine Jackson as Shaggy, go on, do it.
August fits the role of Shaggy for comedic relief, Mary fits the role as the team's resident stoner, and Jackson also fits because Aphosis is basically a weird Scooby ghost thing. Cory and Oreo are probably our Freddys, with Everett and Maxwell vying for dickish leadership over them. Raven is totally our Daphne, because lolita tits. (Although, Maxwell is also kinda Daphne because he's rich) Which leaves Kanoa as our sole Velma, which is fitting because she's like the only person that seems to have even a modicum of understanding as to what's going on. Who's our Scrappy?
No worries bro, Darcs didn't ask permission to start a war. And I love it. Not because I love death and war or anything.
*laughs nervously* Yeah, it just kind of happened as I was writing, and I didn't fully realize how potentially godmoddy an action like that could be until it was too late. I am just glad it's been generally well received @Firecracker_ I actually audibly gasped when the guy was a glass bending Immortal. That was good. Although I was wondering about something, at the beginning you say you could see the moon behind the snipers, I thought there was no moon?
Mary? Maybe you'll find out your super power is the ability to summon and play a magical drum set.
Mary's power is actually like Jackson's, except instead of it being her she summons astral projections of the entire golden age Wu-Tang Clan.
Anyone else visualizing the 'band' playing Ghostbusters non stop? I love that everyone's description of August so far has been "Oh yeah, that one chick with emotions."
I can see them driving around in the Mystery Machine. Also, like, she's the only one that isn't visibly dealing with hallucinations or disturbed. And she has the power of love.
But what about the 4 horsemen, tho?
Mary's eyes scanned the room through the haze of her own smoke. They found themselves coming to rest on Kanoa. Mary knew her as something of a savant. Or, at the very least, smarter than she-- she could recall sitting behind her in 9th grade, completely unashamed of her cheating. Kanoa didn't always have the right answers, but it worked. Thinking about it now, she was probably completely aware of what Mary had been doing. Inhaling more smoke, she reminded herself to one day thank Kanoa for that, she probably wouldn't have passed that class without her. Her brow almost furrowed in confusion at the "mff mph mff" that Kanoa had responded to her with, before she swallowed her cupcake and continued, "--you, Mary, thank you for coming. We won't be sacrificing any goats, not unless something comes up anyhow, you can never be too sure." Mary's neutral expression disappeared at that, becoming replaced by an impossibly wide smile, "Right!?" She exaggerated her movements, "You can never know how easily your problems might be solved by gratuitous amounts of ritual sacrificial violence to goats and goat-like creatures!" "We'd need a tarp." Mary's head turned to the voice. She was greeted with the sight of August Battaglia-- a girl whom she had only known in name, and only knew that name because of how very unique it was. She looked like the girl from Brave. "Only if you don't want to bathe in the blood of the beast!" She responded in an overly chipper tone, "Why you'd want to miss out on that I'd never know, it's like the best part!" Mary's expression returned a to a flat deadpan. Instead of selecting a seat, she opted to walk about the room, listening as Kanoa introduced herself and stated what she somehow knew to be obvious to everyone in the room-- Obvious to Mary, at the very least. People seemed to take turns after that, going, as if queued up, while Mary paced around the room smoking like a purple chimney. Maxwell seemed like fun. The boy named Jackson didn't have schizophrenia, as she had initially thought, no, he was just a mutant superhero or something. August's ability was apparently possessing feelings and not being a sociopath. And Raven, who Mary had only just noticed, was... How had she never seen her before? "Yeah..." Mary's tone was contemplative, she tore her eyes away from Raven, bringing them back to the Kanoa, "Honestly, I'm just wondering what it is this is all about as well." After a moment, a handsome head belonging to a confused man poked into the room, looking for a meeting place. Performing her civic duty, Mary walked over to the door and promptly blew smoke into the newcomer's face, "No. You have the wrong room. Go Away." Another moment passed, and Mary, still by the door, greeted a new visitor. This one seemed angry-- Mary was no expert empath, like August, apparently, but she was cognizant enough to recognize that slamming open doors and throwing down notes in a dramatic fashion signified anger. Or maybe an addiction to daytime television. Regardless, Mary went about solving the problem like she solved all problems. She blew smoke in the intruder's face and, letting the hand fall limply to the side, she met his gaze and whispered two of the most impacting words possible to answer his question; "Your mom."
*shrugs* czech seems like they've been busy the last few weeks, probably school or work. Segnen and Alexander look fine, tho, I don't see why czechmate wouldn't approve them. I'd say, if you wanted to throw up a tentative opening post then do it. I don't think czech would mind us getting things started a little.
Jeez, what is it with you and poison not working?
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