Alexei Dragunov | Anime & Manga Club | Thursday, May 7th
Alexei nodded at Akane's suggestion but it seemed his point was lost on her. She had gone off on a tangent keeping his request in mind.
"I fully agree with everything you said, Balailaka is also a personal favorite but that's beside my point. Remi, Balailaka and women of their ilk make strong and fascinating central or important characters but they are far from the soft, mischievous and flirty tomboy princess I intend to make." he said, collecting his thoughts for a moment.
"You see, I don't have much interactions with people or a healthy social life. As far as observing women is concerned, I only have my sister, Inoue and a few women that work the construction site with me and they are hardly the kind that I can base the character I want. So, I requested you to help me on it since you seem to be pretty popular among the female populous of the school. I have seen a few fangirls running in a tizzy in my few visits to the cafeteria." he said with a brash smile on his face but he didn't probe her.
"I just want you to give it a shot, if you are free. I'll be thankful for it, I can do up your betas and backgrounds as compensation if you want." he said in a low tone. There was a little more discussion, the other girl didn't seem really into making her own manga but it could be seen that she loved reading it.
May 10th, Sunday | Warakuma Public Library
It had been rather quite in town for a few days. Some sharply dressed men had also come in and asked his supervisor to halt the construction work that he was currently involved in.
Strangely, Akane had not been to school on Friday nor did she turn up for a gander to MMA club on Saturday, Alexei was a bit unsettled by it all but with the pressure of the term exams approaching, he willed these thoughts aside and tried to focus hard on the biology text that lay before him. He had decided to utilize this free time to study for his exams. Elena too had followed him to the library to revise on her texts. Her English test was coming and she looked really prepared.
Alexei took a glance around when he noticed a familiar mop of hair. Curious about the identity, he waited for the head to reveal the face it was hiding under the mop. Soon he was rewarded, the figure looked up and around and he caught sight of a familiar face. He didn't say anything so as not to cause commotion in the library but he waved lightly at her. Hopefully, she saw him and he didn't end up making a fool of himself.