The marketplace, Fruity Muti!, around 11AM.
With her reading glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose, her mouth hanging slightly open and her hand holding the pen inches away from the paper, hovering like stopped in time, Amberle stared at the screen of her MacBook. To anyone in the shop looking her way, it would seem as if the brunette was completely engrossed in some kind of action movie. However, the truth was far less exciting. The point of Amberle's pen touched the paper as she delicately but quickly jotted down notes about the seminar she was watching online.
Families, children but mostly women three times Amberle's own age were walking around the shop. They'd pick up a fruit, inspect it up close and then make the decision about whether to put it back or put it in their brown paper bag to be bought. Her aunt, Marie, was hovering around giving random fruit facts no one really needs or wants, but nonetheless, she brings it with a smile and a thick Dutch accent. It's adorable. Amberle usually helps out in the morning, setting out the fruit as the marketplace opens in the morning. The hustle and bustle before the customers come in is Amberle's favorite time of the day. The fish salesman, Mark, is always so passionately inspecting his seafood. Loretta, who owns a blanket store,
I kid you not, is always carefully folding the blankets and tugging on the sides to make them presentable. Or well, more presentable than they already were. Then there's aunt Marie, she's placing the boxes full of fruit and goes through every box and crate to make sure the fruit looks attractive and that there are no rotten ones. She takes out the older fruit, cuts it up and makes little taste plates. If ever Amberle was to suggest a different arrangement, Aunt Marie would go on and on about how she has
'seen Sarah already!', which is a saying in Dutch meaning she's over 50. And thus knows better.
Amberle admired her aunt. She barely knew English when they moved out here. Her husband, who did know English, got a job in this town that he just couldn't pass up. Aunt Marie had to close her shop in the Netherlands but followed her husband willingly. He died a couple of years ago, but Marie had grown attached to Silvervale and decided to stay, open up a shop again. Her English has gotten better, but she still has quite a heavy accent. Amberle herself has an accent too, but it's much less.
"Oh dear! I just spoke to your aunt Marie! She says you're an IT student, that's marvelous!" The high pitches noises made Amberle look up from her screen towards an older woman who was standing in front of her with a big smile on her face, her phone in one hand and a paper bag in the other. Assuming that the woman is here to pay, the young student clicked the spacebar to pause the video and removes the earbud from her ear. She smiled widely, as she normally does, and stands up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that," she says as she reaches for the bag the woman is holding towards her.
"Did you find everything you needed, ma'am?""Yes, yes, I did." The woman says as she puts the bag into Amberle's hands. She smiled down at Amberle. There were some lipstick stains on her teeth.
"I was saying that your aunt Marie told me you are an IT student. You must be very smart!" she mused as Amberle input every item the woman intended to buy into the iPad, and it gave her a total sum.
"I'm sure you can help me with my problem, see, my phone has been acting up lately and I--"Amberle smiled, finished the purchase with the woman and then helped her with the troubles with her phone. This was not the first time today and it won't be the last time. Amberle found it endearing that Aunt Marie liked to brag about her to all her friends and customers, but sometimes it made her feel a little bit embarrassed.
After the busy morning became a slower noon, Amberle packed up her laptop and books, swung her leather backpack over her shoulder and said goodbye to Aunt Marie. As she stepped into the pathway, Aunt Marie yelled after her:
"Give them from cotton!"Amberle rolled her eyes and chuckled, yet another Dutch proverb that aunt Marie casually translates to English and thinks it'll still work out. The brunette knew what she means though,
kick butt!Outside, Amberle got on her bike and made her way back to the apartment.
Apartment 4C, Bedroom 1, Amberle's room, evening.
Amberle sat on the floor in her black yoga pants, legs spread, panting, a droplet of sweat dripping from her forehead as she was attempting one of the most difficult things known to man: assembling an IKEA closet. Even though she officially moved in two weeks ago, she had not spent a lot of time here because of her lack of furniture. A week ago, she got her bed and started sleeping in her room. Her desk came 4 days ago and today her closet came in. The bed and desk were easy to assemble, but this closet is a whole new level of IKEA skill. See, Amberle is bad at letting things or chores go. After a shower to get ready to go to the get-together on the roof, Amberle looked at her suitcase full of clothes with a displeased look. All of her clothes were wrinkled, not in order and an overall mess. Surely she couldn't go in any of those outfits!
Her next step was ironing every piece of clothing she has, which had taken her the better part of the afternoon, several playlists and all her dance moves.
Once done, she had placed all the ironed, neat and nice smelling clothes on her bed, so they wouldn't get wrinkled. With a sigh of relief, Amberle finally felt ready to pick an outfit. Que Sarang, her cat. Amberle only looked at her phone for a minute when Sarang took place on top of her warm, ironed clothes with a satisfied look. Amberle sighed,
"Sarang.. Moet dat nou? (Do you have to?)"So that's how Amberle wound up on the floor in her black yoga pants and a plain white tee, trying to align a plank in the closet. The fact that this was hard to do certainly had
nothingto do with the fact that she was at least two heads shorter than the closet. She looked at the clock hanging above her desk and saw that it was almost time for the BBQ. She got a slightly nervous feeling in her stomach. She loves socializing and being around people all day, but she only knew her roommate. Since she always leaves so early, for the shop, and comes back in the afternoon's, Amberle didn't really run into other people. She did, however, one time bump into a guy with a big cello case, but they didn't introduce.
And now, in groups, especially outside often proved harder for her because of her hearing to meet people. In English, it proved to be even a bit harder.
The petite Dutch sighed and crossed her arms. She made eye contact with her cat, who was sitting looking at her curiously from the kitchen through her open door. Maybe she should leave the closet for what it is for now and get ready.