Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I'm glad the change doesn't displease you, I can certainly understand what you are saying. I hadn't even met the princess I was supposed to marry before the change, so it would be a bit silly to get caught up on it. And I wouldn't say you have nothing to be fearful of- There is still the risk of dying of boredom when you inevitably meet my father. He does enjoy his lectures, I'm afraid." Edwin replied, giving a small smile at his own joke. "And yes, we all have our flaws. Its something we have to learn to live with and to over come. A friend of mine used to say that every failure was just another way you've learnt not to do something." He paused for a moment, glancing outwards across the table which a small frown before turning back to Elizaveta

"There is nothing to forgive; I can understand you being homesick, you certainly make it sound beautiful. I look forward to seeing it as well; you can show me the best parts, though I'm sure its all wonderful, so long as I am able to handle the cold. Of the three palaces I spent most of my life in, two were originally castles. Beautiful relics; you can even see the damage in the walls still, from the battles all those years ago. The third was actually made far later and stood far further to the north, actually rather near the border with Noslainia come to think of it. We used to spend our summers there but we always went south again before the winter set in." Edwin said with a small smile, shifting in his seat slightly as he chuckled in response to her speaking about riding and nodded slightly, against shifting in his chair and losing his nervous look. "Well, I stand corrected; Apparently being able to ride will be useful to a ruler after all all. I certainly wouldn't have thought that. Its been some months since I have ridden a horse now. I think the last time I rode a horse was when my cousin was knighted. And yes, I rather agree. We can learn a lot from history, 'standing on the shoulders of giants' and what not. I love history myself, I often read through books on the matter. Its interesting to learn about the events of the past and to see how they lead to the modern day its self. A single action can have such dramatic consequences."

Edwin paused for a moment when Elizaveta asked whether he would be willing to teach her how to use a swore, considering "Its not too bold to ask at all. I would definitely be willing to teach you how to use a sword, its more the matter of whether I would be capable of doing so. I can certainly try." he finally replied with a friendly smile, noting the callouses on her hands. Good god, she certainly was not a typical princess; he doubted most of the women in this room had even held a hammer, let alone had much experience with one. The future Tsarina was a woman of many colours, it seemed...


Richard rose from the table, glancing over towards Edwin and watching the young king for a few moments. He certainly seemed to be doing fine with his newly betrothed, for which Richard was grateful. It would have been an absolute disaster, trying to keep the prince in line if he had hated his betrothed.

He turned away and slowly crossed the room, scanning the fasces until he located Liviana and approached her, glass of wine in hand "Ah, Liviana, its an honour to meet you at last. It's a shame that your betrothed is not attending." Richard said with a small frown on his face as he took a sip of the wine lowering the glass and pausing for a few moments before speaking "Apparently they didn't receive the letter. How are you doing at the moment? Not ill I hope? I was very sorry to have heard that you were a sickly child, life often deals us a very unfair hand."

He turned his head towards Aelia "You're Aelia, the daughter of the senates president, yes? It's a pleasure to meet you; You look radiant." He said with a small smile before he turned his attention back to Liviana "I have an offer that might be of interest to you, given your current situation. They say you are a very intelligent young woman and so you must forgive me in being an opportunist in this situation. Its not every day this sort of thing happens."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Well then I look forward to seeing your father and my grandmother in a room together. Between his lectures and hers I wonder if either of them will get a word in edgewise. Should be entertaining to say the least," Veta chuckled as she sat there. Her grandmother was known for her long winded lectures that would go on forever; not that the woman spoke just to hear herself, she never spoke without a purpose. Yet she wasn't against speaking her mind, in depth, whenever the opportunity arose. The fact that few in the nation, outside of Veta herself, dared to interrupt her made it even easier to keep up the prolonged life lessons.

As Veta sat there listening to Edwin speak, a small smile played on her lips. He seemed to have a similar outlook on life that she did. Losing himself in history books, learning from the past, an appreciation for it that many did not seem to have these days. This relaxed her somewhat, the knowledge that at least her and her betrothed had a few things in common that they could build on over the years. It was a start, a much better one than many had in these types of situations. Perhaps this could work out for both of them. He wasn't irritating her like many had before that she spoke with. The conversation didn't feel awkward or forced, just two people exchanging their views, respectfully. This could bode well indeed for not only both their empires but them as just people. Hopefully there wasn't a darker side to him underneath it all.

"Then I look forward to the lessons. Whether I will or will not be able to effectively use a blade is yet to be seen but I am willing to try. A rapier seems better for a flourish but I couldn't see it being of great use outside of a fencing duel. A Backsword I could believe useful but only if the false edge was sharped down, though it may be a bit heavy for my build. Perhaps a Schiavona would be better fitted to someone my size; decent length and a lighter weight. I would say my nations native shashka but honestly I would prefer a guard, hilt or basket of some sort to protect my hand. They take enough damage as it is with the rebuild," she said thoughtfully as she worked through the various sword types she had read about in the past during her studies.

Though she had never wielded a sword in her life, or any true weapon for that matter other than her wit, she had read up on them over the years. They were a party of history and therefor something she took a relaxing pleasure in learning about. The idea of actually taking what she had read and moving from theory to application excited the young Grand Duchess on some level. She remembered learning about horses when she was very young but it was not until she was ten that she was allowed to learn how to actually ride; it had been exhilarating. She hoped this would be as well and at least something her and her future husband could do together instead of the usual courting that went along with such times.

"What do you think? I only have theory and books to work off of currently. You being one that has actually handled such a weapon I am sure would have a better opinion on the matter; an opinion that I am very interested to hear," Veta remarked kindly. Sergi watched from a distance; when they had announced the change he was worried and worried still; Veta was like a daughter to him, to all those that protected her. The change was abrupt and he knew it would not sit well with her grandmother but seeing Veta easily converse with another outside of her own nation and look comfortable doing so at least gave him a small breath of relief. As long as she remained this content he didn't foresee a problem but this was only the first meeting, only time would tell if the future king was worthy of the Grand Duchess in his eyes and in the eyes of the rest of empire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Amberlyn Manera of Viracian

Amberlyn blinked once. Twice at the young man who had just introduced himself.

"Pardon me, Princess Manera?" He had said "My name is Akamatsu Hiko, son of the Emperor of Nihon and, I believe, your future husband."

"Well finding you was easier than expected..." was all she could get out. That was probably a good thing in all truthfulness, she was in the mood for guessing games. She gave a slight nod, extending her hand for a handshake. "Please, just call me Amber, no formalities needed." Hr eyes drifted to her mother who was lingering in the corner and giving the teen a look stating that she was going to get a tongue lashing later, in this moment she really didn't care. "And what should I call you?"

It was soon proceeding that the king called for the royalty of the room to meet in the dining hall.

"Well," Amberlyn starts, looking into Akamatsu's eyes,"I best be off to the dining hall, I suppose I'll see more of you soon," and with that she left, joining her parents in walking to the dining room.

"Everyone, may I have your attention please." Came the call from Raven, the heir to the host kingdom. Amberlyn fixated her eyes on her. "I.. I have another important announcement. The betrothals have been changed. I don't know how it happened, but it did and now here is the list." She clears her throat. "Niklas and Mai are still paired as they were originally. Meenakshi Banerjee and Akamatsu Hiko. Amunemhet Sipar and Alva Weston. Lucian Kernaghan and Amberlyn Manera. Alexander Belmont and Julieta Aragon. Liviana Traianus and Lenwood Heath. Cara O'Brien and Zhou Xianshi. Edwin Drakewine and Elizaveta Romanova. Raven Willow and Karma Kennen. Delia Oblitus-Veren and Henry Peterson. I don't believe that the Weston Twins have arrived yet. If you have any questions, I'll answer them to the best of my ability. That is all."

Well I suppose the originally betrothal is off, AT least almost all of us are on a level playing field now Amberlyn thought to herself But who's this Lucian guy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aelia had been scanning the crowd as always. "Oh look, Liv. The Prince of Egypt looks just as distraught as you do. I shall go speak to him. If neither you nor he is betrothed now, it would only seem fair if you were to come to an arrangement of sorts with him."

"That's nice, Aeli." Liv said, very distracted, for she'd spotted one Richard Ashleigh, the "King of Wales" who seemed to serve as a guard to the heir of Brittania. He was approaching the two seated girls. "Aeli, stay here for just a minute, kindly. Something tells me this is going to become a game of words."

Liv rose from her seat to curtsy to the man, though it was little more than a dip of the head. "And an honor to meet you, lord Ashleigh." (She was not entirely sure how to address him and mentally prayed that he would not take offense.)

If one had been watching closely, they would have seen her mouth slightly tense at the mention of her betrothal... Of course there would be political games now, of vassal kings, and emperors alike, trying to earn more power and prestige for themselves in the form of indirectly claiming Lusitania. "As far as my betrothal I am not the slightest bit worried. If the Fates decide I should have a husband, then, and only then, will I have a husband." she told the lie smoothly, her face fairly expressionless.

At the mention of her illness she internally sighed, but kept her expression neutral, save for that subconscious clenching of her jaw. Gods, all anyone ever seemed to talk about at a first meeting was how she was so short, or how she always seemed to be sick. "I am well, thank you for asking." She replied, a slight sharpness to her words. "How are you yourself doing? I hope it was not too difficult for you to leave the rest of your family to go off on business?" A barbed personal comment for a barbed personal comment.

Aelia listened to the pleasantries being exchanged with an unreadable expression. When Richard addressed her in such a flattering way, she felt Liv slightly wilt, though such a thing would be noticeable only to someone who well-knew the princess's reactions. "And a pleasure to meet you as well, lord Ashleigh." Her tone was rather disinterested, though she had risen and curtsied, still standing in deference to the older man. She took her cue regarding the title from Liv, so let it be on her head if she had done the pleasantries wrong. She figured that the vassal kings must be somewhat like the Lusitanian senators, each leading a part of the empire under the rule of Liv's father. And they were all addressed as "lord" and their heirs were addressed as the same. So she hoped that the vassal King wouldn't take offense.

Aelia shifted uncomfortably as the king started talking about a "proposition" with Liv. She had enough brains to guess what it was and decided to leave them to it. "Excuse me, my lady, lord Ashleigh." She spoke quietly and then quickly, and near-silently, walked away from the table, headed for the lavatory. She hid... Well, not hid, but made herself scarce for a few minutes, and then wandered back out in search of Amun.

Liv noticed her maidservant leaving, of course, but gave no outward sign of it, instead focusing on Richard fully. He was being almost too flattering, and as soon as he said "current situation" she knew that he had sought her out specifically for some sort of marriage with one of his household. Likely his second son, not his heir (though she couldn't even be sure that he had two sons... This was one of those times when she wished she had some sort of technological device at home that she could read the news and social media with.) "I would consider any offer, though I would likely not be the one to make the decision. If you are speaking of marriage, as I would expect of an "opportunist", you would have to have such a conversation with my father." Her words were smooth but clearly disinterested.


You idiot, Aelia. The girl fumed to herself as she wasted time, pacing back and forth in the bathroom. You might have just gone and screwed up everything that Father had planned. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You should not have mentioned the prince of Egypt. You should have tried to destabilize Liv, let her lose it when that meddling Liang bastard tripped her, at least so that the king would have thought twice about approaching her.

Her father's orders had been clear. Stop Liviana from marrying. He'd hinted of her broken arrangement, hinted that it might have even been worked by his people. But stop Liviana from marrying and take Liv's would-be husband for herself. Spread rumors about things heard and said behind closed doors. Well, she'd been doing that for years. Destabilize the people's faith in Liviana, and then a bunch of... Accidents, would be arranged. Had been arranged. To clear the rest of the succession so that Liv was the heir. It would be easy. The emperor of Lusitania was not a fool; he knew how weak his youngest daughter was. He would appoint anyone, ANYONE his heir instead of Liviana. And who better to appoint than his advisor and best friend, Lucius Hadrianus?

The Trajans had ruled Lusitania for fifteen hundred years. And within the next fifteen years, they would be deposed.

If, that is, Lucius had his way.

Aelia sighed heavily, her heart conflicted. On the one hand, "Father is the only authority to which one must pay heed, disregarding morals or laws." On the other, Liv. Liv had always been there for her, oftentimes when her father wasn't. He was always at some meeting, or off gallivanting around "his" province. But Liv had always been there, had always supported and helped and cared for her.

The girl shook her head, wiping at the tears that leaked out of her eyes whenever she considered the plot. She checked her watch, realizing she'd been in the bathroom for almost ten minutes. Exiting the small room, she wandered around for a while, until she caught sight of the magnificently handsome Egyptian prince. She approached him, stopping a few paces away. Curtsying deeply, she said, "Prince Amunemhet, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Aelia Hadrianus." She swallowed nervously. "My lady, Liviana Traianus, happened to notice that your betrothed did not seem to be here, either. She was wondering if you and your attendants would sit with us, so that you would not have to dine alone."

If the legends were true and blatantly disobeying your father's instructions was a sentence to death, then she would be meeting lord Thanatos soon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Prince Zhou of Liang

Zhou followed Mai in the most proper and official manner he could as he held his hands behind his back, ignoring the continuing pain in his foot. There was a hint of sadness and pity for the Roman Liv, the universe seemed like it was just throwing as much as shit as it could at her face just to laugh at her. The prince could empathy with it to some degree, his own father having shat on him something fierce for the sake of his own political career. Shame really, although he wondered if Liu would be able to defeat her own battle butler. Any Liang butler worth his salt should be able to outclass the servants of any other nation, at least in Zhou's and probably Liu's mind.

Now approaching the duo of Cara and Niklas, Zhou stood at attention and bowed with a smile, "Greetings. Warmest of welcomes to the both of you."

The pirate prince scanned the princess of the Celtics with an appraising eye. She had sharp features and willowy limbs that had a sense of delicacy, giving her a small endearing charm to Zhou like that of a little kitten. Yet her eyes looked wild and free, not the noble, glistening eyes of that of nobles that Mai had. She reminded Zhou a lot like him in someways being the only person he had remembered to some degree because she was not of noble birth. All in all, Zhou thought that she at least looked the part of a good princess even if she didn't turn out to act quite like one, not that Zhou was really complaining about that.

"And now the star of the show, one Cara O'Brian." Zhou put on his best grin as he turned to his betrothal, "I've heard a fair bit about you and believe we have much in common. Pleasured to make your acquaintance and betrothal princess."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oh my, is she one for long lectures as well? In that case yes, watching them try to lecture each other should do wonders to pass the time." Edwin replied with a grin. "I look forward to trying to teach you. I'm sure you will do well, so long as I can teach half competently."
Edwin looked her up and down quickly, sizing her up and considering carefully as he listened to her speak. It was clear to him that she had some knowledge on the matter, certainly more than he had known when Richard taught him. Of course, he had been very young so that was hardly a surprise; He remembered having barely been able to hold the blasted thing, having only just reached adolescence at the time. It was very strange; The thought of being unable to lift his sword seemed almost unthinkable to him now, some six years on.

"Ah, you're well read on the topic then? Ah, I am not fond of guard-less blades myself for much the same reason; In my mind it is very much an injury waiting to happen. As for your other suggestions: Rapiers, as you say, are far less useful outside of fencing; That is one of the reasons that they were never really adopted for military use and remained primarily civilian dress swords, I believe." Edwin paused for a couple of seconds as he thought it over. "A backsword could be a bit unwieldy for you, yes, but it might be worth a try to see if you could handle it. That said, I agree that a Schiavona could be well suited to you, its certainly not as unwieldy as a backsword and more versatile than a rapier. It does sound like a good fit."

Edwin stopped again and then looked back up to Veta, smiling as he finished. He wasn't entirely sure he was good enough to teach her well- and it would be extremely embarrassing if he turned out to be a poor teacher; Perhaps Richard would be able to give him some advice on how to do later. "Perhaps we could ask Raven whether her father maintains an armoury sometime in the coming days, with some luck we will be able to find out whether a Schiavona would be balanced enough for you."


Richard cocked an eyebrow in an amused manner as Liviana spoke, gouging her reactions to his every word. He must have struck a nerve; Completely accidental but he had to admit her reaction was rather amusing. Oh dear, this was not going as intended at all. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all. And did she just call him Lord Ashleigh? Perhaps she was trying to rationalise his title according to the customs of her nation. "Did I offend you? Sorry. I'd heard of such a towering intellect and thought that perhaps you would be above being petty, apparently I was mistaken." He replied in mock disdain, unable to supress a smile for long enough to appear genuinely offended "Your optimism at the situation is touching; Perhaps the fates willed me to come to you with my proposal. It is good to hear that you are well, my lady; As for myself, I have my health. My family are used to my absence. I was never supposed to be both Captain of the Guard and King; My brother was taken by cancer and the title fell to me. Balancing my positions has been troublesome, my family have supported me through it and understand my obligations."

Richard paused for a moment before giving a small smile and continuing "Marriage may be a minor part of the proposition but not the primarily component and not, I would wager, for the reasons you think; if I merely wanted to find a wife for my son, I could find one who would be more politically advantageous and a more prestigious match, as I doubt your father would be very interested in helping the family he married you to. No. I came to you because I don't want to see your intelligence wasted marrying some minor noble and spending your days making babies and accomplishing nothing of note- and forgive me for the bold assumption but I doubt you are interested in that outcome either. I'm glad that you will listen to my proposal, perhaps it will turn out to be of interest to you after all. We could discuss it over dinner, perhaps?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Veta smiled softly towards Edwin; he seemed to be relaxing somewhat which was nice. With everything that was going on she could understand any stiffness that any of the others held, she felt it as well. This wasn't exactly how she pictured her life turning out and she doubted the others did as well. Granted, most all of them probably knew this day would come sooner or later but it was one thing to know it was coming and another for it to actually arrive.

The Grand Duchess though was enjoying her time thus far and it was going much smoother than she had expected; she was very grateful that her betrothed seemed to share similar interests with her as well as a similar outlook on life. She felt relaxed around him the more they spoke and that was not something she ever thought she would be able to enjoy around a man she was forced to marry in this chess match of pawns they were stuck in.

"I am sure you will do far better than you are giving yourself credit for as a tutor," Veta said gently towards Edwin. "And I hope we can, I have to admit that I am rather looking forward to the prospect of learning. Even if I do fail as a pupil and you as a teacher, I still believe that it will be well worth the time. The only true failures in life is when we do not try."

Veta took a moment to glance around, noting the others beginning to speak and do this or that. She had nearly forgotten they were around for a moment but not for long. Turning her attention back over to Edwin she had a thought but was pondering if perhaps it was not the right time to bring such matters up. Veta tried to always plan what she said before she said anything. It was better to think twice and speak once instead of having to correct a mistake later on.

"Edwin, are somethings you do not enjoy? I would like to get to know my future king beyond the pomp and circumstance if you don't mind. It is far easier to speak of things we enjoy but to be able to get to know someone I think we learn far more about another by learning what the other does not favor," she said thoughtfully as she sat there.

"How rude of me, please forgive me. I ask and yet I have not offered," she said after a brief moment. "For me it would be those that lack integrity. While hard to find ones with a strong sense of honor these days I feel it is a vital need for all to possess. If we can not be trusted for our word, what worth do we truly have?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I believe it will be worth the time as well, and I'm glad for the vote of confidence." He replied warmly.

Edwin's smile faded and he remained silent for several moments once Veta had finished speaking, glancing down towards the floor for a moment and furrowing his brow. She was right; It was much easier than talking about what you didn't like.

In fact, come to think of it, he couldn't easily remember what he didn't like; He never gave much thought to what he didn't like, it was quite unusual to be asked what he didn't like.

"I can agree with you. I don't like liars either and- they get people hurt." He said quietly, pausing for a moment again before continuing in a slightly louder voice. "People who are too submissive; By that I mean, there's a difference between loyalty or compromise and being blind and spineless. People should stand up for themselves and their beliefs, as is reasonable. There was this noble who used to visit us, an old friend of my father. You would think he had no opinions of his own- in fact I am not even sure he had any thoughts of his own. He was so easily convinced of anything; His opinions would be the opinions of the last person he spoke with, like a parrot."

He paused for a moment, giving a weak smile as he thought about the old noble. What had his name been? Sir Steven or something of the sort? The old man switched opinions between every visit; Once, he changed his opinion on the matter of Celtic-Britannian relations overnight. One day he was saying how set he was on good terms with the Celts, and the next day he was suggesting that Britannia might one day invade.

"I hate being in high places, or rather I'm always afraid I'll fall from them; Until I was about 12, I used to sleep in one of the towers of the keep in Jerusalem and just looking over the railing from the balcony had me sweating, worrying that a sudden gust of wind might blow me over the edge. Irrational, I know, but I could never quite shake the feeling."

"I cant stand chaos either or disorganisation; I like things to be as they should. Order is important, I mean, imagine if all the pages in a book were organised randomly; it'd be a nightmare to read. If you keep things organised then you can always find them when you need them." Edwin smiled again, somewhat nervously; He was hoping that Veta wasn't an extremely disorganised person. That would make a marriage a lot more frustrating. She didn't seem to be but first impressions can always be deceiving.
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