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17 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
19 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
19 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
20 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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20 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Catarina Liyana Gully

Papa says the storm always comes, but I think he was talking about the storm he creates when he's mad.. I haven't seen a real storm in a few weeks..

Catarina Liyana Gully, her middle name coming in memory of lord Arthur's late mother, rest her weary soul.

15 and 9 summers (meaning she's 3 months away from becoming 16).


Sexuality is against the word of God, but she ultimately wishes to marry a man of sorts.

Serpent's Roost

The Serpent's Roost

Idealistic Detached from Reality Kind and sweet Naïve

Catarina is possibly the spitting image of a good, calm lady that serves her duties (read: sits by, waiting to get married off) without a single hint of dismay at this fate. This is possibly due to her rather child-like nature or her lack of political interest, which lead her to not quite understand how the world works. In her mind everything is as idealistic as it gets, with the king being the most noble man on earth, and her father being but a loyal servant, a great man within his own right. She could not be farther from the truth, but nobody has explained it to her, and even if they would, she would likely not believe them.

Despite her good girl nature, she can switch between being playfully boyish (for a lack of other kids to play with) and being the perfect daughter. She likes throwing stones into the water as much as the next boy, and enjoys playing whenever she gets the chance. At the same time, she knows how to curtsy perfectly well, and knows how to behave like a lady, as well as what proper etiquette is. That much her lessons have supplied her with. She is sweet and kind, knows her way in and around the ladies and lords of the court, and above all shows to be a perfect candidate for being married off.

Role & Career:
Does a lady work? No such thing.

Hobbies & Interests:
Watching ships come and go from the port
Throwing stones into the sea
Walking the stony beaches of the Serpent's Roost
Talking to her handmaiden

Likes & Dislikes:
Kind people
Feasts and tournaments, for the festivities
Songs and poems about the king and his family, as well as any other family, as long as they are romantic or heroic
The truth.. lying is a sure way to get her to distrust you

Cruel people who yell
Serious arguments
Conflict and war
The old, fat men that have come asking for her hand

Family Members:
Arthur Gully - father.
Amara Gully - mother.
Amelia Gully - sister.
Lucan Gully - brother.
Ithobal Gully - brother.
Brandt Trout - half-brother.
Tybalt Gully - cousin.

Much of Catarina's early life could be described as easy. Being the youngest, she was never lacking when it came to attention and she seemed to have a relatively good bond with most of her siblings for the time they spent together. Which obviously wasn't all that much given her siblings were all either older, or had different interests. Never the less, she got along fine with them. While her mother was perhaps cold at times, but her family orientation made it so that Catarina was never short of love when it came to her mother. She spent much of her early childhood in the care of this woman, and has vowed to return the favor when the day beckons.

Growing up more, she started spending less time in the backrooms of the courts and more time inside the court itself, seeing her father at work and experiencing nobility first hand. At time she felt like the center of attention, while other times she merely sat back in the corner of the room, playing on her own. It was confusing, for a while, and she adapted a boyish attitude because of it as she was forced to deal with it somehow. Becoming assertive and not being afraid was her self defense, which earned her the label of being 'too boyish' in her early years. That changed later, when she became the girl she is now - boyish, but beautiful enough to make people forgive it.

Her teens were spent learning how to do lady-like things, such as sewing and other such tasks. Arduous works, but none the less somewhat enjoyable. Catarina never had a preference when it came to playing or learning, because she was a girl that switched up easily, and could go from an active child outside, to being a silent and patient girl inside. Due to this she was seen as the perfect daughter (in a way) because she did not complain, and accepted her fate as a lady of the court.

Once her studies were done, as they are now, she simply lived life in the court, never doing one thing for too long, and simply doing what she felt like doing.

More images because I found a tonne and I want to share:

@BCTheEntity I could add you to the 'large' group chat, but that's really meant for my Naruto RP.
@BCTheEntity Oh, bruv, it's just the Golden Fleece chat.

And nobody ever talks.
I think the faceclaim looks too old to make her the age I wanted, so she's 15 and 9 months (so we can prepare her for some betrothal.)
@Pundii Fair. How would the youngest daughter be treated? I am assuming this is also the last daughter, but that could theoretically still change. General attitude of father?
@Cyclone Well arguably, Timur claimed ancestry to Genghis (never proven, obviously). Also, Genghis DNA is still rampant even in modern Asia..
@Cyclone All the more reason for my future Khargat character to be a real Khan.

Like Temudjin. :/
@Pundii Double post, but what's the name of Arthur's fathers wife?
@LokiLeo789 Nah, I'm good. Just really confused where that's from.
@Cyclone Wait, he's lazy and fat? And this calls himself the Great Khan? Preposterous.
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