Avatar of Lunaeria
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Lunaeria 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current When you were craving a bleach roleplay but that mess of an ending put you off.
9 yrs ago
It''s National Dog day my life has purpose
9 yrs ago
It truly is amazing how far some people will reach to take something that isn't about them and be offended by it.
9 yrs ago
Same tbh Roosan. I mean what?
9 yrs ago
To be honest the only showdown movie I need in my life is The Avengers vs Totally Spies


Here to roleplay; big surprise I know.

Most Recent Posts

@Volenvradica Hi! Sorry for such a delay in my Kotori post. To cut a long story short my boss got attacked and so everyone has had to scramble together to cover for her and on top that a sickness bug caused loads of absence so my life has basically been hell I should hopefully be able to get a post out tomorrow but Tuesday at the latest <3
I'm sorry for the delays guys! Work has been crazy hectic. To give a brief outline basically my boss was attacked on her shift and so has been out of action and so everyone else on the team has had to cover and there has been a sickness bug so we were understaffed anyway and riperoni pepperoni more or less. So with all the extra work and paperwork that something like this generates I honestly have not had much time for anything.

With that being said I should hopefully be able to get a post out tomorrow since the sickness bug seems to have passed and a few people are returning to work so (fingers crossed) I actually work a regular person shift. ; u ;

Thanks for you patience and stay awesome my loves! <3
@iHxzardx I think that says more about your personal taste than being a definitive marker of whether or not SAO is a good anime. ;P

I mean it definitely had some enjoyable moments and a few good episodes that I quite liked but honestly the concept deserved so much more than what it got. The plot was kinda eh but my main issue was Kirito and the fact he is about as fulfilling and interesting as a bowl of oatmeal and white rice mixed together and then spent like the rest of the series stroking his dick for no real reason other than "he's a kewl solo play0r who can save us ALL". The rotating string of waifu's who accomplish nothing might have annoyed me but tbh because it was animated by A1 pictures they literally all have the same face so I was convinced it was Asuna in a various collection of cosplay and wigs.

I think what truly did it was when I explained to my boyfriend at the time that I didn't like SAO he was like "NO IT'S GOOD LET ME SHOW YOU" and then made me rewatch in English dub WHICH LET ME TELL YOU WAS A WILD RIDE.
@RyoRyoRyoken I didn't know it was a thing. But then again I never actually finished SAO because it was shit so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm out.

But what am I supposed to do without my love Licks? </3

Work was mega busy today, but I found time to read all of these thicc posts. I'll probably get a Kariya post up after I sleep <3
@RyoRyoRyoken Bby I got you. Got a nice weeby idol song selected and everything.
Yay I'm so excited for this to start. So I can just on the sideline and provide sick battlefield beats
@Rekaigan You should be. The name on the streets is the Waifu pack
@Lunaeria Do me a favor and please don't patronize me, especially this early into the game. There's no other way one could take that sentence other than an insult.

I was simply unused to the plot advancing as quickly as it did, even before early character interaction. Railroading vs natural growth as it were, especially for an opening post.

I literally wasn't patronising you but you mentioned the roleplay as if there was supposed to be some significant difference which was easily noticeable. Also I end things with sweetie and pet names all the time it is the way I talk and if that bothers you then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also tbh I don't see how you were railroaded when what happened was literally what I told you would happen in the OOC and things were kinda sped up for the convenience of no one person having to speed out a post. I've personally seen much busier opening posts in Advanced and Casual roleplays so I guess it boils down to personal experience. But I wouldn't say a significant amount of plot lies in the group making their way onto a ship because enemies might be nearby. If that's the case then Shamo is going to have a pretty boring reign as Avatar.
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