Avatar of Devo
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 135 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Devo 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Wisdom teeth's only function is to make you want to rip your mouth out ugh
1 like
9 yrs ago
Why did George Jetson name his son Elroy? Who hates their son enough that they would do that?
9 yrs ago
After beating someone in a Pokemon battle, they asked if I could have their children and I don't know how to respond to that.
9 yrs ago
Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart-- OH GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO REALLY RIP HER HEART OUT, PUT IT BACK


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@lovely complex There will! I'm still trying to work out exactly where it will be (most likely one in both of the hotels?), but there will definitely be a confessional for people to explain rant/slander/vent/express their feelings! For in character devices, I'll probably put up a rule that confessional mentions should be setup something like this:


Confessional: (Your character's name.)

(Enter snippet of what your character is saying in the confessional here.

End confessional.


Something along the lines of that, honestly.
@lovely complex Ash is accepted! You may move her over to the character tab! c:

Cass is accepted! You may move her to the character tab!
DO we post our characters here or pm you?

You can post your characters here in the OOC and once they're accepted, you can add them to the character tab! You don't have to worry about sending a pm. c:
Can't wait to see you guys's characters! c: (Cookies is also the most inspiring snack, too.

I also added one quick addition to the CS which I forgot for some reason OTL
Currently accepting characters!

The premise is quite simple. Sixteen (this may change to be more or less) college students have been accepted on a reality show on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to attempt to win a million dollars. This show is hosted by Joel Valentine, an up and coming reality TV host, who claims that this reality show will change the future of television forever. Each contestant will have a certain label or stereotype which means every single member of the sixteen contestants will be absolutely different from one another. They will be separated into teams and will compete in challenges to try to win a million dollars. Fifteen will lose. One will win. This is inspired by quite a few reality TV shows including Survivor, Big Brother, the Amazing Race, and Total Drama.

This RP will be one half sandbox character interaction and development and one half GM administered challenges. Each segment will go on for a week and alternate. For example, there will be a week of the sixteen contestants getting to know each other, making friends, making enemies, falling in love, etc. Then the next week, I'll hold a challenge where each contestant must try to complete it in hopes of staying in the competition for another step closer to the million dollar prize. This way, the RP will continue going at a reasonable speed as time goes on.

If all goes well, I might want to do a second "season" of this. It all depends on if this works out well, though!

The island that they will be staying at has quite a few intriguing locations! This is all the locations that can be visited on the island.

-Team East's Lodgings: To those assigned to Team East, they will be staying in the east hotel on the island. Both hotels are identical and house eight bed and breakfast style rooms, complimentary breakfast, a swimming pool, and a weight room.

-Team West's Lodgings: To those assigned to Team West Island, they will be staying in the west hotel on the island. Both hotels are identical and house eight bed and breakfast style rooms, complimentary breakfast, a swimming pool, and a weight room.

-The Confessional: Each hotel has a diary room for your characters to rant about the competition outside of the other contestants's earshot. More information down in the rules.

-The Beach: With the hotels being situated on the beach front, the beach is the first thing people will see when they make it to the island. With a bar (holding non-alcoholic drinks for those under 21), an place to swim, mess in the sand, and suntan, it's a crowd favorite! (Read: It's Joel's favorite.)

-Aloha! Restaurant: A restaurant that is situated between both hotels. If you brought money with you, you'll receive a good meal. If you didn't? Well. You're getting bad food outside of your complimentary breakfast. But hey! Even if the free food sucks, it's still free food, right?

The Infirmary: Inside the Aloha! Restaurant in the backside of the building is an infirmary. If someone becomes injured, they will be sent there until medics on the scene can tell if they can still compete or if they have to be medically removed from the competition.

-The Woods: Behind the beach, the hotels, and the restaurant is a long stretch of woods. It's mostly vacant, so unless you just really enjoy nature, there's not much to do out there. ...Except for the fact it may be used for challenges in the future.

-The Colosseum: Deep inside the woods is a replica of a Roman Colosseum. No one can enter the Colosseum except during specific challenges, but you can look at the outside of it at anytime.

-Mt. Dare: A mountain that looms over the horizon of the island. It is also blocked off from anyone's entry except during specific challenges.

-Joel Valentine's Mansion: A mansion at the foot of Mt. Dare and the only place that is open to the others near Mt. Dare. If any questions (or sucking up to him) are to be made to Joel, traveling to his mansion when challenges are not going on is the best bet.

General RP rules.

1. Standard RP Guild rules apply, of course.

2. Posts should be a paragraph minimum. Not too much, right? You can definitely write more than a paragraph if the feeling's right, though!

3. These are college students. Language and college age mature themes are fine. However, anything 18+ when it comes along the lines of anything sex based? Either to PM's or fade to black, if you would.

4. Wanna start some drama IC? Great! It's reality TV! Wanna start drama OOC? Not great! Don't do it! Especially if it's because you're upset that your character is eliminated from the competition. For starting drama OOC, you'll get a warning the first time. The second time, your character will be eliminated from the competition post-haste. Just treat everyone how you wanna be treated.

5. Please make sure there are at least two posts between your own posts. AKA, please don't spam the thread and scare everyone else away.

6. No godmodding, bunnying, etc. Your character isn't the end all be all; this is an ensemble RP after all! Godmodding/bunnying during character interaction/development weeks will get one warning. Second warning and we'll probably talk a bit in PMs politely over what we need to do. I don't wanna be the villain here, but we gotta be fair to everyone.

7. If you're not going to be around during a character development/interaction week, that's totally fine! Just tell me and you're good. Now this will be different during challenge weeks, which will be detailed in the challenge rules.

8. We only will be taking one person per stereotype. But almost any label/stereotype as long as it isn't racist/offensive to other people is game. Goth, scene, jock, computer nerd, anime fan, glee club member, cheerleader, quarterback, mountain climber, circus freak, dancer, singer, superhero wannabe, etc. etc. The sky's the limit!

9. I am currently accepting two contestants per person. If you end up with two contestants, they will be put on opposite teams from each other.

10. This isn't really a rule, but something that you guys can quote me on. If I personally make any contestant(s), I will personally make sure they do not make it to the final four characters standing. You can quote me on this. I wouldn't want any of my characters to win.

11. During both character interaction and challenge weeks, you can have small confessional tidbits in your posts which show your characters talking about the events happening away from the rest of the contestants.

@lovely complex There will! I'm still trying to work out exactly where it will be (most likely one in both of the hotels?), but there will definitely be a confessional for people to explain rant/slander/vent/express their feelings! For in character devices, I'll probably put up a rule that confessional mentions should be setup something like this:


Confessional: (Your character's name.)

(Enter snippet of what your character is saying in the confessional here.

End confessional.


Something along the lines of that, honestly.

11. If you have any questions, never be afraid to ask. I want this to be a fun experience for everyone, y'know?

Challenge rules.

1. During challenge weeks, a plot based challenge will be placed for all characters to compete in. Godmodding/bunnying rules will still be in place, but during this I will ultimately be saying, "Go by how strong/smart your characters are in their CS's." Like if you say a character is unathletic, they obviously won't do very well in an athletic challenge. If they're not academic, they won't do well in an academic challenge. Obviously.

2. At the end of every challenge, I will be asking for the losing team to send a PM in character saying who their characters want to vote off. I'll explain this in more detail when the time arises.

3. If a certain character/team is constantly winning multiple challenges, I'll be giving the other team handicaps to give them a better shot. Sound good?

4. During challenge weeks, if you won't be able to post at all, tell me. We'll work something out in PM. However, I can't assure you that your character won't be voted off by everyone else.

5. This goes for both challenge weeks and character interaction weeks, but if you want to have an alliance with another contestant, be sure that both characters agree to the alliance in character first!

6. That's about it. Be creative, don't godmod, have fun. This is just a game after all.

As for challenges in general? What kinda challenges should be expect?

@Catchphrase Challenges will for the most part be very similar to the ones you can see on Survivor and Big Brother. This can range from physical triathlon type challenges to 1 VS. 1 challenges to mental puzzles to things similar to Fear Factor. For the first half of the roleplay, they will be team challenges and will have at least some focus on teams working together to win the challenge for that week. However, for the second half of the roleplay, the challenges will be everyone for themselves as teams will be dissolved and will be much less team oriented and much more competitive in nature.

For some examples of challenges from Survivor and Big Brother respectively, look here and here! Of course, these direct challenges may not be what's actually used, and of course, those that will be will be adapted to work well in a roleplaying environment. c:

What happens if my character is eliminated?

I'll be making a second thread where the eliminated contestants can still RP and be able to see what's going on with the people still in the competition. Plus, eliminated contestants may have a chance to return to the competition. So even if you're eliminated, there's still going to be a place for you to use your characters. This will be explained in greater detail later and the thread will probably be posted after two contestants are eliminated.

Age (18-24):
Sexual Orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, etc.):
Appearance (real pictures or description preferred.):
Personality (Three sentences minimum):
History (Three sentences minimum):
Why do they want to win a million dollars?:
On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are they?:
On a scale of 1-5, how intelligent are they?:
On a scale of 1-5, how social are they?:
Anything else you want to add?:

Accepted characters:

1. Cass Rowley, the Wild Child (Fabricant451)
2. Aisling "Ash" Skinner, the Art Scholar Bitch (Lovely Complex)
3. Alexandra "Alex" LeClaire, the Overdramatic Theatre Nerd (flightless-angel-castiel)

1. Deryl Riftwood, the Wild Card (Shiny Keldeo)
2. Jinta Kusakabe, the Melodramatic Culinary Student (Devo)

@Inkd Bull I have no clue if you want this character posted here and then moved to the character tab or not, but just in case~
@Inkd Bull Still here! I'm just really quiet when creating characters, honestly.

I should have a character up later this evening hopefully
One more bump before I make the OOC~
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