I hope this is okay uvu
Name: Juniper (June)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Primary Archetype: Cynic(more on the sarcastic side)
Secondary Archetype (optional): Trickster
Personality: Though Juniper is cold towards strangers, he quickly warm up to people once he is treated kindly. He have no qualms with being blunt and getting a job done. Though he do tend to joke around, and can be extremely carefree once in he is in his place of comfort.
Background: Juniper had been adopted into a family and lived on a farm with another boy, growing close to his now older brother until a serious accident separated them. June is very standoffish, having been separated and moved across the country, from his older brother,. He's moved house to house in foster care, having always run off and getting in trouble, either with the law or the neighbors(mostly climbing building/running across roofs). He feels more alive and free in the outdoors, and knows how to take care of himself, though he is prone to daydreaming and misjudging people. While he doesn't take kind to strangers, he is very quick to trust. Wanting to see the best in people and craving a connection.
Personal Belongings (5 items max): charm necklace, matches, deck of cards, small pocket knife(for carving things like notches in trees), rope
What Makes You Special (optional/for fun): June is very creative and intuitive, able to come up with solutions in a pinch, though they always tend to cause some other problem down the line