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12 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
14 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
14 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
15 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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15 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Altered Tundra wade has already proven they dont care

@Mr Allen J shut up hitler's personal jizz goatse butler
@Mr Allen J as if we're not gonna insult you
<Snipped quote by Mr Allen J>
I mean. We're all insulting each other, it may as well be

the thing is i can insult people here without dynamo getting mad and also i don't have to hide my insult in 'an unpopular opinion'

so now i can do this:

@Altered Tundra fuck you you little shit

and it'll be way better
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

At least in the UK, modern gay prides aren't screamy protests. The screamy bit was meant more towards screamy internet people. Some of them find their way into the real world. They're big ol' carnivals which explicitly go out of their way to ensure that LGBT+ people are welcome. Lots of people go to the biggest ones who aren't even LGBT+, because it's basically a big gay pissup - which, incidentally, is a nice change for LGBT+ from the usual mindset of 'must be vigilant when around my partner in public in case somebody literally beats us up'. Or it's an understanding space where people are uncertain about their gender or sexuality to go experiment with a new version of themselves. Yes, I've been to gay prides, I've seen in person how fun but absolutely useless they are.

You're right in that most people (at least in the UK) don't care one way or the other - and that's great. However, when people do care, it sucks for LGBT+ people. Yes. Just like it sucks to be pro-environment and to hear people say they don't care. It results in anything from low-level being made to feel shitty (whether intentional or not) to literally being killed, even in societies where people are broadly understanding.

Still, I can't help but read a chip on your shoulder when you pull up gay prides three times. Unless they're vastly different in the US I am Dutch., it does sound like you're in some way offended by LGBT+ people when they're doused in sparkles and boas and ... you know, gay stuff. Not at all. Why would that offend me? If anything I think it's a nicer fashion statement than some of the modern fashionable clothes we see nowadays. It's just gays having a gay party. What's the difference between a gay party and a party? IMHO they are the same. LGBT+ have historically had a pretty shitty time of it - let 'em party one day a year. I feel like you didn't read anything I posted after my OP, did you? If you don't like that stuff, do what I do and just stay at home that day. No, I'd rather go out and do stuff I want to do. I'm not going out and beating LGBT people up, in fact, in real life, I don't even say I disagree with the idea of gay pride. So I think that earns me a right to do whatever the hell I want, innit? God knows LGBT+ people spend enough time feeling like the world's ramming one particular version of existence down their throats: I think it's pretty polite of the majority of LGBT+ people who go to prides to condense all their public gay into one day a year in some cities.

<Snipped quote>

I'm pretty sure you've actually just defined a bigot. At least in my book, somebody who is intolerant and can't live by a 'live and let live' mentality is precisely a bigot. Sorry, can you read, isn't that exactly what I just said? I didn't say shit about not letting the LGBT people live their lives. In fact I've advocated nothing BUT that the entire thread. If someone can advocate being anti LGBT and at the same time remain respectful, then you really have no business calling them a bigot, because that's not a bigot, that is just someone with a differing opinion.

Please don't put words in my mouth.
The law in the UK does not forbid the opinion that homosexuality is wrong, or even the dissemination of that opinion, but nor does it protect the people with that opinion from being ridiculed or told, more roundly, to fuck right off. It does, however, explicitly forbid the dissemination of the opinion that LGBT+ people should be harmed. Great, we're on the same page then, since I actually wrote that LGBT people should not be harmed even if you are against them. Thanks for repeating what I already wrote. Talking free speech is all well and good, but in the UK at least, it's freedom within the law. That is to say, one cannot advocate committing a crime. Discussing whether or not something (killing gays, for example) should or should not be legal is fine, but until you've won that argument one way or the other, the law's position is absolute. Same as above. I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here.

Most LGBT+ people would be delighted with a world where people can pursue life in their own way (including being homophobic), but it's not unreasonable for them to want and expect the same legal rights and social acceptance as cishet people Hey holy shit!! We both live in countries where this is already the case! WOW! imagine that - the same privileges that the people that advocate against them have historically enjoyed. People who advocate against the rights or the lifestyle of a group that does no harm to anybody whatsoever fall into one of two camps; the religiously insane; or the interminably selfish. The 'god will smite us all' group, I think most people would agree, basically comprises dumbasses. Not at all. I do not agree. They just have differing world views. This is not a battle of right vs. wrong, it's a battle between multiple right's. The 'I don't like it so nobody can have it' group, meanwhile, is suffering a serious lack of the ability to share. They have the right to be nuts/selfish, but, you know, it doesn't stop them being nuts/selfish, or being judged for being nuts/selfish in a way that is directly opposed to a group that doesn't want anything more than the equality it typically hasn't experienced.

All of this cuts both ways, of course. I'm sure there are plenty of LGBT+ people (or supporters) who are militant and intolerant of people peacefully disagreeing, and they're bigots too. The only thing is, it's almost never the anti-gay bigots that get the shitty end of the stick. loloolollolololololololololo Ain't no anti-gay bigot who's afraid to be with their partner in public. Interracial couples, polygamous 'couples', couples where one or both sides have strict parents, couples with differing religions Ain't no anti-gay bigot whose right to marry/have consensual sex with the person they choose is something that has to be fought for. polygamous people. Many anti-same sex marriage people actually advocated that if people of the same sex are allowed to be married, so should they with their 3 cousins and 4 girlfriends. And they're not wrong. Ain't no anti-gay bigot whose sexuality and how it relates to free speech and the law is called frequently into question. There also isn't any sexuality that is as outspoken about their sexuality as the LGBT community. People that have sex with cars are not really heard. There's not many of them but they exist. I wonder how we'd feel if people like that wanted to get vocal about their rights to marry a car.

Because marriage is a lot more than marriage, you know? It's about taxes, paperwork, benefits, etc. I agree homosexuals should be able to benefit. But where do you personally draw the line?

@Mr Allen J Hey guys its leafy here

today we're gonna be watching Allen J be a huge wanker

P-P-P-P-P-Play that shit!!!
@Cynder I do Tang Soo Do, it's the traditional predecessor of Tae Kwon Do, meaning in short that we use the old teachings from the books rather than the new 'sporty' techniques. If you've ever seen Tang Soo Do in America then don't fear - American Tang Soo Do is still a level or two behind us because they use it for money making purposes.

All the people in Europe that practice do it because they love it. So every single form is traditional, and it takes long to reach a black belt level. Like, life-time level long.

We do stuff like realistic self defense (we are traditional but we are capable of adapting, this is why I find it so important) too, but mostly it's all traditional.

For example for my black belt exam I had to do these things;

Theoretical exam (naming stuff in Korean, giving reasons for why I want to be a black belt, showing I know the history of Tang Soo Do)
Sparring 1v1
Sparring 2v1 (with 'take outs' if you hit your opponent hard enough so you can finish the fight early. Not gonna brag but I knocked both my opponents out of the fight. I'm sort of a god, you see?)
Sparring 2v1 with weapons
Hyungs/forms. There's about 10 that you have to show, but there's still so many more for me to learn.
Weapon forms (staff)
60 self defense techniques.

In a normal class we do all the above, but we also do weapons like knives, and my personal favorite right now is the sword.

So.. it's not really self defense oriented, more like a martial art, which is what I meant. There's a difference between self defense sports like MMA and martial arts that are more about a lifestyle and less about a sport.
I think everything is conditional. Being 'nice' is not an existing thing.

If being nice doesn't offer you anything, you won't be nice.

For example, a 'nice' person probably feels good inside their body if they do something nice. Therefore, they are acting nice, because it makes them feel good. Conditional.

If it didn't make them feel nice, there'd be no stimuli that incentivize the act of being nice. Therefore, genuinely kind people do not exist, only people who feel good when they do nice/kind things.
@Polybius For the same reason some might want to roleplay a World War 2 RP. History is history. If someone wants to RP a 9/11 RP, let them do it. No need to be condescending.
@Wade Wilson stop kinkshaming

reported to the es jay dabba joo's
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