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5 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
7 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
7 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
8 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
8 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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That was very detailed and insightful on the problems it would bring. I liked all your listed points about the problem from the N to the O. I will reconstruct my character as required...(genin-chuunin).

Because if everyone starts as a genin, but you start as a genin that has a chuunin level of power, then that's obviously a problem if PvP ever happens (which will probably happen).
Jutsu Limits”

Note: N/A in front of a rank means 'no limit' within reason. You can use as many of these as you like although that doesn't mean you have to use every one of them. They also need to make sense. A character with an aptitude for high level lightning jutsu will probably have more of these N/A lightning jutsu than fire jutsu. Simple as that.


  • 0 A-rank.
  • 1 B-rank.
  • 2 C-rank.
  • 2 D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.


  • 1 A-rank.
  • 3 B-rank.
  • 4 C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- on request.
  • 1 S-rank.
  • 3 A-rank.
  • 4 B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Never accepting kage level characters. We'll ask you to make them if we need one.
  • N/A S-rank.
  • N/A B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: Kage-level characters will not be judged on their jutsu lists or anything of the sort, they will be judged on identity: are they interesting, are they worthy of the kage-level stamp and do they serve a good, useful purpose? That's because once you reach jonin status, it becomes really quite easy to pass into kage-level areas, and beyond kage there are no ranks. That means the power levels within kage-level characters fluctuate heavily.

Banned Jutsu”

General bans refer to simply not being allowed to have this jutsu on any character, in or out of battle.
Combat bans refer to bans for combat only, meaning they are allowed outside of combat.
Limit jutsu refer to jutsu that are allowed, in and out of combat, but have limited usage.

@Bishop Do you want the short answer or the long answer?

For all those who want to start on a character ahead of time:

Here is the codes:

[hider=Character name][center][h1]Character Name[/h1]

Put a character image above - suggesting [url=safebooru.org/]Safebooru[/url] as an image source. Any other source is fine too. Delete this line of text after you're done.


[sub]Information collected by the census office of Konohagakure[/sub]

[i]“Character motto here, something your character would say”[/i][/center]

[indent]| Birthname: |
[indent][i]Enter official birthname here - Japanese style, so surname first, then first name.[/i][/indent]
| Nicknames: |
[indent][i]Enter nicknames here, given by friends or foes.[/i][/indent]
| Alias: |
[indent][i]Enter more official 'callsign' here if applicable (genins likely wouldn't have these).[/i][/indent]
| Sex: |
[indent][i]Enter biological sex here (male, female).[/i][/indent]
| Age: |
| Birthplace: |
[indent][i]What village was your character born in? Doesn't have to be canon - but preferably it is.[/i][/indent]
| Bloodline: |
[indent][i]What bloodline does your family have (note: not the same as surname. You can have a surname like 'Naito' and still have Uchiha blood depending on history. If not applicable, fill in your regular surname.)[/i][/indent]
| Rank: |
[indent][i]Genin, unless permission was given for a higher rank.[/i][/indent]


[h3]Psychology & History[/h3]
[sub]From detailed inspection and investigation by ANBU and medical personnel[/sub]

[i]“Another character quote”[/i][/center]

[indent]| Personal biography: |
[indent][i]Detail the history and personality of the character - his youth, upbringing, school time, and personality traits he gained through that. At least two paragraphs.[/i][/indent]
| Family biography: |
[indent][i]Detail the history and traits of the family/clan - if it's a canon clan, link us to the narutopedia page, and then detail his nuclear family/extended family. If it is a original clan, detail their come up, traits, and any specific information you want to share.[/i][/indent]
| Family ties: |
[indent][i]Fill in this form for his direct family. At the very least his (biological) parents.

Name | Relationship to character | Age, living place, profession and additional info
Name | Relationship to character | Age, living place, profession and additional info
| Dreams and fears: |
[indent][i]Detail the characters' dreams and his fears. These are a good place to add additional depth to your character.


[h3]Combat Reports[/h3]
[sub]From detailed reports from previous missions and academy sparring matches[/sub]

[i]“Another character quote”[/i][/center]

[indent]| Fighting style: |
[indent][i]Fill in some information about how your character fights. Do they fight long range, short range, genjutsu, ninjutsu, etc.[/i][/indent]

| Kekkei genkai - bloodline limit: |
[indent][u]Kekkei genkai name[/u]
[indent]'Sharingan' or 'Byakugan' or something fictional you made yourself. Be creative![/indent]
[indent]Explain what the technique does, how it works and what the manifested kekkei genkai looks like both in use, and outside of use. For example, the sharingan in battle shows through tomoe in the eye. The byakugan manifests itself through white eyes. Not neccesarily limited to vision/eye based, such as the bone bloodline limit Kimimaro uses. Pretty obvious manifestations.[/indent]
[indent]Describe your kekkei genkai's strengths here, what is it effective against? What is it power at currently?[/indent]
[indent]Describe how your kekkei genkai can be overcome, advertently or inadvertently. Be reasonable. We are very strict at this.[/indent][/indent][/indent]

[indent]| Ninja techniques: |
[sub][url=naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Narutopedia]Jutsu names can be found here.[/url][/sub]

[indent][u]A rank techniques[/u]
[indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent]
[u]B rank techniques[/u]
[indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent]
[u]C rank techniques[/u]
[indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent]
[u]D rank techniques[/u]
[indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent]
[u]E rank techniques[/u]
[indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent][/indent]

| Custom techniques: |

[indent][u]Jutsu name[/u]
[indent]The name of your custom jutsu. Be creative![/indent]
[indent]What rank you'd place it at.[/indent]
[indent]How far does it reach - can be precise, or guesstimate.[/indent]
[indent]Describe the jutsu, how it works and what it looks like. Explain potential damage that can be done with it, and describe the weaknesses and strength of the jutsu. Be as clear as you can.[/indent]

Repeat this form as many times as you need.[/indent][/indent]

| Weapons: |
[indent][u]Weapon name[/u]
[indent]The name of your weapon. Can be a term, i.e 'kunai' or it can be a self given name, i.e 'Revered Razor'.[/indent]
[u]Weapon, tool, or object type[/u]
[indent]What type of weapon, tool or object is this? Sword, axe, kunai, knife, blade, tanto. Omit if the weapon, tool or object name already designates this, i.e. 'kunai' is already clear enough.[/indent]
[indent]Describe the weapon, tool or objects appearance, and describe it's potentials and weaknesses. tl;dr how powerful is it and what does it look like. Be reasonable.[/indent]

Repeat this form as many times as you need.[/indent]

[b]Omit any parts of the CS skeleton that you do not need - though some fields will be required.[/b]
Im now genuinely excited for this. I can't wait for a Character Sheet to fill out.

Working on that as we speak!

@Buddha I answer with one question...what's the rate of developing and mastering JUTSU and techniques? I've been on a Re Zero Rp for 3 months and we barely got past day 1 IC even after 250 posts. And besides, doing the character sheet is 75℅ of the work.

The rate of learning new jutsu will be up to debate depending on the starting strength of a character as well as GM's decisions based on.. how active a member is, how well-argued the technique is (we're not giving someone an S rank technique for no reason) etcetera.

So, probably slow, unless a character is specifically driven for it.
@Hillan Hello m8! Don't wanna bother but can you fish out the Naruto RP I was talking about? It was one where out characters came from the turd shaped country. I remember you being there.

And before you say, my post history was reset some months ago so no, can't get it myself.

Just wanna ask if you're serious about joining, and if so, if you could calm it down a bit. I don't mind a bit of friendly discussion but right now I'm not sure if you are here to join us, or if you are here to troll us.

Either way, I'm fine with both those things, I just want to be clear on the issue of whether or not I should take you seriously?
@BladeSS4 They all exist. Powers have been lessened. OOC will explain more. Basically, all old clans exist, but they're not all as powerful as they used to be.
In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Right, okay. I made an interest check. It's here.

Those interested, let me know, those who'd rather not, no hard feelings.
OOC here


“The presence of chakra in our world is not a gift - it is a judgement.”

“No, it is not a judgement. It's a test. To seek out who is worthy of wielding power..”

“.. a judgement of true character and kindheartedness.”



Twelve years ago, a blizzard swept over the land of fire – people thought nothing of it, it was an extraordinarily powerful blizzard, sure, but nothing the country would be unable to handle. Or so they thought, as the blizzard lasted all of the winter, into spring, and all the way into the summer, the snow pelting like shuriken. The death toll from freezing to death was already as high as an armed conflict, and it only seemed to get worse, for while the worst blizzard is over, it's still winter, colder than any before it. The permafrost set in, not over only just the Land of fire, but over the entire shinobi world. With supplies running low, and not even the Shinobi capable of gathering enough food and tools to last for another winter, tensions were running higher and higher.

This went on for ten years - ten long, cold years. Small conflicts came up that gradually expanded into territory war, and later into full scale war. But after the ten year mark was reached, the permafrost slowly dissipated, disappearing from the lands and instead making way for fertile soil again. The trees grew back and gained back their leaves, and once more there was food. Tensions still existed, primarily due to feelings of revenge.

The new spring lasted for two years until rumors of dropping temperatures and an incoming 'second winter' started coming in from the north-east. Although nothing serious is happening yet, tensions are rising once again under the leadership of the five kages, all of which are respected and capable shinobi that are eager to prove themselves. The days of calm, peaceful negotiation seem to be coming to an end.

And in the middle of this all is you – a newly graduated genin of no renown, no merit, not yet had a chance to test your meddle. Will you survive this biting cold, or will you perish like so many before?



Hello, and thank you for reading our interest check! This interest check was made for an Alternate Universe Naruto roleplay meaning that the RP takes place in a timeline that isn't specifically the same as that of Naruto. You can read more on that in the OOC, where I will outline a majority of the changes. The RP will be GMed by yours truly, Buddha. I am, if I may say so, a Naruto roleplay veteran and have been at the head of several Naruto RP's in the past. I am co-GMed by @Hillan, who has been in those same roleplays and has worked with me throughout that time. He, too, is an experienced GM.

An important thing for us in regards to the RP is that we want it to be character driven, not idea or plot driven. That means that we will steer the roleplay using our own characters, but also give the characters in the IC a great deal of freedom to explore their own history, personality, and influence the story. Perhaps you could say that this gives the roleplay slight slice-of-life traits.

We aim to recreate the gritty reality of the shinobi world that was present during the large wars of the first shinobi villages. While heroes may rise, they will never be of the caliber that Naruto was, and will never be able to unite all villages under one banner. Rather, shinobi need to be crafty, ruthless and capable of doing the job if they wish to achieve anything of international importance.

If you've read this far - thank you! We appreciate your time. If you are interested feel free to drop us a message, and if we get enough interest, we will post an OOC.
In -Dead- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@BladeSS4 I'm working on something. Those in this RP will be welcome - I don't really care about the 'stolen' debate. But I respect Jason's decision.

Give me an hour. Or more.
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