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11 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
14 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
14 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
14 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
14 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
1 like


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Beelzebub Welcome to Roleplayerguild! Rest assured we never dry out of roleplays.

I mean, they're all samey, but they're never dry! well sometimes.

@Cosmic Slayer Welcome to Roleplayerguild! I hope you have a good stay here.

A good place to start out would be (depending on your interests and previous experiences) the free/casual/advanced sections for group RP's (more than 2 people), and for 1-on-1 RP's, you should take a look at the 1x1 roleplay section!

Have a good stay!
@The Spectre So you preferably want us to post our characters here and not the OOC?
@The Spectre Where the thread at, doe.
As I am always looking for ways to improve my writing, I've been struggling with the topic of speech in roleplays lately. I've been thinking about how I do it, and while I don't think it's bad, I think it could be better.

How I do it generally comes down to writing a paragraph, and adding the speech where necessary. It works, and it's not bad when it comes to readability, but it seems convoluted to me and it's easy to mistake one character for another. I don't want to color code them. I primarily care about the 1x1's I do, and I only color-code my speech when everyone else does. Otherwise, I just use italics.

EX: ... John had been walking around the town for a while now, looking for the specific shop she had told him to meet her at. After what seemed to be countless minutes of walking around, a hand waving in front of his face caused him to snap back to reality. “John? John! How are you?” a feminine voice said to him.

“Uh.. I'm good, how about you?” John replied, looking at the woman. Her pale face ...

So the rule of 'only 1 character speaks per paragraph' is something I've already gotten down. Not that I go out of my way to enforce it but it usually just happens because it writes easier for me.

What I've also thought of was using indents.

EX: ... John had been walking around the town for a while now, looking for the specific shop she had told him to meet her at. After what seemed to be countless minutes of walking around, a hand waving in front of his face caused him to snap back to reality, followed by a feminine voice.

“John? John! How are you?”

He turned towards the woman and smiled (insert more description, fluff and shit).

“Uh.. I'm good, how about you?”

But this just makes it feel like I'm purposefully lengthening my post by making it look longer than it actually is. This is the same reason why I don't split my speech into different lines. It feels fake, like I'm making something longer than it is. The above method also has the effect that I can't really create a flow in my writing - as weird as it sounds, this style of writing speech just kills the flow in a post for me. Even though it's easier to follow and read.

I haven't given other styles of writing speech any thought yet, but I am wondering how you do it, what you prefer, what you think and any other insights you have. Feel free to illustrate.
@The Spectre Just wanted to mention that, in the end, the level doesn't really impact me. Though, I admit, I'm prone to writing advanced posts in casual section regardless.

I'm more interested in starting quickly - I don't want to be stuck in GM hell where it takes a week to get anything done, you feel me? I'll start work on a character later today after I've come down from school a bit.
<Snipped quote by Mr Allen J>

Alright. Alright.
Little does he know, I've already hidden the memes inside a train headed for Switzerland! Now we will be able to achieve the status of Ultimate Memeforms

Switzerland is actually Poland
It's the memeocaust

@tsukune Fair point, I suppose that it has to do more with how you define the word. Which, arguably, you're also right in, in the sense that writing something like 'he's generally happy' is more of an indicator that he's happy go lucky, and not an actual trait. Kind of like how writing 'he's an adult' doesn't reveal his age, but says he's at least 18.

It implies something but doesn't say it. I suppose that's where my mix up was.

I hate writing personalities, anyway, because for me the way my character acts usually depends on how I personally feel that day a lot, as well as established ticks and history of that character. It seems to be like setting myself up for failure to comply with a personality. :/
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

>implying I haven't told this directly to Ryo multiple times already

>implying I haven't either

he still gets a free pass until he becomes as stupid as you or hillan, cuz homie knows when to shut his mouth

Gwazi is the coolest person of all time.


What kind of retard would think like this!!
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