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7 yrs ago
Current "Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg." - Deor.
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9 yrs ago
"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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I'm still not entirely sure what I'm going to be haha
As per usual I don't like the universal ruling on FTL. There are so many kinds of FTL travel, why limit it to one of the most boring kinds ever known?
You claim this game would feature science and magic but for some reason I only see limitations on the technological side of things yet.

Yeah, I agree with this. There's no reason a player shouldnt be able to use whatever ftl they want rather than just the instant-whatever-drive branch of ftl.
I shall become death, destroyer of worlds.
Double poke :p
Granted, but it has been granted through the removal of all subjects that could possibly be considered 'boring' from the curriculum. Naturally, this results in there being no subjects in the school curriculum whatsoever and within several generations humanity is ignorant of the written word. Thus the knowledge of mankind is lost and you die of a preventable disease as nobody understands medicine.

I wish that I was an omnipotent and omniscient being (and would subsequently become the only such being in existence), thereby capable of negating any negative consequences of this wish.
"I believe it will be worth the time as well, and I'm glad for the vote of confidence." He replied warmly.

Edwin's smile faded and he remained silent for several moments once Veta had finished speaking, glancing down towards the floor for a moment and furrowing his brow. She was right; It was much easier than talking about what you didn't like.

In fact, come to think of it, he couldn't easily remember what he didn't like; He never gave much thought to what he didn't like, it was quite unusual to be asked what he didn't like.

"I can agree with you. I don't like liars either and- they get people hurt." He said quietly, pausing for a moment again before continuing in a slightly louder voice. "People who are too submissive; By that I mean, there's a difference between loyalty or compromise and being blind and spineless. People should stand up for themselves and their beliefs, as is reasonable. There was this noble who used to visit us, an old friend of my father. You would think he had no opinions of his own- in fact I am not even sure he had any thoughts of his own. He was so easily convinced of anything; His opinions would be the opinions of the last person he spoke with, like a parrot."

He paused for a moment, giving a weak smile as he thought about the old noble. What had his name been? Sir Steven or something of the sort? The old man switched opinions between every visit; Once, he changed his opinion on the matter of Celtic-Britannian relations overnight. One day he was saying how set he was on good terms with the Celts, and the next day he was suggesting that Britannia might one day invade.

"I hate being in high places, or rather I'm always afraid I'll fall from them; Until I was about 12, I used to sleep in one of the towers of the keep in Jerusalem and just looking over the railing from the balcony had me sweating, worrying that a sudden gust of wind might blow me over the edge. Irrational, I know, but I could never quite shake the feeling."

"I cant stand chaos either or disorganisation; I like things to be as they should. Order is important, I mean, imagine if all the pages in a book were organised randomly; it'd be a nightmare to read. If you keep things organised then you can always find them when you need them." Edwin smiled again, somewhat nervously; He was hoping that Veta wasn't an extremely disorganised person. That would make a marriage a lot more frustrating. She didn't seem to be but first impressions can always be deceiving.
<Snipped quote by Obscene Symphony>

You sure? Okay, fine then.

If you do not post, we will all collectively shame you and disown you to the end of time, constantly pointing out how you fail to post in any other RPs we might have with you or even just post on RPs just to say that. We will all unfriend you and send you bags of glitter glue and force you to listen to Justin Bayber 24/7 while playing a children's card game which will use to forever shame and note your dishonor on you.

If you do not post:

Edit: Image fail...
...dammit Wolfie I swear you're intentionally trying to make Liv angry. XD

oh dear, is it that obvious?

What? Of course not! I'd never do such a thing *whistles innocently*
"Oh my, is she one for long lectures as well? In that case yes, watching them try to lecture each other should do wonders to pass the time." Edwin replied with a grin. "I look forward to trying to teach you. I'm sure you will do well, so long as I can teach half competently."
Edwin looked her up and down quickly, sizing her up and considering carefully as he listened to her speak. It was clear to him that she had some knowledge on the matter, certainly more than he had known when Richard taught him. Of course, he had been very young so that was hardly a surprise; He remembered having barely been able to hold the blasted thing, having only just reached adolescence at the time. It was very strange; The thought of being unable to lift his sword seemed almost unthinkable to him now, some six years on.

"Ah, you're well read on the topic then? Ah, I am not fond of guard-less blades myself for much the same reason; In my mind it is very much an injury waiting to happen. As for your other suggestions: Rapiers, as you say, are far less useful outside of fencing; That is one of the reasons that they were never really adopted for military use and remained primarily civilian dress swords, I believe." Edwin paused for a couple of seconds as he thought it over. "A backsword could be a bit unwieldy for you, yes, but it might be worth a try to see if you could handle it. That said, I agree that a Schiavona could be well suited to you, its certainly not as unwieldy as a backsword and more versatile than a rapier. It does sound like a good fit."

Edwin stopped again and then looked back up to Veta, smiling as he finished. He wasn't entirely sure he was good enough to teach her well- and it would be extremely embarrassing if he turned out to be a poor teacher; Perhaps Richard would be able to give him some advice on how to do later. "Perhaps we could ask Raven whether her father maintains an armoury sometime in the coming days, with some luck we will be able to find out whether a Schiavona would be balanced enough for you."


Richard cocked an eyebrow in an amused manner as Liviana spoke, gouging her reactions to his every word. He must have struck a nerve; Completely accidental but he had to admit her reaction was rather amusing. Oh dear, this was not going as intended at all. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all. And did she just call him Lord Ashleigh? Perhaps she was trying to rationalise his title according to the customs of her nation. "Did I offend you? Sorry. I'd heard of such a towering intellect and thought that perhaps you would be above being petty, apparently I was mistaken." He replied in mock disdain, unable to supress a smile for long enough to appear genuinely offended "Your optimism at the situation is touching; Perhaps the fates willed me to come to you with my proposal. It is good to hear that you are well, my lady; As for myself, I have my health. My family are used to my absence. I was never supposed to be both Captain of the Guard and King; My brother was taken by cancer and the title fell to me. Balancing my positions has been troublesome, my family have supported me through it and understand my obligations."

Richard paused for a moment before giving a small smile and continuing "Marriage may be a minor part of the proposition but not the primarily component and not, I would wager, for the reasons you think; if I merely wanted to find a wife for my son, I could find one who would be more politically advantageous and a more prestigious match, as I doubt your father would be very interested in helping the family he married you to. No. I came to you because I don't want to see your intelligence wasted marrying some minor noble and spending your days making babies and accomplishing nothing of note- and forgive me for the bold assumption but I doubt you are interested in that outcome either. I'm glad that you will listen to my proposal, perhaps it will turn out to be of interest to you after all. We could discuss it over dinner, perhaps?"
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