Avatar of Dcatanzaro682
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Dcatanzaro682 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

10 yrs ago
Current Sorry if I don't post frequently. I'm busy with college and a few other things, but i'm still here. You might need to bop me on twitter sometime to grab my attention twitter.com/dcat682 plz do!
10 yrs ago
New TableTop D&D If you want to join post here! roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
10 yrs ago
Now I need to somehow spend the time between IC Posts... This is going to be a long night.
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10 yrs ago
Roleplayer Guild! Be prepared for Dcat.
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Hello, I am Dcat682.
I live stream everyday at www.twitch.tv/dcat682
The best way to get in contact with me is over twitter. www.twitter.com/dcat682
I am a big time Fantasy nut.
I am a musician, I play percussion in my school's marching band.
I have played the Vibraphone, a metal xylophone with a sustaining pedal, all 4 years I've been a part of the marching band program.

Most Recent Posts

In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon I'm not even going to apologize this time. It's happened too often for an apology to mean anything. I just finished my finals and I'm done with courses for the year. I'm hesitant to assure anything because now that I finally thought I was stable with everything my main computer has started acting up. I've been running scans but I'm honestly not sure what's wrong or why. It takes forever to load webpages and folders alike even though I've restarted three times today...
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon "I don't..."
"We're staying", Scarlet answered. "Although we haven't been told what rooms yet."
"We haven't even been able to look around yet. We got here and then we had to get to class."
"Sounds like everything else..."
"You see, we travel a lot. Normally through forests and mountains, but we're always kept to a strict schedule with no time to spare. This is the first time we aren't needed to do anything before bed." Daniel explained.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon The twins' grip held and their tower blast through the air. Daniel holding up both his and his sister's weight while Scarlet held her feet up just above the ground holding tightly to Daniel's legs. The twins neared the rope wall. "We only have one chance,"Daniel yelled. Scarlet lifted her legs even further aiming to trap the net underneath her leg. She quickly got her legs through the rope and clamped down tightly. The swing began to move back to it's starting position then it froze, trapped in the twin's human web. "Got my part down, now it's your turn,"Scarlet called. Daniel took a deep breath.
"J-just dont let go, okay?" Daniel asked, voice shaking.
"Don't worry, I've got you."
Daniel let go and the twins were in near freefall. Scarlet holding onto the rope wall's underside with her legs holding an upsidedown Daniel centimeters from the ground and Daniel mid flip. Daniel threw his arms up and managed to grab onto the wall. "So... now what?" Daniel asked.
N-now what? I thought this was your plan!"
"I... didn't think we'd actually pull this off."
"... Just... climb" Scarlet answered. "I'm going to move your legs through the rope, grab hold and flip yourself up. Once you're on I'll climb up, then you follow." Scarlet lifted Daniels legs through the rope. Daniel grabbed hold. Scarlet let go of Daniel and pulled herself right side up and yanked herself over the rope landing in the net and rolling onto the platform. Daniel then began to move his arms above his head one rope at a time until he was right side up. Panting he finished climbing the rope and he just dropped down onto the platform.
M-made it... Are we done?
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sorry for the MIA again, thanks @jorthon for the tweet.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon "I dont know... wait... Scarlet what do you think? We could do it", Daniel said staring between Scarlet and the swing. "I mean, if you held on tight and grip with your legs we could..."
"D-daniel? Did you just come up with a good plan? It's possible, but if you lose your grip... We'd both fall."
"But could you hold on with your ankles?"
Okay, Harry? We're ready when you are. The plan's for me to hold onto the swing and Scarlet will hold onto my legs. She will bridge the extra distance between the swing and the net and hold the net so I can climb to it. It's going to be difficult for both of us, but we really need a good strong shove. Can you do that?" Daniel asked getting into position by climbing on top of Scarlet's shoulders and reaching for the swing.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon"No, you're fine" Scarlet said taking an arm.
"Nice landing" Daniel laughed and taking the other. The two slowly pulled Harry up into a Standing position. "Any plans?" Daniel asked staring up toward the next obstacle. Four swing-like things and a rope wall.
"Well... it's pretty obvious how we're suppose to handle it. But-"
"I don't see us being able to make the jumps, nonetheless reach the first swing..."
"So... we quit?"
"Quit? Why should we quit? We can do anything remember? We just need to make a plan1"
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon Waiting on your post.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon Scarlet glanced up with wide eyes staring directly at Harry. "T-the middle? I was thinking the sides would be secure." Scarlet glanced worried back at her brother who had already balanced the obstical.
[color=0072bc][/color]"You aren't going to chicken out not are you?" Daniel said with a smug smile crossing his face. "This was your plan you know. If you start doubting it we'd start doubting it to."
"I... think we should make a new plan." Scarlet said shyly.
"Since when has one of your plans let us down? Come on Scarlet, we're just slowing everybody down." Daniel lining himself up as close as he can to the center.
"R-right..." Scarlet centered herself as well, this time on the other side of the weight. Three, two, one, go." The twins both stepped onto the table...

"Well, we're stable. Come on Scarlet, one step at a time." The twins took another step.
"I know that." Another step
"You know what this reminds me of?" Another step.
"Building the vacation house?" Another step. "Yeah, we did have to do this while working on the roof didn't we." Another step.
"Haha, yeah. Mom was freaking out when she learned that dad had us up there building it." another step.
"The look on her face was priceless." The twins both stopped and started to laugh.
"Okay, now we need to step over this ridge thing."
"Idiot! I should have flipped the table to the smooth surface before we started walking!" Scarlet shouted.
"It's fine, all we have to do is step over. It's nothing new, we've been doing it so far."
"R-right... Okay, step over and straddle the plank, then we can continue over." Scarlet said.
The twins straddle the plank and then steps over it.
"W... we made it? You mean we didn't tip!?" Scarlet shouted with a small hop.
"SCARLET!" Daniel shouted and hopped. The boards screeched and but stayed level. "Scarlet! If I had jumped any higher or lower we'd have fallen!"
"S-sorry... I was just so excited..."
"Let's just get off this thing before we celebrate..."" The twins continued one step at a time, matching each others step size. Before to long they were on the other side of the obstacle.
"SCARLET! That was Amazing!" Daniel shouter pulling Scarlet into a hug.
"Of course it worked! Nothing can stop us when we work together!"
"Then why do we fight?"
"Because... because..."
"We're big dumb dumbs?
"Yeah, we're just dumby dumbs sometimes."
The twins step aside to allow Harry some room to land after his cross.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@jorthon "Yeah, but that's not as fun... or as easy" Daniel said turning to the next obstacle.
"Oh please, he was only trying to show off."
"What now?"
Isn't it obvious? I don't know about your friend, but if you make something to even out the current weight and make the center of balance the center of the beam we could easily cross as long as we cross at the same spots on the opposite sides at the same time. Scarlet explained. Daniel stared blankly at his sister. "Seriously? We weigh the same. As long as the board's weight is equal on both sides we won't fall."
"Is what she's saying true?" Daniel asked Harry.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
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