I just went ahead and copied your template Xikari.
Name (& pronunciation): Jayni Resiker (Jay-Knee Res-ick-er)
Date of Birth (& age): Jan 5th . (Age: 19)
Place of Birth: Ruins of Consre
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Aswang (a relatively general race for vampire-like witches and other creatures of the night – not much is known of this race.)
Social Class/Community Status: Necromancer
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: A sister named Praxmy Parents dead. No pets, but she likes to raise animals from the dead and claim them for short periods of time. The spirits of the dead are her friends.
I don't usually do pictures, but I want to be lazy about the description right now..

Height: 5'6'
Weight: 108 lbs.
Skin: Pale but turns the slightest shade of purple in pure sunlight, not artificial light.
Hair: Straight, long, and black. The length of her back.
Eyes: Hazel – they glow when she is preforming necromancy.
Limb Dexterity: Average
Detailed Physical Description: She had eight canines instead of four as a result of her race, aside from that refer to picture.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: She carries a staff that glows green at the top- that she uses for self-defense when need be.
Personality/Attitude: Protective over her sister, cynical of humans, she likes to have a good time sometimes at the expense of others.
Skills/Talents: Necromancy, and she can use her staff for combat.
Favorites/Likes: She adores kittens, adventures, artifacts, traveling, talking with her sister.
Most Hated/Dislikes: running, poetry, guns.
Strengths: Can raise an animal from the dead for a short period of time, and can raise people for even shorter amounts of time. She can talk to spirits.
Weaknesses: Minimal hand-to-hand combat, cannot use a gun, or knives, her soft spot for her sister.
Fears: Anything happening to her sister, getting into a serious hand-to-hand fight, spiders, roaches.
Hobbies/Interests: Dead things.