@SepI think Ser Hex already mentioned that the ship (or as I will continue to call it until someone comes up with something better, Spacey McSpaceface) is the property of our Hutt friend.
Edit: In which case, I volunteer "Ta Tula Moosta", which by my knowledge of Huttese means "The Starting Line", which I think could be apt, considering the circumstances.
Anyway update for you folks. Alright that is 7 counting me. 7 is a solid number; Though if one or two more people wanted to swing by I wouldn't say no. So I'll start working on the OOC. In the meantime though. Ship namessssssss.
We doing ship names? I guess we doing ship names:
The Borealis Careless Bith Spur The Lucky Gungan The Mynock's Revenge The Dancing Clone Ziro's Desolation The Unfortunate The Imperator The Quarren's Quarter The Bounty The Phantom Heiress Revenge of the Bith (or) The Bith's Vengeance Spacey McSpaceface
Might as well follow suit and post the skeleton of my character sheet. Here goes:
Name: Sy Undow
Species: Kel Dor
Age: 56
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Teacher: Undow's Jedi master was the Bith, Gullaa Mardu, an expert swordsman and a celebrated diplomat. It was under her that he gained his appreciation for the jedi weapon and the form of Makashi. Currently, the Kel Dor is between padawans, having trained two to great success during his knighthood.
Equipment: Undow possesses basic, light Jedi combat armor and dark brown robes, a staple for any self-respecting knight of his era. As well as this, he has a stock of field rations and necessary gadgets, stored on his person and within his personal starfighter.
While appearing straight in the above graphic, Sy Undow's Jedi weapon has a curved hilt, suited to use of the Makashi lightsaber form. It emits a green blade.
Abilities: Lightsaber Mastery: 8 Healing/Torture: 1 Force Mastery: 3
Lightsaber Form: While possessing a decent level of knowledge in the Niman and Shii-Cho approaches to lightsaber combat, the form Undow favours is Form II (Makashi). His ordered and tactical brain gravitated very closely to the form from an early age, attracted to the purposeful and graceful approach to swordplay. While he can be outmatched in a battle of strength or numbers, in a duel he can more than hold his own. Due care was taken in his training not to neglect proper blaster-bolt deflection training, but this is not an area of great strength.
Other Skills: Being Kel Dor, Undow possesses a number of natural traits that set him apart from other humanoids. He possesses great perceptive and sensory ability, as well as a thick hide that can withstand the pressure of space. In addition to his natural gifts, the Kel Dorian possesses an analytical mind suited to tactical thinking and deduction, and a calm nature that allows him to function well under pressure. He is a dedicated student of the force, and of the lightsaber and has an extensive knowledge on a plethora of topics beyond this.
Personality: Level-headed, calculating and nurturing, with a traditionalist streak, Undow has a deep respect for the Jedi Order and their central values. Above all else, his actions are guided by his dedication to his Order and to the living force. He adopted a "cruel-to-be-kind" approach to teaching long before he took on his first full-time apprentice, developing somewhat of a reputation as an unrelenting taskmaster with a heart of gold. This being said, his attitude can put him at odds with other knights, as well as his focus on swordscraft over progressing his abilities in the force.