Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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@Say Anything You already did all the Veronica stuff though right

Don't slaughter the BoS until you give Ronnie her closure or else she'll leave you or try to fight you and that is just the worst possible thing that can happen in NV
In STONES 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In STONES 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
For most of their trek, Nel had been keeping close to Kettle and Lila, finding herself more comfortable in the presence of the two women she had spoken to at length the night before. As the group trudged along, Nel noted that there were noticeably fewer people walking with them through the woods than there were in the cafe yesterday. She made a promise to herself that she would try to get to know the others who had decided to tag along with Kettle on her quest. But... she wasn't quite ready for that now.

She'd already passed some threshold of bravery simply by following Kettle this far-- others had already turned tail, literally and metaphorically, and headed back home. Nel wasn't even entirely clear on what a... world seed or whatever it was that Kettle thought that she knew was... somewhere... did, or it's importance. Nel was sure it had some special arcane importance, especially for Kettle to have assembled such a team to ensure that she got to it. But it's importance wasn't what ultimately impressed her to stick around. No, as her mind began to wonder, in part to avoid what were definitely callouses developing on her feet, she thought of her parents, and the life she was already beginning to leave behind. That was why she was here.

She wasn't sure if she was even cut out to be an adventurer, as Kettle had almost immediately labeled her as when she... rather painlessly... realized who Nel was. But she was happy that she was here, doing something different.

At least, Nel supposed she was happy doing this. At the precise moment of the thought, she didn't feel much of anything besides enervation action on her muscles and feet. Apparently, a generally stationary life indoors didn't build up one's stamina for miles of walking in a balmy swamp-forest.

Thankfully for her, she brought herself out of her own contemplation on whether or not she had made a huge mistake by joining in this expedition when a mosquitomoth saw fit to start trying to gnaw at the hair on her head. Her instinctual slap tot he area above her ear frenzied away the insect and brought her attention to Grom, the cameldragon she had held a lengthy conversation with, and Leon-- she wasn't really sure how she knew its name-- as they charged ahead into the underbrush, Kettle almost immediately sprinted after the beast, and was soon followed by most of the group. Nel, with soreness of body, couldn't have kept up with them if she had wanted! Besides, in being so busy to catch up with Kettle and the errant cameldragon, most people didn't seem to pay much attention to the bags of spilled supplies he'd left behind. Nel busied herself retrieving these items before catching up with the rest of the group.


A few moments later, with a grunt and a heave, Nel dropped the bags she could carry off at the side of the now completely stagnant Grom. As she had walked to his side, she noticed flowers closing themselves up, statues disappeared before her eyes, in the clearing gems appeared and mossy relics seemed to glow with a sinister light. The air held something... off. Nel was no soothsayer, not like her Aunt Aetha, but she was certainly perceptive enough to know when something of an otherworldly nature was going on. Or, at the very least she was perceptive enough to know when things completely beyond her perception were happening.

As she wiped some beads of sweat off her forehead, a bluish bird flew over to her and landed on her shoulder and... started speaking to her...? Nel knew she was unhealthy, but hallucinating after carrying a few bags was a bit much. No one else seemed to have heard the bird. And just as she assumed that it may have just been an odd chirp, it jumped a little and spoke again.

"Push it push it!"

"Push what?" Nel whispered back to the chirping magpie, she didn't want her companions to think she had become hysterical, talking to birds was usually not an activity endorsed by the mentally sound. Part of her seemed to understand that what was happening was real, and that she should play her part, observing her surroundings, she walked up to a white pillar with a glowing spiral, "This?"

The question was more of formality to the avian, already she was reaching out to touch the glowing spiral. Something seemed to be driving her to, and another part of her felt anxiety at the prospect of touching the black, pulsing rune. Chalking this up to her own self-doubt, Nel went ahead, assuming that was what the bird was referring to and pushed the glowing spiral on the white pillar.
@Dirge There's no rush! I know you must be in horrible pain and I'm sorry that happened to you but is it okay if I laugh?
@Pepperm1nts Yeah, like Mono said, that was my b. fix'd now.

@Beach Burrito It's totes encouraged.

@RedDusk Also totes encouraged.

@TheMadAsshatter For the moment, nah.

In a broad sense, we kinda already have that-- Motum Diversum lost their capital, their power, and all their alliances and left a huge vacuum of power that Wintergold, the Hedons, and the Forsaken rose/expanded to fill. There are boats that let you go to a few more islands, and full on be a desert survivalist if you don't want to deal with all the political bullshit. Anti-immortal sentiment has risen 200%. Lucania is trying to create a gold standard for currency. Aqueous is becoming unstable, and separated their outer regions from their inner regions. Edenites appear in Wolfwater after the completion of an underwater tunnel. Forsaken expanding east. More hollows than ever.

Then there's all their stuff our characters were doing, I don't know if you want to have a collab a timeline with everyone, or leave it to kinda be a thing everyone discovers about you as you go go on...?

Full Name: Lucania Cleodora Melia Castalia
Goes By: Lucania Castalia
Title: "Lei Eccellenza Lucania Cleodora Melia Castalia, Capo del Governo, Duce del Castalai e Fondatore dell'Oro-Inverno"

"Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Tax Officer (CTO), Chief Strategic Planning Officer (CSPO), Chief Risk Management Office (CRMO), Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Chief Creative Officer (CCO), Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of Wintergold Conglomerate"

Other aliases: Capo of the Castalia Family, Duce of the Dust Gold Standard, Prime Minister Madam Castalia, Goldeneye, Gold Singer, The Weasel's Kid, Lucia, Lulu

Age: 28
Appeared Age: Mid-to-Late 30s (34-39)

Height: 4' 10'' (flat-footed), 5' 1/2'' (w/ heels)
Weight: 121lbs

Eye Color: Lucania's iris naturally changes color to correspond with her emotional state, displaying the full range of the color spectrum. Lucania currently wears a contact lens in her right eye to numb the color-shifting of her iris to more subdued shades of her her family's trademarked brown eyes.

The contact doesn't make her right eye completely static, however. Her iris still shifts color, and perceptive people will be be able to detect when the color of the iris of her right eye changes and glistens golden-brown whenever she experiences positive emotions, or becomes a darker brown as she experiences negative emotions.

Lucania's left eye has been replaced by a prosthetic made of gold and glass.

Hair Color: Naturally brunette, with ends becoming bleached lighter in sunlight.

Physical Disabilities:
  • Missing her left eye after a bullet wound.
  • Has trouble moving her left arm after an old bullet wound.

Physical Identifiers:
  • Her left eye is made of real gold plated in glass.
  • She has scars from bullet wounds on her left shoulder and on her right check next to her left eye.
  • Before Lucania got shot, Lucania's hair grew flowers on a daily basis. After recovering from her wound, flowers appear in her hair at a much lower rate.
  • Her body naturally exudes a very flowery scent, many would say she smells of sunflowers.

Appearance:Lucania Castalia, one of the forbidden gems of Dust, possesses a Hellenic, almost mythical beauty. The type of beauty men (and women) spread rumors of-- the type of beauty that can control those who don't look beyond it's surface-- the type of beauty that can start wars, end nations, and inspire a people; Lucania possesses this beauty, and she's completely aware of it.

On a flawless ovular face with high check bones rest large, doe-like eyes that draw admirers in. With a specially designed contact lens, the shades of her iris fluctuate between eye colors of brown and golden and possess an almost hypnotic quality. The left side of her face has a prosthetic eye, made of glass and gold, and a scar only barely covered by makeup. Her face is surrounded by brown locks of curling hair that possesses it's own voluptuous volume, the ends of which tend to become bleached blond in the sunlight. The flowers that grow from her long hair tend only to increase the otherworldly glamor her appearance carries. Her face is one without blemishes, completed with a roman nose and full heart-like lips.

Lucania carries herself with an almost regal air, her face, while kind, is also arrogant, she knows she's attractive and her smirk conveys this. Although not quite buxom, the woman is well-endowed and has the genetic luck of having the fat gained from a life in the cities accumulate in places such as her thighs and hips, further giving an hourglass figure. The dresses she wears tend to exaggerate the parts of her that already look good, such as her flawless olive skin and her overall figure, and tend to downplay those parts that are not, such as her weak arms and un-toned belly.


Residence: Longinus Mansion, Laguna, Wintergold Territory

Profession(s): Capo/Don of the Castalia Family Remnants, Financial Director, Prime Minister, & Co-founder of the Wintergold Conglomerate Territory, Political adviser and ambassador, Investor

Aligned Faction(S): The Castalia Family Remnants of Harlem, Laguna, Wolfwater, Russelgrad, Tas & Sel ; Wintergold of Wolfwater, Harlem, Laguna & Russelgrad
  • Moscow Echo of Wolfwater
  • Allied with several Independent Gaen Scientists
  • Allied with the Dustian Catholic Church of Laguna
  • Alliance with the United Triads of Aqueous
  • Co-owner of the 'Taste of Gold' club, Laguna
  • Co-owner of the 'Ice Box' club, Harlem
  • Rival criminal organizations in Dust

Enemy Faction(S):
  • The Hedonists
  • The Forsaken
  • Aqueous Yakuza
  • Motum Diversum


Other Relations:
  • Salem - Fiancé (deceased)




  • Snub-nosed Revolver: Although only for emergencies, Lucania makes a point of keeping a reliable weapon on her person at all times-- her gun of choice? The Colt Detective Special, a 5 chambered revolver designed for undercover law enforcement of the Old World, making her use of it somewhat ironic.
Armor: Lucania's dresses are anything but 'armor,' however, the works commissioned to her are created with both the aesthetic of the Old World and the practicality of Dust in mind. The rich cloth that is signature to her private line of dresses doesn't serve as much use against a knife or a bullet, but they do serve as adequate protection against the elements of the New World. Not only that, but by including numerous hidden pockets they maximize the amount a person can carry, while minimizing the risk of having things stolen. Dresses with longer, flowing sleeves typically have razor blades sewn into them, allowing for quick cutting attacks in a pinch.

    High Grade Rounds: 18; 5 bullets chambered, 2 speedloaders containing 5 bullets, 3 loose bullets
  • High-quality Bartering Ammo, The Diary of Rosemary, Family Documents, Lighter, Cigarettes, Old World Make-up, Rags, Speedloaders
Dress pockets:
  • High-quality Bartering Ammo, Revolver, Tinted Glasses, Razors, Loose Bullets

Lucania's Guards:

Castalia Family;

Leoluca's Boys

Cullen The Windcaller

Octavia Rowena Atalanta Gabriele

Carmela Shelby:
  • Armour: Suit
  • Weapon: Tommy Gun
  • Ammunition: --
    • Dirty Rounds: 30, access to more

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Sound/Sonar

Unique Abilities:
  • Audio Manipulation: Lucania can detect and influence the manner in which her voice travels. Granting her a unique form of communication, as well as primitive echolocation. Sound still dissipates over time for her, she simply possesses a 6th sense for maximizing it's path. A whisper for her could only travel the length of an average sized room.
  • Banshee Scream: Lucania, very briefly, can summon a damaging, ear shattering scream from within her. Although the scream only lasts for a few seconds, the effects it may have on a person's hearing can be permanent. While typically the Scream only deafens its victims for a few minutes, those too close to high intensity screams may suffer permanent ear damage, or have their ear drums outright destroyed.
  • Vocal Imitation: Given time, Lucania can project her voice as an imitation of anything or anyone, be it the growl of an animal, the sound of an instrument, or the voice of another person.

  • A Mind Needs Books: Lucania is clever. Raised in 'the family business,' and given access to the knowledge of the Old World from a young age, the woman has accumulated a good balance of book and street smarts.
  • The Ecstasy of Gold: As heiress to the Castalia Family, Lucania has access to considerable wealth compared to the common man in Dust. Leading a lifestyle free from the worries of day to day survival has allowed her to focus her time on intellectual pursuits.
  • Castalia Family Mafioso: As a mafioso for the Castalia Family Lucania is no stranger to the brawls that come with operating a gang in Dust or the politics that come in dealing with Motum Diversum law enforcement and businesses. While her style of fighting typically relies on intimidating the enemy with numbers and surprise, one doesn't earn the nickname "bloody sleeves" without having taken her fair share of blood.

  • What Do You Mean They Can't Eat Cake: Lucania has been, for the most part, isolated from the truly harsh realities of the world. While she might not be completely ignorant to things that aren't the high society of Dust, her position of privilege has undoubtedly given her a much different view on society than the average person.
  • The Lady Is A Tramp: A sheltered life has deprived Lucania of the chance to build the stamina held by those used to walking for days on end in the deserts of Dust. Not only that, but her dresses impede her ability to run very fast.
  • Do You Even Lift: Lucania isn't the most physically active. Having spent all of her life in cities, with protection, she hasn't needed to build the muscle scavengers and those regularly subjected to the poorer sides of life in the cities need to live.
  • Castalia Family Honor: A disadvantage of following the ways of the mafia of the Old World. Lucania follows a strict code of honor when interacting with law enforcement and others whom The Family would consider their enemies, this is one of the things that sets the Castalia Family above other Dust gangs.
  • Vocal Fatigue: Lucania, while insulated from the damaging effects, can only summon the Scream once or twice per day, and typically experiences fatigue after its use, often losing her voice for several hours.
Gotta keep comfortable.



Comfort is the reason for wearing pajamas to class. So comfy. Has nothing to do with laziness.

With Tojo and Hirohito being the forgettable ones.
Who could forget America's first Black president.
1. As far as I'm aware the only way to become an 'immortal' is to get the sickness and transcend, so my character would have likely grown ill before his last fated act as a Slaver, namely getting stuck in a cave, screwing a bunch of his pals over and then getting attacked and nearly drowned in an underground reservoir by Hollow.


2. How does your character's personality/memories etc change when they become an Immortal, as the slaver backstory was going to be a big part of my character, but obviously he's changed into an immortal since.

It depends-- it could be that you don't really change at all, or you could become calmer because you've got a calming power or something-- it really depends on how you'd like to see them change.

3. What would be a good birth place for a son of a whore? Also, in his new (hopefully) profession as a rain-maker, or rather someone who's going to get people to pay him to make/find wells or reservoirs for them, what would be a good place to be based initially.

Tas if you want to be Asian.
Serenity if you want to be anything but Asian.
Eton if you want to be evil Forsaken.

4. Will the Aqueous faction be trying to kill my character, because he's effectively giving away one of their main advantages for only a small fee.


5. Does any of this work?


But then, how about animals in the Dust? Are they all gone with the Fall? Or horribly mutated? Do we have pet or mount around here?

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