Avatar of DeadlyEssence
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.04 / day)
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    1. DeadlyEssence 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Life, right?
1 like
9 yrs ago
I'm going to be out for a bit. My schedule is full. Beyond ful .
9 yrs ago
I promise to catch back up..haha
9 yrs ago
Oh man, I spent the last two days wondering why the text had seemingly shrunk on the status updates sidebar.... my whole screen was zoomed out by 10%. Haha.
9 yrs ago
My death will be by crispy m&ms.


Hey guys, how is it going?

I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense.
I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. I love to 1x1 roleplay only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak.

I spend most of my time in advanced roleplays, sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual.
My absolute favorite genres are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness!

If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!

Most Recent Posts

I really do love reading RPs in general, good 1x1 interest checks or advanced checks typically cause me to look at the actual roleplay...

Okay.. I cannot stop staring at @Genkai's signature while I type.. it's kind of distracting...

But. anyway, sometimes I will just go through the forum and read random ones that have a nice title. But I really like reading Original stuff, not fandoms and whatnot, because as an author I love getting a wider view of other's ideas and a lot of times I am impressed.
So, I was thinking - and as far as my knowledge goes, there isn't like a secret football society. And by that I mean - we have ALL these schools for magic, and whatnot, but has there ever been a secret magic society in the football team? Like certain people can't join the team but not because they are not skilled at football but because they actually have no magic at all, OR not the right kind of aggressive magic..

Imagine it..

A bunch of buff magical guys go head to head in a physical fight above ground, but below ground they're throwing spells at each other, and trying to vanquish the demon lord. Florida State vs the Gators isn't just competition, but one magical team beating the crap out of another.

So sorry you couldn't vanquish the dark lord - you got your butts kicked above ground, and now you've got broken bones.

Just saying..
It just resonated in my head. Those old childhood shows. aha.

I was hoping you'd say that.. @ScreenAcne can't wait to read yours.

I'm excited to get Jayni in a populated setting have some fun with her personality.

They really aren't, being a bit of a perfectionist, I simply hate the first post the most, going over it again and again, and restarting over and over. Makes it difficult, the multitasking simply didn't help. I've only ever RPed Advanced Rps so I guess that in itself should make it easier to not nitpick over it, but oh well. It's finally up.~ Not the best, but I hate intro posts.

Also, Phoenix reminds me of Ron Stoppable..

The forest echoed with the sounds of birds, and it irritated Jayni. She practically hated the living. Now, had it been a chorus of dead birds, that she could live with. Jayni shook her head and did her best to ignore the chirps as she made her way through the dense trees. She stepped over the occasional rock, and fallen tree.

She had to admit it, she was getting lonely among the living she preferred the company of ghouls, fiends, and spirits in general. Ahead lay a corpse, it was a man about 35 years old, he was well shaven and had been the feast of many animals. His organs were almost all gone his spine exposed, the predators left his flesh and limbs – mostly. Jayni smiled with excitement, this was her chance. Surely though, she did not want to communicate with this guy. She kneeled down and grabbed his face, moving it side to side. He was a fine corpse indeed. His skin hadn't even started to decompose.

A sigh escaped the girl and she ran a fingers through her long black hair as she prepared herself. Turning one corpse into another kind of corpse was probably the hardest of her skills. But raising this man from the dead would just prove to be more of a headache – those recently deceased don't take too well to seeing life again. It's just too soon, too much 'unfinished business'.

The spirally carved, wooden staff began to emit energy, and Jayni focused. There had to be something dead around here that she could find solace in. She tapped her staff impatiently on the ground, her eyes glowed slightly, and her soul was connected to the spirit world. She sorted through nearby apparitions, 'Too talkactive.. Too depressed... Ugh no. No.. no! Hmmm... no. Jayni thought as she sorted through souls.

“Aha!” She exclaimed and set her energy in motion to raise a bunny, and in moments it was there beside her. The bunny lacked fur in some places, the cause of death was still apparent, teeth marks were visible on the bunny's neck and body, and bones stuck out in funny places. It was far too skinny to not be hungry.

“Hey there little one.” she spoke softly. “You're mine for now.” She scooped up the furry fiend in her free hand, the other let the staff fall and drag against the ground as she started to walk again. The bunny moved slightly in Jayni's hand before settling in. “I'll take good care of you for as long as I can.”

The dragging staff left a trail behind- parting the fallen leaves that littered the ground and leaving traces in the dirt when leaves weren't present. It was the perfect trail for the soul that followed doggedly behind. He had been there since Jayni could remember, though she was pretty sure he thought he had gone unnoticed. As if spirits could escape her consciousness.

Back on the ship she had heard this thoughts – he complained about how sailing was the oldest traveling method in the book. At the time Jayni ignored it, his spirit was about as old – but she need not point that out, rather she wanted to see what his plan was. She was almost certain it was a spirit sent to accompany her by her sister. Quite honestly, Jayni had set up her own sentinel back home, she couldn't blame Praxmy. But on the off chance it wasn't a Praxmy-sent guide, then she kept her guard up. Some spirits were just plain malicious.

Eventually Jayni got tired of carrying the bunny and set it down, for a dead animal risen from the bones of a man it kept up pretty well. Jayni was impressed with herself, the bunny could have turned out much worse. Jayni shivered remembering her attempts at necromancy when she was young – the results were more disgusting than the corpses she tried to raise them from, and that was saying something.

The city was just up ahead and Jayni grew excited. Sure, she had taken the most round-about way possible, traveling from the Ruins of Consre by ship, then hiking through a forest but that was the joy of it all – who didn't love a good adventure? Besides it was the Ruins of Consre, no one was putting in an active effort to keep the place up to date. Rather, the void and desolation of it made it the perfect home for necromancers. Living in such an advanced city with almost no connection to the peasants that built it- that was no place for a ancient-loving, deceased cherishing group. The past is beautiful.

The excitement bubbled up in Jayni, first stop? A cemetery – or the museum, her second favorite thing was artifacts. Irakix was said to have stones with amazing power, holding the spirits of all the aristocrats in them. Imagine being in their power! Goosebumps washed over her skin, just being in the presence of those spirits would give her a Necromancer high, she was sure of it. Necromancers have always loved visiting those stones, and Jayni's parents told her all about them before they died.

“Let's go little bunny. Don't worry you'll be fine moving from realm to realm as long as you're with me.”

Sorry, this post is going to take a little bit, I'm multitasking, but I'll post it as soon as it is done, even if that's in the morning. xD
It's fine. Only one actually stood out to me, so that's not too bad. It happens to the best of us, and I get quite lazy myself to the point where I don't proofread at all..

Also, I can probably go ahead and make up my post.
It is probably best if you start us off, and whichever way you want to do it works just fine.
I plan to wreak havoc with her.
I just went ahead and copied your template Xikari.

Name (& pronunciation): Jayni Resiker (Jay-Knee Res-ick-er)
Date of Birth (& age): Jan 5th . (Age: 19)
Place of Birth: Ruins of Consre
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Aswang (a relatively general race for vampire-like witches and other creatures of the night – not much is known of this race.)
Social Class/Community Status: Necromancer
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: A sister named Praxmy Parents dead. No pets, but she likes to raise animals from the dead and claim them for short periods of time. The spirits of the dead are her friends.

I don't usually do pictures, but I want to be lazy about the description right now..

Height: 5'6'
Weight: 108 lbs.
Skin: Pale but turns the slightest shade of purple in pure sunlight, not artificial light.
Hair: Straight, long, and black. The length of her back.
Eyes: Hazel – they glow when she is preforming necromancy.
Limb Dexterity: Average
Detailed Physical Description: She had eight canines instead of four as a result of her race, aside from that refer to picture.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: She carries a staff that glows green at the top- that she uses for self-defense when need be.


Personality/Attitude: Protective over her sister, cynical of humans, she likes to have a good time sometimes at the expense of others.
Skills/Talents: Necromancy, and she can use her staff for combat.
Favorites/Likes: She adores kittens, adventures, artifacts, traveling, talking with her sister.
Most Hated/Dislikes: running, poetry, guns.
Strengths: Can raise an animal from the dead for a short period of time, and can raise people for even shorter amounts of time. She can talk to spirits.
Weaknesses: Minimal hand-to-hand combat, cannot use a gun, or knives, her soft spot for her sister.
Fears: Anything happening to her sister, getting into a serious hand-to-hand fight, spiders, roaches.
Hobbies/Interests: Dead things.
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