Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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(Adah + Darius + Levi + Matt + Nikki, Day 2: Later...)

Adah noted the pair's silence as the drove to pick up Darius. Neither Matt nor Nikki seemed to want to talk much, aside form an off comment every now and then, it was mostly Adah telling them when to turn, stuff like that. She wondered if they were nervous? If they'd only spent so much time outside in the last few days-- the pair could clearly handle themselves, at least physically, but again, they weren't really... speaking. They were asking questions and giving commands-- and that was mostly Nikki. Were they military? Perhaps. If that was the case she might have to decline their hospitality.

The car pulled up to the townhouses, Nikki leaned back and spoke to Adah, unlocking the doors, "Hurry and go get them."

She glanced over to her bag and gun next in the backseat. She considered leaving them there-- if these two wanted to hurt her she'd already be halfway to death's door by now. Maybe sex? But then they wouldn't want two men. They probably didn't mean her any more harm than Pardo's gang. Still... as she left the car seat, she made sure to grab her gun, and sling her messenger bag back over her shoulder... better safe than sorry. She gave a sweet nod to Nikki as she set foot on the sidewalk, "Sure thing boss."

With the skill of a limping cat, Adah scaled the side of the building, pulling herself up with the experienced ease of a regular mountain climber. Darius' eyes widened as Adah climbed onto the roof, "Ada-- What the hell happened to you?"

Adah brushed past him, kneeling down to Levi, "We don't have time Dare bear-- get your things, I found us some other people willing to take us in." Adah leaned in closer to Levi, his lips brushed against her ear as she listened for breath, before quickly shooting back to the still stunned Darius, "Is he okay?"

Darius shook his head as his shook wore, "O-of course he's okay, Adah, but slow don for a second, what happened out there?"

"Not right now, Darius." She said in a more serious tone, returning her attention to Levi, trying the whispering method to wake him up again, before giving up and snapping at Darius, "Can you carry him down? I don't know how long they're willing to wait."

Darius sighed and got moving, "Fine." With Levi on one shoulder and his bags on the other, he paused to ask, "Just one question before we go-- these people-- you trust them?"

This halted Adah's jump. She contemplated the question in the silence of the night for as long as the situation would allow before responding slowly, "They..." She inhaled, "This might have been worse if they hadn't shown up..." A breeze blew between the two, Adah looked down at the car... wondering what they saw when they looked at her, "Still... I don't know yet."
She jumped down. Darius sighed, following behind her shortly.

Adah landed as nimbly as ever, despite her fresh bruises. She allowed Darius to land as clumsily as ever, and put Levi in the back, sitting squeezed in the middle, as Darius got in next to her she spoke, "Welp!" Darius slammed the door shut, nvisibly nervous, "These are my friends, guys. Matt, Nikki-- this is Darius--" She paused, allowing Darius to give an awkward cough and a wave, "Rip Van Winkle over here is Levi-- Darius, these are my heroes Matt and Nikki."

(Adah, Day 2: Evening)

The younger of the the two brothers was tending to her wounds while the older of the two continued to vet her-- his confident demeanor was now starting to show a few cracks. He spoke to Adah a bit about his past-- apparently the three men were mercs who had been stationed nearby. They'd clashed with both the dead and the army a few times. Their company had fallen apart pretty soon after shit hit the fan, with Pardo, his brother, and their giant of a friend branching off on their own. She'd managed to get him speaking about his plans-- go as south as possible. His family owned an island off the coast of Mexico-- he planned on stocking up on anything he could get his hands on and heading there ASAP.

Lucky for her, right? She'd run into a rich boy who wanted to quit playing soldier and just get high. The started off rocky, but she could get out of this, she was in the perfect position to. She just needed to keep them talking, keep them distracted, keep them charmed. She didn't need acid to do that. Yet.

The little brother, Angelo was his name, dabbed the cut wounds around her eye with peroxide. It stung like a motherfucker, but she could already feel the swelling going down-- and that was something! She smiled at the younger man and he blushed back as their eyes met. Christ, what a virgin. What the only thought going through her head as she stifled her laughter. Sex appeal was good though-- she could use that to get out of this.

Apparently Angelo was the only one of the three jolly former-private armymen with actual army experience. He had joined the reserves straight out of highschool and got trained as a medic, he'd even seen some time in Afghanistan. Adah glanced from her chair to the blushing boy as he wrapped bandage around her now bruised midsection. She wondered if there was a way to get him to take a look at Levi?

"So," Pardo transitioned the conversation, "What were you up to before... you know... all this shit?"

Adah shrugged, "Molly ball."

"What the fuck is a mollba--" Adah saw the man first-- Declan-- he had seen something and he was angry at her in particular. The energy with which he entered the gas station convenience store was enough to cut Pardo off, and shock Angelo in quitting his work.

"You BITCH!" Declan stormed in, fuck, "YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING BITCH!"

"Declan, what is it?" Pardo asked, any amusement previously held on his face shot out fast, Angelo went to the door.

"I'll tell you what it is," Declan pushed past Pardo to Adah, "This bitch right here..." He wrapped his hands around her neck and slowly lifted her out of the chair, "Somehow..." Adah couldn't even get enough air into her lungs to gasp as he tightened his grip, merely mutely claw at the man's arms as she was lifted off the ground, "Someway..." He held her a foot off the ground now, water welled in her eyes as her kicks and punches did nothing to break the veneer of sheer brutality beset up on the man, "Called up her pissy little friends for company."

If he was losing joy before-- now Pardo held the exact antithesis of it on his face, the expression he made shocked Adah. It seemed like an extreme mixture of disgust and betrayal. She slapped at Declan's arms-- If she could just speak she could explain this away! Levi wasn't in any condition to be walking, and Darius was too much of a softie to leave him-- as far as they knew, she was alone! She just needed to speak; she didn't know these people! "I thought you said you were alone?" Pardo spoke to Adah.

She tried nodding her head no. She didn't know these people! She tried as hard as she could without breaking her neck herself. Adah unconsciously stopped clawing at Declan's arms, stopped kicking, it all was taking too much energy for her oxygen deprived brain. Thinking is all you're good for, idiot! Get out of this! She couldn't do anything. Her vision was fading and blurry-- she could barely make out Declan's face, let alone Pardo's as he continued to say things, laughing... or something. It didn't matter.Her very feeling was leaving her as the blood trying desperately to pump sounded in her ears.


Everything was going dark.
Why was everything going? She didn't like the darkness, so why was it happening?


She wanted the darkness to stop.
Was there fighting going on?

Why was this surrounding her??

Was this a lightness sea of her tears?
She could make that fighting stop if she could just get out this heavy blackness, this all consuming syrup she was drowning in?


Was she crying?
I can't think of the words to say to that, Adah.

Why, huh?

Why was she crying these
T e a r s ?

Why could she not feel her tears?

She was crying and in an unending umbra. She was presently being chocked to death t o d e a t h t o d e a t h. . .
She didn't want to come back from death though.

. . .

Why could she hear his voice?

"Hope you e n j o y e d . . .
t h e
m o l l y

b a l l."

Adah passed out as she was slammed against the ground.

(Adah + ??? + ???, Day 2: Later...)

She didn't remember the exact moment she hit the floor-- but she remembered getting up. Practically hacking up her lungs and hiding behind a counter as her brain rebooted. She could barely make it all out-- but apparently an absolute savage of a woman and her boy scout had come to rescue her. Adah stood mouth slightly agape as the woman wasted no time in giving a sales pitch-- not even giving her name-- offering to take her, Levi, and Darius in. Adah took a moment before she spoke, to let herself process all her thoughts, and to let her trachea recover.

"Sorry for spacing out..." She began, shaking her head too and fro, as if to pull her back in the situation. "Well..." Adah hacked out, still adjusting to being able to breath again, "I kind of had it under control until the big guy saw y'all walking up..." Hands on her knees, she spat out mucus and blood onto the gas station floor before recovering enough to that, and actually get a proper look, at her 'saviors.'

The man was definitely handsome, for a man, but getting a good look at the lean woman before her caused Adah to perk up a bit. Her demeanor shifted to the positive, and almost immediately she recanted on her grumpiness. "I-I mean...! I was trying to talk some sense into them, but honestly they needed a good beating." Adah's eyes met the lady's and without thinking, she answered her questions without thinking, "I've got two friends a few blocks over, hanging out on a roof. One of 'em's beat up pretty bad and the other one's stronger than Declan here minus the roid rage-- we can pick them up if you're seriously offering to take us in!" Adah gave a characteristic smirk, "I wouldn't just feel safe with someone like you around..." Adah winked, possibly due to her better judgement not being 100% since all the blood hadn't yet returned to her brain, but she winked at the woman she just met who saved her from the mercs who were literally going to kill her as the dead walked outside.

Adah not only prided herself on her impeccable priorities, but also her insanely cunning charm.

"... But I'd be honored to go with a woman as beautiful as the one before me." Adah finally broke her gaze away from the woman and looked to both of her saviors. "I'm Adah-- charmed."

@Dark Light If you want to collab you can still have Levi wake up and interact with Darius

And yeah, I slowed down my rate of posting because I don't want to just keep responding to myself
(Adah, Day 2: Early evening)

"Fuck!" Adah smashed through the glass doors of the 7/11 she had just snuck into-- she had successfully snuck in, too! She just didn't know there were people inside.

"You little bitch!" The big one shouted. The big one, that was the guy who had caught her. He was at least 6'5", had muscles in places that Adah didn't know you could have muscles in, and sounded completely roided out. There were two more-- tanned skinned greaser looking dudes, Vagos rejects looking motherfuckers-- why they were hanging with a stretched out leprechaun was beyond her.

"Fuuuuuck..." Adah groaned. The fucker had nearly broken her ribs with that wrestling shit. They'd had a brief skirmish when he had heard her snooping inside a supply closet. Coughing as he approached, Adah spat out a bit of blood. "Fucking Christ, dude..." she groaned, "What kinda shit did your mom do to you growing up...?"

"Shut up!" It got a chuckle out of the Vagos looking assholes-- which was good-- she needed them to like her. She could hardly move right now, the only way she was getting out of this was by convincing them what she wanted and what they wanted were the same thing.

Adah managed to roll away from the boot as it swung toward her face. "You're already kicking me out?" Adah breathlessly asked, "We haven't even done the fun stuff!" The man moved to kick again, and Adah instinctively held out a hand, "For the love of Christ, wait!" To her relief, he didn't just follow through with the kick. He'd gotten a good hit on her eye earlier and she could already feel the swelling begin over her left eye. "Look!" She made eye contact with the leader, "This is your mark-- I get that," She glanced from the roided out leader to his strung out companions. They were clearly drug users-- she could use that. "I was just trying to get to a stash I kept here--"

"Thought I told you to shut the hell up, bitch!" The man kicked again, and Adah rolled out of the way again-- narrowly this time, she got dust and gravel in her mouth. One of the slick haired men who had been staying back, mostly chuckling at Adah's words stepped up.

"Declan chill out," He placed a hand on the roided out XL leprechaun's chest, "I kinda wanna hear what she's got to say." The man approached her-- he was oddly handsome, and actually taller then the orange haired man, he was probably related tot he other Vagos-looking Latino, he was more confident in how he moved, his charisma made up for his lanky figure. He was probably the 'leader' here. It felt odd to Adah to view the world through that lens. He squatted down and looked square into her eyes for a moment-- snapping his fingers for the big man what couldn't have been two minutes later. "Get her out of the damn dirt, Declan. She's cute."

"You're thinking with yer dick, Pardo," Declan grunted as he lifted Adah to her feet, from under her shoulders.

"Please." Pardo waved the comment away, "Maybe if you hadn't roughed her up so bad... even then, she'd be perfect for breaking in Angelo" He teased the man that Adah assumed was his younger brother, "No... I'm more interested in what she has to say."

Adah tilted her head, smiling at the man "I'm sorry, I've taken a few hits... what specifically?" This immediately rewarded her with a slap across the face. "Right, then," She spat out, blood spilling out of a corner of her mouth, "The stash? I'm a... pharmacist-- look in my bag over there if you need proof. I just wanted to get some grass I had left here."

"Grass, huh?" Pardo unholstered his glock, cocked it, and pressed the barrel against her temple. He gestured to his brother to check her supplies-- it only took a moment for the younger man to discover the bottles of stimulants, downers, hallucinogens, and other recreational drugs. She almost felt Declan drop her in the dirt at the sight-- all of their eyes seemed to go horribly wide.

"Feel free to take whatever you want from that, of course," Adah began, not missing a beat, "I know of a storehouse near here, actually-- it's be safe from the shamblers, and more of everything than you could ever hope to use."

The wanderlust began to fade from Pardo's eyes, "Where?"

"Right across the street, actually!" Adah gestured toward Ramona Self Storage across the darkened street from the gas station, "I just need some supplies for the road, and honestly there's more there than all of us could carry." She gave another smile as Pardo holstered his weapon, "Let's help each other..."

@Dark Light It's cool-- Darius mentioned that they had enough supplies to last the day-- so we can just kind of view it as that happening. They pulled the glass out, and basically stayed with Levi while he slept for the day-- now it's night 2 and Adah gets stir crazy and leaves to go get more food and weed.

@Wick Sorry for the misunderstanding baws
When did a day pass? I assumed we were all on day one until there was an announcement of some kind.

@Dark LightDarius is on the roof with Levi, Adah just had to kill a girl at the newspaper place and now she's looking for weed at a gas station-- it's late night of the first day for her at the most..
(Adah + ???)

Adah moved to knock on the door of the editor's office, the sobbing stifled as she shifted her weight towards the door. Whatever was on the other side had heard her movement just outside the office. Adah raised a hand to tap on the glass and just before she could touch the door was greeted with--

"D-don't come in... please." An effeminate voice pleaded.

Who was Adah to ignore a person's request? Her arm fell limply to her side in the darkened hallway. "Okay."


Adah stood in the hallway.

"I didn't hear you walk away... are you still there?"

Adah giggled, "No shit, dude."

Whoever was behind the door seemed to flinch at this, "Umm...." she stuttered, "Could you go?"

"I totally could..." Adah began with a smile, "But see, I figure you crying has something to do with all the shit going on outside. Maybe a loss or something, I don't know." Adah shrugged, "But what I do know is that-- honestly, just holing yourself up somewhere and crying is something I've been thinking about a hella long time, kinda thinking of joining you and just bawling right now. Course I don't have much to cry for the loss of is my problem."

Adah paused, taking the woman's silence as permission to continue, "Anyway-- I got to congratulate you on finding a place where no one, living or dead, was actually going to look-- but, and maybe this is just my half-finished anthropology degree talking, but I think all people long for contact. I think whatever drove you in here wants you to be alone-- but I think you... I think something in you must have fluttered when you heard someone out here." Her body slid down the wall, sitting against a wall opposite the door, "Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass though."

The woman behind the door sniffled.

"Besides," Adah's grin turned devilish, "You've got a cute voice," Adah leaned nearer to the door, "I'd really like to know the face behind it."

She immediately became flustered, "Wha--? I-- Well I'm not--! I don't like--!"

"Pffftt," Adah leaned back, "I don't like this, I don't like thaa~t!" She mocked the woman, "All I know is, guy or girl, a tongue is a tongue-- if there's a difference, my tongue will make you forget it."

The woman was silent for a while, but then, unmistakably, Adah could hear a soft laughter coming from behind the glass.

"Funny and a charmer..." The woman laughed, "Is there a girlfriend I should be looking out for?"

"If only..." Adah replied, allowing the laughter to die down before continuing, "So tell me, Miss...?"

"Fowler..." She said, stuttering as it came out, "Ummm, Alexandria, umm... Ria Fowler. J-just call me Ria." Ria moved over, Adah could tell she was pressing her weight against the door-- leaning against it as she sat.

"Okay, Ria. That's pretty, people usually go with Alex or something." Adah got to the point as Ria gave a nervous chuckle, "Ria, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the world is ending outside-- what are you doing here?"

She sniffled again, "I... I-I... I saw... I go--" She stopped in the middle of her sentence, deathly silent, "Can we... not talk about it?"

"Okay." Adah sighed, opening up her purse, "Hey... you mind if I smoke a little?"

(Darius + Levi)

Darius blew out a plume of smoke as his 5th cigarette burned to the butt. He didn't usually smoke this much, but he wasn't going to go to town on himself for it all things considered. He didn't usually have to live through shit like this, either. The adrenaline of driving away from the hell that was LA was wearing off-- the shots fired from the looters, the men who wanted him dead just to do what they wanted with Adah-- seeing his ride flung off a pier into the ocean.

He and Adah had dealt with a lot in the last few hours, that was for sure-- and this was the first real time they'd spent apart since shit had hit the fan. Darius noted how he felt at that. He wasn't worried she wasn't going to come back-- she was better at avoiding the shamblers than he ever could be, and when shit got tough, she was better at taking out the living. She'd killed at least 20 gang bangers and looters to get them out of LA in one piece. He'd needed to ram through one, and shoot some kid gunning for her back-- she'd killed 10 times the living people he had, bloody and violent and she was still somehow fine...

That was what he was worried about. The come down. She'd catch her breath away from him and Levi... and...

Darius opted to put a pin in that line of thinking and light up another cigarette. He set aside the pack and glanced over at the still sleeping Levi. He'd need the rest way more than me...

(Adah + Ria)

"Adah?" Ria broke a silence in the air.


"How long has it been now?"

"How long has what been?"

"Okay..." Ria gave a weak laugh and asked again, "How long have we been... here, I suppose? Talking, smartass?"

"I dunno..."

"An approximation?"

Adah glanced at the time on her phone, "At least two hours."

Ria gave a ragged sigh, "Yeah..." She coughed, "I can feel every second..." Ria paused to breath, "Now's as good a time as any."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, It's okay--!" She gasped for air, "This is how I beat it!"

"Okay." Despite being on opposite side's of the door, they both knew to stand at the same time. Ria leaned against the glass of the fogged editor's office, her silhouette became illuminated by the light coming from the light of her phone. "You know..." She said, "I'm kind of... giddy? A-and nervous of course."


She gave a happy sigh, "What should I be thinking of?"

Adah was silent for a minute, before saying the first thing she could think of, "Something you love."

"My Parents!" She shot out brightly, "It wasn't them that bit me! I know that now... and I'll get to be with them soon..."

Adah only half-listened, it was all she could do to maintain her composure, she mindless said another "Yeah?" As she loaded her gun.

"You wouldn't know it, but I liked this place too."

"You were a reporter?"

Ria laughed, "No way!" She sighed, "Just an intern with dreams..." She gave another dry chuckle that ended in a coughing fit, "I wanted to be the editor! So... In a way this is all kind of fitting." Adah went silent.



"You stay strong too!" Ria was crying-- but they were the type of tears one cries when they're on the precipice of something they've been waiting for, "The world needs people like you! You gave this dying girl hope, at least!"

Adah scowled, and the two were like that for a while. Two bodies on the opposite sides of a door, one with a gun raised toward the silhouette of the other.

Then, Adah pulled the trigger.

The explosion of the bullet in the enclosed place was loud enough to give Adah a brief white out. When she could hear and see again, there was a smoking bullet hole where the work 'in' used to be on the door, in 'Editor-in-chief'. Ria's body was slumped against the door. Unmoving. That was what happened when you hit the brain, they just died like normal. That was how you "Beat it" according to Ria.

Adah sniffed. "Yeah."

Adah left the scene without opening the door, she wasn't one to disturb resting places-- whatever Gods there may be probably weren't fans of that. She pulled out the map of town, and with the weak light of her phone, began to guide her way to the her way to the 7/11. She needed some weed. Leaving The Sentinel, she put her earbuds back in.

@RumikoOhara The similarities-- they all got bluish eyes (Matthews eyes look more green though), a similar muscular build, medium/shoulder length blond hair, grizzled stubble/beards, and cute/handsome faces.
>when you realize Henri, James, and Matthew are all similarly looking, grizzled white dudes with the same haircut
lel Adah's going to have a field day.
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