Sounds like fun :D
@Daxam Oh lord, especially after finishing the DLC for that game. That part of the game always leaves me feeling unbelievably guilty. Bloodborne has a few bosses capable of doing that to me as well now that I think about it. Especially the Father Gascoigne fight, as it has so much back story that you can learn about.
<Snipped quote by Daxam>
Ivory King is my all time favorite boss battle in the whole series
@Daxam That fight actually had me saying "That is so cool," the entire way through.
@Daxam Bloodborne is pretty awesome the entire way through, especially if you get the DLC for it.
<Snipped quote by Daxam>
Oof, reccomend Scholar mate, its so much better, plus it comes with all the DLC
<Snipped quote by Daxam>
You running Vanilla or Scholar of The First Sin?
Also glorious PC Master Race here, Dark Souls III runs at a mandatory 60 FPS
You're still on II? Kinda behind there, aren't ya? :P
(Not that Dark Souls II isn't a good game of course. Completely reasonable explanation for a disappearance.)