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20 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
22 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
22 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
23 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
23 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Firecracker_ I'm glad I didn't buy it and will be pirating it instead. It seems like they released the fire songs on youtube, and the lesser ones are album only?
Welcome to the guild! There's actually a Dragon Age RP that I spotted, so try it out.
@Mimic Welcome to the guild.
So I am kind of new, I have been introduced to RP by a friend so I get the general gist of it all! I am glad to be hear to meet so many wonderful people. I am quite decent at English and punctuation etc.

So that is me, I am gay but do not want to do ERP please, I am above that.
I am into romantic role play but open to all sorts!
Just in it casually but still ready to get into some long term RP!
So thanks for feasting your eyeballs upon my post and hope to see you all IC!!

Someone knows how things work around here.
± : . : Jae Hwan : . : ±
걍 음악이다

Jae tossed the cigarette remains to the side as he had finished the smoke, blowing out a final grey puff of smoke in front of him. The loudspeakers nearby cracked a bit before a voice came out of it, calling them all to the main hall. That old bastard.. Every year he did the same thing and every year it went the same way -- everyone was too shy to come forward. In his mind Jae contemplated going forward to speak, but he was at a loss on what he'd go and say. Maybe it'd be a good idea to show this old geezer that his 'idea' of nice introductions was fucking stupid. Grinning to himself, Jae thought up a few things he would say. Oh, yes. Old geezer would regret doing this today of all days.

While he was contemplating his words, a security guard showed up, and tried to shove Jae in the right direction. “Hey, take it easy, idiot.” Jae uttered under his breath, knowing better than to insult those glorified mall-cops out loud. Being forced to now, Jae walked towards the main building and flowed with the group of students that was entering. They were taking their sweet time, too. Tsk. An annoyed expression crept onto Jae's face, don't these idiots know how to hurry it along? Annoyed with their slow movement, Jae put a hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him and pulled back slightly, and then pressed himself through the opening that this motion left. This way he'd get to the front of the mob swiftly enough. Some times, when he pulled someone back or pushed them aside roughly, he'd get a 'hey, watch it!' or at times a 'what the fuck, man?'

Not that Jae was concerned with that. If they'd just walk quicker this could be avoided. Jae approached the dent in the floor now, where the area opened up a bit, and now he could make some actual progress. He passed through the doors and shoved his way to somewhere in the middle of the large room, sitting himself down on a bleacher that was somewhere at the middle area of the hall. Once everyone settled down, the old man that had announced the message earlier was revealed from behind two large, black cushions.

When the man called for volunteers, Jae did not instantly get up, but merely looked around to see if anyone was stupid enough to get up there. When nobody else decided to get up, Jae grinned. Slowly he pushed himself up, before raising a hand at the old guy at the front. Jae made his way to the front, doing his best to be casual about it. Jae wasn't one that enjoyed being in the spotlight, but he wouldn't ignore a chance to show the old guy that this whole charade was moronic.

When Jae got up to the microphone, the old man stepped aside and let Jae take the word. Similar to how the old man did it, Jae tapped the microphone with a bit less tactful subtlety. Two loud plopping noises emitted through the hall, scaring some of the students. “Eh, yo. I'm Jae Hwang,” he started out, leaning in to the microphone. He looked around the hall with curious eyes, before a grin appeared on his face. “I'm a third years.. and..”

Slowly he looked to the right, his eyes laying upon the old man who looked back, awaiting what Jae would say. When Jae was satisfied that he had the old man's attention, he turned back to the hall and spoke out. “I'm looking forward to spending another year in this prison. Be careful when you send e-mails to your parents though. In the previous years they read the e-mails and censored them if they weren't good enou-”

A light shove from the old man let Jae know that his stage time was over. He looked at the man and grinned, only to be met with a rather annoyed glare. Now, the things he said about e-mails were totally false. But the first years didn't know that. It'd be funny to see how the old guy would get out of this one. And naturally, Jae was already expecting punishment for this. But to be frank, Jae didn't care. This was the first day, practically the only day in the year where you could have some fun without security guards or teacher breathing down your neck.

Being done with the speech - or rather, forced to be done - Jae continued on his way off the stage. Perhaps this would set the tone for the rest of the introductions, because lord knows that the old guy would force people to come up on stage and tell something about themselves. If he could, he'd use a knife to poke you, forcing you to talk more and more and more..

Jae sat down on the bleachers again, taking a random spot where ever he saw one, since he didn't have any old friends around. None that he'd recognize anyway. Most of them probably skipped out on going to the boarding school for a third year. Their parents weren't really going to force them to go and do just that.. Jae's did, however.
I'm not into yaoi fanfic either. This just seems like the type of fanfic that would include it for the lols.
@aeuternus sexy time
@aeuternus this is definitely me. :/ Why did you not post the part where Alvin, Hary and the character have sexy time?
@aeuternus how/where did you find this writing I did yesterday??
@boomlover Or just a guard, or anything. The point is the character, not the background.
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