Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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(Adah + Levi + Darius)

"Yeahhh.... I was wondering when you were gonna notice..." Adah glanced uncomfortably at the wound as the man recovered, giving a ragged sigh, "Jesus-- you just-- I mean..." She looked at Darius, "He just fucking popped it back into place!" She handed the man back the flask, "Yeah, no man, you've earned this!" She began digging around in her messenger bag for something else, "Don't drink too much though, we can use some to disinfect the open wounds... And... I know I have something here that should help with the pain."

She smiled at Levi, "You know you're lucky! Just a few hours ago this would have cost you an arm and a leg!--" Adah realized what she had just said-- to the man who had literally just had to snap his fingers back into place and quickly went back to looking, "Ummm... sorry... too soon..." She scowled as she looked for the right bottle of pills, "Darius!" She snapped, "Help him!"

He gave a closer glance of the wound, "Why I gotta do it?"

"Because you used to be an EMT or something, right?" She said, pulling a bottle of morphine sulfate from her bag, "You had to have done something like this before right?"

The man sucked air between his teeth as he moved to the right side of Levi, "The hell you remember that and not which colors I wear?"

"Black isn't a color, Darius-- and honestly I'm a fucking enigma to myself." Adah opened the bottle and pulled out a single pill, biting it in such a way that she only ended up presenting Levi with a third of a pill. "Can't give you more than this, mixing downers with alcohol isn't usually the best idea, but... you've kind of been bleeding for a while now, and I can't imagine the pain you're in. This would help, but I mean hey-- refusing's your choice too."

"I'm ready." Darius grunted.

The two prepared themselves for the scream that would soon come, and both looked to Levi expectantly.


(Adah + Levi + Darius)

Adah blushed, "Aww...! I just covered you guys-- big guy over there did all the heavy lifting... and uh... hmm..."

Adah leaned back as the man sat up and returned her flask, considering the last thing he had said. She took another nip while the smoke bore a graying hole into an otherwise peaceful sky. Serene blue, dotted with little wispy clouds, and this one, ugly cancer of a smokestack. She didn't answer the brown eyed man immediately, opting for silence in the moment. Her face hardened-- she didn't like that. She wasn't going to consider them getting up here. She wasn't going to consider one of those fucking things touching her. She... She tilted the flask and threw back another nip of the rotgut. She. was. NOT. going. to consider that... Adah felt things becoming looser-- that was good-- looser was good. Loose was adapt. Loose was staying alive.

Darius plopped down next to the two, figuring his makeshift sentry duty was for naught, "Whatever sickness they got makes 'em dumber than animals," he began. "Fools can hardly get up a flight of stairs, let alone scale the railing we had to to getup here." He gave a dry, "Naw, we're good from them-- but you're right, we can't be up here long..." He opened a knapsack to reveal the meager supplies he'd brought with him, "I got enough for... maybe a night? You look like you need some, man. Some ramen--"

"Dry ramen!?" Adah whined.

"I look like a pantry to you?"

Adah simply smiled at the man in response.

"Don't answer that," He sighed, returning his attention to the man, "Yeah, we ain't got much, but we're at least good for right now..." He shot a sidelong glance, "'Ssuming the looters don't stray this far into the nice neighborhoods..."

"Uggghhhh," Adah let out a yell as much as a sigh as she fell onto her back, her legs still criss-crossed. "They're only around because they know we're up here. They aren't smart enough to be waiting for us, but, like-- the remember being excited by us coming up here, or whatever-- it's the last stimulation they had, you know?" She glanced first to Darius, and then the bruised, brown-eyed man. "If we could give 'em another loud distraction we could probably just waltz by the bastards, as long as we were quiet about it."

@Dark Light kek
Their interaction should be fun then, since Adah is doing nothing but ignoring the complete gravity of everything and Darius is basically one more death from breaking down.


(Adah + Levi + Darius)

Adah gave a small sigh of relief when the man came to, and almost immediately started hitting on her, despite the many, many injuries to his body. She wasn't a doctor, but she knew that smoke inhalation and being knocked out weren't two things you wanted in the same room, add to that the trauma from the other injuries, the blood loss from the other injuries, and the emotional shock of... seeing a man you'd just seen die come back and try to eat you. Again, Adah wasn't a doctor, but she knew it was probably a miracle the man didn't just expire in the crash.

Darius found himself more pleased that he didn't just waste a colossal amount of time and energy getting the man out of his burning car, carrying him away from the approaching horde of shamblers, and somehow scrambling onto the roof of one of these fucking post-suburbanite/ gentrified as all fuck townhouse apartment buildings. He was getting sick of this shit-- he was no stranger to gun fire, but post-mortum cannibalism? Shit. Where the were the pigs when you needed them? Had the government really abandoned all resistance effort this quickly? He didn't want to live in a world where you had to worry anyone you knew could suddenly become that.

Speaking of that the man had never taken his attention off their new battered friend. The man was fit enough-- but he'd already taken enough of a beating that Darius wasn't letting him out of his sight, "Check him for bites."

Adah shot a quick, annoyed glance at her guard before returning to view the man who lay battered beneath her. His face was cut up something nasty-- from the crash-- the hand he had decided to touch her face with, it seemed he either couldn't move all his fingers, or some of them were dislocated-- also from the crash-- and he had a shoe leaking a little blood-- she supposed that was from the crash as well.

Still... Underneath the scrapes, bruises, and blood, there was indeed a handsome man, one with a typical LA charm and soft brown eyes. But as it stood he needed a few days away from this. The violent shift in the world was already trying to kill him! How had he gotten here, she wondered, where was he when all this started...? Adah had to be careful, placing a gentle hand over the few fingers that had reached out to touch her face as she half looked for any ripped clothing or signs of bites-- she found nothing except cuts from the glass.

"He's clean." She shot curtly to Darius, "Who'd have fucking guessed..." She muttered, as the brown eyed man trailed off from his Casanova routine and began asking for someone named Jimmy. She rummaged through her purse for her face as his tone seemed to change, she brought it out just as he mentioned needing to go to some school.

This gave Adah a brief pause, "The school?" she fished the flask out, "Why? Is Jimmy there...?" she asked semi-mockingly. "Look dude, you got hit pretty hard. You might have a concussion or some shit." She unscrewed the cap and took a swig, "Either way, you're already fucked up bad, going down now is just asking for more shit-- those sick shamblers must be attracted to noise or fire or whatever because a shit ton came when they heard your, uh... 'accident.'"

Adah's rifle lay a few feet from the two, she gestured toward it as she made her point, "I picked a few off while the lug over there dragged you out, but I think the noise from the shots attracted even more. 'Suming they aren't just waiting for us to come down, we should just chill for a minute until things get quiet, then we should, like... seriously get you medical help." She offered the flask to Levi for a nip, "Until then, you could use some 'old school' medicine." The woman sat Indian style, "Hey, by the way, I'm Adah." She smiled, still offering the liquor, "And the paranoid giant over there is Darius."

@SleepingSilence W
@Heat Trent Reznor/10
@Hjalti L

I feel like we're due for a tornado any day now.
Banned for thinking $100 champagne is flossing
You guys I worked on that post for like 4 hours and I was so worried I lost it because my chrome memory crashed and I hadn't backed it up FUCK thank Eris it was still there when I reloaded.

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