A tall, long shadow without a face, staring.
New post is up! Here's to another electrifying round!
I LOVED it! Love the attention to detail and the challenges you put us in, it requires a great deal of creativity. Thank you!
A tall, long shadow without a face, staring.
New post is up! Here's to another electrifying round!
@Days if there was a heart button I’d push it! Your characters are amazing!
I've added Cosette's CS to the CS tab!
Just thought I'd sneak on while I'm getting ready to go... just FYI
Thierry isn't an outright bad father. Just an almost absent one. He does leave a lot of the rearing to Sabrina as he's oober focused on his work.
And yes, the house should be a well-off home. I personally love big estates with large outdoor areas. And they probably lives near Paris, maybe out in the countryside...
@Estylwen I'm good with it.
<Snipped quote by Days>
I forgot to add that you are correct in the direction you're thinking. It would also explain why there's a sizeable gap between the middle child and Cosette.
@Days Remember Thierry is a work fiend. More so than Sabrina. Lexi and I discussed that part of the reason they divorced was because he wasn't around much to help raise the kids.
I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving! My wife is off tonight and tomorrow annnnd we have plans. I'll be back more regularly once the holiday is over annnd get my updated cs done then. Just FYI <3
Whoops! I imagine Cosette to be about 17 in The Dark Beyond, which would make her 10 in Adventures in Candyland. Is there anyway that could possibly work? :)
I was thinking that even though @Days character isn’t biologically hers, she sees that child as hers.