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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Captain Jordan>

If it's a sexual roleplay? Don't join until you're 18. As said earlier, laws exist, so that's just a bad idea. If it needs you to be mature enough for the topic, then just be mature enough for the topic. The latter shouldn't have any kind of age even mentioned, because maturity has nothing to do with age.

That wasn't the question. The question was about a roleplay which requires their players to be age 18 or older. I'm not sure we should be encouraging players to disregard the rules set out by GMs. Doing so is disrespectful to the GM, the fellow players (who are following the rules) and to roleplay as a whole.

Disagree with a rule? Okay, no problem. Everyone's welcome to their opinion.
Request a GM changes a rule? Sure, if you think you've got a reasonable request.
Completely disregard the rule and encourage others to do so? No, no, and did I mention no?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>

That wasn't the question. The question was about a roleplay which requires their players to be age 18 or older. I'm not sure we should be encouraging players to disregard the rules set out by GMs. Doing so is disrespectful to the GM, the fellow players (who are following the rules) and to roleplay as a whole.

Disagree with a rule? Okay, no problem. Everyone's welcome to their opinion.
Request a GM changes a rule? Sure, if you think you've got a reasonable request.
Completely disregard the rule and encourage others to do so? No, no, and did I mention no?

Oh, definitely not. Sorry, I guess I both misinterpreted the question and wrote a bad answer. What I was trying to say is more or less exactly the entire lower half of your post.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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No I started at thirteen and roleplaying helped shape who I am as a person today. I learned a lot of stuff from jerks and friends alike that I hold myself to not repeat, or imitate today. However you must understand some people WILL call you out on things and that you can't be a special little snowflake just because of your age. Everyone should be held accountable for what they say and do to an extent. If you can measure up to your peers on this site or in real life then as Kamina in Gurenn Lagann says, "Burst through the ceiling into the surface' and just get better as it goes on.

However to answer your question you really shouldn't poke your head into threads looking for a more mature partner for roleplaying unless they're aware of the age difference and they're willing to play with you.

But that's just my two cents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

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I do not believe there really is starting ceiling for when people can be "allowed" to roleplay; it is something inherent, going deeper than just a plastered on qualifying age that you find in many other places in life. In effect, everyone roleplays when they're younger to some extent, some just keep going with it as they age like the vast majority here. It tends to mature and adapt as they do, being a mirror-like reflection of who they are and where they are in their life. Not always exact of course, but if you cataloged every post and every character one created from the moment they started to when, or if, they gave the hobby up, things would alter noticeably; even if it were but language and word choice.

That said, there's no limit to starting roleplaying.

For more mature topics - mind you I am speaking predominantly about violence, gore, language and the like - it again varies. Some handle and grasp that reality of life and wish to reflect it from an early age, others push it aside because they would rather not dwell on the less pleasant elements in their life. Regardless, the choice is the individual's; I would gladly take a younger, more mentally mature roleplayer who can handle "tough" or "realistic" scenarios with their writing than an older, less mature roleplayer who cannot begin to even toy with the idea - of course that is assuming this fantastic scenario was were one encountered regular violence or cursing.

What is not permitted - at least in my eyes - is an under aged player in a truly adult roleplay wherein he or she is exposed to sexual content. That has all kinds of legal ramifications that quite simply spell out doom for anyone advertently or inadvertently involved. Barring the law aspect it can lead to... less than noble types' involvement, should they discover it.

Only opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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It must not be forgotten that "underage" actually isn't the same everywhere. To make an example: US drinking age is 21. Norwegian drinking age is 18 (20 for strong stuff). In Norway the rules concerning sex are based around the age of 16. (yes, that means a fifteen-year old can't have sex with his/her sixteen-year old partner until he/she is also sixteen.

A better question, we think, than the "are you 18+?" is "do others consider you mature?"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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It must not be forgotten that "underage" actually isn't the same everywhere. To make an example: US drinking age is 21. Norwegian drinking age is 18 (20 for strong stuff). In Norway the rules concerning sex are based around the age of 16. (yes, that means a fifteen-year old can't have sex with his/her sixteen-year old partner until he/she is also sixteen.

A better question, we think, than the "are you 18+?" is "do others consider you mature?"

Well, mahz is in the US, and so are most of the mods, so we're mostly concerned with whatever is under 18 as US federal law stipulates that for any sort of interstate commerce (like the internet) and that is a hard and fast age of consent rule with the federal government.

But you're right, we're using the term 'underage' interchangeably with 'under 18'.

To clarify, our rules are predicated on the laws of the US, rather than say, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Federal law at that, because state laws do not generally cover the situation with the internet, unless both parties were in, for example, the State of New Jersey or something.

Rule of thumb; US federal age of consent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I will not say my age, but it is within a 10 year proximity of 21, and most likely on the lower side. I will admit: I have lied about my age, or at least omitted things. If a check says 18+, I generally do not adhere to said rule. Am I immature and just looking for smut/big boy RPs? No. I you saw my posts, I use grammar and err away from said smut, although I accept it. If something says 18+, is it a sin of any kind to ignore it, provided you act 18+?

If you are mature enough, if you understand what is going on and can be grown up in playing with others and in facing disappointment then I'd be happy to see you in any roleplay I'm in.

Whether or not it's a "Sin". Well you'd have to ask a religious man or woman. But I think I'd let you off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

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I would like to thank all of you for your advice, but I would like to say in response to various comments that I actively DM games IRL and on this site (although I will most likely move it to Roll20). Also, as far as the law is concerned, I did not expressly detail my age. I asked a question about a certain age. It may be my nephew, cousin, or friend. I understand this is technical, but from my understanding, that is how US law is built. I must say I am partially offended by some comments, especially ones detailing that I am not capable of handling advanced role-play. Now, in regards to the trust of the GM, I mean to clarify: if it says 18+ due to sum, I generally do not join anyways. If it says 'be an adult', I interpret that as 'be mature'. Also, sin is figurative :-)

In response to Mahz concern: My supposed guardian assuming I am below 18 years of age recognizes that I am on here.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

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I'll be honest and say I started RP'ing at about 9/10 (I'm 20 now), and it was awesome. Granted, I was very lucky lucky and always found patient and kind players and I ended up learning a lot. And looking back now, it's not a big deal. And RPing with younger people now isn't a big deal to me.

That said, when you start that young, everyone is going to be older than you. So keep this in mind if you're a pre-teen or young teen; more often than not, the other players will know better so don't be rude or quick to anger. Also keep in mind your characters will often be older than you--ask what it's like to be at this age or that age. Ask questions when you don't understand. And stay OUT of 18+ RPs. ALWAYS read the rules before going in and ask if the age level isn't listed. Personally, I would also advise avoiding one-on-ones unless you know your partner very well.

Stay safe, don't do anything you're uncomfortable with, and save all your characters so you can laugh at them when you actually learn to make better characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

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@Kidd I understand I have much left to learn, but I mastered the art of acting 18 around the age of 9. I can almost guarantee you would not have guessed my age due to posting style or anything of that nature. My schedule might leave a hint, but many people have similar ones. I actually like 1x1s, they are easier to manage. I generally try to keep romance out of it, but that is mostly because I am terrible at writing it. There are not many things I feel uncomfortable doing. I am not to immature to get off on PM smutscenery and the like, nor to prude to actively avoid it: I don't care about it. As said earlier if it says that sex is going to be a prominent feature. If it just says be mature/an adult (one in the same), I interpret that differently. Also, in response to the comment about Naruto, that can be googled and you can keep up if you have the dedication to read a wiki or two. Maturity is a state of being not necessarily warranted by age, but rather a combination of worldview, mindset, and wisdom. Proofreading helps too. I suppose my question should be rephrased: If a 12 year old can act* 18, can he say he is 18 in matters of intellectual maturity?
*act meaning fulling encompass the implied maturity, act would make it sound unnatural.
If there is a doubt to my abilities, I can provide writing samples. I can keep up with others in an advanced-casual role-play.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As a fellow young RPer, I agree entirely. That is, assuming you are the youngster in question, and are not asking on behalf of a friend. But I have been told by many that I write better than the average teenager. I'm almost 14; I first joined this site when I was barely ten... god, that was terrible. I lied about my age to join, and desperately wished I hadn't. Of course, looking back on it I was so STUPID then, but... My advice to your young friend/yourself would be, stay out of anything "mature" and out of the off-topic section and you'll be fine. And listen when your elders tell you "no."
Seriously, that last part is the important one. I got myself banned from a really well-known RP because I wouldn't take the hint and leave gracefully, even when my characters were just not well suited for the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

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@RomanAria I see the sentiment in that last one, unless of course you are the GM. However I find the off-topic section fun to have absolutely no filter, particularly in 'spam' section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Fun" yes, but can you really say your parents would totally approve of all the content there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@UltikanaRe If a 12 year old wants to spend their free time writing, then I'd bake them a cake in celebration.

As far as 18+ roleplays, generally you should adhere to the rules just to keep things blue skies. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, like;

If you're a 17 year old, 5 days away from your birthday, have been roleplaying for years, and you find the perfect RP, but it's rapidly filling up and it's 18+, then honestly you should be fine.

To contrast, an immature 19 year old, completely new to RPing, should probably steer clear of 18+ until they get a feel for how RPing in general works.


You shouldn't ever ignore rules like that, though. Even if only keep in mind how flexible they may be. Talk to the GM if things seem iffy and all that.

I'm ecstatic for every 12 year old that want to try out RPing and writing (and younger!). But even considering all that, they shouldn't be doing 18+ RP's, even if they're mature.

That's gross and also possibly pedophilia? Hebephillia?

It's wrong to introduce those themes to someone who isn't fully mentally prepared to consider what they mean. Also there's like, laws.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That's gross and also possibly pedophilia? Hebephillia?

It's wrong to introduce those themes to someone who isn't fully mentally prepared to consider what they mean. Also there's like, laws.

Wait, what?

An underage user joining an 18+ RP is simply inappropriate. It's not immediately pedophilia or hebephillia. Please don't spread FUD like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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@Captain Jordan
That's gross and also *possibly pedophilia? Hebephillia?
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Captain Jordan
<Snipped quote by Darcs>

Hiding behind maybes doesn't excuse you from spreading FUD. That kind of language just propagates the idea that there's some kind of sexual agenda to an adult-child relationship. Please don't do it.

There shouldn't be that kind of RPing here. If there is, it should be reported. Smut in general is disallowed, and I think plenty of commenters above have talked about how poor a decision it is for a young RPer to join a roleplay with smut and sex. Like, legally bad. But we don't have to throw around FUD terms to call it bad, it's just bad. Inappropriate. Against the rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Captain Jordan
Except it isn't hiding behind a maybe, it's changing the entire meaning of the sentence from:

It's totes pedophilia.


It can possibly result in events that can be construed as pedophillic or hebephillic in nature.

Not carelessly throwing around FUD terms, or whatever. Just stating a possible worst case scenario, and even then expressing doubt, since I don't have knowledge of all the laws in relation to such an event, were it to occur.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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I think if you're 17, days away from turning 18 - then you should talk to the GM. They might reserve a spot for you, insofar as hot accepting a full cadre of players just yet.

I think though its the last bit of the question that gets to me. Which is essentially "If I pretend to be 18+, cam I just ignore the rules" The answer to what is simple. If you act 18+, can you just go buy cigs? can you go to a strip club? no. No amount of acting is gonna make that okay. Ever. Mature or not.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There is a physical reason for not buying cigars: The average 12-year-old body does not possess the biological fortitude to use cigars. As far as strip clubs, I have mentioned that the RPs in question do not have smut, but have said 'be mature/adult' in the context that you should not get into e-fights, start talking like a drunken sailor because your mom isn't watching, or try to god-mode your way through the PvP. I would assume this context as other rules included 'no excessive smut'.
Also, I should like to disband the notion that my age makes me an inferior role-player. I will provide comparative writing samples if wanted.
@RomanAria My alleged guardian(s) do not mind me swearing, especially in a context that warrants it.
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