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Current I don’t know, but I’m on team melons.
24 days ago
I hate how I crack a smile at any and all puns. My humour is broken.
7 mos ago
Old RP's you loved and put effort in that died are always bittersweet to look back on.


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@Estylwen, @Lexisheeps you two just hate happiness!

(go ahead I fucking love drama)
@WhiteAngel25Sorry for butting in but yáll know me by now haha.
Good thinking. I would say let's make it compatible and shine some light on Auri's augmentations. If you would like, I can add her report to the post.
I agree! You can also post it in your next post, that's fine with me as well.

Yes. That would mean Cosy would have recognized Auri as the one in tears before she was shipped off to the simulated reality.
Thanks, this helps me along with what I'm writing!

I left it open on purpose. I think it should be Egyptian-themed, but I wanted to leave it up to you to decide what Theo restored. (Anubis is not a bad ides, lol.)
Nice! I had ideas, such as the missing Giza capstone (thought perhaps that is a bit too on brand).

I would think since Theo was on site, it was safe and very non-dangerous as per Thierry's instructions. IDK if Egypt would fall under that classification.

Oooh. I was drawing from the recent fight Sabrina and Thierry had, and assuming Sabrina would have let that anger spill over in telling Cosy about her past. It kind of contradicts the even more recent collab, though….. I can go in there and change it, if @WhiteAngel25 wants to go with a different vision. :>
This one's not on me to decide obviously, but my opinion would be that that would be very unsabrina like to badmouth Thierry to Cosette (maybe she's more free with the Theo and Auri). She made a point out of mentioning Thierry as an equally concerned and invested parents several times iirc <3

Yes you did! I shall wait patiently once more, but I do have a lot to write so not being bored.
I imagine Eli's would be different. They all might be brain augmentations, but each one functions differently.
So she got a scan by Aaron swinging by, awaiting results?

I think she spent the first half of the week with Sabrina and then the rest with Thierry.
Okay! Just so my characters are on the same page about the arrangement <3 Thanks!

I would personally like the Thierry/Sabrina collab posted before The Gala! But idk what @WhiteAngel25 thinks.
I figured as much! Totally okay with waiting <3

Nick thought at one point that just being stable minded was good enough. It's not.
We'd all be fucked then, hahaha.


-and she gave the lollipop-smacking bitch an answer.

"How are we feeling, daughter of mine?"

"Did you ever wonder... what really happened to her?"

Despite a few accidents he almost caused and several horns being angry with his lack of grace
Tbh this is just Paris, period. A hell for vehicles.

Is this what true happiness is? To love and feel loved?

she couldn't understand what her mother meant when she said the man in front of her was bad. That he abandoned her.
Didn't Sabrina say that her and Thierry never stopped looking, or did I miss something?

Just like that, she felt hands. Rough hands, closing around her throat.

The real question here was: Could she trust her father?

"And guns."

"I figured out how to turn Mute off."
I still didn't.


Now would be a terrible time for a zombie apocalypse to start.
Stating the real facts.

"Nick... what are we? If... Papa is my dad. What does that make you?"

He wanted his husband and daughter back to normal.
Daughters. Aurélie already forgotten LMAO.

The woman that claimed to be her mother, was she really alone?

How was she taken? Why couldn’t her father save her? Did he… really… leave her for dead..?

I am so baffled by this. Thoroughly enjoyed it!




That took me a legit 45 minutes to read, and I'm a fast reader!
I am- PERPLEXED. It was amazing.

This is art.

I will have a detailed reaction up later but first I have to go to the gym (ugh).

Questions (so I understand fully + can make a better post myself!)
1. Would this mean Auri also got the flash scan from Aaron, or was it not compatible like with Nick? In any case, what has she (and Sabrina and Theo) been told about the progress/process concerning the chip?
2. Am I correct in assuming that Cosy has been staying with Thierry/Nick this week and something, and not at the estate, and thus separate from Auri, Theo and Sabrina?
3. Am I correct in assuming Cosette would still remember the goodbye between her and Auri when Galloes had sent her off to die?
4. IIRC Dragon and Nova would be at the event, too, right? If so, then I can add in my post that she's in a car being brought to the louvre with Dragon or something?
5. Is the nature of the artefact predetermined already, or am I going to think it up? (If so I'd love some ideas <3)
6. Final question (for now). Is it my turn or am I waiting for the Thierry/Sabrina collab? Totally okay with waiting, just inquiring!
@Lexisheeps You're too kind!

Do you need tissues?

Aurélie shifted in her seat as she cleared her throat, Theo’s question hanging in the air over their breakfast table, claiming attention. It was an innocent question, but Auri’s eyes darted to her parents. She watched as her mother put down a file, which she had been staring at with slightly squinted eyes for a while now. Auri hoped Sabrina wouldn’t get a headache because of it. The sun above them was equally warm and bright as the eldest slid one leg off the other, resting both feet on the sandy ground in her sandals. While it was still morning, her legs were already slightly sticking together from the warmth. Maybe a sundress wasn’t the best option for today. She could always change before they go anywhere, though Aurélie wasn’t quite up to date on today's itinerary.

While taking a sip of her coffee, her eyes fluttered to her brother, and then back to her father, expecting him to brush Theo off one way or another. It seemed like he wasn’t fully there either, and Aurélie scrutinised the man, her blue eyes blinking over the edge of her coffee cup. His interesting conversation with the Egyptian still played in the back of her mind. Did the man truly believe that mummies could become Gods, or was it a euphemism for something else? Or a translation error? And why was it a problem? The aspiring journalist’s curiosity sparked, and her nerves skittered for her to investigate.

It was her mother who answered Theo, a reasonable request. She couldn’t blame her parents, in this instance. They were here for work, after all. And not just boring desk work, this was their passion. This morning, she spent some time on her phone to find activities for Theo and Cosy, so Aurélie would be able to ensure her parents could work in peace. All the activities she seemed to find were not up her alley, but entirely up Theo’s and Cosette’s. Tours, tourist traps, something with a camel. Theo desperately wanted to go to the Archeology Museum in Cairo, but that would be more of a whole family thing. She would offer to take her siblings off their hands if her parents seemed unsure of how to keep them occupied and work at the same time. It wasn’t the first time she’d keep them occupied. However, in reality, there was an amazing photography-centered tour Aurélie desperately wanted to attend.

This all brought the question of why the Villiers kids were even here in the first place. In any case, a burial chamber didn’t seem like her idea of ‘fun’ but she couldn’t deny the rest of her family seemed entirely excited to dust off bricks and stare at drawings etched, and then spend countless minutes discussing the true meaning of markings most likely made by a bored child many, many years ago. She wondered if it was in their genes. Genes she didn’t possess, much like the one that brought forward dark, beautiful hair and golden and brown eyes. Still, she was enamoured by their passion.

Theo’s gaze shifted to his mother as she explained, and the teen slowly sank back into his chair, but his grin remained on his face. Masking. Something he was good at. ”Right, ofcourse.” He said, flashing his mother a smile. He knew that he wasn’t properly trained yet, nor did he want to push himself on his parents, but he so eagerly wanted to discover. His father had to mark objects, and take notes, but Theo could help. He’d be the best assistant ever. Even if he just held his dad’s notebook. Maybe he could show his father how much he’d learned already, and how eager he is to learn more. Maybe Thierry would spend more time with him, then. His admiration of his mother shouldn't be forgotten, either, and Theo was eager to learn from her as well.

The teen cleared his throat and took a sip of water from his glass. Just one more year of high school, and then it was off to university for him. Archeology. It’ll be him, next time, going into that chamber and dusting, finding the next amazing artefact. The whole thought was entirely too thrilling to him. Theo put his focus back on his dad, beaming brighter than the sun when told he was allowed in, albeit with conditions. For a second, his eyes went back to his mom, feeling a little bit awkward that the two seemed to contradict each other, but his happiness took the upper hand. He put the palms of his hands together and made a small bow as a joke, addressing both his parents. ”Thank you, thank you. I’ll be on my best behaviour. Mom, no overcrowding from me, no ma’am. Dad, I’ll be the very best assistant ever. Promise. I’ll actually listen to you for once.” With a chuckle, he leaned back in his chair and draped his arm over the back of it. As his little sister came up, he raised his hand and wiggled his fingers at her in greeting. Nothing could kill his mood now.

Now that everyone seemed focused on breakfast, Aurélie smiled as she looked around the table. Maybe she should let go of the reason why they were here, or whatever the hell all those hushed conversations were about. She should probably focus on the good things this holiday could bring. The last time they all sat at a table, eating together, was forever ago. It was marvellous and Auri should have let it in more, she knew that.

She never chose to be the sour one. The spoilsport. But she couldn’t help not having the same interests, nor could she help being the oldest, and not possessing the ability to beat around the bush. She gave it to her parents straight, about Theo feeling neglected, and not wanting the same for Cosette. But she fought mostly with Thierry, which didn’t quite help their relationship. Maybe she should enjoy the happy faces of those she loved most, right now. One of them addressed her, and she turned her head to her father inquiring about her photography. She’d been obsessed with the hobby ever since he got her a disposable camera on a family holiday when she was like 7. She ran around with the thing all day, snapping pictures, and making people pose. The resulting pictures were horrendous, but a hobby was born. She wondered if he remembered that. The way he had tried to keep his face straight to compliment her photos, while the humour was sparkling in his eyes. Her mother hung the prettiest picture up in the kitchen. Aurélie’s face grew a genuine smile as she gave him a firm nod. The little girl in her still squealed in joy at attention from her dad, something she’d been starving for, but knew she had a hand in its deprivement.

”I did, actually. I made a very beautiful picture of the sunrise peeking up behind the pyramid. The light was just right, and I tried some things out with composition and-” Aurélie blinked, knowing she was rambling and she didn’t want to bore the man. ”I’ll show you later.” She said instead, flashing him a grin as she put her focus back on her coffee cup, taking another sip. But the conversation remained on taking pictures, and the big sister grinned widely at Cosette, wanting to take pictures. ”Ofcourse ma petite lumière” She exclaimed with a grin, setting her cup down on the table. ”I’ll go get it.”

Moments later, her sundress billowed slightly in the warm wind as she returned, camera in hand while her manicured hands already fumbled with the settings. Seeing mostly finished plates, the teen nodded and glanced around, trying to find a good spot. ”Stand over there, then I can put the camera on the table.” Grinning, she started to position the camera, using her hand to signal her family members to scoot a little to the right.

Theo grinned, standing next to his father. Despite his age, he was already slowly outgrowing his father, which he was really proud of for no reason. It won’t be long until he can tease his dad about his greying hair. With a big grin, he looped his arm behind his father’s waste while his little sis and his mother found their spot on the sand as well. Behind them, the pyramid loomed, promising adventure and family bonding.

When she was satisfied, Aurélie addressed her family, flashing a grin. ”This little light here will flash quicker the closer it gets. Everyone ready? Say Boris!" Quickly, she made her way to her family and found her spot.

It didn't pass by Aurélie how nice it felt to have everyone smiling, laughing even, standing close in half embraces and big grins as the light flashed quicker and quicker until eventually the flash and subsequent shutter sound captured the famille pittoresque.

@Days Not at all, Days. You're incredibly attentive to detail, and your prose is always right on point. Don't sweat it; whatever you write will be perfect. :>

BRB sobbing.

Y'all ever like... type, and then delete it all because you think it's garbage? Me RN. Lexi's post was so amazing, and Angel and Esty write so beautifully. It does make me learn a lot and improve, but I'm feeling entirely inadequate at the moment. What even is English? What is vocabulary? What is making a post make sense?

(Not fishing for compliments, just being honest and open because I like y'all so much)

So thanks for taking that chance on me and letting me write along with you adorkable people. Bisous for you guys!
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