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11 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
13 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
13 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
13 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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14 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I don't think we'd want to limit peoples characters until everyone is done though. I mean, if everyone makes an immigrant, then yeah, but otherwise it might limit other peoples characters, especially if they already started.
Men's Rights Activist (MRA): Not in association.

Although my ideas and principles align with that of the MRA's, I don't really feel the need to associate with a bunch of men that feel slighted so badly they need to organize themselves for it. I find 90% of MRA's are just bitter men that seek unison with other men for (perceived) slights, bad experiences with women, or victimhood. The other 10% are naive and gullible people that think that MRA organizations will get anything done at all.

Some of the issues that they pose are issues I agree with. Such as the 'male privilege' of dying in combat, doing heavy-duty low-brow work that women wouldn't touch with a stick, the irregular high amount of male suicides compared to women, the lack of seriousness when it comes to male victims of sexual violence, (domestic) abuse and other issues that men face that women have no idea about for the most part.

They're like the MGTOW movement to me - some of the ideas are bretty gud, but as with any organization that focuses on civil issues, it quickly devolves into a useless group of people, bitter with anger and not providing any logical discourse on how to fix their issues. 'Lets talk about male suicides!' 'Okay, what is your solution?' 'LOOK, I DONT KNOW, BUT IT HAS TO GO DOWN.'

In essence I guess I am sort of an MRA in the sense that my ideas largely align with theirs. But that's a paradox, because in that sense I could also theoretically be a feminist. So I just absolve myself of both of these retarded titles and just call myself a person.

Anaracho Capatalist: fuck no.

I'm authoritarian. I don't think the government is an evil presence, I don't believe taxes are unlawful, and I think anarcho capitalism would just lead to moral degeneracy. I've had discussions with some fellow that likes the NAP and other stuff like that. It's deplorable. This fucker thought that it'd be OK if poor people sold themselves into slavery with a contract because 'it's a free choice'. He also believed that rich people were objectively better.

I've had enough of these people.

SJW (Social Justice Warrior): haha.

Between my outspoken criticism of any and all groups that align with SJW's and my lack of tactfulness and rude manners, I think this is an easy answer. Fuck your made up gender, and fuck your made up pronouns.

Social justice is a societal cancer that does nothing good for either the primary majority group (they have to make concessions on the basis of perceived slights that may/may not even be true. Not to speak of the equally cringeworthy 'white guilt' or 'conquerors guilt'.) and doesn't do any good for the minority that they speak for either. Any concessions granted to you on the basis of social justice are a mockery.

Feminist: not in association.

1st wave feminism was awesome bruv. Men had to work less because women could work then, so it was all good, right. Then 2nd wave feminism was there and it made me go like 'hm, well, I guess you can have sex with people whenever you want' but it got kinda queasy already. But the fact that people in the sex industry were more protected made me happy, so I saw the queasy shit through the fingers. Now we have the third modern wave and it's absolute aids.

I think feminism is directly responsible for controlling their own ideological members and therefore, anyone saying these new feminazi's are not feminists should look up the definition of the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy.

So I agree with first wave feminism, agree that there's some good to 2nd wave feminism, and I hate everything third wave feminism stands for. Fuck your queer theory.

Brexiter: Yes.

Fuck the EU. Living here I can see precisely how this stupid union is fucking up the rich members. European offices are filled with money grabbing idiots that can't do their job properly. I am in favor of some uniform union that organizes trade and such, but it has to be just that - a trade union. Like how it started.

For reference; Brexit is bad for my country, because Britain leaving = Netherlands having to pay more = more taxes. It's still the plausible option for me because fuck the EU. Seriously.

Motherfuckers move office for 1 month a year to another building in another area and every single year it costs us multiple millions to pay trucks to drive paperwork back and forth. Meanwhile our budgets for military, health and other departments are cut every single year. You do the math.

Gamergater/Pro Gamergate: eh. Maybe.

Gamergate started as a movement to out the corruption of games journalism such as Kotaku and other platforms. Being a gamer I was sort of involved - as in, I read these media platforms. Some woman that produced a very fucking shitty game had sex with a couple journalists to give her a positive review.

That's how it started.

It quickly devolved into what it was now because this woman claimed they were being sexist.

I played her game. It was fucking godawful shit. Waste of my time. So yes, I agree with the premise of Gamergate.

Race Realist: lol. Not really.

I mean phenotypes are a scientific truth at this point I believe, but besides that I don't believe in race realism. Races do not exist. Our 'race' is human. In the same way that a dog has different breeds, and lets say humans are huskies. You have black huskies, white huskies, mixtures of the two.

Those with different color patterns aren't suddenly a 'new' race. It doesn't work like that. So biologically races are not a thing.

In sociology and other such 'sciences' (they're mostly wet-finger sciences, but useful) they are very real because in sociology, society forms the theories and facts. So, if a large amount of people believe in race, then yes, race is 'real' in the sense of sociology.

I don't know enough more about race realism to speak on it - I think saying that blacks are disproportionately involved in crime is not a bad statement depending on how you explain it. If you look at socio-economic reasonings and criminological theories to explain this phenomena, that doesn't make me a racist I think, because I'm actively thinking about and working towards a solution.

Libertarian: not really.

In our current society we have a lot of rights and such and I appreciate that. However I do not hold the belief that everyone should be free to do as they please. In fact I don't even think 'rights' should be called that. They're privileges.

So no. I am authoritarian and I believe a state should have the power to retract a individuals freedoms and rights within reason as they see fit.
<Snipped quote by j8cob>

In that context he was trying to make a statement on how intelligent he is, brain surgeon or rocket scientist, being a creationist gives you minus points in intelligence.

I don't really want to add to the shitshow here because I don't really care for the politics at the moment (the thread is cool, wanted to fill it in but forgot.)

But a lot of the most capable minds in history were religious, in fact many of them were creationist. Also, how does being creationist gives you minus point? Citation needed. There's a lot of really stupid atheists out there, but I wouldn't say they're stupid because they're atheist.
Something I've noticed is that every character up until now is immigrants. German, Brazilian, Dutch, Japanese..
@Days watch me turn it into a murder pact, asshole.
@Days Yeah, that's close to Central. It's the other direction of where I need to go though.
@Days I mean, I take the Randstad Rail because it's free for me (i love being a student) so probably I've never gone past it. Or maybe I did the few times I took a car there, but never noticed it. :/
@Days that sounds like pretty much every building I go by when I go to school.
@Days Just relax with a nice glass of chlorine. Or if you are looking for some top tier relaxation, bleach might do the trick for you.
@Days Yeah, don't watch it.

The image quality is about the only thing that improved.
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