Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“The true power of music can be found in the front row of any concert, when the vibrations from the stage blast away the pain in your heart”

Elias James Gerard

- Eli
- Patrick Bateman

- July 16 1989

- 26

- Male

- Bisexual

Relationship Status:

- Paul Gerard – Brother - Deceased

- A&R Representative (White Butterfly Records)

In Depth Appearance:
- Eli is always perfectly groomed. He keeps is dark hair short and neatly styled. Even on the rare occasions when he has stubble it is trimmed to perfection, no rough edges. He only wears the finest suits, all bespoke, never off the rack. They are tailored to his tall, lean frame and only ever come in dark colours. It’s extremely rare to see Eli underdressed. On the rarest of occasions he will wear jeans but only sometimes. Standing at 6’1, he keeps his body in great shape. Eli exercises twice a day and uses all kinds of pills and shakes and everything in-between to maintain his health and fitness. He has chocolate brown hair and steely grey eyes.


Eli Gerard was born the second of two, with an older brother in Paul. A shy youth, Eli didn’t speak much unless in the presence of his brother, who seemed to have the ability to make him feel instantly comfortable in any situation. Born in the small city of Thornhill, Eli didn’t really have an easy life. Growing up, he was very much ignored by his parents who for a reason he has yet to understand, favoured is older brother. True was it in fact that there was only ever one baby picture of Eli in the family home and no more. As a child, he never really got into sports like his brother and his father, he often cites this as one of the reasons his father never really showed any affection to him. In 2001, Eli and Paul’s parents divorced and the boys were separated, with Eli staying with their mother in Thornhill and Paul heading off with their father to Philadelphia. The young boy was left heartbroken by this and retreated further into himself, silently looking forward to the days when he would go visit his father, not because he particularly liked the man (he didn’t get on with him at all) but because he would get to see his big brother. Both of his parents remarried during his early teenage years, which resulted in Eli receiving an extended step family which he still despises to this day. In 2006, Paul had annoyed his father enough to force him to allow him to go spend a year with his mother back in Thornhill. Coincidently, this was the year that Nick Dempsey was filming his documentary Nowhere, in which Paul was one of the stars. Eli was very much in the background of the show but was always a big part whenever Paul was on camera. The bond of the brothers was evident to anyone watching. Even though he was not a main star, Eli had his own little fan club who had grown fond of the weird little Jewish kid with floppy hair and a goofy sense of humour.

After filming wrapped on Nowhere, Paul returned to Philadelphia and life with his father. Tragedy would strike less than six months later when about two weeks after the final cut of Nowhere was released, nineteen year old Paul was driving his new car with friends when they were sideswiped and forced into a tree. Paul survived for a few minutes, helping his friends out of the car before succumbing to his injuries at the scene. He was lauded as a hero in death and Eli was devastated at the loss. Feeling the uncontrollable need to make his big brother proud, Eli graduated valedictorian from his class and then headed off to college, Stanford to be more precise. He studied business and music; graduating with honours. Life became all about work for Eli. Unlike other members of the Nowhere cast, he managed to reclaim some anonymity in the world bar the select times when someone noticed him as Paul’s little brother. The intervening years changed Eli dramatically, gone was the shy, quiet boy first seen in Episode 2 “Canadian Girls Rock” in his stead there was an ambitious, cut throat work addict with little time for anything that didn’t revolve around his mobile phone.

Now in his mid twenties, Eli finally decided to use the inheritance left to him by Paul after his death and is now in the middle of starting up his own record label, its an ambitious project that his bosses don’t actually know about. The scars of the past still linger, every morning before he does anything, Eli heads to the church to visit his big brother. He has had little time for relationships except a few fleeting romances, Eli just has the deep inability to connect with people on anything other than a superficial level. Where once he was someone you could count on, he is now someone people don’t even know. Shielded by a wall of wit and work, he is an impenetrable fortress. Some joke that he runs the world from his cell phone as he always has it with him. Recently in the midst of building his empire, Eli has been approached about taking his older brothers place in the cast of Nick’s new project “Somewhere”

Centric Episode/s:
The Hustler – Eli struggles to get his secret new business venture off of the ground whilst some of his old shady business practices come back to haunt him.

Sorrowing Man - City and Colour


- Eli spoke the final line in the original series “See you, Paul”
- Eli is autistic
- Ducks Fly Together
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CloudyBlueDay
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CloudyBlueDay Lost

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alice Madderon
Life's a wild ride, hold on tight!

Alice Maderon

She prefers to be called Ali over her full name.

August 21st 1989




Relationship Status:

Marissa, her older sister, and her son, Mark. Parents are deceased.

Freelance musician

In Depth Appearance:
Ali always stood out in a crowd with her wild, bright orange hair. Along with her hair, she has light bluish greenish eyes and flawless olive skin. She dresses very flatteringly, and almost always like it's summer, with shorts, tank tops, and summer dresses. Though she isn't a girly girl, she likes to feel pretty. Ali's always got a smile on her face, and it's rare to see her with anything less. She walks effortlessly and lightly, like there's nothing wrong at all, yet there always is.


Ali was, and still is, one of the most charismatic people you'll ever meet. Despite all the trials she's been put through, she always was the one cheering others up, making stupid jokes, rambling on about everything and nothing for days. She was always a wild spirit, always willing to try new things, yet some part of her always dreamed of a stable life.

Ali's parents were killed in a car crash when she was three, and her sister was six. Marissa took it upon herself to save Ali's innocence throughout their childhood, be the mother that neither of them had. Marissa was constantly doing things for Ali's own "protection", and it lead Ali to greatly resent Marissa, as well as do a bunch of stupid things just because it would piss her sister off. However bright and beautiful Ali looked on camera, she was an idiotic teenager, who drank and danced the night away every chance she got. Because her sister knew what was good and what was bad, and Ali so desperately wanted to prove her wrong.


After the show was over, Ali found out she was pregnant. She'd had a lot of flings with a lot of guys - there was no knowing who exactly the father would be. Marissa always knew when Ali had something to hide, and found out pretty early on. Marissa promised she'd help Ali raise her child, despite Ali wanting an abortion. It took a lot for Ali to rise up to the occasion, but she eventually decided she'd have the baby.

Ali went from being a kid to a mom in what felt like mere minutes, but the moment she held her baby boy she knew she'd done the right thing. She started doing gigs at weddings to support herself and her son. She stepped up to the plate, becoming a responsible young woman and a role model for her child.


Ali is leading a pretty stable life right now. Though she's no big-time musician, she does what she loves, and has a wonderful relationship with her ten year old son, Mark. Marissa is a big part of their lives, and Ali is quite happy with where she's at. Though she's matured greatly, she's still bright, bubbly, and charismatic as she was before.

Centric Episode/s:
Reckless: We follow Ali through a normal day of her life, dropping her son off at school, having a cup of coffee with her sister, and she goes to perform at her gig at the bar, where some trouble ensues.

Reflections by MisterWives

Eli Gerard

Alice and Eli are actually pretty good friends - with his connections in this music business he helps Ali get gigs, and though most have trouble understanding and having patience for Eli, Ali quite enjoys his company. She finds it interesting how much he's changed.

Liam North

Alice and Liam had an interesting relationship, to say the least. It was a popularity contest turned into heated romance, which ended up in shambles when he made out Emma Green the night they were crowned prom King and Queen. She doesn't have any hate towards him, Alice knows they were both stupid kids doing stupid things, and is quite interested in seeing how he's changed, and her opinion on him now.

James Carpenter

In her teen years, Ali had a slight crush on the football player. She could never really tell him apart from his brother, and still can't, but she knows they're both great guys. Things got a little bit.. heated between them while Nowhere was still running, but of course, she knows he's got a family now, and does her best to forget what happened between them. Now they're fairly good friends, but don't talk incredibly often.

Thomas Carpenter

She wasn't great friends with him back then, but over time they connected more and more and talk rather regularly. Ali thinks of him as no more then a friend, and enjoys spending time with him. She can hardly tell him apart from his brother, though.

Ducks Fly Together
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Liam North The Partyboy

"You met me at a very strange time in my life."

February 1st, 1988.




Relationship Status:

Mother, Isabelle, died when he was a child, his father, Thomas, died a year ago, thus prompting his return to his hometown. He has an ex-wife, Charlotte.


In Depth Appearance:
Liam stands at 6'1 and 190 pounds, with a fairly atheltic build, he watches what he eats and works out semi-regularly. His eyes are green, he has a white, albeit a little crooked smile. He usually keeps his face trimmed neatly to a little stubble, his hair in a organized chaos, keeping the look of having a bed-head at all times. Provided he's not at a fancy party or gathering, then he is not above shaving clean and slicking his hair back.

He dresses rather casually in t-shirts, baseball t's, Jeans and some form of eithe leather shoe, converse or work boot. He wears either wool coats in grey or a simple leather jacket in brown. He dresses modernly, but modest.

Walking with a sort of swagger in his step, Liam puts on the look of a man with a lot of confidence, yet if one were to talk to him, truly, they would see the sorrow he carries on his shoulders, his eyes carries the weight of someone much older than himself.

Liam North, the Partyboy, quarterback with good grades, naturally talented in everything he put his head too, brains and athleticism is hard to come by, especially with they happen to have a flair for the dramatic, like Liam did. He put on spectacles whenever he organized a party, making sure to always try to be the center of attention. In Nowhere, Liam found glory in partying, roping a lot of his friends into doing things they never would have thought of. His father had a lot of business trips, leaving the big house without any adults, thus, the keggers were almost always in the North residence.

Once Nowhere was over, Liam would go on to finish high school with good grades, and be accepted into Harvard, to study law. Moving to Boston was a big change, and four weeks into his first semester he met her – Charlotte. Charlie. A fiery redhead studying journalism. She sparked a curiousity in Liam, both for her and for the world – a world he had never cared about before. Before Charlie, all the mattered was his grades, making practice and when the next party was being held. He had chosen to study law to become like his father, rich and succesful, he didn't really care for the subject. Yet, thanks to Charlie, he found intrigue in it. He graduated with a masters at 24. By then, he and Charlie had already gotten engaged and a year later they were married. A life consistent of Liam's internship at a New York Lawfirm, and Charlie's newsblog with hundred thousand followers, they were both involvd in the nightlife of the Big Apple, Liam's old way of living caught up with him, and the stress of his career sent him directly into the loving embrace of a cocaine addiction.

One that would end in his life being in ruins and his wife cheating on him with a coworker. Thus causing their divorce and a bitter taste when it comes to love in his mouth.

Since Charlotte left him, he kicked the coke habit and spent six months in rehab. In november of 2015, Thomas died of a heart attack. Coming back for the funeral, Liam got caught up in cleaning up after his father, tiding up his things, closing his accounts and the sole heir left him with the house he grew up in – his father had chosen to donate all of his money to charity. A choice Liam admired his dad for. Now Liam is back in Thornhill, and like some sort of a sick joke Liam finds himself working at the local newspaper as a journalist, now a far more reserved and introverted person than he was when he left.

Centric Episode/s:
Return to the Manor; Due to the 'reunion' of the old gang, Liam reluctantly throws a party in his house, like he used to in high school.
Blast from the past: Charlotte comes to town, claiming they have a child together.

Back Home – Owl City.

Eli Gerard; Liam and Eli's older brother, Paul were best friends in high school, the stars of the football team and a dynamic duo. Because of this, Liam and Eli spent a fair amount of time together with Paul, and Liam always envied the relationship the brothers had - not having any siblings of his own. Over the years, he kept in loose contact with Eli, following Paul's death they shared a bond of grief. Now, Liam finds it ironic the ways Eli has grown, how the shy boy has turned into a eccentric man, where as the big tough jock on the fast track to becoming a big-shot lawyer has turned far more reserved.

Alice Maderon; As popular as they come, she and Liam dated in his last year of high school for a short while, following several years of popularity contest. They were crowned prom king and prom queen, she dumped him after finding him in his car making out with Emma Green that same night. These days, he knows she has a kid, and he can't wrap his head around the idea that she - party princess Ali has raised a ten year old son.

I purposely ignored the rules, like ducks that fly together. Silly ducks, you're supposed to be in the water, not in the air.
His favorite drink is Coca Cola Vanilla, at parties he mixes it with bacardi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

James Carpenter

Name: James Carpenter
Birthdate: June 27, 1988
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married
  • Thomas Carpenter – Identical twin brother. James and Thomas get on really well together, even if Thomas can be a bit of a drag on him. James lets Thomas live with him and his family, as long as he does some chores, helps look after his child, etc.
  • Phillip Carpenter – Father. James and Thomas’s father is a kind and loving man, and tried to raise them as best he could, as he knew that his haemophilia could be the death of him – literally.
  • Christine Carpenter – Mother. James and Thomas did not get to see much of their mother. Unfortunately, she died of breast cancer when they were six. All they know of her are the memories from before then.
  • Sarah Carpenter – Wife. James and Sarah have been seeing each other since they were sixteen, even though she wasn’t a part of the show. They were childhood sweethearts, but now they’ve grown up into full blown lovers. They have a three year old child, too, called Alex.
  • Alex Carpenter – Son. Alex is three years old, and is your regular toddler. James loves Alex more than he thought possible, and does everything he can for him.

Occupation: Maths teacher and American football coach at a local school.

In Depth Appearance:
James stands at a mighty height of 6’ 4”, and weighs in at 250lbs. He has been playing football and/or lifting weights since he was around fourteen or fifteen, and even though he doesn’t play football professionally anymore, he is still in good shape. James has brown eyes, and dark brown hair that he keeps short at the sides and longer on the top, which is the same as his brother, despite being 27. He sometimes has some stubble, but usually he shaves it, as it is darker than the hair on the top of his head, and closer to black, and he doesn’t like how it doesn’t match. Usually, he will wear a short sleeved shirt when he’s not at work, and some jeans. If he’s at work, he’ll wear a button up shirt, a tie, a waistcoat, and sometimes a matching jacket. He’ll also wear the matching suit trousers, and smart shoes.

Then: James was born to Phillip and Christine Carpenter in Thornhill, Pennsylvania. His father was of British and Irish origin, whilst his mother was Pennsylvania Dutch. Both of his parents were Catholic, and therefore he was raised one, too. As he grew up with his twin brother, James spoke some German, although a majority of his conversations were in English. Unfortunately, Christine developed breast cancer when James was just five, and died when he was six. After his mother died, James’s use of German declined sharply, as his father did not speak it very well.

When he was growing up James’s father, Phillip, did the best that he could to ensure that his children had a good childhood, as he had haemophilia. Thankfully, a father cannot pass the gene for haemophilia down to his son, which meant that they were safe. However, he wanted to make sure that in case he got a bad infection and became seriously unwell, or even worse, died, that his children had good memories of him, even if they weren’t with their mother too. This lead to James being pushed to do sports, and he ended up becoming a very good football player.

During the filming of the series, James had fun, but also made sure to not look like a complete fool, being worried of what could happen to him if he did stupid things on camera. He partied, had some alcohol and had fun, and every so often Christine would show up and they’d make out. He tried drugs once, but it was only a joint of weed, and he didn’t like it too much and didn’t do drugs after then, unlike his brother, Thomas.

Between: After the series ended, James began to focus more on his grades and playing football, and managed to get good grades, especially in maths, and became an excellent football player. This ended up good for him, as he was able to get a full athletics scholarship to Yale, where he majored in maths and was also the quarterback for the Yale Bulldogs. After his education at Yale, he went into the NFL draft, where he was the third player chosen, but the Minnesota Vikings. He played in the Vikings team for two years, when he decided that he wanted to become a teacher. He trained to be a maths teacher, and returned to his hometown of Thornhill. He is now a maths teacher there and is also the football coach. He is still very athletic and goes to the gym almost every day. He has also had a child with his wife, Christine, with whom he had been going out since before the show started.

Now: James is a teacher at the school where he went, in Thornhill, Pennsylvania. He is also the football coach, seeing as his former job was professional football player. He keeps fit and goes to the gym almost every day. He lives with his wife, son, and brother.

Centric Episode/s:
Unitiled: James relives his former days as a professional footballer when he gets a visit from some former and current Minnesota Vikings, and reconsiders his job as a teacher.

Theme: Maroon 5 – Sugar

  • Alice Madderon - James was good friends with Alice, even though he knew she had a crush on him. He was with Christine, though, and didn't want to mess anything up, so tried his best to ignore that.

  • Liam North - James and Liam were great friends back in high school, with them both being great football players on the school team. They were great jock buddies, and they still kept in touch whilst at university.

Extra: Ducks Fly Together
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thomas Carpenter

Quote: “Just because you’re the same on the outsie, it doesn’t mean that you’re the same on the inside.”
Name: Thomas Carpenter
Birthdate: June 27, 1988
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Recently out of a relationship
  • James Carpenter – Identical twin brother. James and Thomas get on really well together, even if Thomas can be a bit of a drag on him. Thankfully, James lets Thomas live with him, - for a small fee - and Thomas quite likes it, as he loves children.
  • Phillip Carpenter – Father. James and Thomas’s father is a kind and loving man, and tried to raise them as best he could, as he knew that his haemophilia could be the death of him – literally.
  • Christine Carpenter – Mother. James and Thomas did not get to see much of their mother. Unfortunately, she died of breast cancer when they were six. All they know of her are the memories from before then.
  • Sarah Carpenter – Sister-in-law. Sarah and Thomas get on alright. Thomas can tell that Sarah is tired of having Thomas live with him, but is happy that he looks after Alex, does some chores, and pays some rent, even if it is the small amount that James lets him pay.
  • Alex Carpenter – Nephew. Thomas’s three year old nephew, Alex, is one of the main reasons for his existence. He’s the person that he loves the most in the world, barring James. He regularly looks after him, and would protect him at all costs.

Occupation: Part time worker at a supermarket.

In Depth Appearance: Thomas is 6’ 4” tall, just like his brother. He is also 250lbs just like his brother. This is because of his days as a high school hockey player, and then when Thomas came back from university, he went to the gym a lot, firstly to catch up to his brother, and secondly to ensure that nobody found out that he has a cocaine addiction. Now that he lives with his brother, he can go to the gym with him, which he does so almost every day. Just like James, Thomas has brown eyes, and dark brown hair, which he keeps short on the sides and longer on the top. He also shaves his stubble, due to it being very dark, and almost black. Thomas wears a t shirt and jeans when he’s out or at the gym, and usually wears nothing more than underwear and a t shirt when he’s at home, only bothering to put shoes, socks, and jeans on when someone’s round.

Then: Thomas was born to Phillip and Christine Carpenter in Thornhill, Pennsylvania. His father was of British and Irish origin, whilst his mother was Pennsylvania Dutch. Both of his parents were Catholic, and therefore he was raised one, too. As he grew up with his twin brother, Thomas spoke some German, although a majority of his conversations were in English. Unfortunately, Christine developed breast cancer when Thomas was just five, and died when he was six. After his mother died, Thomas’s use of German declined sharply, as his father did not speak it very well.

When he was growing up Thomas’s father, Phillip, did the best that he could to ensure that his children had a good childhood, as he had haemophilia. Thankfully, a father cannot pass the gene for haemophilia down to his son, which meant that they were safe. However, he wanted to make sure that in case he got a bad infection and became seriously unwell, or even worse, died, that his children had good memories of him, even if they weren’t with their mother too. This lead to Thomas being pushed to do sports, and he ended up playing a lot of ice hockey, unlike his brother, James, who became a famous football player.

During the filming of Nowhere, Thomas was much less inhibited that James. Thomas didn’t mind drinking a lot, and even used drugs more than a couple of times. This led to Thomas getting a slight cocaine addiction, but nobody thought anything of it, and he claimed to have overcome it by the end of the series. He also kissed a few girls, and also a guy (however, they both say it was a dare), but no relationships began with him – or so they thought.
Between: After the filming on Nowhere, Thomas continued to secretly using cocaine, managing to hide it from anyone. He also managed to hide the fact that he was actually bisexual, not telling anyone that the guy he had kissed was actually became he had a crush on him. Over the course of a couple of years, Thomas got a couple of girlfriends, but not for too long. When he was about 21, he came into contact with the guy that he kissed at a party during the filming of Nowhere. They both confessed that they were bisexual/gay, and had a crush on the other. After that, they decided to go out. However, with both of them saying that they were straight, they had no choice to keep their relationship a secret. This relationship lasted for just over five years, until three months before the beginning of Somewhere, when Thomas’s boyfriend broke up with him. Thomas went to university in Albany, before moving back to Thornhill.

Now: Thomas is still reeling in after being dumped, and since he’s still not out, he can’t talk to his brother about it, even though they talk about everything together. He is also still struggling to get off of cocaine, but makes sure that nobody finds out, not even his brother. He does this by eating as healthily as possible, and going to the gym with his brother, and even does the same exercises.

Centric Episode/s:
Untitled: Thomas has a cocaine overdose and everyone finds out about his habit.
Theme: The Last Goodnight – Pictures of You

  • Alice Madderon - Thomas and Ali weren't very close back in high school, but they've been keeping in touch since then and getting closer. Ali has never been able to tell the difference between James and Thomas, and Thomas loved that.

  • Liam North - Liam and Thomas spoke to each other occasionally, as Liam and James were great friends. They haven't really spoken to each other much since high school, however.

Extra: Ducks Fly Together
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Valerie Aiomé

    "¿Qué demonios fresco es esto?"

    Val (prefers), Juan (former)

    June 24, 1988


    Female (Trans)

    Homosexual, Bi-curious


    Assistant Administrative Director, Human Resources Department (Town of Thornhill)

In Depth Appearance:
    Val is a slight but well figured woman. With a lithe hourglass form, she stands tall at 5' 10'' with little in the way of muscle or excess fat. Although next to unnoticeable, her shoulders are a touch broad. The salary of a public servant leaves her with little in the way of expendable income to use on clothes-- Val considers herself thrift store chic, while the bright colored dresses she wears might not be tailor fitted to her unique physical form, they do express a personality that is both weathered and uniquely her. Facially you can expect to see Val done up just enough to appear that she isn't done up-- the aspiring politician keep understated eye liner, dermablend, and lip matte on hand at all times, her nails are manicured and glossed to look natural. She has a natural beauty that could shine through, if only she smiled more often.

    Then: Val was born a boy-- Juan Aiomé-- in New York city to Puerto Rican (and fiercely Catholic) parents Pablo and Audrey Aiomé, only moving to Thornhill in 2001, following the 9/11 attacks. Her parents felt that an environment free of sin, away from the temptations and dangers present in the city would be good for their growing family. Juan, accustomed to the city, initially despised the small town. In the city, he could hide from his parents, he was beginning to become involved in many queer and gay groups around the city. While he didn't have any particularly strong friends in New York, he wasn't looking forward to losing what little he did have in the move. But in 2002, the Aiomé family had moved to Thornhill, and slowly Juan became accustomed to the small community and soon fell in love.

    By the time Nick came filming, Juan had already begun the transition-- at least to a few friends-- to Val. Having the harsh realities of being trans in an unaccepting family, and the difficulties of transition around friends and other loved ones was revolutionary, and endeared Val to the fans in a way that would impact Val's life significantly later on. She became a minor LGBT icon and was completely estranged from her family.

    Between: After the show's run, Val's secret was out to her family, and she was disowned by her family in Thornhill. With the help of her friends and fans of the show, Val was able to return to New York, where she lived with more accepting members of her family and attended NYU for political science and psychology. It was during this time, too, that she began going through the process of fully transitioning. To pay for this (and her numerous college debts), Val returned to the town the enabled her to separate from her hateful family, accepting a job in local government, where many though hiring her would be a popular PR move that would endear the LGBT community and local youth to the 'hipness' of the town.

    How well this worked is certainly questionable-- but what has worked is Val. She always had a passion for people, and she's worked her way up the rungs of the human resource department with speed and aplomb.

    Now: Val is a woman. A beautiful woman, who, while not completely out of debt, or living particularly lavishly-- is happy. Although romance could be better, she's adopted a small child that she cares for when she isn't working. Her position in the town government sets her on a path for town council in as few as 3 years, and mayor in as little as 5-- the youngest (and first female, trans or otherwise) in the history of the town. She isn't lonely-- Luana is the love of her life, she's building her own family-- and her aspirations are ones she can occupy herself working toward-- still, she does long for more.

    Maybe she'll figure out what that is with Nick filming again, just like before.

Centric Episode(s):
    - Red tape: We follow Val for a day-- once an androgynous stoner-- she now holds a significant place in the town's government and helping to manage the Human Resources department, a department designed to manage other departments. Sexual harassment, law suits, and a fire department on strike? Just another regular day in Thornhill. Later, social services makes a surprise visit and Val has quick check-in with her doctor.

    - All or Nothing: It's election season in Thornhill, and Val's thrown her hat in the ring to become the department head of town's Human Resources Department. Camera's follow her though the process of putting together a small town campaign, dealing with slander, intrigue in dealing with the various groups looking to support her, while finding time to be a mother. Having her life broadcast throughout the process gives her an invaluable edge of publicity over her opponents, it also means that any slip-up could lead to absolute failure, and the death of her dreams of the town council and eventual mayor-hood. As things cool down she receives shocking news regarding a woman who was dead to her, and an ultimatum.

    Eli Gerard - The two have as professional a relationship as two people who once did shots off of underage girls together could have. Which is to say-- very professional. The two have maintained a personal relationship and a professional rapport, and often assist each other in their respective political or business endeavors in whatever way possible.

    Alice Maderon - They were never particularly close before, during, or after Nowhere-- they've really only remained in very scarce contact because of the show, and that they both have children in a small town. Otherwise, they're relative strangers.

    Liam North - There wasn't much a relationship when they were kids and there really isn't one now. They keep in contact, both having been on the show and all, and as a representative of local government, she'll try to throw him a juicy story to write about every now and then, but that's as far as the relationship goes.

    James & Thomas Carpenter - Val went to the same local catholic church as James and Thomas when she was younger, as some of the only young people in mass at any given time, she naturally gravitated toward them to avoid seriously thinking about her faith-- with the show this connection even blossomed into something of a friendship. After the show's run, she drifted from the twins. She keeps in semi-regular contact with Thomas, but she alienated James with her transition.

    Angel Jameson - TBD

    Diante Nickelson - The two kept in contact after the show and grew into professional working adults while maintaining a cordial friendship. Val respects Diante's work ethic and thinks he's wasting his talents as a librarian, though she would never tell him this, this is why she might mention a few openings in her department to him whenever the two might meet. Val's daughter, Luana, adores Diante, and she often spends time with him and Sara when Val is working late.

    Nico Gōngsūn - Nico and Val were once great friends-- two outcasts as a result of their oddball brains-- however, Nico leaving after the filming of the show, and leaving Val in the dark has left her feeling cold toward her former best friend.

    - Val was born on Día de San Juan Bautista-- a holiday in Puerto Rico commemorating Saint John the Baptist, the Patron saint of the island. Her birth name, Juan, reflects this.
    - While Val refuses to submit to Catholic traditions, she does believe in and practice Santeria. She has a small shrine in her home, and practices many popular Santeria rituals.
    - Ducks Fly Together
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Quote: "Believe me, life is the marrow sucker."

Name: Angel Jameson

Nickname: Angel

Birthdate: April 23

Age: 26

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Relationship Status: single

Mother: Conny Jameson, doctor
Father: James Jameson, doctor
Older sister: Kelly Jameson, medical intern

Occupation: (failed and broke) author

In Depth Appearance: Angel has black hair ending at her upper back. Her skin is slightly pale, but still has color. She often wears a sad, yet angry look on her face, one that seems to say she's angry at the world, but has given up. She's 5 feet and 7 inches tall and has a relatively thin figure. She's usually in her apartment, sitting in front of a blank word document, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. But on the rare occasions that she does go out, she wears a gray hoody, jeans, and sneakers.

Then: Back in high school, Angel was considered innocent one of the group. She was a shy, kind, warm-hearted girl. She was an aspiring writer, and actually started writing a beautiful book about her side of the story. She was the one who, when all the drama struck, kept on smiling and looking at the bright side.

Between: The show ended before Angel finished the book, but that didn't stop her from finishing it. Since the show was such a hit, she figured her story, titled Nowhere Like Heaven, would make her millions of dollars, and she'd never have to work again. She was so sure of this that she made the book her number one priority. Her grades began to drop as well as her social life. She locked herself in her room for hours on end, ignoring the outside world. On the very day of her graduation, she finished her book. Due to her bad grades, however, she did not get any scholarships, and her parents wouldn't pay for college. But she didn't worry. She had her masterpiece. She left home and began temporarily living in a hotel. That's when it happened: her laptop was stolen. It all went downhill from there. She changed from sweet to bitter. Quiet to cruel. Shy to shitty. From having a positive outlook on life to discovering that it was, in fact, a bitch.

Now: She now lives with a girl named Penny Kiggley, the closest thing Angel has to a friend. Penny was a big fan of the show, and tends to cover the rent for Angel, who now writes books people never read. She has no source of income except for a few appearances at Nowhere conventions. Speaking of which, she now hates Nowhere. She blames it for her failures.

Centric Episode/s: Fallen: Shows the new, depressed, bitter Angel. Has an interview with Penny, who explains everyday life with Angel.

Theme: N/A

Relationships: N/A

Extra: Ducks fly together
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Please don't make me hunt you down and turn your library books in one time . . . Or, you know, at all."
Name: Diante Nickelson
Nickname: Dian
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Family: He has his 8-year-old half sister, Sara Michone, that he's raising by himself and a father that ran out on his family before he was born. His mother, Sara, committed suicide two years after the filming of Nowhere, and he has no other living relatives that he knows off.
Occupation: He works as a Librarian in the Thornhill Public Library.
In Depth Appearance: Diante is about 6'2, with a lean figure that he keeps in shape by doing some daily exercises every morning. He's got a scar under his right eye that he doesn't like to tell people how he got it. Some people have developed theories and such, but the truth is that he got it when he was a kid after he tried to slide down the stairs in a laundry basket. His eyes are a warm chocolate brown, but they have a few flecks of golden hazel as well, though they're only visible if in the right light, causing a weird multi-color effect along the fringes of his irises. He usually wears a button-up shirt, either black or some kind of plaid patterning, with blue jeans and some sneakers. During the colder months, he wears a thick woolen winter jacket over it, which makes him look a bit older and more mature than most would think, especially with the way he asks.

At home, he spends his free-time dressed in a white tank-top and jeans, either playing video games or keeping his sister entertained. He has a few dress clothes for when ever he needs to go to a formal event, but no real date or party clothes.
Then: Diante grew up in a relative normal home, with just him and his mother doing their best to eek out a living. Getting involved in Nowhere was his mom's idea, as she saw it as an opportunity for him to go out and make some friends. Diante was the quiet, bookworm type not really shy or adverse to company, but definitly more at home by himself than with others. Being apart of Nowhere changed that, though, as he began to hang out with the other teens, actually form some relations with people, even take a few risks and do some stupid things, to actually act his age normal. However, the moments when you got to see this side of Diante Nickelson were few and far between. Most times when he appeared on the show, it was when he was asked to give his opinion about a particular event or another member of the group.

He was a observant person, a people watcher by heart with his heart set on becoming a psychiatrist so that he could help people with the problems that they couldn't fix themselves. As such, he always had some interesting and informed insights to give from time to time, even played the role of the group shrink from time to time. If you ever needed some to vent to about anything, Diante was the guy for it.

Between: After Nowhere, Diante went to college, working to get his Masters degree while dealing with his sudden newfound fame(which was a tad overwhelming for the guy who preffered to keep on the down low) and his mother had found herself a boyfriend as well. He made her happy and during the talks he had with her over skype, she seemed like she was positively glowing. Soon after, Diante would find out that he would have a baby sister soon, and that his mother was planning on marrying the guy, something that he wasn't sure about, but he didn't voice his opinions.

Sadly, the happy days were not to last. His mom's boyfriend got into a bad car crash about a month before the baby was going to be born. This devastated her, throwing the woman into a deep depression that was broken only by fits of rage. Diante came to help as best he could, but his mother was just so . . . hollow, like all of the life and love he'd known her to have had been taken from her. So much, it seemed, that she passed away soon after giving birth, leaving Diante with a choice. Continue on with his chosen path, or drop everything, for his newborn sister. In his mind, it wasn't a choice at all, and he quickly dropped out of college and moved back to Thornhill as a young 20 year-old with a young child, no idea what to do, and only the money he'd saved from doing a few Nowhere-related events such as convention appearances and such. But he didn't say a word of complaint.

One thing that was talked about, however, was how there was no funeral for his mother, only having her remains cremated and storing them in a urn. When questioned about this, he simply said that there was no point in holding a funeral, as anyone who would bother to attend was dead or estranged. When he was asked about how he was dealing with his mother's death, he responded with a strange smile and sad that he was fine, It had been a shock, but with having to are for his sister, he didn't have time to be sad.

Now: At present, Diante is living a fine life as a Librarian, spending his days at work and nights with his young sister, all the while doing his best to keep in touch with others. He never really gives himself a break or takes a day to himself. He's always busy, always moving, never really taking a single moment for himself. When asked or question about the topic of his mother, or the subject of his distinct avoidance of taking a day off to simply relax by himself, he will work to avoid the question, growing more and more erratic and upset the more someone presses the issue.

Centric Episode/s: First Time's the Charm: Diante is forced by his friends to take a rest in his life, and is set-up on a date(perhaps with one of the other cast members). This would actually be his first time ever on a date, and as such, nervousness abounds.

Took ya long enough:A man claiming to be Diante's father comes to see him. Diante takes it . . . rather badly.

Theme: Suggestions?

Extra: Praises the hairstyling guides on youtube for teaching him how to do his sister's hair, as he was well and truly lost.

An avid reader of every type of book out there, though he has a particular interest in Fantasy.

He can knit and sew, and rather well at that.

A major advocate for getting kids to read more and text less.

He's never gotten a tablet or any kind of device for his sister. as he wishes to encourage communication rather than shutting her up with T.V or other technological distractions

Ducks Fly Together

He's fiercely protective over Sara, some would say overly so
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“I want people to forget about their world, the troubles and the trials and I want them to get lost in mine”

- Nicholas Michael Dempsey

- Nick

- 33

- Male

- Heterosexual

Relationship Status:
- Married

- Evie Dempsey (Wife)

- Filmmaker


Nicholas Dempsey was born in Raleigh, North Carolina thirty odd years ago. His parents owned a small movie theatre which was a popular destination for many of the kids of the city. It was in these moments, somewhere in the darkness of those rooms that Nick’s life-long fascination with movies and the human condition would surface. He would sit for hours watching the films on screen and the people in the crowd, doing everything he could to understand them, building stories for them all in his head.
As he matured, Nick soon set his sights on becoming a film-maker. After graduating high school he went to UCLA to study film and the hopes of breaking Hollywood. Whilst still at college, Nick’s roommate decided he wanted to go home for the weekend to a place called Thornhill in Philadelphia. With nothing to do, Nick decided to tag along and almost immediately enamoured by the small town and its people. Inspired by his trip, Nick drew up the idea for a documentary series about life and growing up in a nowhere town like Thornhill. Returning upon his graduation, Nick began filming on a zero dollar budget and with little help from the unaccepting town.
The result of his endeavour was “Nowhere” which he premiered at Sundance to rave and controversial reviews. Regardless, he had become a star.

With his name now known across the country, Nick followed up “Nowhere” with a few more documentaries before finally graduating to full on movies just as he had always dreamed. After ten years at the top of Hollywood’s young directors lists, Nick had become disenchanted. Everything was a reboot or a remake. Movies now were loud and crass and lacking in something unique. Sitting in his home theatre, Nick made the decision that he wanted his next project to be a quiet voice, one that would cut through all the noise and show the true heart in filmmaking. Discovering the original cut of “Nowhere” in an un opened box, the young director decided that if he went somewhere else, he would be able to find the magic that was missing.

After tracking down some of his former friends, Nick decided to return to Thornhill for a follow up series.

Nick is now in Thornhill and preparing to film “Somewhere” in the hopes that in this magical town, he will be able to recapture the essence of what came before and build on it to creature something spectacular.

Centric Episode/s:




Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Nico Gōngsūn

" Splash a little of your own madness, and you might just have a masterpiece. "

Name: Frances Nikolai Gōngsūn

Nickname: Nico

Birthdate: December 17

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual (Demiromantic)

Relationship Status: Single


William Gōngsūn - Father
Margaret Lin-Gōngsūn -Step-Mother
Unknown biological mother

Occupation: Freelance Artist, Tutor

In Depth Appearance:

Nico's a brunette, her hair reaching the length of her mid back. Standing at 5'8 and weighs about 123 lbs, herbody is a naturally lanky/athletic despite how rarely she maintains it. She has a mixture of asian and european features and her eyes are greyish in shade. Her fashion sense is casually rugged with a touch of old school elegance spme would say, w/c consists of a loose buttoned up shirts tucked in her low waist jeans, although alternatively she'll don a zipped up leather jacket and a pair of boots. Her tattoo of a heart pinata is hidden on her right shoulder blade, and a line art of Klimt's "The Kiss" on her left thigh. The words "Lorem" is tattoed just below her left collarbone, and "Ipsum" on her right in gothic font style.



Nico was born to a Russian woman, according to her father, who he once had an affair with. His wife unable to bear a child was willing to accept and raise Nico as her own for the sake of the couple's career and reputation, both who are pominent business moguls in the city of Shanghai. As a young child growing up in a modern yet strictly traditional Chinese household, Nico was required to live up to her parents impossible expectations. Most of her childhood consists of back and forth visits to the hospital due to her frail and sickly health, and her parents who were mostly out of the country for business trips often left their daughter under the care of a nurse. It's obvious that Nico had a very lonely childhood, with her parents away so very often, isolating her in the comfort of their home, add up the pressure they give in honing her into the perfect daughter they strictly demand her to be. Her parent's dream for her was to one day take over the family business, but didn't even pause to think of what their daughter truly feels about it. The only comfort she gets is painting w/c she started to develop at a young age, and one days dream of making it a career, probably when her parents finally come to realise that it's her true happiness.

Nico's growing illness had became a hindrance to her studies, so she started homeschooling for the rest of middleschool. It was bad enough that she never had the chance to go out and mingle with the other kids, but with her snobbish and independent nature, this didnt really bother her much. At 14, that's when she was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia w/c was a real struggle to her growing up, and started developing an erratic behaviour due to anxiety and paranoia. Thinking that it would be best for their daughter a change of environment, they moved to the states since initially, the couple planned on staying there much longer for a business venture and thought to bring their daughter with them to keep a close eye.

One of the things that kept Nico distracted from her health was making art. A lot of it. Her parents then agreed on enrolling their daughter at an art studio one summer, and she had come to frequent there almost everyday, even if it's just by herself. She then met Nick an his brother Paul who was filming for Nowhere, and allowed them to watch some of her sessions, showing a wonderful artist way ahead of her time. And through her art, from the colors and strokes on the white canvas, one could get a glimpse of the peculiar complexity that is her mind.

The three years she stayed in Thornhill made her appreciate art even more after the film became a huge success. The family moved back to China, once their business in Philadelphia was done, exactly after the filming of Nowhere ended. She never got to bask in the fame once she left, nobody heard from her eversince. At some point during college, without her parent's knowledge she applied and got a scholarship at an art school in Germany, ditching business school much to her parents disappointment. She explained wholeheartedly how art was her true passion but her parents countered her words with brash demands, realizing that they were never truly concerned at what she wants. There was no way either team can convince the other, and as stubborn as Nico is, her parents did twice the effort. Eventually, after an angry night with her father, Nico was eventually kicked out of the house, from then on she was disowned by the family. She moved to Germany the next day after that. There Nico had all the freedom she didnt even know was possible have, although at first it was a struggle to mingle with her fellows, find her way around socially, until a group of underground artists recognized her as the quirky schizophrenic painter from Nowhere and asked her to join their community. The community brought her inspiration and recognition, although they werent exactly the ideal crowd to get with. They helped her come out of her shell even if what she's getting involved with is the wrong crowd. Adapting their bad habits altogether neglecting her career and health. Her schizophrenia got worst, had an episode one time where she almost killed someone, the idea of happening again terrified her and took the peril more seriously than before.

For almost a decade living and making a career in Germany, she thought of moving back to Thornhill one evening while having an artist block. Packing her bags, she blocked all contact with her friends in Germany at least until she gets back, leaving everything behind for a fresh start. She hoped that going back there would be a refreshing change of ambiance artistic wise, aside for the nice little nostalgic trip. She rented a small apartment next to the art studio she used to go in and made herself at home, even got herself a tabby kitten, Mowgli, to keep her company. She then applied for work at the same art studio as a freelance artist and instructor, a much lighter job and life compared to her previous one.

Centric Episode/s:

Conscience is a man's compass. - 2 days after returning to Thornhill, Nico visits the town's locales, her trusty Pentax in hand to gather ideas for a project in mind. (WIP)



- Has a habit of talking to herself, and to Mowgli audibly even when there's someone around.
- One side of her home is hoarded with various sketches occupying am entire wall.
- Doesnt care much for modesty and you'll sometimes see her take the trash out in her bare undies.
- Had piano lessons as a child and plays it rather well.
- Ducks fly together, yo.

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