Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
9 yrs ago
Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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@Surtr @KaijuBaragon @RumikoOhara @Duoya @The Cleaner @RawrEspada4 @Darcs @NightinGem
Again, expect an OOC to made up and done tonight. :) I am thinking about cutting off new people for this because I want a relatively small group since those are a little more active and easier to manage. :)

Doppio doppio!
I'm into it.
The first idea, in memory of the Netflix Original that shouldn't have died--

Is it Sense8?

is based on the show Sense8.

It's Sense8...

Rest in Power.
I want to have a really shitty power oh my Eris yes.
Good to know my roommate is a guy who never did anything wrong.
@Wind Wild

Still here.

I'm sorry, I've been depressed like a sadsack, and any opportunity I get to actually have the energy to deal with reality seems to go toward the trivialities of maintaining this lifestyle which I am ultimately not happy with and personal + family bullshit.
the pretty little bird IV_
Elenei Kiều_
Tatiana Kuznetsova_
Day one, midnight_

”What the hell is wrong with you?”

The fly buzz, buzz, buzzed with Mel. It wasn’t this to her was it? Was it not there? There were scant people here. But none reacted to the whispers of the hell bug whizzing about her.

“What are you forgetting?”

Mel furrowed her brow. She was forgetting something?

“Thanatos…?” She thought. But she knew that wasn’t it.

“What new force has touched you?”

”The cute one?” She wondered, “Andri?”

“What is it you’re waiting for”

The buzzing continued.

Th-the train. Something told her it felt that she thought wrong.

The fly continued to buzz, only pausing every few minutes to rest on one of her dimples. Mel leaned against a pillar in the graffiti covered train station. The pillar she leaned against was awash in the rainbow colors of gangs battling to claim the structure-- this single piece of tiled architecture that seemed to hold up this underground transit stop. She supposed it was important territory.

Across from her a brave soul had somehow sprayed the word ‘mermaid’ across the tracks. The ground was littered with newspapers and fast food wrappers. Under the wonderful aqua stencil work of mermaid was a purple ‘619.’ Elenei crossed her arms.

That wasn’t an area code.

“I don’t have much for a woman like you but questions.”

‘That sounds like a quote from something....’ Mel couldn’t help but think that-- “A woman like me?” She said out loud, ignoring the stares from the late night businessmen, the bundled up homeless and the graffers around her.

“There are no answers. You have to trust yourself.”

Mel rolled her eyes. This was stupid. “You’re stupid.” she whispered, “This is stupid and dumb. Shut up, Yamochka.” So focused was she on ignoring the dumb fly’s erratic, calculated movements that she didn’t ask herself where that name had come from. It whizzed around her like the birds around the head of a cartoon character-- or, like some poetic Beelzebub halo. It’s voice rasped and banged around her skull, like the whisper of the most beautiful old woman you could imagine. A siren would outlived the world at least once.

It was stupid.

“Where do evil men end up?”

“What?” Mel turned. Just as a train going in the opposite direction showed up, leaving as soon as it arrived at this station, rumbling the world. The fly, Yamochka, was gone. For a moment, the world was partially silent. Like one of those ancient artifacts made of plastic that played music-- the needle would trail along, and there was this eerie silence. It wasn’t actually quiet, you always heard something, somewhere, even if it was just your own breath, but the next song hadn’t started yet.

“Ma’am? May ah have a littl’ change?” A strong and weak voice asked from beside and below her.

Mel wasn’t ready for the next song just yet. She jumped, taken aback by the man now sitting next to her. He must have gotten off of that last train-- but how he’d gotten over to her so quickly, without her noticing… It bothered her.

She hadn’t had enough to get drunk, but she was acting sloppy. People weren’t supposed to be able to sneak up on her, this felt new. Was it the fly? Perhaps she’d always been this sloppy, and she wasn’t used to people besides whores and hits noticing her.

Mel looked down on the slim-built man beside her. He seemed kind enough-- he was Black, old-- too old to be outside on such a cool night. He was well bundled, but not as well as other homeless men she’d encountered. He wore an old, black wrinkled suit and black dress shorts, like the ones a child wears-- he’d somehow fit a thin black hoodie underneath the suit-- and over that a large green jacket with the texture of a tarp-- it seemed to be from some war she didn’t recognize. Knowing the military of this country, the internal mesh probably had biolinks and heat sensors…

His face was a mess of wrinkles. The kind you’d see on a priest or pug. While he kept the green hood of the military jacket down, the large black hood was pulled up, from this angle it covered his eyes, and left snow white locks of hair pouring from either side of the hood-- they were long, some of them reaching the floor, despite having the strong scent of a homeless man, they seemed to be well maintained. They almost shone white like bone as they fell from the hood, only nearer to the ground did they begin to accumulate dirt and muck. In his lap, rested a small dog-- a golden mutt.

He was an injured man as well-- something Mel noticed after her initial shock. His legs were… gone, below the knees. Out of his pack jutted a pair of rusted, rudimentary prosthetic legs-- they were old and a little misshapen from use without repair, a nice silver where they weren’t rusted, but Mel was willing to bet they probably didn’t have the processing power to bend the knees, let alone the feet. The left sleeve of the green jacket hung limp, and he didn’t seem to have a left arm AT ALL. Though, in his pack his had a prosthetic for his arm-- it seemed newer. It was white as his hair and looked to be a simple bone based model-- while wondering why he didn’t have it on, she noticed his right hand, he wore a white glove-- but even with that she could see the bumps of arthritis riddling his joints.

The last thing one notices-- or might not even notice, is the perfect right wing he’s hidden under his jacket. He kept it scrunched up, but even so, even at his age, it was large enough that you might notice a few white feathers peeking out from underneath.

Mel paused. White feathers?

“It’s tah help mah soul- tah feed yo’ mind.” He spoke slowly, smiling as he did so, Mel noted the strange accent he spoke in.

Mel had already begun riffling through her pockets, “I’m sorry?”

“Wada fo’ life. Sun fo’ wahmf. Air fo’ bweaf. Earf fo’ wheat. What mo’ does one need?”

“Money?” Mel handed the man a wad of bills she didn’t need, “Get yourself some new legs with, this, okay?”

The man smirked as he let out a laugh, “Ya,” His right hand closed slowly around the bills, “Ya ah need dis too.” He smiled with yellowed teeth, “Ah like that...” His tone became more serious as his smile dampened, “But yuh know, this just a conveahsashun. We only need dis ‘cause we says we do. Like a pwayah to the Almighty.”

“Conversation?” Mel checked the time, “With who?”

“Dah fahmahs, dah buildahs, dah engineahs and the shamans who tend to earf.” He put the money in his pack, “Dis jus a way ov askin’ da earf fo’ sumthin’.”

“Oh.” Mel shifted impatiently.

“Yaw pweoccupied now. Das awright. Ah’ll tell you the res lata’.” He pet his dog with his hand, stirring it from its rest, “Whas good is that you lack gweed. Ah get to see ya again soon.”

Her train rumbled the station as it arrived. A sharp pain shot through her stomach, like a million parasites wanted to eat their way out. She gasped, turning to the man, “What?

His smile was light, “Don’ miss yo’ twain.” As the doors slid open with a ding, Yamochka buzzed out of them-- she needed to get on. She took a few steps toward the train as the fly buzzed back to her cheek, stopping for a moment as he said slowly, perhaps to himself, “Stay on the paf, Helel.”

Mel turned, suddenly and endless stream of questions coursing through her mind-- but she needed to get on that train. All she could ask was, “What’s your name?”

He smiled at that, “Cawrect, names have they place.” He said curtly. The dog in his lap curled up further, the man set out his cigarette and began petting his furry companion, “Ah’aight. Cahll me

She had a train to catch-- yet she couldn’t move. Something about that name caught her off guard and paralyzed her for a moment. Vesuvius closed his eyes and gave a soft smile, his wrinkles made him look like the kindliest grandpa she’d ever seen.

What the hell was it with her and spiritual apparitions with weirdo names tonight?

A fly landed on his cheek… was that Yamochka? The dog… was that a dog? It had a reptilian tongue that shot out faster than Mel could blink. The man reacted as if the pup had simply licked him, like his dog hadn’t just eaten the fly like a frog.

Mel’s eyes narrowed, slowly turning to leave, “Baron V for short, then.”

“You smell like a medicine store, kid.”

“Shut up, Belwas, you cockney bastard. You smell like cat piss and spit.” Mel entered the Sinner Lady, gripping her forehead. Her excursion had had too many needless complications, she didn’t like thinking this much this early on in the evening. She’d stopped by a midnight pharmacy for some relief from the headache of it all.

The big blue demon harrumphed, “I had to break up a fight. Where was my little bird? Fight ain’t supposed to happen here? The hell am I paying you for?”

Making her way over to the bar, showing whatever skinny part-timer was working there today, she popped open a bottle of holy water, and began mixing herself a vodka halo martini. “To test out the merchandise?” The first sip burned, like being smited by a holy being from Russia. “New girl’s shit in bed by the way.”

“Luna?” Belwas leaned on the bar, “She’s been here for years.”

“Yeah?” Mel took another sip, “Well she’s shit in bed. Can’t give head for shit and she just lays there like a board.”

Belwas, “Some guys are into pillow princesses, Birdie.” He got himself a beer, “Besides, she’s one of our better dancers.”

“Uh-huh?” Mel downed the rest of the martini and began mixing herself another, nibbling on the olive, “Well she’s got a husband-- she isn’t built for this job, Belwas. She only slept with me because she’s a fan.”

“You’ve got fans?”

Mel shrugged, “News to me too.”

He laughed.

“She’s a snitch in the making, Belwas.” She slammed down the bottle of holy water, “Cut her off before a pig sniffs her out.” Picking up her glass, she left the bar, moving toward the crowds around the strippers.

“Damnit…” He muttered, Looking back up from his beer, she was already halfway to a jungle of poles, women and plush sheets. “Thanks, Birdie-- hey where you going?”

“Gotta make sure everyone sees my face.” Mel sipped her holy water martini, “Can’t have the rabble fucking things up just because I’m out getting laid, right?”

“What about Thanatos?” He yelled after her.

“What about him?” Mel stopped short of being sucked into the crowd.

“He’s got some new tech, people actually betting for him this time around believe it or not, kiddo. You get to be the underdog again!”

Elenei glanced lazily toward a long legged girl with auburn hair. “Later. Still too horny, not drunk enough.”

And with that-- she crossed a threshold in the room, becoming just out of the ear- reach of Belwas’ yells over the noisey, overly-processed music that blared from the speakers. Cookie cutter pop/R&b produced by some literal robot, one of the larger record companies music AI, no doubt-- Mel was never too big a fan of it, her teacher had raised her on the old stuff, where people sang and robots made the music. That was better, she felt.

She seemed to enter a completely different realm of existence. Mel’s movements became slowed, tiny shifts of her feet to meet the compromised movement forced on her by the crowd. She hated it-- or, she wasn’t sure she could hate. She didn’t feel intensity like that, though if she had a love it was being able to move her body, and having this imposed will of others, a stupid will without a leader save for the shitty synth r&b, but a will imposed on her none the less. She supposed if she was capable of hating anything, it was that. It was this.

She stepped on as many people’s feet as possible as she made her way through the crowd. She doubted the hoofed demons in their pantsuits and workboots could feel the half-hearted stomps from her cotton slippers. But, it made her feel better, it allowed her to take her mind off of the affairs from earlier. She never liked being reminded people knew who she was.

That was something she liked about hookers, strippers and whores-- the good ones, anyway-- they were usually too uninformed to piece together who this Asian waif with the French accent was, there was no ‘Ohhh’ of recognition when they saw her raven wing. Instead, merely a motherly ‘Ohhh’ like, a mother asking her child how they got that injury, ohh sweetie, that’s a beautiful dye job, was, don’t worry, I’ll make you feel better.

In the blue hued crowd, thick with smoke, and the musk of men who thrived on the ichor of others... something, something, something. She reckoned she ought to scan the crowd for a bit, or at the very least make her presence noticeable. There were plenty of pedestals where yound demonic yuppies with horns and probably scary names like Azathoth, Uriel and Richard would gather and gawk and throw their money from their plush pink and purple couches, as if it was some fine art, a Renaissance statue of the feminine form on a pillar, they were appreciating. She doubted many of them cared for the complexities of the dances the women could do on the jungle gym of twisting poles all across the room. Mel knew that she didn’t.

No, like her, they were there for a facefull of ass, a dance or two, and maybe a blood job if they were high rollers. Unlike her, they had physical bills to pay for it. The purple hue of the room made the money they threw gleam silver. The complex network of poles were like black veins that spanned the room like circulatory system. That was funny, considering how many of the dancers gave blood jobs.

But those were just the pedestals. Private shows and guaranteed dances that everyone could see. If you had more money you’d get your own room. SHe supposed most of the Yuppies did have enough money for their own rooms, and instead they wanted others to see. Mel supposed that was where the similarities between them ended-- Elenei had been raised to be ashamed of her sexuality, and hide it away like a good Catholic girl, but know how to use it, like a good Vietnamese girl. Monaco had left her a better Vietnamese girl than a Catholic one. She supposed she mostly saw sexuality as something gross only when it came to other people.

The placement of the pedestals toward the front contrasted the placement of tables toward the rear, the entrance, and the bar. You were close enough to see dancers, but far enough away that you only got half the thrill. The servers got to you faster, but if all you were getting was drinks and laid they always came to you last-- in fact, it was rare to see servers not hovering around, or running to or from the main runway.

Ahh, the main runway. That would be a good place to sit-- She was sure this place had used to be a grand theatre hall once, because of that runway. A stage with blue and violet velvet curtains, and a long, hardwood runway that jutted into the front of the front room-- as far away from the entrance as one could get while keeping it in site. Stairs behind the curtains led to the back offices, the basements, where fights took place, and, if you went up enough, a beautiful penthouse-- reserved for real VIPS.

As she pushed her way through men, and the circular couches they inhabited, the runway came into sight. It was a beautiful mahogany masterpiece, jutting into the room like a wooden phallus, with a side covered in garish christmas lights. It illuminated the dancers along the runway’s length, dancing on their black spike poles in the smoke about as well as her martini was doing at getting her drunk.

This part of the room had the highest concentration of people (mostly men) ogling dancers-- because you didn’t have to pay to see the dancers (mostly women). You just risked getting trampled by all the people behind you if you weren’t paying enough.

Mel had to begin physically pushing people out of her way. She took care not to bruise anyone too much-- as her grip had been described as ‘hellish,’ ‘what the fuck, holy shit AGGGHHHHH,’ and ‘I actually really dug that, I thought you were gonna straight rip it off and eat it for a second.’

Pushing a man in a black suit with the head of a stallion out of her way, Mel leaped onto the tip of the runway with a ‘hup.’ Making due with a slight change in elevation, Elenei scanned the crowd, and the whole of the room. She sighed, taking another sip of her drink

This was all so stupid.

“This is stupid.” Tatiana muttered to herself as she reached to the back of her neck with her free hand to scratch at a rather persistent itch for the umpteen-quintillienth time. The blood from her earlier meeting had yet to be dry cleaned off, much to her chagrin. She had money, but sometimes even that couldn’t speed the process along enough. As it was, she was forced to wear a different coat than her treasured centenarian of a coat. Really more of a tricentenarian of a coat, considering its history. First issued to Sergeant Alexei Kuznetsova in World War II, passed down from generation to generation since. It’d be almost nothing but a worn down rag by the time she inherited it, but after she’d come into super dark drug racketeering Godless sinful blood money of illicit riches money she’d had the thing professionally restored and then heavily upgraded. Was it all the same fabric as the original? No, obviously not, but to her, it was the same coat that had seen many ancestors weather the harshness of the constant flux of the world.

It was surprising how sentimental one could get over a shitty old Soviet coat. The one she was wearing for the time being was rather nice, but it felt… too new. There were no stories in this coat. No history. It was clean, new, sharp… and completely barren of any distinguishing qualities. But… she smirked - it did certainly show off her figure better. Perhaps tonight she would give this coat its first story to tell.

She was a regular at this bar, and if she was to be honest it was a miracle the police hadn’t figured it out yet and laid an ambush here for her. Not that they’d find a warm reception here of course.

The chill of the brisk night air behind her, Tatiana shook her hair free of the coat as she idly strolled through the building. Just what she would do tonight was uncertain - maybe join the strippers for a laugh; find some young naive man or woman, show them the night, leave them hungover in the morning with a hefty sum of cash for a fun night, try and seduce one of the more “experienced” patrons, get into an argument with someone, maybe go for a little sparring? The possibilities were !

Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a familiar face, Mel’s. She quirked an eyebrow, giving her a courteous wave before glancing about the room once more.

With a tilt of her head, Mel downed the rest of her martini and hopped down off the phallic, jutting runway stage for the moment. Smashing the glass against the head of some unfortunate baldy who was leaning in too close to the girls for her comfort. Other men moved back at this, Mel rolled her eyes-- It was like herding sheep.

With a flick of her fingers, Mel had a girl bring her drinks-- two of her favorite. Some sour fireball whiskey brewed in hell. The legend went that only the brain cells that could revive as even stronger demons survived a shot. It was an alright drink, all in all.

Giving her best attempt at a smile and curtsy, Mel greeted Tatiana as the manners toward respected elders and associates instilled by her family kicked in, “Hello Miss Kuznetsova-- I wasn’t expecting to see you this evening!” Her smile was slightly, forced, and visibly confused, though thankfully only barely visible in the dimness, “I’m so sorry, no one even asked to take your coat!”

Tatiana quirked an eyebrow at Mel’s disposition to her before sighing internally. She often wished she could simply take what money she had and start anew, without her reputation or anything else. It came with the territory she knew, but it still never failed to aggravate her - she was hardly some pompous wannabe noble, was it too much for her to want a drink or some company once in awhile?

She looked over at Mel, waving a hand in the air nonchalantly, “Little secret, I have no idea how I got to where I am, but tonight I’m just here to unwind. Bodyguards mean I have business, no bodyguards means I’m trying to pretend I don’t run an international criminal organization for the night. Generates a lot of paperwork you know, sometimes a girl wants to have some fun. Not sure what I’ll do yet though, maybe make good on that old joke and dance on the pole for a little bit?” She smirked, nodding at Mel’s drink, “What’s that you’ve got there? Doesn’t look like something a rich man’s daughter would drink, now does it?”

Slipping a nondescript steel flask out of her coat, she winked, taking a sip of the bourbon inside. “By the way, if I’m making you uncomfortable just say so. I’m really just here for some fun tonight, so if you wouldn’t mind dropping the surnames and the ‘Miss’ I’d appreciate it. No need to remind me of my age.”

The sight of Tatiana roused Mel from the spell the night had cast on her, she remembered plotting a man’s murder with her not hours ago-- only so many things could shake her so, among them were high profile guests and pretty ones, typically the two never intertwined-- never before had they seemingly come to her despite all they’d spoken of earlier. Tatiana’s carmine hair reflected azure light and shone through the smoke sogged air like a lilac flame. She was a very colorful woman-- one could tell by her gait. If she wasn’t as dangerous as she was, and perhaps more machine than woman, maybe…

Regardless, Tatiana, also, was amongst the richest, if not the richest regular of this podunk strip joint. Mel had no doubt Tatiana had some kind of hand in that-- she was her father’s partner in some regard, she didn’t pay attention to what they did, that wasn’t her job.

But what she did know is that this business, one of the many her father owned, dealt in legal and ethical gray areas. Belwas was merely a manager-- a pawn. It was his partnerships to women like Miss Kuznetsova that kept business like these afloat. Out of the eyes of law enforcement and forces more powerful...

Trafficking in things… even she didn’t know of it all… Her Father, the ambassador, wielded secrets like she wielded her sword. It was in that strength she placed her trust. And she trusted her father when he trusted this woman… But…

Mel blushed at the implications of her thinking… Maybe she deserved punishment for it-- but while she trusted her father, she didn’t trust this woman entirely. She was, by all means, incredibly infamous-- everyone here had heard of her. But no one aside from Mel herself even seemed to recognize her. This made Mel nervous for reasons she couldn’t articulate to herself.

As she stood before the woman-- she couldn’t help but recall the words they’d shared just a few hours prior...
*showers with more chocolates*

"Scat joke."

Negotiations I_
Andri Yrjan_
Elenei Kiều_(the pretty little bird 0_)
The First Day, 7:45 AM_

The clock was ticking painfully fast against him but Andri was no fool. There was a reason Lucien hadn’t been hunted down for so long and it wasn’t due to lack of trying. Countless men and women had taken their chances against him and, quite frankly, some of them might well have been better than himself. Luck was a fact of life, sadly. A harsh lesson he’d been taught not so long ago.

He needed a strategy. His attempt might be nigh impossible but nobody was truly invincible and with the right tools and tactics, he could take down anyone.

The first and foremost problem was the information. Lucien, while officially a Renegade, had never been introduced to the students at the Academy as a potential target. Not only that, but out of all the species they had studied, Archangels were entirely ignored. Probably courtesy to Lucien himself, who had exterminated all but one before Andri was even born. Archangels were now a mythical race, one believed to be hiding away in Heaven while another was trying to kill her. Charming lot. Question was, how do you fight them.

Luckily he knew enough about Seraphs to have an idea what to expect. A diverse arsenal transcending the traditional types, a vast knowledge and even vaster experience, an unstoppable mind… They were a handful. Truly nasty opponents, albeit somewhat predictable in their arrogance. As their memories returned, many of them acquired new abilities that only expanded the further back they remembered their lives. That usually made them over-confident… and sadly for them, worse in their original abilities. The reason was simple: modern angels were the product of millennia of hard training. The more they remembered, the closer they got to their original starting point - to the moment all of them were created equal. The moment when there wasn’t anyone who was “the best” at anything.

A different world. In theory, it was very hard for a Seraph to remember more than seven lifetimes and maintain their level of expertise. In practice, nobody should ever count on that when facing one in battle. If Lucien was an Original angel, would that mean that he was good at every field ever practiced by angels? Or would it mean he couldn't compare to any modern angel? And did he stay where he was when he was created or did he make progress and hone his skills?

Information was essential. And the web wasn’t helping. It was time to break the rules for the first time today.

“Hello?” A female voice sounded on the other side of the line. She sounded distracted, slightly puzzled but not truly bothered. She hadn’t seen the caller ID. Headset.

“You’ve been gaming all night again, haven’t you?” He smirked.

He literally heard her face light up before she even said anything. “Anzen, now that’s a nice “good morning” call!”

He chuckled. oni_desho?! was a petite girl with glasses and a thing for games and far-eastern animation. She wasn't Asian but she really liked to pretend. She was also insistent on using nicknames on anyone and everyone, including herself. His meant “safe”, and hers implied she was a demon. Rather ironic, all things considered.

“I have a little task for you. I need some information that only you can get me.”

“Oh yeah?” She sounded intrigued.

“It’s also confidential and secret.” He added.. He expected her to be excited but instead what followed was a pause.

“I heard about the Blackguard hanging about… You realise hacking is just a hobby, right? And Ludelle is damn good at sniffing out rats. I can't guarantee they won't notice.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to fight the system...” much… “I just need you to find a file for me. You can use my account, I’ll give you the password.”

“Yeah, because you can do hacking now too!”

“Isn’t a secret hobby’s purpose to be a secret?” He smiled. “Come on. Please.” The pause on the other side felt soft… so he pushed. “You can do it, right?”

“Maa..” She said which she'd taught him meant something like yes. Not her exact words.

“But if they do find out there will be repercussions!” She warned him.

“Technically I'm not even allowed to talk to you right now.” But if asked, he’s already thought of an excuse : he wasn't involving her in her capacity of a Musician, just calling a friend. “So, please do your best not to get found out.” He smirked. “Consider it your first hacking test. I'll make a certificate for you if you pass.”

“That'll completely defeat the point of secrecy, baaka!” She snapped but she was clearly smiling.

Andri came to a stop around the corner of Mariahilfe St. and had to blink a few times before he could believe his luck. “Um… ” He stuttered. “Call me back when you’ve got something.” He bid oni farewell and hung up.

In front of him, leisurely walking down the street, was the one person out of Loom’s few million, whose help he was seeking. Elenei Melodiá Kiều, one of the city’s most famed protectors. Someone hard to mistake if purely by virtue of the fact that she had survived getting her wing severed - and carry on doing what she was doing best.

Still, the young man had to make a quick check of the news feeds to make sure he was looking at the same person. It was easy enough to find an article about her most recent achievement - and there were many. His lips twisted thoughtfully as he compared the image to what he was seeing in front of him. She was a slight woman, even more so in person, and it was hard to imagine her running a sword through someone’s throat.

Then again, predators often posed as prey so he wouldn’t be fooled.

Finally taking a step forwards, Andri walked toward the woman and stood before her, well aware that he’s blocking her path with his own body. Rude as it may be, some things were necessary.

“Hello.” He started, not quite weary but respectful, or so he hoped. Given the time he would have thought out his words better. But he wasn’t given the time. “I’m sorry to spring this on you on the street but I’m in a bit of a rush here. I’m one of the Academy’s wielders.” He pulled his sleeve up to reveal the tattoo that served as a badge to the Wielders who couldn’t just display their Instruments on the street. It was an odd mixture of scarification and ink that could only be achieved by weaving essence into the skin during the process and although not entirely aesthetically pleasing, the authenticity of the mark was hard to argue or replicate. The shape itself vaguely resembled ripples in a lake: three rings interlocking in their middle and a round crescent surrounding them. It was a symbol that had become well-known over the years as the Academy’s signature crest.

“I was wondering if you had the time to join forces.” He tried to crack the seriousness of his face with a slight smile which could well have turned out to be a smirk. “I could really use your help in dealing with my newest target.”

Mel yawned. Navigating the streets of the city on autopilot this morning was easier than yesterday. Will tomorrow be harder? Elenei’s thoughts buzzed like the flies a street vendor might swat away from fruit. They were after something sweet, where all that existed was something so genetically altered it could hardly even be considered bio-organic in nature.

Waking up like this… it was insanely early for her. Something had pushed her out of bed, though, and she wasn’t one to ignore intuition-- she hated it. The city smelled like wet asphalt where somehow dew and moisture crept in while people slept. The busy bodies going to work looked like automatons, some of them assuredly were, but even the suits she recognized. Those of men who lived lives of leisure when the sun’s harsh gaze dampened to the moon’s soft embrace. Thieves light, it was-- an hour for those thieves, that’s what they were. Somehow the men headed to work or on some early lunch were fine, despite having nights full of debauchery. Mel couldn’t deal with it, she couldn’t pretend to be something at night and at day.

She only had so much energy.

Which, she supposed. Is why she could hardly focus on what the boy… the man before her was saying. Just that he wanted something that wasn’t money, and he had a pretty enough face that she didn’t want to rudely leave him. He was requesting her assistance--

Mel gave a loud yawn as he asked her to assist him, smirking with a boyish confidence. Was it faith in her or himself? She blinked, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. She wasn’t ready to talk to people this early and spoke bluntly as a result of it. “Why?” That was about the size of it-- suddenly the fruit flies in her mind swirled with questions regarding her own fame and what it was he needed from her, was this some kind of test from her father? Or did people really just know who she was? They all compiled and became the single question. ‘Why?’

It took only a moment before enough of her wits had returned to her that she could actually form a sentence. She shook her head, summoning her manners, “What I mean is--” She gave a light smile, practiced, and a bit cold, “My apologies. I seem a bit out of sorts this morning-- I was actually on my way to get a cup of coffee just now. Perhaps you’d like to join me? I’m curious, but I need, umm…" Her eyes glazed his form, "more on what you'd like of me.”

“But of course.” Andri agreed easily. With this much adrenaline pumping through his body with each beat of his heart it was hard to remember that some people felt tired at this hour, and that he himself had been one of them just hours before. “There’s a nice coffee shop just around the corner of Raymond St. unless you have another one in mind.” As they started walking he half-turned towards her, explaining himself along the way. “You are a bit of a local celebrity, at least in our circles. I think your skills will be very valuable against my target, especially considering that he’s also a swordsman. But I’ll tell you about that in more detail in a bit.”

“Local celebrity?” She repeated softly, as if she was testing to see if she liked the sound of the words in her own voice. Had she really gotten that popular? “I’m really just an employee of my Father’s...” She trailed off, unsure of her own reassurance to him. “So I’m popular at the Academy, then?” A bit of a smirk grew on her face, “And is that what this is? Is the Academy making attempt at courting me-- perhaps making me an honest woman?” Mel gave a dry chuckle, “I was going to ask your name-- but are you just my envoy?”

His eyebrows rose at the suggestion of him being on official Academy business. It wasn't too far-fetched, he assumed, considering how wide its sphere of influence was, that they didn't always stick to the not noble individuals in the city. But what piqued his curiosity was the fact that Elenei implied at not being entirely pure herself. While he had heard very little to confirm that, if the girl had a rebellious streak in her it would certainly help with his mission.

The question of whether he was here on official business itself was so amusing he couldn't help a small scoff. It couldn't be much further from the truth, ridiculous as it was that he could be prosecuted for doing what should have been his job anyway. But then, he couldn't blame her for thinking that. Few people would imagine what lengths one had to go to to keep the balance. The law simply lost it's meaning at some point.

“Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. I was so scared you'd cut me off before I even got to the point that I rushed things a bit.” He opened the door to the coffee shop and let her enter before following after. It was a chain much unlike the small boutique shops around, in both decor and visitors. Here they were many, providing a natural veil for secrets uttered out loud. “My name is Andri Yrjyan and I'm a last year.” They chose a table and took a seat. “You were right to assume that many people at the Academy know you by name, even skill, but I'm not here on their behalf.. My reasons are more.. Personal.” He started, then cut off to ask what she'd like to drink. It was a self-service and it would obviously be his treat but he didn't want to keep the lady waiting for her much needed coffee any longer. Of course, that also meant she had to wait a few minutes more to hear the rest of the story. A few moments spent in private might make her that much more curious and inclined to help him. “In fact..” He added as he was getting up to fulfill her request. “..I'd rather the nature of this whole meeting stay between us no matter your decision.” He smiled apologetically and went to get her coffee.

Mel nodded as he left, chancing a few passing glances in the general direction he’d gone in. She almost felt bad for not paying, the generous stipends her father gave her for her service left her with more than she knew what to do with. She almost felt bad. Instead, she merely found herself yawning. How much sleep had she gotten last night? Elenei found she had been asking herself that question more and more lately-- a strange mixture of anxiety and orders kept her up later and later, and woke her up earlier and earlier… She loathed this, sleep was one of her greatest pleasures in life, and not getting enough was bound to make her sloppy sooner rather than later...

However… A smile creeped onto her face as she took in the air around her. She loved coffee-- the aroma calmed her senses, the bold heat could jolt you to life and fill one with energy for the day. It was like a stygian potion, coming from heart of darkness of some Amazonian witch. Coffee, to Mel, was a blunt friend-- or like, a tired mother waking their child with a splash of water. It could be bitter, sure-- but it all came from a place of love. To Mel, she supposed coffee tasted how love should feel.

She didn’t usually go to chains like this, but the roast filling the air smelled fine, and they had her drinks, so she couldn’t complain. Besides, she’d been raised better than to appear rude in the face of such a gentlemen. Her senses were coming back, just the air here was enough to stir her, and in her clarity, she realized that a handsome boy had just come up to her, asked for her help in fighting something, and then offered to buy her two turkish espresso shots and a thai double-shot macchiato. She couldn’t turn down Andri’s request. If not for her own growing curiosity, then at the very least for the aplomb with which he’d won her over. That he wasn’t some schmuck sent by the Academy, again, cemented it.

Elenei smiled with some amusement as he returned to the table, “I’m afraid you’ve asked Loom’s biggest caffeine addict out for coffee…” She said to Andri, grabbing the first shot, “On the plus side, this means I’ll basically go to the ends of the earth for you now.” She took a sip, savoring the bitter ambrosia for… probably more than a few seconds. “Damn good coffee…” she muttered, glancing back up to Andri, she spoke sheepishly with reddening cheeks, “S-sorry… So… I’m curious, what is it that makes this so personal?”

He laughed at her joke and pretended to be normal, light-hearted, pretended to feel flattered at her saying he’d won her over and tried to ground himself in the present moment.

The girl’s smile came as a pleasant surprise and put her face in a new perspective. One that was less hunting dog and more human. It suited her, he though as he took her in sitting here, sipping coffee and not next to her father, ready to stab someone to death. It embarrassed him slightly. Being in the same boat, he shouldn’t be the one to judge people who dealt in death. A grim streak crossed his expression as what was certainly a sweet atmosphere came to a sudden stop when she asked about the actual reason for this meeting.

He fell quiet and stared at his own cappuccino, trying to ignore the fact that he was possibly commissioning her to die in a battle that wasn’t her own. It would have been easier if she was the hardened criminal he’d thought and not a sweet girl who loved coffee enough to even remember TV references about it. Kanna’s face crossed his mind and guilt sliced through him for a moment.

He shook his head mentally, took a sip of his drink at last and rose his eyes to Mel’s.

“I’d rather you hear me out first before you commit to anything, Miss Kiều. Signing a contract without understanding it can be dangerous, and especially in this case.” He was all business now, the remains of his smile turned upside-down. “The reason I approached you is because I lost a friend to a monster just a few hours ago and I have no more than…” He checked his watch fearfully. “…four hours to take my shot at him. At noon today he’ll be taken out of my reach. I was forbidden from involving anyone I know so I’m forced to look for help on the streets, in people such as yourself.” He paused for another sip and gave her a moment to consider what he’d said so far. He would have smiled and apologized for starting her morning in such an unpleasant way if there was anything to smile about. “The monster in question is extremely powerful and he won’t be an easy mark. We’ll need more people and we’ll have to play our cards just right to even make it out alive in case we fail.” Another sip. Was cappuccino always this bitter? Or was it his words. “What I’m suggesting is extremely dangerous. I’m ashamed to even ask you without any guarantee for your life. But for what it’s worth, I’ll do everything I can to protect you, and everyone else involved.” He let out a small sigh and his lips quirked slightly. “Are you ready for the rest?”

Mel nodded, “Sure. Of course.” She finished a cup of joe and began on another. With her renewed energy came a perception-- she noticed his tone, his posture changed as he spoke, he wasn’t breaking eye contact save to blink. He seemed so serious, so caught up in what it was he was talking about that he wasn’t even really here, like he was in a place of nerves, and planning for… whatever it was he was planning. Mel felt her lips twitch as he had mentioned her life, the possibility that it might need protecting, however stopped herself from breaking into a full smirk. His concern was genuine, she was able to pick that up, at least-- How gentlemanly-- but aside from the sincere emotion he put into his words, he wasn’t giving much away. She wondered if this is what it was like for other people when they talked to her?

“And uh, I am sorry for your loss…” Mel blurted, breaking the small silence between the two. “Don’t be ashamed,” She spoke without thinking, “You’re an Academy kid, but it’s the same type of work-- you get how it is. Everyone dies and we do what needs to be done-- there’s no shame in that.” She shrugged, trying to lighten the mood a bit, “Even if that means buying some strange, one winged weirdo some expensive coffee, and listening to her go on about what you already know.” She rolled her eyes, “Apologies for interrupting...”

That did make him smile. It was true, he knew, but it didn't make things any less dangerous and it didn't make it easier to juggle with someone else's life. He always hated that. “You are a weirdo,” He admitted, “by virtue of the fact that you're still here.” His own smile widened a bit and it seemed like some weight came off his shoulders. “So, to get to the point.. My target is a famous renegade, an angel by the name of Lucien. He’s well over 5 000 years old and he's had plenty of time to learn how to butcher anything that moves. You might have heard of him but if you haven't it's because he’s not insane and he doesn't just kill anybody. He only targets demons most of the time but purging the world of them seems like more of a hobby than his actual aim. That seems to be an angel called Alucia, the last archangel whom he's sworn vengeance to. The problem is, nobody knows where she is and Lucien doesn't mind torturing and killing to find out. We're unclear as to how he thinks but we do know that his last target was a Clairvoyant.” He paused for a sip of hot liquid and to check Mel’s expression before continuing. She seemed calm and attentive which was reassuring. “The good news is he lacks the ability to sense essence and he still uses a sword. Despite being an insanely good warrior, if we play dirty we should have a chance.”

“Is it even really playing if you don’t get dirty?” Mel looked down at the second cup before her-- now also empty. She started sipping on the latte without thinking much of whatever symbolism there was to be had in this discussion, and witnessing two empty vessels that previously gave her life and energy. “I’ve only heard the name in passing-- my father has a colleague, I think, who does business with him sometimes. I’m not privy to much information-- but I know he goes through weapons and armor very quickly.” Mel traced a finger along the rim of the mug, lowering her voice as a couple passed the table. “What I didn’t know is that he predated modern culture by several millennia…” Her lips quivered, heart began to race at the thought. 5,000 years? He had to have been alive during times when he’d see more battles in a day than Mel had been in her whole life! This wasn’t just a challenge, this was...

Mel shook the thoughts from her head. It was getting her far too excited. She leveled herself and finished, “5,000 years is more than all the memories in my feathers combined. Living that long means he’s good at adapting, he’s got to be… But that also means he’s… alone.” Mel paused, “Completely. It’s the only way to adapt. Which means he’s probably got some kind of tunnel vision we could exploit…” Mel looked away, taking another sip-- had she gotten in his head this fast? Or was she merely projecting? “He’s comfortable hurting people to get what he wants because he doesn’t have anyone he’s worried about losing. There are vulnerabilities we can strike there.”

Andri was watching her carefully slowly getting to terms with the fact that this young woman was indeed capable of murder and of the worst kind. “Isn't not having people to care about what makes this more difficult for us? A hostage situation would be ideal if we had anyone to actually use as a hostage. But what you said was interesting, I didn't know he swaps weapons and armor at all. It means he is getting hurt. ..is there a way we can use that weapon dealer? Maybe set up a trap somewhere?”

“That’s what I’m saying…” Mel smiled, “He relies on people, he has things he needs that only others can get for him. But they aren’t actually--” She paused, “I’m willing to bet he gets loyalty in one of two ways.” Mel help up a hand, holding up a peace sign tipped with two, toxic blue manicured nails, “Through silver, or lead. Money, or fear. You know.” Mel glanced to see a chimera with gray wings ordering a colorful beverage. She looked familiar.

Shaking her head, she allowed her attention to return to the conversation, “Hostages are all fine and good-- but that he’s got is the support of mercenaries means we can make him exponentially weaker without him even knowing.” Mel sighed, “I don’t know her all that well, the arms dealer, but her name is Tatiana Kuznetsova. She’s little known, but her business has major sway in certain circles. My father is one of her oldest business partners.”

Andri was listening with intrigue, his brain flapping feverishly between scenarios. If they had the luxury of time her plan would definitely be a good way to go, especially considering that they had a lead on where to start. On the other hand, they did [I]not[] have the time.. At least not if he wanted everything to be clean and legal. He did. But at the same time, unless they were sure they had a chance against Lucien, maybe it would be reckless to take a shot at him. The archangel wasn't somebody they should underestimate.

He shared all that with Mel and the fact that with the right set of people, be thought they could still launch a successful ambush. The biggest problem would be actually finding him. When it came to facing him head on, it was probably a bad idea. “Maybe we should try talking to this weapon dealer and see what she can tell us. Depending on her answer we can see if it's better to take our chances now or proceed with caution.”

Mel nodded, “It shouldn’t be too difficult to get in contact with her-- just a word from her secretary, I just need to make a call to my Father to get her number...” Mel stretched for a moment, catlike in her subtlety of her muscle and grace, and the coquettish expression that creeped its way onto her face. Taking in the sun streaming in through the cafe window-- filtered through band fliers and advertisements for things that would make you sick-- she finished her coffee. “Aww….” Mel frowned. She tilted her head at Andri’s half finished cup. “You know…” She brushed hair from her eyes, “Are you hungry?”

Andri gave a nod to conclude the conversation. His eyes fell to the half-finished coffee with a hint of guilt only to rise her way again once a tiny moan escaped her lips at the stretch. A lazy smile on his end revealed a mood that was picking up, however slightly. He wasn't giving up on the idea of hunting Lucien down right now but the itch was subsiding. If it was anyone else, if it wasn't for the recent failure that might be his undoing and if there was any chance for him to make it by himself, he probably would have dashed off head-first. But in all honesty, whoever Elenei was on the inside (and he had no doubt that there was more to her than this apparent sweetness), she didn't deserve to die because of stupid mistakes and miscalculations. His own life might be dispensable in the grand scheme but hers was another story and not something he would give up so easily.

Her question brought him back to awareness at the same time as his phone buzzing. “I'm not really.” He responded distractedly, pulling out his phone and checking the screen. Kanna. Again. He hadn't spoken to her since they'd both gotten bitten. That was cruel but he could only afford it because she knew he was safe.. More or less. Now, though, he had to wonder if oni or Ein hadn't ratted out his plans and made her worry sick. That was something he didn't want.

He silenced the call and smiled at Mel. “But I have the feeling that you are. I'll let you go find something to eat and deal with some personal matters in the meantime, is that okay?”

Mel nodded, “Of course!” And stood up without thinking, “I can try to contact Miss Kuznetsova if you’d like…” Her eyes flashed toward where Andri had hidden away his phone, “Either way, I think you’ll need my number, right?”

“Ah, yes, I would really appreciate that. Both really.” His lips twitched sheepishly as he took out the apparatus, keying in her number, taking notice of the battery in the meantime. 87%, Hopefully it’d last. Lifting his head he smiled at Mel and there was something warm about it at long last. “And Miss Kiều… Thank you. For everything.”

Her eyes widened at that word, she was used to being called miss… but, something about it bothered her coming from this stranger, “Ahh…” She glanced away, an unconscious attempt at hiding a scarcely visible pink blush, “You don’t have to call me Miss-- Mel works fine.” With a quick nod, she turned to leave, probably quicker than she needed to... “Thanks for the coffee, Andri! I’ll call to touch base if I can get in touch with her!”

“Okay.” Andri got up, politely pretending not to spot her blushing. “Sounds good.“
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