The mare seemed to panic and darted off to the table with the caravan guards, leaving Sound back by the board to scratch his head and wonder what he said wrong. Sound being an excellent talker was strangely enough not very good at picking up subtle hints as he was very unperceptive. His inabilities in perceptiveness made him have a pretty short attention span and kind of ADD at times. However, he never let this get to him and was known to be pretty determined and almost naively hopeful sometimes.
Sound was not one to be dissuaded just because a mare rejected him once; it just meant he had to work harder for it. He did want to talk to that thestral in the corner as they are kind of a rare sight but it seemed that it was traveling with them anyways, so he figured this took precedence. Sound thought for a minute on how he should approach her now, she seemed to shy for a forward approach, so maybe be a bit more subtle this time… putting her out in a crowd may have been a bit too much. First was first though, he was thirsty and needed a drink!
Sound approached the bar ignoring the navy blue unicorn that was giving him funny looks earlier and began digging through the deep pockets of his trench coat. He was mostly getting mouthfuls of rifle rounds but eventually he was able to scrounge up just enough caps to buy two hard apple ciders. Sound had no idea what this mare liked but he figured everypony loves beer in some form or another and at least apple cider was a bit sweeter. After the gruff looking bartending stallion slammed them down on the counter, he was still clearly annoyed by the two musical ponies making a ruckus earlier, he put them on a small tray and then on his back to better balance them.
He made his way back to the sign-up table for the caravan that he had been planning on joining from the start. By this time though Spark had already signed up and sat down somewhere. The caravan leaders seemed to be looking over the map and discussing their route with eachother, so Sound tapped on the table to get their attention.
“Yeah? You comin to? Name and position?”
“The name’s Sound Chance and I’ll be actin as one of your guards, I expect a long haul like this pays well?”
“Yeah, sure. Skills?”
“I’m a gunslinger and a bounty hunter, you figure it out.”
“Alright. We’re leaving first thing tomorrow morning don’t be late.”
Sound left the table with a pleased look on his face. Next move was to find that mare again. It didn’t take long to find her sitting by herself at a table close by but in the back of course. He brought the tray around and put on the table with one of the bottles facing her and the other toward him. “I think we started on the wrong hoof, and to make it up to you I got you some hard cider. So if it’s alright I’d like to try again, this time no dancing.” He gave her an amused but reassuring smile, although he was a bit disappointed about not being able to dance with somepony. By this time the Yellow and Black Unicorn had started singing in that odd language as he more slowly strummed his guitar. “So, my names Sound Chance, what’s yours?”