Character Full Name: Aesthen Graiert Halstorn Alias: Sven Graythorn Gender: Male Race: Human Height: 5’7 Weight: 189lbs Main Class: Rogue Subclass: Theif
Short Biography: Born on a ship he lived a sailors life traveling harbour to harbour and growing up with entertainers, acrobats and traders. He learnt all the things that the people loved and cheered for. How to sell, how to tell a story, how to move and how to entertain. He also learnt all the skills that the crowds did not see. The picking of pockets, the duping and conning of rich men. The scams, ploys and traps that came and went like the rising of the moon with none but a few wise to the riches now gone.
Growing to big for his troupe, Aesthen sought the new opportunities of an old home. Things were different now, he was different now. Tired of always traveling, maybe this could be his future.
Personality Description: There are many tales of brave carefree rogues throwing themselves into danger and trouble with reckless abandonment, only scraping through vast unforeseen misfortunes by the skin on their teeth. Overwhelming courage, charisma and luck pulling them through the ordeal to reward them handsomely for their brainless blunder. Aesthen is not one of those rogues. For every one of those success stories there are numerous others of failure that go unheard and untold. Simply because living foolishly relies on luck, and fate does not favour the foolish.
No, to live and survive as a Rogue one had to be smart, cautions and calculating. Aesthen was all of these. Even his charming demeanour was one of calculated precision. A patient man with a curious eye for detail. He has little ill will towards others but just a simple self serving focus on himself. He loves his trinkets and and can spend hours reading or tinkering. He is meticulous and thorough in all that he does. Despite being a thief he still holds a good heart and a small streak of moral values, this can be difficult to uphold though as he often lacks true empathy beyond that of his constant charade.
Why have you come to Draydon? For Aesthen this is not only a journey for opportunity and prosperity, the likes of which can only be found in a town such as Draydon, but it’s also a long overdue trip home. He seeks to cement himself in the foundations of the growing ‘new’ thieves guild.
Character Fighting Style: Life has not been ‘fair’ to Aesthen and he holds no qualms in forwarding that same fate onto his opponents. Liveliness is more important than fairness and Aesthen wants to live. There are few things he can imagine worse than the bleak darkness of non existence with its lack of opportunity, chances and future. To avoid such a fate he will do whatever necessary to tip the scales of favour onto his side and has no hesitation in fleeing should he feel it necessary. Let the dead have their honour.
Aesthen likes to plan everything ahead of time and be in control of almost all situations. Traps, trickery and deception are his favourite tools to avoid physical confrontation before it even begins.
If things must go another way he will attack mid range with throwing daggers or the likes, from a vantage point where he can over look his options. Always opting to ambush from the shadows with quick hard unexpected strikes if he can. In melee, movement is his friend and while dancing around with skill and grace, feigning and misdirecting, he will utilisie his knowledge of anatomy and take advantage of his opponents momentum and physiology.
Considering all physical engagements equally a test of wits, Aesthen simulates it in his mind many times over before it ever begins.
Primary Armament: An array of throwing daggers strapped all over his body. Secondary Armament:
Shears are used to quickly cut through items by snipping them between two sharp blades. Small shears can be used in one hand. Lopping shears are 3 feet long and must be used in two hands; they are commonly used by farmers or gardeners to cut hedges and branches. Adamantine shears are lopping shears with sharpened adamantine blades that can snip through nearly any material. You can use adamantine shears to cut through bars, chains, grates, or similar items. On any item the adamantine shears can fit around (such as a chain or iron bar, but not an iron door), using adamantine shears provides a bonus on your Strength to break or burst it.
Aesthen’s custom made and purpose designed shears appear and function as two seperate individual daggers. With near straight blades, little to no guard and slightly long hilts. They are sharp, precise and deadly giving no clue to their alternate purpose.
The tools and bits required to join the blades and make the shears whole are hidden within the hollow pommels, while the scabbards hold a secret compartment containing a vial of phosphorescent gel and a dose of rusting powder.
This deceptive small forearm mounted shield does not look intricate at all. Appearing as a simple, solid and sturdy piece of basic shaped metal. Secretly it possesses 2x tightly sprung grappling bolts underneath attached to a length of coiled silk, just waiting to be fired off in the direction of the hand. In the centre is a concealed spring loaded punch dagger, ready to turn this defensive weapon into an offensive one at a moments notice.
Hidden compartments hold a single use smoke bomb and supply of caltrops just waiting to be quickly deployed with a simple motion. It’s final feature is due to its shape and unique materials inside. When placed and sealed against a flat surface it is highly susceptible to vibrations, and with the aid of a hearing horn placed upon it a near tremor sense ability is gained. Although no voices can be heard, careful manipulation and familiarity with the device will allow the user to discern the direction of the oncomer.
Inventory Items: (4-8 Items)
This expertly crafted steampunk contraption has several small arms that hold magnifying lenses near the wearer’s face. They’re kept in place by locking hinges and crude gyroscopes that compensate for normal head movements. While the lenses are properly aligned, the wearer gains a circumstance bonus when working on items that are small or highly detailed and when inspecting something within 5 feet. However, the arms can easily become misaligned if the wearer is not careful. If the arms are misaligned, they lose their usefulness until readjusted
This version is specifically designed and fitted to Aesthen and is a lot more compact and sturdy than most others. It also comes with a telescopic seeing glass that can be removed, altered and used as a hearing horn. There is even a tube in the goggle strap that connects from the horn to the ear so that when run beneath a hooded cloak, one can be a far more discreet and inconspicuous than simply placing his head against the door.
Barbed Quickcatch manacles (Disguised as a belt) This light yet sturdy tightly woven chain sits around the wearers waist and is quickly released to become an improvised chain weapon that also doubles as manacles.
These masterwork manacles are designed to swiftly secure a restrained creature. The price includes a quick-release mechanism that, when attached to a belt or pack, allows you to retrieve the quickcatch manacles with one hand as a swift action. Quickcatch manacles include a good lock that locks automatically when the manacles are applied. Manacle Barbs Barbs added to these manacles wound a captive who does more than move slowly and with care. Rough movement of any kind, such as being struck in combat or falling prone, likewise causes damage. Attempting to break out of barbed manacles with strength also deals damage to the captive regardless of the success of the attempt.
These tall sturdy tightly laced leather boots have specialised padded soles that not only softens the wearers steps but makes him quieter and harder to track. Left boot also has a small concealed spring loaded blade. The Right boot has a hollow heel for concealing small items like his blank key wax. The toes have small thin sturdy claws beneath the leather that are only exposed when pressed forth. Useful for climbing.
A small spool of fishing wire is intricately woven through each of the laces.
Thieves’ Ring This slightly over-sized ring conceals a few lockpicks and other tools coiled inside its band. These discreet tools, made of a metal alloy that springs straight once the tool is removed from the band, are sufficient to attempt Disable Device checks without penalty, and long enough to pick locks on manacles fastened around the wearer’s hands (once he slips off the ring).
Pin Ring This simple weapon is a ring with a flip-up lid, below which is a needle capable of delivering a dose of poison (or knock-out drug, etc.)
Poisoner's Ring (Signet ring) A poisoner's ring outwardly appears as a common piece of jewelry, but is capable of delivering a dose of poison. A hollowed out feature on the ring (perhaps a jewel, or signet face), results in a cavity that holds a dose of poison; by means of a painstakingly crafted hinge, the wearer could use specific hand motions to access the space within. With practice, the wearer could deposit the the fatal cargo into a cut or bowl with little chance of being noticed.
Razor ring This simple ring can be manipulated to produce a thin small razor along its edge, useful for cutting purses or hacking at ropes.
Dissipating fan Glass cutter/glue paper caltrops, chalk,
This deceptively normal appearing backpack is laden with many hidden pouches. It is currently holding the standard bedroll, some chalk, a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, torches (2), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. It is also hiding some more thieves tools with extenders, a drill and has 2 quick release pouches of caltrops.
This fine leather armour is pretty standard and well maintained. It has many straps and places to hold and conceal blades. The fine thick cloak, as well as protecting him from harsh conditions, has a dark inlay that when turned inside out helps conceal the wearer at night. Weights it the hem help it flourish and be twirled around. As with all great things it also has hidden pockets. Amongst this attire Aesthen hides a wrist sheath, Marked cards and concealed thieves’ tools.
This is a standard, albeit sturdy, double ended scroll case. One long end holds all the papers and while the other a more cushioned smaller chamber contains the ink. A thin pocket along the side houses an ink pen. It is completely waterproof and air tight. Contents: Ink (1 vial), an inkpen, paper (10 sheets) sealing wax.
New type bio Android Built on the Demon race, Freeza race, mutated namekian and Three-eyed peoples DNA.
Power Level
Ezekia is shy, unsure, naive and easily mislead or manipulated. He struggles with morality and consequences, lacking an understanding of both. Besides his lack of empathy he is generally curious and friendly.
By extreme misfortune or unbelievable luck, he was given a second chance at life and was born into a powerful android body, unfortunately he spent the first 100 years of his life falsely imprisoned.
In their pursuits and attempts for absolution a Clan of three eyed people sought to seperate any evil essence from themselves. Using a technique similar to the Nameks fission, they managed to achieve this with the aid of an off-worlder. They did not harbour much negative tendencies to begin with, so for each person they only produced a little, yet still with so many of them these negative energies built overtime and had to go somewhere. The off-worlder offered a solution, a ‘container’ he called it. Specifically designed to contain such power. It was an Android. An empty shell void of the spark of life. All along the off-worlder planned to inhabit and control the Android once the ritual was complete. To put his own soul in it thereby escaping his own withered dying body in exchange for a new stronger, more powerful one.
The 3-eyed peoples leader was wise to the offworlders plan and with a small window of opportunity, used a magic triangular prison to capture the android at the moment of completion, locking it away deep within a distant planets core.
Although when the time came, the exact moment the off-worlders soul began to transfer into the android, the process was interrupted. Elsewhere on the planet a split moment earlier there was child born that was to never be, a life going by never lived, a soul passing ever so briefly only sipping at existence in the most barest and faintest of moments. But instead of dying at birth this child got a second chance and a new body albeit that of an imprisoned Android.
Imprisoned within a planet, alone, he waited one hundred and eleven years before the planet breakers did what their name suggests and freed the child. While he wears the appearance and naivety of a child a stronger force could be sensed within him. He also bares the influence of a thousand small negative thoughts.
The off-worlders soul was left with no where else to go and instead remained in limbo. Lost, forgotten, just floating around without a body, just awaiting a chance or opportunity at vengeance.
Traits & Techniques/Spells
Racial traits
Demon growth Similar to Gigantification This boosts Ezekia’s size, strength and power to a more grownup formidable fighting standard but as his power grows so too do his demon race features. His normally dormant Demon DNA takes over his body becoming more prevalent as he grows stronger.
Ghosts Equivalent to the Afterimage Strike Moves around fast enough to create multiple images of ones self or leave behind a ghost image for misdirection.
Six Sorcerer’s technique A fusion between 4 witches technique & 8 arm-fist hybrid, one can never tell which of the six new arms are real or fake. The number may even change during combat.
Split Equivalent to Multiform Ezekia can split into two being which can then split again.
@IceHeart Oh sorry, the ??? Power wasn’t supposed to be a mystery it’s just I’m not sure on what it should be. I want it to be noticeably high but balanced out by his lack of skill and training. He has little experience or knowledge (hence no type of ki blasts) and his skills have been things he just discovered his body could do.
Despite being strong and fast he might hesitate in combat without being given direction. He struggls when presented options and might opt for strength when he should go speed.
His journey is one of learning who he wants to be and what code he wants to live by.
@IceHeart If this is still a thing you’re doing i’d like to re-submit :)
Character Bio
Ezekia Thorn
New type bio Android Built on the Demon race, Freeza race, mutated namekian and Three-eyed peoples DNA.
Power Level
Ezekia is shy, unsure, naive and easily mislead or manipulated. He struggles with morality and consequences, lacking an understanding of both. Besides his lack of empathy he is generally curious and friendly.
By extreme misfortune or unbelievable luck, he was given a second chance at life and was born into a powerful android body, unfortunately he spent the first 100 years of his life falsely imprisoned.
In their pursuits and attempts for absolution a Clan of three eyed people sought to seperate any evil essence from themselves. Using a technique similar to the Nameks fission, they managed to achieve this with the aid of an off-worlder. They did not harbour much negative tendencies to begin with, so for each person they only produced a little, yet still with so many of them these negative energies built overtime and had to go somewhere. The off-worlder offered a solution, a ‘container’ he called it. Specifically designed to contain such power. It was an Android. An empty shell void of the spark of life. All along the off-worlder planned to inhabit and control the Android once the ritual was complete. To put his own soul in it thereby escaping his own withered dying body in exchange for a new stronger, more powerful one.
The 3-eyed peoples leader was wise to the offworlders plan and with a small window of opportunity, used a magic triangular prison to capture the android at the moment of completion, locking it away deep within a distant planets core.
Although when the time came, the exact moment the off-worlders soul began to transfer into the android, the process was interrupted. Elsewhere on the planet a split moment earlier there was child born that was to never be, a life going by never lived, a soul passing ever so briefly only sipping at existence in the most barest and faintest of moments. But instead of dying at birth this child got a second chance and a new body albeit that of an imprisoned Android.
Imprisoned within a planet, alone, he waited one hundred and eleven years before the planet breakers did what their name suggests and freed the child. While he wears the appearance and naivety of a child a stronger force could be sensed within him. He also bares the influence of a thousand small negative thoughts.
The off-worlders soul was left with no where else to go and instead remained in limbo. Lost, forgotten, just floating around without a body, just awaiting a chance or opportunity at vengeance.
Traits & Techniques/Spells
Racial traits
Demon growth Similar to Gigantification This boosts Ezekia’s size, strength and power to a more grownup formidable fighting standard but as his power grows so too do his demon race features. His normally dormant Demon DNA takes over his body becoming more prevalent as he grows stronger.
Ghosts Equivalent to the Afterimage Strike Moves around fast enough to create multiple images of ones self or leave behind a ghost image for misdirection.
Six Sorcerer’s technique A fusion between 4 witches technique & 8 arm-fist hybrid, one can never tell which of the six new arms are real or fake. The number may even change during combat.
Split Equivalent to Multiform Ezekia can split into two being which can then split again.
Hmmm, I keep getting ahead of myself. Too much thinking and planning when really just need to wait and see what the old gobbo has to say when we get back.
Orcs make things interesting though. Especially if there is a camp or something nearby.
Two questions for the boss @RC3 How many npc goblins are left? And is bamboo available?
Name: Ohl’en Aliases: VasSeer, Digger Species: Vaskian (psychic human variant) Homeworld: Vask Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Appearance:
Personality: Ohl’en is a proud, generous and hard working man but he is not without his flaws. It was because of his immense drive focus, curiosity and fierce passion that he has risen to the social ranks that he has. A quiet and calm thinker, he is a little too serious and detached at times. He has known of hardships and is kinder for it.
Born on the small, distant and near forgotten planet of Vask, a century after the planets reclamation war, Ohl’en was born into poverty although be it by a loving family. With a second child on the way, like all who struggled to raise a family they sent their firstborn, Ohl’en, off to the earth equivalent of a boarding school. It was situated on El’hem-Rah, one of the three moons, and he left before he could ever even meet his younger sibling. A few years later news of his younger brothers death reached him and tore a hole in his young heart. Somehow he cared deeply for the brother who he had never and now would never have the chance to meet. Or so he thought.
Once a mandatory passage under pre war political agendas, the boarding school was now optional. While there a student would not only be tutored in the basic schooling functions but also monitored and tested for the higher abilities know to present within the Vaskians. Many believe these gifts are caused by the very moons themselves, or at least what ever ancient remnants lay within. Partially disguised as education, the children tutored on these moons are all put to work in one way or another. From house hold jobs like cleaning, cooking and washing to more serious things like spaceship maintenance, hydro converter repairs and power level monitoring. Lastly, they may even be put to use in the ancient tunnels and mines.
This is where Ohl’en flourished. Struggling most other places, he excelled in archeology. His achievements here only further increased his curiosity and drive, and as he learnt more he achieved more and so went the cycle. At a young age he made breakthroughs in understandings, uncovered a new section of ruins lost and within it even found a cypher. Of course it was abruptly taken from him but the achievement of it remained.
As years passed his contribution to the school began yield reward and his parents were paid for his efforts. He visited them often, more so after his mother’s death. It was on his fathers death bed that the old man admitted his greatest shame, the lie of his younger brothers death and his inability to stop what really happened.
Ohl’en without realising had become an expert in his field. The forgotten planet of Vask received queries and puzzles which were relayed to him through the school for his council and he began sharing his knowledge and techniques. Solving problems and offering aid over great distances remotely while occasionally going on field trips to do it personally. All the whilst he secretly sought the truth and location of his only family left, his lost brother.
It was after he acquired some costly intel that he arranged to meet a Ki bounty hunter named Orion while on and under the pretence of an expedition. He escaped, stealing with him the cypher he found so many years ago.
His search for Coh would start on Istio with the aid of Orion, a mysterious bounty hunter he had hired for the task.
Summary: Ohl’en was born on a distant planet and sent to a working boarding school. While away he had a younger brother be born and die before he met him. His death was a lie. Ohl’en struggled with most duties and socialites but excelled in the schools archaeological dig sites and soon was a valuable asset that brought them profit and renown. Upon his parents deathbed he learnt the truth of his younger brother named Coh and hired a mysterious Ki bounty hunter and pilot named Orion to help find him. Their journey starts with a possible lead that sent them to Istio.
Vask Talents
Telekinesis -
Can move things with his mind within a limited range and strength. Strain causes headaches. Can tag an object with telekinetic force that is within his range and set it to move at a near later time even if no longer in range. This method is weaker and has a limited time frame.)
Varr’Isk - (prophet’s vision)
(Passive)He gets wild vivid nonsensical dreams, mostly while asleep, occasionally while awake. This basically just means he seldom sleeps well but sometimes, just sometimes, they can make some sense and give him insight. Most of the time he gets a preminitious hunch of how things are going to go which on occasion is helpful, if not confusing. It often makes sense after the fact. He also sees the world slightly differently, there are faint hues of colours no human has ever seen and that he cannot explain. All things have and leave aura’s, where they have been and sometimes where they are going. None as strong as the ancients though. (Active)With intense focus that debilitates him from doing anything else he can see these auras more clearly, their past and future intentions, even through most materials. This allows him to ascertain within a rough degree as to what has recently or is soon about to transpire within his field of influence. This gives him some advanced reflexes and insight, but most often than not being aware of what is about to happen doesn’t mean he can stop it.
Leading specialist -
He is a leading and respected figurehead in regards to ancient artefacts and lore. From his years spent as an archeologist and researcher, he is both knowledgeable and influential within those realms. Being an advisory to governments and empires has also paid him well.