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13 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
15 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
15 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
15 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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15 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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As she handed Estelle the letter, Siloratan felt her cheeks color slightly rose red as her nude body came closer to that of Estelle. It became even worse as Estelle suddenly clutched herself to Siloratans arms. Siloratan nearly fell over backwards into the pool, managing to right herself just in time to sit herself down slightly next to Estelle to offer her a shoulder. The big woman next to them seemed to be doing the same, but all Siloratan could do was focus on the intense burning sensation that was called her cheeks. It took her every muscle in her body to stop herself from molesting the cute, cute neko right there right now. Instead, she simply let the cat girl hold her arm while she raised her other arm and softly petted the girls head. “Th-there there..” she whispered sleekly into Estelle's ear. Some might've thought the stutter came from her shyness to the entire situation, but really it was because she was just incredibly infatuated with other races.

Once Helga was done with Estelle and handed Estelle over to Solaratan entirely, did the feast begin. “Uh, I VOLUNTEER!” she answered Estelle when she said they were too small to even be a group anymore. She quickly righted herself, figuring it was best to show herself off as cool and calm - like she always was - instead of the infatuated woman she was now. “I.. I mean, you guys seem like a bunch of amateurs.. I am lady Caumanandë,”

Some gasps could be heard around the pool while Helga was climbing the wall, in part due to what the big woman was doing and in part because there was a lady of noble birth in their midst. “I am the twelfth child of lord Caumanandë and was a royal guard.. such groups as yours.. HM. They are below me. But look at you, Estelle,” huhuhuhuhu, yes, look at you, busty cat lady with whom I want to share my bed.. “You are so sad.. and I am kind hearted, so I will join your group.”

Just as she said that, Helga breached through and apparently began causing chaos. As everything suddenly became a big mess, Siloratan moved to grab her towel, getting up out of the bath and then grabbed her sword. “Perverts!? In MY baths?!” she asked, before using her Ki to jump across the pool of steamy water and jump to the other side.

“I will hack your heads off, you cowards!” she yelled as she unsheathed her sword with a rather loud shwang from the metal rasping against the metal of her sheath. “By decree of the Queen! I will have all your heads! Or my name is not Siloratan Caumanandë of the North, third of my name, second of my title, the sole protector of her princess majesty Eloria for thirty years...”

She spent another twenty seconds listing off all her titles, which were many and long with little to no meaning. When she was finally done she held her blade up high. “H-Helga!” she said, motioning with her blade towards Rhein. “Hold him up! Hold him up for me to-” It was then that Estelle came out yelling about how she knew this man. Must be a group member?

“A-ah, um,” Also, if Estelle liked this man, then she shouldn't harm him so that Estelle would like her more... “Uuh, she is right Helga! Let him go at once, by decree of the Queen!” Oh lord, what a messy situation this had become quickly. “And Estelle! COVER YOURSELF!” she said loudly, almost yelling at the poor cute kitty, as the situation had quickly become too much for Siloratan to handle.
@Dynamo Frokane nah we cool. We cleared the air, we both don't like each other nor do we hate each other, we cool right?

I've never seen your picture for that matter. I'm sure you're a very handsome man. Have a good night man.
@Lunaeria dynamo has been notoriously edgy around me/others which I found funny until now which is why I called him the dark one. The previous few times this thread saw any kind of debate he was always the first one to tell people this thread was 'for unpopular opinions' that weren't even neccesarily meant.

But I'm really not looking to get called into any race debate here. If he wants to think I am a racist I'll gladly own that label and put it on my personal title.
@Dynamo Frokane kek, oh you're black? I didn't know. Nah, if I wanted to be racially charged, I could've used a set of different African American slang that would be much less appropriate here.

I was simply referring to our previous interactions where you seemed to give much less of a shit about what everyone else says. I don't really care whether you're black nor am I aware of how I should've known that. Calling you 'dark one' was definitely not aimed at your complexion, lol, but rather at your edgy dark personality I grew accustomed to last time

but I'm also not gonna backtrack so you can take it for what it is.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

This is what happens when Europeans listen to too much hip hop.

I forgot hip hop was American only mate

music is world wide.
my unpopular opinion is that people still seem to miss the point of this thread lol

@Dynamo Frokane thanks for showing me the light, oh dark one.
the previous 3 pages were a clusterfuck and i cant help but laugh at it. thanks for showing me, Ryo

my unpopular opinion is that Roleplayerguild attracts a lot of people who like to throw themselves pity parties and pretend that people here actually care for them or their problems
@NiceScourge It's because you copied it from an avatar on the terraria forums.

Great game.

But avatars tend to resize and then 'reupload' themselves. So you're copying the url of a resized image.

You should try uploading the original image somewhere like imgur or tinypic.

Siloratan had just traveled for about a day, give or take, from the last village. It really sucked that those villages with jobs tended to be out in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. And coincidentally that's where the smaller, more useless groups also tended to be. And that's what her current goal was, find a small useless group and then see what she could do with them.

Her mount, a large monster with a remarkable and unique skin color, thumped through the town. Some people looked at amazement but most others seemed to be.. slightly scared. As they should be, of course. The creature was a monster, and if left untamed and un-commanded for long enough it would return to being it's wild self in order to feed itself. But luckily the woman riding atop the creature, with a large hawk placed upon her shoulder, was more than capable of controlling the large beast. But not everyone seemed to know that, which was understandable, but slightly annoying as people would point and stare in fear.

She parked the monster somewhere safe, and tied it down. It was hard to find 'parking' spots, but usually a place where prowlers stood would be a good place for the monster, because villagers tended to avoid those. Maybe that was because sometimes, the hunters were assholes. Either way, she parked the monster and looked around, spotting at least two other monsters, leashed and saddled, but they were far smaller than hers. Probably just for transit, either that or amateur tamers. Regardless, taming a monster was impressive, a real art, so it wasn't a small feat.

She hopped off the monster and petted it, ushering a “Good job, Bubs,” to the monster before turning around and walking away. As she walked past a single, large prowler, she noticed a note was attached to the front windshield. Being curious, she took it off and read it.

Dear Shabu Shabu Friends,

I'm sorry I have to leave like this, but another cool prowler just drove by and they needed a sixth member for an elite mission. Also, they had cool stickers on their car, so I fell in love. They said they'd even let me drive the thing. I look forward to crashing it already.

I hope to see you again sometimes, I'll surely be back! They said we'd be hunting a giga electric dragon or something. I don't know what that is. Something also about 'possibility of electrically induced coma' or something. But I'll be fine! I'll see you around!

Love you, Estelle! Your cushions are the best. And Rhein, you're the only one who understands my love for cushions!

Not you Saffron. Eat a bag of d-(scribbles and smears that resemble someone writing in anger)

♥ Grímhilðr

Huh. Shabu Shabu party. Sounded like an interesting mix - if slightly erratic and stupid. The name Rhein reminded her of something, someone, but it was really just a wild guess, and that person was dead, wasn't he?

It might be worth a look to go see if this group was interested in taking on an Eldrin hunter. Even if it was just to sate her curiosity about the letter. She pocketed it quickly, and then headed into the village again. She walked by the hot springs at first, but heard a rather loud stomping noise. Curious... had a monster escaped into the village and was it now ransacking the hot springs? She decided to go check it out. She headed in, paid the clerk, and quickly changed into the bathrobes. She kept her sword with her though. Just in case a monster was there. If she had to she'd fight it in the nude, because monster hunting came first, in order to keep everyone safe. Such were her duties as a noble woman that wished the best for the people around her. Oh, she had such a noble heart.

But as she approached the hotsprings, all she saw was a catwoman and a .. muscular woman. That seemed to be the cause of the stomping. She was just in time to hear the catwoman say her name. “Estelle?” she mumbled to herself while she slowly approached the baths on the other side of the muscular woman and Estelle, placing down the sword on the edge of the bath. Slowly she got rid of the bathrobes, revealing her slim, petite body. Then she dipped her feet in to the bath and slowly let herself sink into it, forcing herself to dip in further than normal due to her 6'6 stature. It was generally quite hard for her to enjoy hot springs for that reason.

“Um, excuse me,” she said, looking at Estelle specifically. “You said you were Estelle? I.. might have something for you. A boy.. girl.. girl? Um, she asked me to deliver a letter to you.” That was a lie, but it'd be stupid to tell her that she had basically stole the letter. Also, her fascination for races that weren't Eldrin was starting to play up, and she felt strangely attracted to the cute catgirl. She didn't want to ruin her chances with this girl already.
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