Wafer D. Kite - Going Overboard?! It's Not What You Think!!
Kite couldn't help but begin to grow more impatient. These bastards were just kept coming. And if they weren't new fighters, they were fighters he had already taken out coming back for more. The young man was fighting on the bare minimum of energy a person in his position could be working on given the lack of food he'd been receiving. He'd been battered and beaten on top of that and he was so tired. He growled reaching back with his free hand to grab the other wrench on his back.
The shipwright pushed back another small wave of enemies before slamming the two wrenches downward, the open ends driving into the wood of the ship below him. He reached into his pocket and pulled his bandana out. He pulled the folded cloth into place over his forehead, pulling the ends back around his head. Once it was tied tight he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Those of you who can't swim should stay back." Without another word he quickly grabbed the wrenches at the bases by the ring ends. He torn them from the deck of the ship and charged forward. The crewman of the King Crab that weren't instantly knocked out by the sheer force of wrenches against their heads would be knocked overboard.
Wafer D. Kite had a lot of anger to let loose. When he wasn't attacking the men he would attack the ship itself. The deck, the sides, barrels thrown into the crowd of men and over the edge. ropes were knocked out of place, if not completely smashed loose. Finally, the young carpenter got an idea. Krabbe was busy with the woman, and the other companion of said woman was looking for ways to put the claw out of commission.
"I wonder how strong this ship really is." He said as he made a quick, strategic retreat from his enemies. They seemed confused for a moment until they noticed where he was. The Mast. Kite slammed one of his wrenches into it. There was a collective gasp and looks of shock.
"Stop the fool! The captain will have our heads if we let him do anymore damage to the ship!" One of the remaining crewmen shouted before the unit charged forward.
"Ooooooo~ How smart of you all attacking at once." Kite chuckled as a mass of sailors armed with swords and blunt weaponry came his way. He'd taken care of many wielding projectile weapons, making it a point that they would always be targeted first. Yet no strategy seemed correct. He may not have been able to stand up to Krabbe before, or even now. But he could handle cannon fodder to give his apparent saviors a slightly easier time. Still, he wasn't an idiot. He jumped upwards as a multitude of swings came his way. A few members of the crew were taken out due to "friendly fire". Then there were the swords now stuck in the base of the mast.
There was a look of fear on the face of one man in particular as Kite landed on his blade. These men were complacent. They could always rely on Krabbe and the Shrimp Brigade. And so here they were.
"Idiots." Kite laughed before unleashing a heavy assault on the poor men before him. He turned using the force of his wrench to drive two swords, who's owners hadn't managed to pull free, deeper into the base of the mast. It was weaker. He swung again, and again, and one more time for good measure before the mass began to creak and shift. With any luck, it would fall like he planned and it wouldn't be embarrassing for him to yell
"Timbeeeerrr!" He'd positioned himself behind it.
If it fell as he planned, it would be aim forward. With any luck it would drop down onto the massive claw at the front of the ship. This was wishful thinking. plans usually didn't follow through; especially when they were made on the fly. Maybe some of the luck that had carried him forward for so long had returned. After all, there was a reason he and his former crew had gotten as far as they did. Skill was a part of it sure, but it was more than that. Luck was needed. For a bit it'd just run out.