Name: Jinta Kusakabe
Age: 21
Gender: Male.
Label/Stereotype: The Culinary Queen Bee.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. (Demiromantic.)
Jinta has a natural charisma that either comes across as infectiously catchy bouts of self-esteem or obnoxiously egotistical ramblings. Always with a high opinion on himself and a lot of confidence in his abilities and decisions, he very often doesn’t second guess himself. This often causes him to say or do brash or callous things without thinking about it or really caring about any consequences within.
With a natural ability in cooking, Jinta’s life works alongside this. He believes that life should have a balance, yet a spice to everything within it. Because of this, he has a major “go big or go home” attitude in everything he does. Believing in a status quo of sorts, he believes that for every hero and every neutral force should be a dramatic pot-stirrer....
...Named Jinta Kusakabe. While he won’t stoop to cheating, he is willing to spread gossip, lies, and slander about his fellow contestants just so he can take another step forward towards the million dollar prize. Because of this, he often takes the role as an antagonist, perhaps even willingly, to keep things interesting and in his favor. His sharp tongue and diva antics though often tilt this upside down for him though.
He has a flirty streak, but ultimately only uses it to push things in his favor or for future one night stands. His opinion on romance is, “I’m not against it, but I’m mostly neutral for it.” Despite this, he has held three relationships in his past, but each ended badly (the first sabotaged by his sisters, the second having no spark, and the third feeling heavily one-sided, surprisingly on his side). As such, the competition and allies are on his mind much moreso than any sort of romance, but he remains with his mind open regardless.
Despite his incredibly larger than life presence, he does have a soft side for his family, particularly his younger sisters. He is particularly wise and clever, but it is usually buried beneath his egotistic and proud persona.
“There’s a time and place for subtlety… This isn’t one of them!”
The oldest of three children who moved from Japan to southern California, Jinta was a lot more meek and shy when he was in grade school. Often picked on in school, it took him a long time to come out of his shell. And when he did, boy did he. By middle school, he had adopted a facade of an incredibly egotistical and distant individual, which seemed to leech onto his personality itself.
As his parents usually worked late, he often took care of his younger twin sisters, who happened to be seven years younger than him. He also ended up becoming the sole cook of his household, usually cooking before his family got home at night. Everyone noticed that he had a certain flair for cooking and seemed to really enjoy it too. Because of this, he slowly began to realize a dream of opening his own restaurant someday.
During high school, he began to develop a reputation among the preps of his school as one of the closest things his school had to a queen bee. He never necessarily agreed to this, but never denied it either. It just sorta… Happened. While at home he was a lot more chill and modest, his already larger than life public persona was growing by the moment for better or for worse. This continued into his college years.
Now in his third year of college, Jinta had heard of What Would You Do for a Million Dollars from the casting call email. Thinking over it for two days, he immediately sent in an audition. He figured that not only would he be able to put the million dollars to good use, but he would also be able to have a chance to be noticed by other chefs and hopefully be offered a job better than the shitty paying job he had at a local restaurant.
Why do they want to win a million dollars?: To pay off culinary school and save the rest to put his two younger sisters through school.
On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are they?: 2
On a scale of 1-5, how intelligent are they?: 5
On a scale of 1-5, how social are they?: 4
Anything else you want to add?: “What else is there to add? I’m perfect!”