"I've been practicing this since I was ten," Zac says as he sets his deck down. "So...about twelve years, now." As a waitress passes, he flags her down and asks, "Could I get a plate or a saucer, please?" The woman gives him a confused look, wondering why he wanted an empty plate, but tells him she'll be right back with it. Zac nods and smiles at the waitress before turning back to Akane. "I started off teaching myself magic when I was ten," he repeats. "It was just something I wanted to learn how to do. And when there's something I wanna learn, I do what I can to learn. That's why I can do magic and cook pretty well."
Just then, the woman returns and sets the plate in front of Zac. He thanks her and, as she goes on her way, Zac holds the card up. "Now, you see this is just one card," he says. "The two of hearts." He turns it to it's side and adds, "No card behind it, no card inside of it, just a single piece of...whatever these things are made of." Setting the card on the saucer, he holds up his arms and says, "Now, as you can see, there is nothing up my sleeves. It'd be kinda hard to hide something in a t-shirt, anyway."
Picking up his coffee, he pours some onto the saucer, drenching the card. When he was satisfied, he picks the card up out of the coffee-filled saucer. He counts to three, then flicks the card, which immediately becomes dry as a bone. Smiling triumphantly, he shows the card to Akane. "I ask again," he says, showing her the Queen of Spades, free of any coffee stains. "Is this your card?"