Name: Thunder Struck
Race: Unicorn
Age: 26
Mane: Orange base and dark gray at the top, spiky hair usually a ruffled mess
Coat: Was once completely yellow, due to an accident with one of his experiments, large blotches of fur are now permanently black. Hair continues to grow this way as well.
Cutie mark.: Biohazard symbol
Distinguishing Features: His horn is actually slightly curved and black as well as large patches of his fur and half his face.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Things that go BOOM! He is an explosives expert. Works as an engineer or inventor or really anything that involves building stuff. While his passion is making bombs he will create just about anything, and most of the time nothing. Knows how to make quite the assortment of explosive ordinances for nearly any occasion. He has a genius level intellect and a devious enough mind to keep him alive.
Occupation: Traveling Repair pony, but he makes his real living off of setting up elaborate traps for different factions who hire him. He’s the one that makes all those buildings an absolute bitch to get through without getting your legs blown off.
Gear: A 9mm sidearm just in case he’s caught in a close quarters. Saddlebags filled with mostly seemingly random junk, all of which are actually supplies to make his own explosives this includes various chemicals, explosive powders, electronic scrap, scrap metals, duct tape, sensor modules and etc.. Carries around a few mines and hand grenades as well because explosives are his thing duh! Also carries around an acoustic guitar for when he's bored. Crafting Tools can also be found in his bags.
History: Largely a mystery
Personality: He has a few mental disorders that make him very untrustworthy. Mild schizophrenia (Though not a real problem he has learned to tell the difference between real life and his imagination, however certain triggers could set off a schizophrenic relapse and will become immobile and defenseless when in this state, but due to his nature he has kept these triggers to himself and no one knows how set them off.), Dissociative personality disorder (in other words sociopath. Despite being friendly and cheery, he has little to no regard for anyone else’s life and well-being, the only reason he may help someone is because he finds them useful in some way and will get something out of you whether you know it or not). Bipolar disorder (Difficult to even tell he has this as he doesn’t show his emotions like a normal pony would as he seems to have a perpetual smile on his face, which at times can be a bit disturbing. Whether you know it or not he can flip from loving you to wanting to spill your guts in an instant) No one ever knows whats going on in this Stallions head and sometimes that’s a good thing just so long as he remains on your side.
Virtue: Creativity. very inventive, always solving problems in roundabout ways that most wouldn't have even considered. Usually because of how over the top the solution was.
Current Home: anywhere
Misc: He is also Gay, but not really the romantic type either. Strangely enough, despite his love for explosives and all things that go BOOM, he is actually a pretty decent singer and knows how to play a guitar quite well, but it is simply a hobby.
---- Forty points to split between:----
S(trength): 3
P(erception): 10
E(ndurence): 5
C(harisma): 5
I(ntelligence): 10
A(gility): 4
L(uck): 3
Trained Skills: Trap making, explosives crafting, weapons repair, weapon modification, crafting weapon’s and modifications, and trap disarming.
Jury Rig- repairing weapons with weapons of a similar type
Mad Bomber- Many explosive recipes are available at crafting tables
Self Reliant- As long as you have your tools and components you can craft simpler items just about anywhere, while bigger and more complex items will still need a crafting table.
Explosive’s Expert- Does 25% extra damage with all explosive weapons and takes 25% less damage from explosives.
Trait #1- Wild Wasteland: Strange things tend to happen around this stallion
Trait #2- Insanity isn’t all Bad- Unique Dialogue options are open to insane and/or hostile characters, but makes talking to sane characters and authority figures more difficult