Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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@Raijinslayer Ayyyy long time no see Raijin!
Name: Aliocha Villabaso-Arai

Age: 22
Major: Communication and Rhetoric Studies
Minor: Journalism

Part Time Job: Cocktail waitress at Frostina's, 8pm-2am $7.25/hr (Irregular schedule)
    Wallet; $23.53 in cash, $40.00 on bus pass, $14.97 on prepaid gift-card
    Checking; $80.96
    Savings; $50.04

Residence: Lives with grandmother, step-grandfather, and great-grandmother in Blossom Heights apartment complex, often spends nights in various co-ed dorms.

  • Father; Ernesto Villabaso, 41, Bouncer
  • Mother (estranged); Arisu Arai, 50, Secretary
  • Step-father (estranged); Dai Ito, 54, Mayor's aide
  • Half-sister; Sayuri Ito, 17, Secondary school student
  • Grandmother; Nishi Sammiya (née; Arai), 75, Seamstress
  • Step-grandfather; Eiji Sammiya, 69, Retired
  • Great-grandmother; Yui Tsurimi, 106, Retired


    Going out; Ali enjoys going out on the town-- be it shopping at a thrift store, or going to get a bite at some restaurant. She receives a certain thrill from just going out with other, and being around other people going about their lives-- it's not often she can make full days of this though, due to her very minimal funds.
    Swimming; You can swim in catfish pond for free! She's enjoyed swimming ever since her father first taught her how wen she was a child.
    Biking; Seeing as her bike and the unreliable city transit are her two main modes of transportation, she's certainly lucky she enjoys riding around on the thing.
    Jogging; For whenever the bike is in need of repairs, and the bus is late.
    Socializing; Odd to think of it as a hobby, but Ali likes meeting new people, and flexing her gift of gab.
    Day drinking; Rather self-explanatory.
    Exploring the human psyche; i.e. drugs
    Appreciation of the human form, kinesthetic and the skill of a beat conductor; She enjoys going to raves and other parties with live DJs.

Aspirations: That's a good question. If one were to ask Ali this question, she'd probably give you some witty answer with a half-a-grain of truth in it. She realizes that she'll probably end up working for the Springdale Post, working her way up to her own column, exposing some drug ring out of the shade (Shady Alley). Parties would become wine in the evening and weed becomes aspirin before bed, she'd take care of her grandparents until they died, and then inherit their studio apartment... That's the most probable future, but it isn't what drives her, not entirely-- maybe not even partially. She isn't particularly sure of what it is that drives her, all she knows is that in the present, in her heart of hearts, she wants to feel good. In a balancing act with those base desires, she sees her journalism as a way to improve the world as a whole.

Fears: Ali's biggest fear is very conceptual, but horribly existential in nature, Ali is afraid that she might never be aware of feeling happy, or that she may have already reached some emotional peak in her life. The idea that she might never be a truly happy individual scares her, and often drives her to distractions. Otherwise, she mostly avoids the normal things-- snakes, enclosed spaces, absurd heights... while not quite a 'fear,' she does take issue with government workers-- she doesn't have any problem with spiders though.

4 Positive Trails and 1 Negative Trait:

    + Jazz Cats Pt. 1/ Open-minded: A result of a rather 'colorful' life, Aliocha is very receptive to experiences and perspectives other may find questionable. While not exactly objective, she is less prone to make snap judgments about people or situations.
    + Dark Comedy Late Show/ Gonzo Journalist: As far as modern journalism is concerned-- Ali doesn't have an ounce of journalistic integrity in her bones. Funnily enough, this makes her the perfect Gonzo journalist. She doesn't seek the objective truth in her stories, but one that is balanced between what she can live with, and what she feels her audience can handle. She does this by throwing herself head first into stories, interviewing with the aplomb of a drug addled, drunken, sex-crazed, college underachieving PI.
    + 都会/ Relaxed: Not always an advantage, but Ali knows how to keep relaxed under the stressful conditions in the life of a college student. This typically means neglecting responsibilities until later... but at least she's relaxed for the now!
    + Teach Me/ Libertine: Ali is a proponent of free love, and is very open with her sexuality. Combining this with her accepting nature, Ali stands as an affront to conservative thinkers, or at least, the people who would have other act how they want them to-- and she wouldn't have it any other way.

    - Out by 16, Dogs on the Scene/ Complete lack of discipline: It's a self-explanatory problem. It's less that she's a procrastinator, and more that she'd rather be doing something that she actually enjoys-- even if the thing she needs, but doesn't want to do is actually very important.
But waaiiit! What if she's 23 because she got held baaaaaaccckkk??? Because she's a slaaaaaaaaccckkkeeerrr??????

ayy im back

Valerie Aiomé

    "¿Qué demonios fresco es esto?"

    Val (prefers), Juan (former)

    June 24, 1988


    Female (Trans)

    Homosexual, Bi-curious


    Assistant Administrative Director, Human Resources Department (Town of Thornhill)

In Depth Appearance:
    Val is a slight but well figured woman. With a lithe hourglass form, she stands tall at 5' 10'' with little in the way of muscle or excess fat. Although next to unnoticeable, her shoulders are a touch broad. The salary of a public servant leaves her with little in the way of expendable income to use on clothes-- Val considers herself thrift store chic, while the bright colored dresses she wears might not be tailor fitted to her unique physical form, they do express a personality that is both weathered and uniquely her. Facially you can expect to see Val done up just enough to appear that she isn't done up-- the aspiring politician keep understated eye liner, dermablend, and lip matte on hand at all times, her nails are manicured and glossed to look natural. She has a natural beauty that could shine through, if only she smiled more often.

    Then: Val was born a boy-- Juan Aiomé-- in New York city to Puerto Rican (and fiercely Catholic) parents Pablo and Audrey Aiomé, only moving to Thornhill in 2001, following the 9/11 attacks. Her parents felt that an environment free of sin, away from the temptations and dangers present in the city would be good for their growing family. Juan, accustomed to the city, initially despised the small town. In the city, he could hide from his parents, he was beginning to become involved in many queer and gay groups around the city. While he didn't have any particularly strong friends in New York, he wasn't looking forward to losing what little he did have in the move. But in 2002, the Aiomé family had moved to Thornhill, and slowly Juan became accustomed to the small community and soon fell in love.

    By the time Nick came filming, Juan had already begun the transition-- at least to a few friends-- to Val. Having the harsh realities of being trans in an unaccepting family, and the difficulties of transition around friends and other loved ones was revolutionary, and endeared Val to the fans in a way that would impact Val's life significantly later on. She became a minor LGBT icon and was completely estranged from her family.

    Between: After the show's run, Val's secret was out to her family, and she was disowned by her family in Thornhill. With the help of her friends and fans of the show, Val was able to return to New York, where she lived with more accepting members of her family and attended NYU for political science and psychology. It was during this time, too, that she began going through the process of fully transitioning. To pay for this (and her numerous college debts), Val returned to the town the enabled her to separate from her hateful family, accepting a job in local government, where many though hiring her would be a popular PR move that would endear the LGBT community and local youth to the 'hipness' of the town.

    How well this worked is certainly questionable-- but what has worked is Val. She always had a passion for people, and she's worked her way up the rungs of the human resource department with speed and aplomb.

    Now: Val is a woman. A beautiful woman, who, while not completely out of debt, or living particularly lavishly-- is happy. Although romance could be better, she's adopted a small child that she cares for when she isn't working. Her position in the town government sets her on a path for town council in as few as 3 years, and mayor in as little as 5-- the youngest (and first female, trans or otherwise) in the history of the town. She isn't lonely-- Luana is the love of her life, she's building her own family-- and her aspirations are ones she can occupy herself working toward-- still, she does long for more.

    Maybe she'll figure out what that is with Nick filming again, just like before.

Centric Episode(s):
    - Red tape: We follow Val for a day-- once an androgynous stoner-- she now holds a significant place in the town's government and helping to manage the Human Resources department, a department designed to manage other departments. Sexual harassment, law suits, and a fire department on strike? Just another regular day in Thornhill. Later, social services makes a surprise visit and Val has quick check-in with her doctor.

    - All or Nothing: It's election season in Thornhill, and Val's thrown her hat in the ring to become the department head of town's Human Resources Department. Camera's follow her though the process of putting together a small town campaign, dealing with slander, intrigue in dealing with the various groups looking to support her, while finding time to be a mother. Having her life broadcast throughout the process gives her an invaluable edge of publicity over her opponents, it also means that any slip-up could lead to absolute failure, and the death of her dreams of the town council and eventual mayor-hood. As things cool down she receives shocking news regarding a woman who was dead to her, and an ultimatum.

    Eli Gerard - The two have as professional a relationship as two people who once did shots off of underage girls together could have. Which is to say-- very professional. The two have maintained a personal relationship and a professional rapport, and often assist each other in their respective political or business endeavors in whatever way possible.

    Alice Maderon - They were never particularly close before, during, or after Nowhere-- they've really only remained in very scarce contact because of the show, and that they both have children in a small town. Otherwise, they're relative strangers.

    Liam North - There wasn't much a relationship when they were kids and there really isn't one now. They keep in contact, both having been on the show and all, and as a representative of local government, she'll try to throw him a juicy story to write about every now and then, but that's as far as the relationship goes.

    James & Thomas Carpenter - Val went to the same local catholic church as James and Thomas when she was younger, as some of the only young people in mass at any given time, she naturally gravitated toward them to avoid seriously thinking about her faith-- with the show this connection even blossomed into something of a friendship. After the show's run, she drifted from the twins. She keeps in semi-regular contact with Thomas, but she alienated James with her transition.

    Angel Jameson - TBD

    Diante Nickelson - The two kept in contact after the show and grew into professional working adults while maintaining a cordial friendship. Val respects Diante's work ethic and thinks he's wasting his talents as a librarian, though she would never tell him this, this is why she might mention a few openings in her department to him whenever the two might meet. Val's daughter, Luana, adores Diante, and she often spends time with him and Sara when Val is working late.

    Nico Gōngsūn - Nico and Val were once great friends-- two outcasts as a result of their oddball brains-- however, Nico leaving after the filming of the show, and leaving Val in the dark has left her feeling cold toward her former best friend.

    - Val was born on Día de San Juan Bautista-- a holiday in Puerto Rico commemorating Saint John the Baptist, the Patron saint of the island. Her birth name, Juan, reflects this.
    - While Val refuses to submit to Catholic traditions, she does believe in and practice Santeria. She has a small shrine in her home, and practices many popular Santeria rituals.
    - Ducks Fly Together
Working on a character rn, anyone want a token minority friend?
Where I'm from we call magic junkies mages.
@lavulman You keep that metaton profile pic and you're already accepted, you cutie.

If you want, I can PM you about the basic premise of this-- I'm sure @bobert778's already talked to you about it a little. You can also join the Skype chat if you want.
(I hope it's okay-- age can be dropped if needed, she's at the same level as everyone else, she's just been lax with her course load. Umm, I know you said no arguments with pictures, so I'm hoping my picture is anime enough.)

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