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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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  • Obtain Regular, but high/low quality Meth
  • Use Chemical or Plant extract to color it gold

B-but there's no known plant extract that you could dye the liquid meth with, that would keep it's golden pigment when it became glass! And the only safe chemical WOULD be some form of gold, there's just no plausible way to do this inexpensively--


Welp, today I learned. O-okay, I guess Castalian Gold is a thing now?

Yay gold meth?
All gold errything

I'd actually consider trying golden meth, like, that's Charlie Sheen level drug use-- reserved only for real blue blooded narcotic connoisseurs.

Although, chemically speaking, it'd probably just be an incredibly expensive numbed down high. Since gold is one of those metals that can freely interact with the inside of the human body without being rejected, all being golden and presumably sprinkling gold flakes in the product would do is lower the amount of actual meth you deliver to your system. Still, there's always the social high you can get from bragging about it, and I imagine, just like with any of the LOADS of golden things rich people eat on a daily, there's this huge placebo bonus high you get from it. Because it's as fucking golden as Ponyboy and YOU'RE consuming it.

So yeah. Gold meth. Adding that one to the ol' bucket list, I guess.


As far as the RP goes though-- that'd be hella expensive. They'd need ins with any gold mines, which I mean, maaaybe in the Aqueon mountains? Because like, the Castalia's don't do deals with the Forsaken, at least not to Lucania's knowledge. So it'd need to be an Aqueon mine, they'd need to have an in, which is admittedly possible since they're allies with the Yakuza...

But then they'd ALSO need to either have an in with one of the towns that processes gold (and other metals! Because, like, if they were in on the metal game, it'd totally have to be for more than drug ego, gotta make those bullets to stay outta the red!) OR their own, like... you know? Those places they melt metals? Where Vladimira grew up? They'd need their own private one if they weren't doing deals with towns.

Which , I mean, that all seems implausible. They do have ins with pawn shops and jewelry stores, so they COULD do that for gold, but then how much scavenged and newly made golden jewelry exists in Dust? Buying and/or taking jewelry from Castalia protected and run stores-- is deff more likely than them having stakes in a mine, but it'd only be less expensive in the short term.

Long term wise, they'd be using POUNDS of golden jewelry a day. They'd still need to melt it down or shave it into flakes, which is expensive, and when you consider how little scavenged golden jewelry there must be in Dust, how little demand there must be for new new golden jewelry to be made, and how slowly that all makes its way into Castalia stores in Motum Diversum (buying from Aqueous Yakuza is just an unneeded expense) then you realize how easily that'd drive up the market price for gold. It'd be a hella expensive business venture in the long term.

They'd THEN need to convince those Gaen scientists in their employ to use gold, one of the best metals for the types of experiments that live for, in the drugs that are basically just their rent to the Castalias...

THEN they'd be the problem of market value! I mean, sure, people still like gold, I doubt the gold standard would be DEAD after 400 years underground where the money once based off of gold is worthless, but like... I don't know-- only the educated and rich are going to see value in golden meth, average bikers looking for crank aren't going to CARE if it's golden, they couldn't afford what you'd be charging for-- all those deals made, all that labor, and the inherent value in gold that would be debated in Dust at best and outright denied by some poorer people who live by the gun-- selling it for cheaper would be cheating yourself multiple ways. Because then you'd be selling all the work that went into it short and DESTROYING the reason the niche market of rich people WOULD pay full market value for it. And even if you did throw caution to the wind and sell it cheaper, you'd need to sell more in greater quantities just to break even, which would itself incur even more 'hush-hush' payments to the Wings, more travel expenses, and more unnecessary risk.

I mean, chemically speaking you SHOULD sell lower, since you're technically chemically selling what is basically watered down meth. But I guess I already explained how I see the social benefits out weighing it...

You could sell cheapo crank to those who can afford it and reserve the gold stuff for rich people (they couldn't be educated though, or they'd see that it's a scam). It's an incredibly niche market, and you'd be working even harder to sell. Since it'd pretty much be ONLY the Motum Diversum elite-- it's not like the Castalias can sell to the Aqueon 1%, not without incurring WAY more fees than it's worth from the Yakuza.

So THEN it's a matter of 'Are there enough stupid, rich people-- most likely with heavy political connection or politicians themselves-- who will pay full price for golden meth-- and not sell me out-- to make a profit with this?'

The Castalias are gamblers, sure, but they ain't stupid.

(Well, Big Devil is, but he isn't in the leadership)

So yeah. Golden meth is a stillborn venture. Maaaybe golden angel dust might work?

I mean, unless you mean they dye it gold, or something. But then wouldn't it kinda look like frozen pee?



tl;dr kek

Edit: Orion's thoughts on the cabintree just made me realize that this would be, like, F.L. Wright's dream house.

Also, no one has any comments on Mary's girlish 'squee?'
@Captain Jordan
Except it isn't hiding behind a maybe, it's changing the entire meaning of the sentence from:

It's totes pedophilia.


It can possibly result in events that can be construed as pedophillic or hebephillic in nature.

Not carelessly throwing around FUD terms, or whatever. Just stating a possible worst case scenario, and even then expressing doubt, since I don't have knowledge of all the laws in relation to such an event, were it to occur.

@Captain Jordan
That's gross and also *possibly pedophilia? Hebephillia?
What are you good at?

[cries internally]

@UltikanaRe If a 12 year old wants to spend their free time writing, then I'd bake them a cake in celebration.

As far as 18+ roleplays, generally you should adhere to the rules just to keep things blue skies. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, like;

If you're a 17 year old, 5 days away from your birthday, have been roleplaying for years, and you find the perfect RP, but it's rapidly filling up and it's 18+, then honestly you should be fine.

To contrast, an immature 19 year old, completely new to RPing, should probably steer clear of 18+ until they get a feel for how RPing in general works.


You shouldn't ever ignore rules like that, though. Even if only keep in mind how flexible they may be. Talk to the GM if things seem iffy and all that.

I'm ecstatic for every 12 year old that want to try out RPing and writing (and younger!). But even considering all that, they shouldn't be doing 18+ RP's, even if they're mature.

That's gross and also possibly pedophilia? Hebephillia?

It's wrong to introduce those themes to someone who isn't fully mentally prepared to consider what they mean. Also there's like, laws.
In No Hope 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Name: Sylvia Velázquez
Gender: Female
Age: 41

Medical Ailments: N/A

Nationality: Nicaraguan-American

Occupation prior to apocalypse: Chicago City Councilwoman, Green Party Representative

Four Week History: Slyvia doesn't even remember what meeting she had been flying to... or from. She spent the bulk of the last 4 weeks at the airport, trying to help maintain some semblance of order when she wasn't working her way through the alcohol of the airport. While not quite a leader, she was effective enough at recognizing the strengths of others and delegating roles accordingly that she was able to survive the bedlam that erupted as time marched forward. Long enough to make it to the bus with others.

Items of Interest: Large leather messenger bag/purse-
  • Food/water: 1 bottle of wine (re-purposed and filled with water) (0.75 lbs), 1 bottle of absinthe (1 lbs), half eaten box of crackers (0.3 lbs)
  • Misc Supplies (main bag): 2 changes of clothes (3 lbs), assorted books/records/diaries (1 lbs), pens and pad (0.4 lbs), other personal items (0.6 lbs), several grams of cocaine (-- lbs)
  • Misc Supplies (accessible side pockets): Accumulated loose ammo (1 lbs), duct tape (0.25 lbs), 1/2 pack of cigarettes and lighter (-- lbs),


Dead like Ted
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