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18 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
20 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
20 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
20 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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20 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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ℬastien de Warenne,

Allons, Dieu ayde
Da Pacem Domine

Bastien stood by idly, taking note to the old man that followed him along with.. what seemed to be a small child. And for Bastien, who had traveled alone, this seemed like a strange thing to do. Never the less, Bastien was indeed familiar with the man, who called himself Laxion Hosarusson. A good man, as far as Bastien knew. But he did not know much, as Dieuporteille and Andaluja were far apart, despite their political ties being perhaps the strongest within Emperiat.

Listening to the man speak, he noticed how Laxion took great care to craft his words, only to see his craft shattered by this boy he had brought along. Bastien contained himself, but a small smirk could be read upon his lips. The small boy was naïve, to think he would be able to become friends with the king, let alone come close to his greatness. But perhaps the king found it endearing. He was merely a child after all. A great child, but a child none the less.

As Laxion stepped aside, he stood across from Bastien, whom lowered his head slightly and bowed it for Laxion, acknowledging the mans presence. Now that they were both advisors, perhaps Bastien could get rid of the mantle of 'youth' he had compared to this man and show that he was in and of himself a force to be reckoned with, whether it came to combat or intelligence.

The next man was a man who looked to be from.. some pig farm. He had the looks of a brute, a mercenary with no honor, and little did Bastien know that was precisely what the man was. He introduced himself, and clarified whom he was precisely. They were neighbors. How.. amusing. When the man came up next to Bastien and whispered into his ear, Bastien spoke back, not bothering to lower his voice too much. Bastien of all people was not afraid to let those around him hear what he had to say..

First of all, it's de Warenne, not 'Dwarenne.' That not every man in the council can speak like a man and instead speaks like a peasant child, that is fine by my, but I would appreciate you would at least show me the respect I deserve, and attempt to pronounce my name correctly. Second off, I am here to provide the king with my sacriligious duty to provide comfort, council and security. Not make friends with the sorts of you. I've heard of you. You're a vagabond, a man without honor. Your company much the same.. woe the days, where chivalry still existed.

Bastien had caught on to what the man was trying to achieve here - friendship with Bastien, to work together against the other advisors. Bastien was not going to play this game and he was going to make it clear from the start. Anyone that wished to play a political game here would play with Bastien's father, in Dieuporteille, and not with Bastien in the court. It was not only his duty as a knight of Saint Michél, but also the duty of a religious pious man like Bastien, to aid his king.

The entire argument could've continued, but a servant swinging the doors open put a stick in the wheels of that conversation. When the servant spoke of the Khargats, Bastiens' eyes widened. Khargats. In Riadan? Bastien's hand made a wide motion to his blade, unsheathing the first few centimetres of the blade as he looked to his emperor. As the situation played out, Rurik made it clear that he did not appreciate the Khargats - much to the approval of Bastien. The Khargats were filthy heathens and now they were setting up camp near the Paragon path, no, ON Paragon path? An outright insult.

When the emperor spoke to the filthy heathen, Bastien interrupted the emperor, and stepped forwards, now fully unsheathing his blade and stepping between the emperor and the Khargat. He stared Chugo down, his armor and helmet making sure to give him a serious and threatening look -- as much as he could look threatening to such a savage creature like Chugo. They were barely human, barely resemblant of any shape or form of chivalry. Where as the Driftmark peasant-mercenary was a knave and nothing more, it was excuseable.. Chugo, however, was merely an ant, not fit to set a single foot within the city of Riadan, and if you asked Bastien, not fit to set a single foot within Emperiat.

“My emperor, with all due respect, but as I am now your advisor, I must agree with your uncle. These.. Khargats.. The word left his mouth with as much disdain as he could, making it clear that he did not dislike, no, he hated this man and his people. “They are heathens, and their tents in Paragon path are not merely a logistical problem, but a religious insult. I am sure they did this on purpose and this must not go unanswered. I stand with your uncle, allow me to remove this peasant from your court, that we may continue our duties in peace without having to deal with these petty attempts at gaining power in your empire.

He raised his blade, holding it out in front of him and aiming it at the Khargat. It was then that a lady appeared, kneeling down before the king and introducing herself. Layna Farwynd. She was introduced by the steward, but then repeated it herself as well, as if it hadn't been clear. At least the look she gave the Khargat emissary was enough to convince Bastien that she was okay.

“My king, I have traveled her alone, for fear of burdening you with the task of caring for my entourage. Laxion merely carries a boy with him, and the Driftmark peasant-noble assumedly carries naught but his would-be soldiers with him. Miss Layna,” he spoke, motioning to each of the individuals he mentioned when he mentioned them, with his free left hand. “Miss Layna has likely not brought anyone with her, as is common courtesy not to burden a receiving lord with the task of supplying your people. So what does this Khargat.. this Khargat peasant, savage fool do?”

He turned his head and looked back at the king, before uttering his next words, “... he brings an army, milord, he brings an army to show you how peaceful and benevolent he is. If I had not respected your word so much, I would have executed this fool on the spot, but my duties as a knight of Saint Michél and above all knight of Emperiat and of God, compel me to follow your orders. Never the less, consider what I am saying.
@Cyclone Yes, because I realized there were still some that did not post, and I did not want to do what I was planning to do without the full cast there. :/

Give me 30 minutes, I'll do it regardless.
@Harley Q Seems to be the case in both families.
@HushedWhispers Well she did have a good run, she lasted longer than most GoT characters.
@HushedWhispers I prefer her in GoT. She's one of my favorites, she's such a beautiful woman (speaking on her face) with a good body to boot. But the one you have now is equally as good, hence I had to ask for a name.
@HushedWhispers Thanks. :)
@Renny Best add me on Skype again, so I can add you into the group chat.

Same goes for others that are interested in talking about dumb stuff. Vurige_Vos is my skype name.
@Ruined Melody I was literally about to PM you given I'd seen your status.
I'll be making a chunin, too. Wouldn't want to miss out on the fun of being a chunin.
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