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Current "Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg." - Deor.
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9 yrs ago
"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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@Framing A Moose usually, drakken go to the gems cities/hometowns/villages and the gems are told they are pretty and torn from their families the rest of their lives. Some might have slight variations on it.

Wouldn't it be more likely that it's the Gems who do that themselves? I imagine Drakken barging into town to take people personally would not be good for public order, it would be smoother and more 'legitimate' for the Gemminite Nobles to appoint people to do it.
Zakroti nodded and leant down to offer Aymiria his hand
"Heh, no saddlebag for you. You ride with me. I shall have someone teach you." Zakroti said as he helped her up into the saddle with him. He called out an order for the entourage to assume formation in a column and spurred his horse to ride forwards, casing a glance towards Annaveya

"My lady, sneaking off to the stables is hardly what one might expect of a young princess." Zakroti said with mock shock on his voice, smirking "Why, whatever did the good lords and ladies of Gemminia think to have a princess skulking around in the shadows? Tell me, why did you have to sneak off to the stables anyhow? I would have imagined learning to ride would have been as common in Gemminia as it is here."

"If the Princess likes horses, perhaps she should see the race at Cheydinhame next month." Julius noted. Zakroti grunted a quiet affirmation; Cheydinhame was a major city in the Orth of Kreprehame within the Muth of Balmoras. The city itself being built just inside a great forest, though the plains that bordered said forest were open and vast. Horses from Cheydinhame were noted for being swift, hardy and remarkably brave and as such were highly prized among the nobles and knights of Osh Edehame "Does anyone remember that Kalderan Chief last year? The look on his face when he was told he had to ride a horse to compete..."

"The look on his face after he was thrown into the lake was more amusing." Kilio mused with a small laugh. After a few minutes of riding, the blackguard began to recite a poem quietly to himself to pass the time. Before long, Gaikus had joined him and the two were reciting verses of various poems together on the road.

"Grar e Moras, Zyro e Varlas, Ogim-Bar Lali, narfin hamei.
Hilyat garvas, hilyat aran, hilyat zuth e hilyat kaan
A an ish hilyat lali

Gehdzi hilyat kala shanta
Gehdzi hilyat kala shanta
Gehdzi hilyat kala shanta
wredzieiz mathi

Hilyat lal, hilyat orth, hilyat wel e hilyat muth
Hilyat kala krepre, hilyat na ienasi.
(Pain and earth, hatred and blood, Hornheaded warriors, foreign lands
Come farmer, come king, come knight and come guard
From the east come warriors.

They come to take
They come to take
They come to take
Your homes.

Come warrior, come count, come child and come duke
Come to war, come as protectors.)"
@Saltwater Thief@Cubix@karamonnom@Belle@RomanAria@darkwolf687

Hey frrriieeeeennnddds, how goes the writing?

Terrible at current. I'll get it done before too long, don't worry none
I shall post at some point tommorow. I'm heading to bed as I need to be up early, though I might write a quick one if I can't sleep.
*twiddles thumbs*
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

Forgive my airheadedness, but what?

What on what? Now am confused @.@
<Snipped quote by Feisty-Pants>

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.

My precious starch... xD

What's taters precious, what's taters eh?
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

I've a feeling I just missed out on something.

If you didn't see it before I editted it then I am afraid you did. I realised it was pretty boring and silly to tell people in the ooc, imagine opening "Of Mice And Men" and finding
written on the first page (Actually happened to someone in my class back in high school)

Don't worry, you aren't missing out on it for long if the posts keep coming at this pace.
<Snipped quote by Saltwater Thief>

He could be the waiting olan for when Anna arrives at her end destination.

Since her current "owner" seems leery of taking her as a bride. :P

Removed and editted: You know what? I just realised that it's not fun to find out about the scheming this way. Apologies for the inconvenience. XD
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