Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Where my 5/10 characters from dead RPs go to be gone and forgotten
@MelonHead Wait Arena has stats now? Nice K/D/A, bruh.

@RedDusk Jesus your avatar is taking me back to 2007



This CS is pretty long form, feel free to skim details where you feel it's apropos that everyone shouldn't know a thing about your character, or add things where you feel more detail is needed. I don't see any reason you can't get started on it now, but I would say hold off on getting too into your back story now, since there are a few more pieces of lore and faction information that we need to write/update, we'll post them with the OOC.

Which, depending on the interest we get, we may just post tonight.


It was the science stuff with Jon remember. The facility exploded and they hatched a bunch of hollow spiders-- they couldn't have possibly been keeping that many, of the exact same kind, stored somewhere where they'd all conveniently break out if the place blew up, so I just figured the spiders were the result of the explosion.

Of course none of us know that shhhh
“Miss Castilian said she was gonna throw a party and save us from the horde!”

“Miss what?”

“Lucia Casti--... Cats... Castalia!” Aiai smiled proudly, having finally remembered the name.

Rico crouched down and looked deep into her big, beady eyes. “... The Castalia family? The--... Lucania Castalia? Bloody Sleeves?”

“Yeah! Did you know, that stuff mommy drinks... Lucia says there’s vodka-people called ‘Russians’.”

Rico put a hand over his forehead and sighed. A smile spread across his old, wrinkled face in spite of the terrible situation that was unfolding around them. “Never grow up, Aiai.”


Interest check is now up btw, please tell your friends to check it out so that we can have more people besides me running entire countries in this RP.

The Dust: This land is your land
By Aeonumbra
GM'd by Mono and Darcs

The Dust is a Post-Apocalyptic roleplay which has already been going for a few months now. The World is divided up with different factions, on an island continent with no foreseeable way off. This is explained vaguely in the lore. In fact, mostly everything is explained because I have it all written down. The factions, some history, many of the "cities and towns" have a resume style information sheet, while still leaving some undone for player interpretation. Mostly everything is readily available. I'm planning to pick up where I left off, as this is a relaunch intended to gain a fresh start. So currently, there are a couple things going on. All in all though, you can basically do anything you want in this world.

The World
Dust, a post-apocalyptic desert island filled with mysteries from the Old World and constant reminders that the New is a bloody struggle for survival. Cities infested with gangs, corruption and sin dot the sandy horizons filled with mutated creatures, roving bands of killers, and wild, hollow men and women, with skin as hard as stone and black as night. The past year has shaken the island to its core, and great nations have risen and fallen on Dust. Battles are fought daily, either between individuals for survival, or between nations and factions for something as flimsy as ideologies.

For those adventure seekers sick of Dust's relative safety and political bureaucracy, the advent of new shipping technology and bridges both above and underwater, have opened up completely unexplored, untamed islands and lands-- new horizons exist for those curious-- or suicidal-- enough to make the journey.

Current Events
Approximately one year has passed since the Fall of Motum Diversum. A massive man-made horde of hollow spiders decimated their military force, and gave the joint forces of The Castalia Family Mafia and the paramilitary group Moscow Echo to take most of their holdings and create the Wintergold Republic.

Wintergold is an empire based on near feudal standards, with their monarchs being criminals and mercenaries, their armies are hired, their wealth is vast, and they control an economic zone where barter is replaced by a gold standard, and banking and credit have been revived after a near 300 year slumber. The Hedons to the south rose up and now control the island's main source of power. In the west the Forsaken have begun a conquest to consume the east with near infinite manpower. The island's main source of fresh water, the Aqueous have been suffering internal problems and are beginning to show weakness and internal instability as regions split off and declare independence, the same is happening to Gaen controlled lands. Mutated men and women cloaked in white claiming to be the mysterious Edenites are appearing Wolfwater.

Outside of political drama, gangs and factions fight for control of the streets of cities and towns. Various religious institutions have been given more power than ever. Slavers continue to prey on the defenseless. Areas find themselves vulnerable to increasing numbers of Hollow that prey on those outsides of cities, with organizations now cropping up to fight back the threat. The instability caused by the wars, as well as the games being played by the leaders of the land has driven more people than ever to take up a life of banditry and crime.

Dust is a land of struggles.

Always at the center of these struggles, perhaps tipping the scales of these Manichean conflicts seem to be the Immortals. The individuals seemingly chosen at random, brought back from death's call and gifted with abilities and appearances beyond that of a regular human. Perhaps this is who you are? Or perhaps you're just a regular human-- maybe you've even bought into all the anti-Immortal propaganda that some factions love to spew?

You can be anyone you want here-- doing anything you want you want. You can be an Immortal or someone normal, you can be the vice president of your own country, a bum looking for love, or a merchant just trying to live his life. The world exists because of the creative efforts of @Aeonumbra AND all the players, it continues to be malleable, and your actions change the world, for better or for worse.

Just remember, as you change the world, the world too, will change you. @Monochromatic Rainbow and I will be playing close attention to your actions. And each sub-plot you weave will have implications for the world as a whole.

Did any of that make sense? I hope so! This is a reboot of the now twice attempted Dust RP! Our first thread ended due to inactivity, our second due to personal issues the creator of 90% of this amazing world, and original GM, @Aeonumbra's life.

This world is his creation, so I'll be using a lot of quotes from him to describe exactly what it is you're getting yourselves into (I hope you join!)

Plot-wise will follow the events of the original two threads, after a one year timeskip. For any of you maniacs who want to real the novella that area the 50ish posts of the last two threads, I applaud you. For people who want something more concise, Mono and I are working on something of a summary for days 1 - 4, as well as a timeline for everything that happened during the skip, for those who might be interested.

Since the world is evolving, we can't ever have all the faction information, but up to date information on most major factions, as well as an updated map will be available in the OOC.

Here is the current history of the world, as well as information on the Immortals and Hollows.

tl;dr So, basically an open world non-linear character and plot driven Fallout + Borderlands + Game of Thrones + Lovecraft + Welcome To Nightvale RP where experimentation and collabs are encouraged.

Interested? Have a question? Need something clarified? Confused? Let us know! We don't bite! (Well, I don't, I like being bitten-- Mono might bite tho)

@Revans Exile Why not make a thread about how in your opinion the Wii was mediocre then?
Inequality can't exist.

Humans are inherently unequal.


Inequality as in humans being different from one another =! Inequality perpetuated by the state and capitalist ideology designed to create economic disparity

Only yields comparatively fruitful results in Western European (see: non-clannish) societies.

I don't see the Middle East or Africa suddenly accepting that homosexuality is normal, that transgender people deserve a safe space in the contemporary world , and that women need to be unshackled from the potent, malevolent grip of patriarchy.

Except it is happening? Just last week a Saudi prince promised to donate $32 billion in order to "help build bridges to foster cultural understanding, develop communities, empower women, enable youth, provide vital disaster relief and create a more tolerant and accepting world." Women can vote in Saudi Arabia this year. Lebanon legalized homosexual acts just last year, and although I'm not the biggest fan of Israel, they are one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to women and LGBT rights.

A Transgender celebrity in Angola has been in the international spotlight for years, and is one of the best selling artists in the country. Mozambique just decriminalised homosexuality on June 1st. In fact, as far as Africa goes, it's actually the remaining colonial Christian influence that's left so many nations with the cultural attitudes they have today (obviously that's a vast generalization, but the influence still remains) pre-scramble for Africa, women were pretty much on par with men in most areas, sexual fluidity and homosexuality between men and women was open in places like Lesotho and the Congo-- Hatshepsut may have literally identified as a man. But that was like a million years ago-- back to the point--

Does that mean it's over? No. In a lot of these places, it's worse for women, LGBTQ individuals, and other minority groups than most Westerners can even imagine. But that doesn't mean that things aren't slowly getting better.
@Revans Exile The man just died. This is literally not the thread to do this in.

Also that's just your pleb opinion.
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